Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning in Cognitive Cities
A Conceptual Framework for Urban Dialogue Systems
Stefan Markus Müller, Sara D’Onofrio and Edy Portmann
Human-IST Institute, University of Fribourg, Boulevard de Pérolles 90, Fribourg, Switzerland
Keywords: Cognitive City, Cognitive Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions, Dialogue System, Fuzzy
Analogical Reasoning, Human Smart City, Soft Computing, Structure-Mapping Theory, Urban Governance.
Abstract: This article presents a conceptual framework for urban dialogue systems to let them emulate human analogical
reasoning by using cognitive computing and particularly soft computing. Since creating analogies is crucial
for humans to learn unknown concepts, this article proposes an approach of urban applications to human
cognition by introducing analogical reasoning as a sound component of their fuzzy reasoning process.
Pursuing an approach derived from (transdisciplinary) design science research, two experiments were
conducted to reinforce the theoretical foundation.
Against the background of a strengthening
urbanization (e.g., dwindling urban living space) and
the increasing fuzziness in information (e.g., different
perceptions of a family-friendly neighborhood), cities
need to find new technological solution approaches to
manage plenty of data to counteract urban challenges,
such as natural resource use and human well-being.
Thereby, a promising approach is to enhance existing
urban systems with Web-based technologies (e.g.,
Web-of-things (D’Onofrio et al., 2018)) to sustain
urban governance and mainly increase efficiency and
sustainability, to finally establish smart cities
(D’Onofrio and Portmann, 2017).
Recent technological advances, such as sensor
technologies (Batty, 2013), have largely altered
characteristics of urban data (e.g., real-time instead of
past data). These advancements help to transform a
formerly sparse knowledge to a much more
sophisticated understanding of cities (Hurwitz et al.,
2015). Building upon incoming civic data (e.g.,
through citizens’ use of services), this understanding
is required to design and implement urban services
based on civic needs to shape human smart cities (i.e.,
becoming more human-oriented). By integrating
citizens as “drivers of change” into the development
of urban systems (e.g., civic tech movements), new
forms of participatory governance may arise (Oliveira
and Campolargo, 2015).
To foster information sharing in cities, existing
urban services can be provided with cognitive
capabilities, such as reasoning or learning abilities, to
mimic human intelligence (cf. humanistic computing
(Mann, 1998)). An approach, which might let urban
systems emulate human cognition, is the application
of cognitive computing. It enables supplementing
systems with cognitive processes, such as analogical
reasoning (Gentner, 1983), and, thus, accelerating
urban development to foster cognitive cities
(D’Onofrio and Portmann, 2017).
The authors present a conceptual framework for
urban dialogue systems to emulate human analogical
reasoning based on soft computing techniques (i.e., a
vital component of cognitive computing (D’Onofrio
and Portmann, 2017)), to suggest a new technological
solution approach (i.e., fuzzy analogical reasoning),
to improve existing urban systems with a focus on
socio-technical systems.
This article is an outline of a work-in-progress. To
this end, the authors use an approach derived from
design science research (Hevner and Chatterjee,
2010) that is advanced by transdisciplinary research
(Wickson et al., 2006) and follows the law of
parsimony (Laird, 1919). Section 2 presents the
theoretical background; the approach itself is outlined
in Section 3 and discussed in Section 4; Section 5
concludes this article.
Müller, S., D’Onofrio, S. and Portmann, E.
Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning in Cognitive Cities.
DOI: 10.5220/0006816103530360
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 353-360
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
By outlining how human smart cities may advance to
cognitive cities, describing soft computing as a vital
component of cognitive computing, and introducing
structure-mapping theory, this section presents the
theoretical foundation of the framework.
2.1 The Role of Technology and
Humans in Urban Development
Building upon advanced Web-based technologies
(e.g., Web-of-things (D’Onofrio et al., 2018)), smart
urban systems, such as dialogue systems, represent
potential starting points for enriching civic
interaction. They enable the exchange of citizens’
perceptions and knowledge among them and foster
urban development, particularly regarding efficiency
and sustainability. Moreover, they allow to build a
collective knowledge base, supporting urban
decisions on a data-driven basis (Finger and
Portmann, 2016; Malone and Bernstein, 2015).
