A Hadoop Open Source Backup Software Solution
Heitor Faria, Rodrigo Hagstrom, Marco Reis, Breno G. S. Costa, Edward Ribeiro, Maristela Holanda,
Priscila Solis Barreto and Alet
eia P. F. Ara
Department of Computer Science (CIC), University of Brasilia (UnB), Brasilia, DF, Brazil
edward.ribeiro@gmail.com, mholanda@cic.unb.br, pris@cic.unb.br, aleteia@cic.unb.br
Hadoop Backup, Cluster, Disaster Recovery.
Backup is a traditional and critical business service with increasing challenges, such as the snowballing of
constantly increasing data. Distributed data-intensive applications, such as Hadoop, can give a false impression
that they do not need backup data replicas, but most researchers agree this is still necessary for the majority
of its components. A brief survey reveals several disasters that can cause data loss in Hadoop HDFS clusters,
and previous studies propose having an entire second Hadoop cluster to host a backup replica. However,
this method is much more expensive than using traditional backup software and media, such a tape library,
a Network Attached Storage (NAS) or even a Cloud Object Storage. To address these problems, this paper
introduces a cheaper and faster Hadoop backup and restore solution. It compares the traditional redundant
cluster replica technique with an alternative one that consists of using Hadoop client commands to create
multiple streams of data from HDFS files to Bacula – the most popular open source backup software and that
can receive information from named pipes (FIFO). The new mechanism is roughly 51% faster and consumed
75% less backup storage when compared with the previous solutions.
The Hadoop cluster backup is a recurrent and reaso-
nable issue brought up by system administrators who
manage big companies (Grishchenko, 2015). Their
impression is that backup is the best option for pro-
tecting themselves against data loss, and this is a cru-
cial requirement for most institutions.
As stated by (Barot et al., 2015), Hadoop backup
and recovery is a relevant problem and is becoming
more challenging every day, especially with the snow-
balling of constantly increasing data, plus an ever gre-
ater need for data security. Large Hadoop users such
as Facebook (Facebook, 2017), eBay (eBay, 2017),
Yahoo! (Yahoo, 2017) (the first to implement Ha-
doop), among others, are challenged to handle un-
precedented volumes of unstructured data, something
that traditional relational databases are unable to con-
trol and deliver.
The following disasters can affect a Hadoop clus-
ter (Kothuri, 2016):
Hardware Failures: disk corruption, node failure,
and rack failure;
Human/Application Error: logical corruption and
accidental deletion of data;
Site Failure.
There is a caveat stated by (Grishchenko, 2015),
however. The backup question will be analyzed in de-
tail because a misinterpretation might lead to substan-
tial superfluous investments from the customer side.
Since Hadoop deals with huge amount of data, there
are some pitfalls and contradictions regarding what
needs to be backed up to achieve data protection and
service continuity levels at a reasonable cost.
The purpose of the present work is to deploy a
backup protection solution for a small Hadoop clus-
ter that is more efficient than the older Hadoop re-
plica technique with the distcp mechanism, using well
known open source solutions, such as Bacula (Ba-
cula, 2017a) software and its universal named pipe
plugin, bpipe (Bacula, 2017b). Essential backup fe-
atures, such as the ability to perform Hadoop Distri-
buted File System (HDFS) (HortonWorks, 2017) dif-
ferential backup were also considered, and an expe-
riment was carried out for each one of these approa-
ches. They are detailed, described, their results pre-
sented, and evaluated in this article.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 pre-
sents the characteristics of Apache Hadoop. Section
3 presents the motivation for this paper and some im-
Faria, H., Hagstrom, R., Reis, M., G. S. Costa, B., Ribeiro, E., Holanda, M., Barreto, P. and Araújo, A.
A Hadoop Open Source Backup Solution.
DOI: 10.5220/0006809206510657
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018), pages 651-657
ISBN: 978-989-758-295-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
portant points to be addressed in a solution to backup
large volumes of data. Section 4 details some related
works. Section 5 explains a backup software solu-
tion. Section 6 presents the solution proposed. Next,
Section 7 shows the results obtained with the propo-
sed solution. Finally, Section 8 draws some conclusi-
ons and suggests future works.
Hadoop (White, 2015) is developed by Apache and
consists of an open-source software project for reli-
able, scalable, distributed computing. As specified
on the official Hadoop website (The Apache Soft-
ware Foundation, 2017), it is a framework that allows
distributed and scalable processing of large data sets
across clusters of computers using simple program-
ming models. The cluster can be deployed in any
number of machines, even thousands, each offering
local computation and storage.
According to (The Apache Software Foundation,
2017), Hadoop is composed by:
Hadoop MapReduce: a system to parallel proces-
sing of big data;
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): a high
performance and distributed file system;
Hadoop Common: support utilities and libraries;
Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotia-
tor): a framework to manage the cluster resources.
