In general, only the one specific LMS can be analy-
zed efficiently using the proposed CAST algorithm.
The wide range of uncontrollable factors (samples
from two different students’ groups, dissimilar in-
terfaces, etc.) significantly reduce the precision of
quantitative detected user behavior difference in both
LMS. Despite the impact of uncontrollable factors,
the CAST algorithm reduces the overestimation of the
learners’ activity.
After the application of the CAST algorithm to
LMS data, we expect to work further in the derivation
of the ”machine learning” models, useful for LMSs’
automation and dynamic adaptation to students’ and
teachers’ needs.
The trend to use Open edX more versus Moodle
can be easily verified by visual data analysis. This
lead to the categorical conclusion that students in the
Open edX environment in comparison with Moodle
LMS are more active.
Some other, not discussed in the paper benefits of
Open edX (as Python assessments coding or LaTeX
formulae writing options) implies more engaged stu-
dents, and better-trained employees in the future. This
is the strategic business decision.
This research has been supported by a grant from
the international European ERA-NET Project Futu-
rICT2.0 funded under the FLAG-ERA Joint Transna-
tional Call 2016.
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CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education