Based on aggregated data sets obtained through
citizens’ use of urban services (e.g., everyday
questions through civic interaction), cities obtain an
integrated view on issues (e.g., urban living space)
and can involve affected stakeholders (e.g., citizens)
specifically (Hurwitz et al., 2015). Hence, cities can
take broad-based decisions to improve equity and
sustainability of urban life. Thus, participative
models of urban governance are established, allowing
the development of human smart cities by putting
citizens in foreground and giving them the possibility
to shape their living environment through the
expression of their needs or ideas for improvements
(Oliveira and Campolargo, 2015).
Human smart cities can be further reinforced by
being supplemented with cognitive computing.
Cognitive cities build upon cognitive systems and
processes (e.g., reasoning or learning processes) and
are increasingly capable of dealing with a human
living environment that is constantly changing and
getting more complex (Mostashari et al., 2011). Due
to natural language, which is seen as the main
communication medium in cities, urban environment
is also getting fuzzier. Therefore, cognitive cities
enable developing collective and humanistic
intelligence (i.e., citizens and urban systems are
working together using natural language) (Malone
and Bernstein, 2015; Mann, 1998), which
significantly addresses urban resilience by helping to
encounter challenges, such as urbanization and
digitalization (D’Onofrio and Portmann, 2017).
2.2 Soft Computing
Fuzzy logic represents an extension of traditional
logic where p can be true or false or have an
intermediate truth value (Zadeh, 1988). This allows a
generalization of conventional set theory, namely
fuzzy set theory, where an element x of a finite or
infinite set X is no longer either contained or not in a
crisp subset A in X. Instead, it is possible to define a
membership function µ
(x), which shows to what
degree an element x is contained in a fuzzy subset A
in X (Zadeh, 1965):
(x) [0, 1]
To build fuzzy sets, it is required that humans can
break down information into various levels of
abstraction by reflecting hierarchical structures of
their environment upon the hierarchical organization
of their knowledge (Yao, 2006). Thereby, the ability
to decompose the complex and uncertain
environment into simpler and tractable clumps (i.e.,
fuzzy information granules (Zadeh, 1997)) is crucial
for human information processing (Hobbs, 1985). For
instance, general words represent high levels of
granularity, while specific words express high levels
of detail, but low levels of granularity (Yao, 2006).
Hence, fuzzy information granulation helps citizens
to wrap up data and reduce information overload.
By using fuzzy information granules, computing
with words (CWW) allows to describe human-like
reasoning based on fuzzy logic (D’Onofrio and
Portmann, 2015). Since most real-world constraints
have a tolerance for fuzziness, the concept of a
generalized constraint (GC) strives to define degrees
of fuzziness based on CWW (Zadeh, 2005):
GC: X isr R
Thereby, X is a constrained variable and R a fuzzy
constraining relation. The modularity (i.e., semantics)
of R is identified by r, an indexing variable that is
adjustable (e.g., equal, possibilistic, probalistic)
(Zadeh, 2005). Assuming possibilistic semantics of
R, r is abbreviated to a blank space and a GC is
adjusted as follows (Zadeh, 1996):
GC: X is R
With possibilistic semantics, R constrains a
variable X by playing the role of the possibility
distribution of X. If u is a generic value of X, and µ
is a membership function in R, the semantics of R can
be defined as follows (Zadeh, 1996):
Poss{X = u} = µ
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Hence, methods based on fuzzy logic foster
human-like reasoning and facilitate, among others,
analogical reasoning.
2.3 Structure-Mapping Theory
Analogy represents abstractions of higher-order
human cognition (i.e., symbolic information
processing), which involves humans mapping one
situation onto another to process information, learn
and acquire new knowledge. In the case of analogy,
humans focus on relational similarity (i.e., structure-
based similarity) between two situations, which is
based on labelled relations (i.e., symbols) (Boteanu
and Chernova, 2015). Hence, an analogy is apparent
if a relation between a pair of data elements d and e is
structurally similar to a relation between another pair
of data elements g and h (e.g., district is to city as
chapter is to book) (Barr et al., 2015).