Figure 1: DataNodes and Block Replication in HDFS (The
Apache Software Foundation, 2017).
The Hadoop’s architecture for storing data is ba-
sed on a master/slave technique, where the master, na-
med NameNode, manages the file system, and the sla-
ves, named DataNodes, store reliably the raw data. As
seen in Figure 1, each file is stored in a sequence of
blocks replicated between the nodes, to guarantee the
fault tolerance.
The HDFS is scalable to petabytes of data and
thousands of server nodes (HortonWorks, 2017), what
makes the backup a challenge. Because of this,
this paper proposes an efficient solution to perform
backup on hadoop clusters. Some of the key challen-
ges addressed in the proposed solution are described
in Section 3.
In the words of (Barot et al., 2015), there is a dis-
cussion about whether or not there is a need for per-
forming Hadoop backups. Ultimately, most authors
agree this is necessary (Grishchenko, 2015; Kothuri,
2016), according to them, believing that Hadoop re-
plication shelter against data loss is a mistaken belief.
As shown in Figure 2, Hadoop datasets are written
in a replication pipeline, where a block of the file is
written and three different copies are made at various
Data Node locations by default.
Figure 2: Hadoop Replication Pipeline (Barot et al., 2015).
As (Barot et al., 2015) explains, replication is re-
assuring, but it is not safe and does not guarantee fail-
proof protection against data loss. Hadoop architec-
ture can preserve data over some hardware failures,
mostly in scenarios where a single disk, cluster or re-
gion goes down. Nevertheless, there are many scena-
rios where data loss may occur.
As disaster examples, Hive (Hive, 2017) storage
locations, selection can be affected by human error.
If the user provides a location in which data already
exists, and a query is performed on the same table,
the entire existing data will be deleted, regardless of
its size. There are also cases when faulty applicati-
ons read HDFS files and there is a metadata misma-
tch, triggering an unnecessary replication update of
healthy blocks from other nodes.
According to (Kothuri, 2016), many datasets used
by Hadoop for applications/analysis are unique - the
only copy of the data. In other words, data sets cannot
be regenerated if they are lost.
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Another argument in favor of performing Hadoop
backups is designed to work within a single datacen-
ter (Grishchenko, 2015). In line with (Khoshkholghi
et al., 2014; Hua et al., 2016; Xu et al., 2014), it is a
severe threat to the system if backup data can only be
stored in the same site as primary systems. In order to
achieve higher fault tolerance and reliability, original
data and backup replicas must be stored in geographi-
cally separated locations.
Conforming to (Grishchenko, 2015), backup tar-
get datamarts (result datasets) and aggregated reports
must also be backed up. They usually represent giga-
bytes or terabytes of data.
That said, and in agreement with (Kothuri, 2016;
Barot et al., 2015; Grishchenko, 2015), the follo-
wing are the recommended Hadoop elements that
need backup:
Data Sets: raw data and result datasets; metadata
(NameNode, Hive, HBASE and other);
Applications: system and user applications;
Configuration: configuration of various Hadoop
As shown in Figure 3, previously proposed Ha-
doop backup solutions (Grishchenko, 2015; Barot
et al., 2015; Kothuri, 2016) use a secondary clus-
ter to serve as a safe replica. However, having and
maintaining a second cluster is much more expen-
sive than storing data in tape-libraries, NAS or even
Cloud object storages. This is clear when considering
the Cloud pricing. While Storage can cost U$0.023
per GB per Month for basic plans (Amazon Web
Services, 2017b), a Hadoop cluster machine is char-
ged U$0.053 per Hour, which is the least expensive
among them (Amazon Web Services, 2017a).
Production Cluster
Name Node
Name Node
Backup Cluster
backup &
Figure 3: Previous Hadoop HDFS distcp Replica Backup
Another problem with previously proposed solu-
tions involves inter-cluster replicas, which only save
the current state of data. This does not protect
against undesired modifications and former unnoticed
data loss, providing a poor Recovery Point Objective
As noted by (Grishchenko, 2015), the most promi-
nent challenge of backing up Hadoop cluster involves
HDFS datasets, which may contain petabytes of in-
formation, and therefore the backup duration is one
of the most crucial comparison metrics.
Backup Hadoop application binaries and configu-
rations are very small in size and in the number of
files concerning a typical HDFS workload or even in
comparison with other applications. They should be
easily protected by a file level backup (e.g., using the
Bacula client), and its performance impact is ignored
in this study.
In the opinion of (Kothuri, 2016), there was no
proper out of the box point in time recovery solution
for Hadoop, at least until now.
In line (Khoshkholghi et al., 2014), disaster reco-
very is a persistent problem in information technology
platforms, and even more crucial in distributed sys-
tems and cloud computing. Service Providers must
provide services to their customers even if the data
center is down (due to a disaster). Researchers have
shown more interest in Disaster Recovery using cloud
computing in the past few years and a considerable
amount of literature has been published in this area.