Structure-mapping theory (SMT) explains not
only analogical but also similarity reasoning and,
thus, how humans map data elements of a familiar
situation (i.e., base) onto data elements of an
unfamiliar situation (i.e., target) to understand and
draw new inferences about the latter. Each mapping
comprises a set of correspondences either between
attributes (i.e., features) of data elements or relations
(i.e., structures) among one another. Depending on
whether correspondences between data elements
emphasize their attributes (i.e., objective similarity)
or their relations among one another (i.e., relational
similarity), different types of similarity (e.g., surface
similarity, analogy) present the outcome of the
mapping of two situations (Gentner, 1983).
Based on common patterns of entities (i.e.,
attributes, relations), which have emerged from the
alignment of two situations, humans make new
presumptions (i.e., candidate inferences) about the
target. Pursuing structural consistency and
systematicity, humans complete these patterns and
familiarize with unknown data elements. An analogy
occurs if and only if humans familiarize with a target
by drawing inferences based on relational pattern
completion (Gentner and Markman, 1997).
This section presents related work, the concept and
the evaluation of the proposed framework for urban
dialogue systems to emulate human analogical
reasoning drawing on soft computing techniques.
3.1 Related Work
Dialogue systems aim to automatically deliver
relevant and concise answers to humans’ questions
often posed in natural language (Ojokoh and
Ayokunle, 2013). Such systems are of importance as
they can help to sustain urban governance by
enhancing the information exchange between cities
and citizens. Since natural language consists of
linguistic variables (e.g., words), the inclusion of soft
computing techniques may improve dialogue systems
(Zadeh, 2006). Although there have been
developments of such reasoning methodologies (e.g.,
CWW-based system (Khorasani et al., 2009),
perception-based system (Ahmad and Rahimi,
2006)), these applications, such as expert systems,
typically do not foster reasoning and dialogue in such
a way that humans process information by using, for
instance, analogical reasoning (Zadeh, 2006).
Moreover, there have been aspirations to facilitate
natural language processing (NLP) by means of
analogical reasoning (e.g., denominal verb
interpretation (McFate and Forbus, 2016), word sense
disambiguation (Barbella and Forbus, 2013)).
However, none of these systems constitute an
approach to human cognition because attempts, such
as NLP, do not account for fuzziness in the
characterization of biological systems (Seising and
Sanz, 2012). Since it is proposed that cognitive
systems use soft computing techniques to become
capable of understanding and extracting
heterogeneously structured information from natural
language (Zadeh, 2005), their ability to create
analogies should also consider dealing with fuzzy
3.2 Concept
Based on previous work of Bouchon-Meunier and
colleagues (Bouchon-Meunier et al., 2003; Bouchon-
Meunier and Valverde, 1999), the proposed
framework builds upon an analogical scheme for
approximate reasoning to allow urban systems to
interact with citizens in natural language. Starting
with a citizen’s question, for example “How can I get
a seasonal-work approval?”, the system decomposes
it into data elements consisting of words or a
sequence of words: how, get, seasonal-work and
approval. By completing the granulation process (cf.
Zadeh, 1997), the system needs to clarify through
alignment with existing stored knowledge whether it
understands single data elements. In this example, the
following classification is possible: how belongs to
certain degrees to the fuzzy set factoid question and
Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning in Cognitive Cities
that of procedure, get to the fuzzy set infinitive, and
seasonal-work and approval remain unknown.
Resulting from the system’s granulation process,
two linguistic variables X and Y are assumed for the
unknown information: X represents a domain with
possible values p (e.g., temporary-work) and q (e.g.,
seasonal work), and Y another domain that can take
values r (e.g., permit) and s (e.g., approval).
Assuming furthermore possibilistic semantics of a
fuzzy constraining relation R
, the system can
formulate a GC for Y (Zadeh, 1996):
GC: Y is R
where Poss{Y = r} = µ
and Poss{Y = s} = µ
Next, the system may use resemblance relations
(cf. Bouchon-Meunier and Valverde, 1999) to gain a
somewhat known value for q based on a known
relation R
between the unknown data element q and
a known data element p. Having retrieved a relation
between linguistic values p and q, the system
becomes capable of drawing the analogical scheme to
gain a known value for an unknown data element s
(Bouchon-Meunier et al., 2003):
Figure 1: Analogical scheme.
Therefore, the system can use a fuzzy-based
application of the compositional rule of inference
(CRI) (i.e., approximate reasoning). The CRI is an
extension of the familiar rule of inference (i.e.,
generalized modus ponens), which states if X is true
and implies Y, then Y is true, and is applied as follows:
(r) = max
(p) µ
(p, r))
Based on resemblance relations (i.e., p and q are
apparently known to be related by R
), temporary-
work and seasonal-work are approximately equal and,
thus, seasonal-work is more or less permit.
Since the linkage β between p and r is also known
(i.e., temporary-work belongs to the fuzzy set permit
to a not negligible degree), it is possible to gain a
known value for s, which is to q as r is to p, drawing
an inference R
between data elements r and s
(Bouchon-Meunier and Valverde, 1999). In terms of
SMT, a structure-based correspondence is projected
based on β (Gentner, 1983). Therefore, the system can
project a mapping R
, which provides it with a
linguistic value for s based on relations β, R
, R
expressed by their membership grades in respective
sets of fuzzy (sub-)sets of X and Y (i.e., μ
, μ
(Bouchon-Meunier et al., 2003):
Assuming that approval is to seasonal-work as
permit is to temporary-work, the system creates a
mapping to understand approval in relation to
seasonal-work. The system ends the analogical
reasoning process by classifying all data elements as
known and may continue the dialogue with the
3.3 Evaluation
This subsection briefly outlines how the conceptual
framework was evaluated through two experiments,
both carried out by the authors, pursuing a
methodological approach oriented towards design
science research in information systems and
transdisciplinary research to include citizens into the
development process (Hevner and Chatterjee, 2010).
3.3.1 Workshop-based Experiment
In May 2017, the authors conducted a workshop to
become more familiar with citizens’ requirements for
new (smart) urban systems and, simultaneously, get
insights about the human reasoning process. Nine
males and two females, all between 20 and 50 years
old and with different professional backgrounds (e.g.,
computer science, geography), participated in the
workshop. It lasted two hours in total, whereby the
experiment took half an hour.
First, an introduction about cognitive computing
and soft computing was given to build a theoretical
foundation for the experiment. Afterwards, a
discussion about the term human-machine interaction
began, exchanging opportunities and threats of
computer systems that are able to compute natural
language (e.g., Alexa, Siri). Most participants were
sceptical about systems that are taking over control or
being able to autonomously make decisions.
However, some participants stated that they are
curious to test such intelligentsystems (e.g., self-
driving cars). They even considered using them in the
future if such services would turn out to be
advantageous for them.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
After having discussed smart systems and, more
concretely, their acceptance and usefulness for cities,
the main experiment was conducted with the aim to
reinforce the theories about the relation between
questions and answers as well as to get constructive
inputs regarding the human reasoning process. The
experiment consisted of two parts.
The first part was about answering five “W”-
questions (i.e., who, where, when, how long, how)
stated in German. The results showed that almost
every participant answered in the same way, even if
the answers were not identically (e.g., whole name vs.
last name). To grasp the essence of the results, some
examples are presented: To the question Who leads
the experiment?”, everyone answered with a name,
obviously with the one of the moderating author.
Asking Where does the experiment take place, all
participants stated a location. Their responses were
only differing in their granularity (e.g., Bern vs.
Impact Hub Bern). To the question How long does
the workshop take?, everyone answered with a time
specification, however, also containing granular
variances, such as mentioning hours or minutes.
Considering the semantics of all answers, this
experiment showed that “W”-questions influence
humans in the way of how they give responses.
The second part consisted of responding to three
questions that were impossible to answer because of
their semantics (e.g., Where do lucky devils grow?”).
Even if the “W”-word provided hints on how to
answer the question, no meaningful linking with
existing knowledge was possible. Therefore, the
participants were not able to give a reasonable
answer. They tried to create analogies using familiar
situations and, thus, responded with information that
most likely matched them individually. Although the
questions were obviously not meant serious, no one
considered the possibility of stating that there is no
answer (even though that would have been the correct
answer) and instead gave unserious answers (e.g.,
haunted forest).