As describe by (Alhazmi and Malaiya, 2013), Re-
covery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time
Objective (RTO) are the two main parameters that all
recovery mechanisms should observe. If the RPO and
RTO values are lower, higher business continuity can
be achieved. RPO may be interpreted as the amount
of lost data cost in a disaster. RTO refers to the time
frame between disruption and restoration of service.
As demonstrated by Equation 1, the Recovery
Point Objective value is inversely proportional to the
frequency of backups completed over the time, where
FB represents the Frequency of Backup
On the other hand, as shown by Equation 2, Re-
covery Time Objective formula usually includes a
fraction of RPO, the readiness of the backup and ve
fail over steps delays depending on backup capabili-
RTO = f raction o f RPO + jmin + S1
+S2 + S3 + S4 + S5
The variables used in Equation 2 are:
fraction of RPO Computation time lost since the
last backup;
jmin Depends on service readiness of the backup;
S1 Hardware setup time;
A Hadoop Open Source Backup Solution
S2 Operating System initiation time;
S3 Application initiation time;
S4 Data or process state restoration time;
S5 IP address switching time.
Furthermore, as alleged by (Wood et al., 2010),
disaster recovery mechanisms must meet ve require-
ments to achieve efficient performance:
Minimum RPO and RTO;
Minimal footprint on the regular system opera-
Shall be geographically separated;
Application must be restored to a consistent state;
DR solution shall guarantee integrity, privacy and
Based on this, the novel contribution in this pa-
per is a Hadoop backup software solution, which is
detailed in Section 6.
According to (Grishchenko, 2015), data copy or dual
loading to a second Hadoop cluster using DistCP uti-
lity techniques are proposed. Data copy replicates a
production cluster to a backup cluster, and Dual Lo-
ading implies storing all new data in both clusters at
the same time. Dual loading data would be faster, but
still faces the problem of maintaining a second expen-
sive Hadoop backup environment and of providing a
very poor RPO, since only the current version of data
is available to restore.
In the same way, (Barot et al., 2015) suggests se-
condary cluster redundancy with DistCP or copying
the incoming data to two different clusters. The study
categorizes it as an Architectural Approach backup.
Finally, (Kothuri, 2016) mentions the same Dis-
tCP dual cluster solutions for HDFS backup, charac-
terizing them as generic Hadoop backup solutions:
Copying and Teeing. Basically, all the prior studies
defends the same technique, but none of them esta-
blished a performance benchmark to alternative ap-
Bacula (Bacula, 2017a) is a network distributed open
source backup system (Zhang et al., 2015). Accor-
ding to Google Trends (Google, 2017), Bacula is
the 3rd most popular enterprise multi-platform ser-
ver backup system worldwide, and the leading open
source solution.
Bacula supports full, differential, incremental,
copy and migrate file level multiplexed jobs (Sibbald,
2011). Backups are written onto tapes or disk files,
using open format bytes-sequence volumes. Com-
pression, communication, and data encryption are ot-
her currently optional features deployed, among ot-
As shown in Figure 4, Bacula follows the classic
backup software modules distribution. It is compri-
sed of: a central backup server called Director; speci-
fic device storage service nodes named Storage Dae-
mons; and backup clients for different operating sys-
tems known as the File Daemons. Furthermore, there
is a database titled Catalog where metadata is stored,
e.g. job logs, termination status, a list of copied files
with paths and, storage media association.
Figure 4: Bacula Services Distribution and Network Ports
(Preston, 2007).
Bacula also has a universal backup client plugin
called bpipe, which consists of an interface that re-
ads data streams from any program to the operating
system standard output when performing backups.
When restoring, Bacula bpipe provides data streams
to any program in order to be imported back to the
original application.
As pointed out by (Jain, 1990), there are ten general
steps to all performance evaluation projects that facili-
tate analysis accuracy, to avoid making mistakes. The
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
first one consists of stating the goals and the bounda-
ries of the evaluated systems. The other steps should
lead to the presentation of adequate results. Howe-
ver, the cycle can be restarted if the results are not
consistent, suggesting it is a not fixed flow. The met-
hodology used in this research project followed these
The goal of the experiment is to measure perfor-
mance and determine technical parameters for execu-
ting Hadoop (version 2.7.1) HDFS backup with the la-
test Bacula Community (version 9.0.3), using a more
efficient method than those proposed by previous stu-
As shown in Figure 5, Bacula daemons coexist
with Hadoop services and their scripts are integrated
using a shell script developed during this study (Faria,
Production Cluster
Name Node &
Bacula Server
backup &
Figure 5: Hadoop New Bacula bpipe Backup Technique.
The script runs before a Bacula backup job starts
and lists every HDFS files that are not in the previ-
ously full backup. Cluster file contents are streamed
to the Bacula bpipe plugin during the backup job and
stored in a Direct Attached Storage. The last backup
date is stored in a Name Node ordinary text file, and
every time a new differential backup Job runs the
script uses that time to list only HDFS modified fi-
les after it. This mechanism allows Bacula to perform
a file level differential backup of the cluster contents.
Other Hadoop supported protocols such as NFS
(Apache Hadoop, 2017a) and FUSE-DFS (Apache
Hadoop, 2017b) could be used to present HDFS
contents to a backup software providing differential
backup capabilities. However, as explained by (Raj-
garhia and Gehani, 2010), these solutions perform ex-
tra context switches between the originating process/-
kernel and the application. This indicates a limitation
due to the file copy performance, which discourages
its use for backups.
In comparison to our proposed technique and as
displayed in Figure 3, the DistCp (distributed copy) is
the other approach we tested. It is a native Hadoop
client tool used for large inter/intra-cluster copying
(Apache, 2017) and is used to provide replication to
the secondary Hadoop backup cluster. DistCp also
supports differential copies if they have access to the
previously stored replica, and the analysis is mostly
I/O bound.
The replication factor used by the secondary clus-
ter in the distcp experiment is the Hadoop default,
which aims to store the same data three times in the
backup cluster. This leads to a significant demand for
backup storage in this architecture.
Both Bacula and Hadoop cluster support common
compression algorithms such as LZO and GZIP
(Cloudera, 2017), but these are disabled in both ex-
periments to provide a more transparent comparative
and with faster operations. The performance metrics
the full backup average duration;
the full backup average throughput;
the full backup storage occupancy;
the restore duration of a full backup.
An experiment was conducted using i5-6400 In-
tel CPU hosts at 2.70GHz, 32GB RAM desktops. A
Samsung EVO 850 SSD hosts the Ubuntu 17.04 ope-
rating system and applications, and another SSD of
the same model host the cluster nodes VirtualBox
(Oracle, 2017) Virtual Machines (VM). The Hadoop
Cluster VMs had 4GB RAM each and one virtual
Real workload open data was used (Federal Go-
vernment of Brazil, 2017), corresponding to Bolsa
ılia information from 2015 until 2017, a total of
52 GB of information.
All the results have a 95% confidence interval,
with ten times the presented experiment unit results
executed for each full copy job using different access
As shown in Figure 6, the different backup techni-
ques represent significant differences in the duration
of a full backup job. The newly proposed model using
Bacula was 51% faster than the distcp experiment,
significantly improving performance and capacity to
back up massive data sets, such as typical HDFS wor-
kloads. This is attributed to the multiplexed data stre-
ams that are created from HDFS (one per file), which
makes better use of available resources.
As displayed in Figure 7, faster backups occur
because of faster throughput. Bacula bpipe backup
A Hadoop Open Source Backup Solution
Figure 6: The Full Backup Duration.
achieved 67.97 MB/s of average efficiency when per-
forming backups, while distcp only produced 33.55
Figure 7: Backup Throughput.
Figure 8 clearly illustrates that Bacula was notably
better in consuming less backup storage space (75%).
As previously explained, a default HDFS replication
factor of three consumes backup storage in the same
distcp DFS used
Figure 8: Full Backup Storage Occupation.
In Figure 9, results show that Bacula bpipe full re-
store to the HDFS cluster was 19% faster than using
the former distcp inter-cluster solution. This has a di-
rect impact on one of the most critical parameters,
Restore Time Objective (RTO). Faster restores pro-
vide better business continuity, significantly minimi-
zing the adverse effects of eventual data loss.
Figure 9: Restore Duration of a Full Backup.
The majority of current Hadoop backup research de-
fends the need for performing secure copies of service
information, such as configuration, results and even
raw datasets if they are only available in HDFS.
The proposed method, Bacula backup software
and its bpipe plugin, performs significantly better than
solutions previously implemented, which are inter-
cluster based. Furthermore, the new solution is by de-
finition less expensive because it only needs storage
to hold backup replicas, instead of requiring another
fully configured Hadoop Cluster.
The proposed solution offers a better Recovery
Point Objective, since it allows for the preservation
of different versions of backup in the backup storage,
generated over time. The solution also provides better
Recovery Time Objectives of Hadoop clusters, which
is also considered more effective than the others for
providing increased HDFS availability.
In future research, we plan to extend the Hadoop
cluster ls command to offer an option for listing files
modified at a given time, similar to the ls from the
Linux shell command. This change would make our
developed script smaller, more efficient and less prone
to errors in switching or processing. We also intend to
execute this experiment in the cloud, testing techno-
logies such as Swift, Amazon S3, Google and Azure
Object Storage, aiming at an eventual migration.
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A Hadoop Open Source Backup Solution