3.3.2 Laboratory Experiment
In May 2017, a laboratory experiment was conducted
to evaluate the stableness of the conceptual
framework’s theoretical foundation. Its purpose was
to document how far subjects would follow
theoretical predictions of SMT if they created
analogies to find relations between their existing
knowledge and unknown concepts.
Seven males and three females, all between 25
and 30 years old, participated in the experiment,
where everybody was of Swiss nationality and had an
academic background. The paper-pencil experiment
lasted 20 minutes in total and pursued double-blind
anonymity as well as a 1x2 between-subject design.
The two treatments split into an experimental
treatment and a control treatment, completed by five
subjects each.
SMT predicts that objective similarity is typically
more likely to be retrieved by humans than relational
similarity because it is represented by superficialities,
which are easier to recollect (Gentner and Forbus,
2011). Hence, the tested hypotheses postulated this
fundamental assumption and are outlined as follows:
H1: If humans need to retrieve a familiar situation
(i.e., base) by their own memory to understand and
draw new inferences about an unfamiliar situation
(i.e., target), they tend to encode objective similarity
(i.e., surface similarity) rather than relational
similarity (i.e., analogy).
H2: If an unfamiliar situation (i.e., target)
immediately comes with a familiar situation (i.e.,
base), which can be used to understand and draw new
inferences about the former (e.g., analogical
argumentation in a discussion), humans tend to
encode relational similarity (i.e., analogy) rather
than objective similarity (i.e., surface similarity).
The questionnaire used was in German, consisted
of five tasks in two variations: One that was
completed by the experimental treatment and another
one by the control treatment. Thereby, the treatment
variable described whether subjects needed to
retrieve a familiar situation by their own memory to
map any form of similarity onto an unfamiliar
situation. Hence, the treatment variable was
nominally scaled and took the values 0 (i.e., subject
was in the control treatment) or 1 (i.e., subject was in
the experimental treatment). Two graphical
representations were used to illustrate such familiar
or unfamiliar situations.
For both treatments, it was measured afterwards
which form of similarity subjects had tended to
encode either through their choices (i.e., control
treatment) or their own drawings (i.e., experimental
treatment). The dependent variable here was
nominally scaled as well and took the values 0 (i.e.,
relational similarity) or 1 (i.e., objective similarity).
These measurements served to investigate the
statistical correlations and conditional probability
distributions between the two elicited variables.
In H1, the descriptive univariate analysis
indicated that subjects in the experimental treatment
encoded relational and objective similarity equally.
Although they needed to retrieve a base by their own
memory, subjects did not tend to draw graphical
representations that primarily shared an objective
Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning in Cognitive Cities
similarity with the target. In H2, conditional
probability distributions of the control treatment
suggested that subjects clearly tended to encode
relational similarity rather than objective similarity,
as they were given both target and base
simultaneously. Finally, in H1 and H2, the descriptive
bivariate data analysis indicated that there was a
moderate correlation between the form of similarity,
which subjects tended to encode, and whether they
needed to retrieve a familiar situation by themselves
to map this similarity onto an unfamiliar situation.
The conceptual framework builds upon an analogical
scheme for approximate reasoning, which denotes a
type of reasoning that is neither quite precise nor quite
imprecise and expresses humans’ ability to take
rational decisions in complex and uncertain
environments. By applying the analogical scheme and
linking analogical concepts to soft computing, (Web-
based) urban dialogue systems might understand
previously unknown data elements. Hence, if they do
not understand one or several data elements during an
interaction with a citizen, they may create an analogy
to find a relation with existing stored knowledge
(Bouchon-Meunier and Valverde, 1999). Since
creating analogies is crucial for humans to learn
unknown concepts and soft computing allows to
understand and extract information from natural
language, urban dialogue systems would become
more oriented towards humans and perform and learn
better (D’Onofrio and Portmann, 2017; Gentner,
To reinforce the theories, two experiments were
conducted (independently from each other). In the
workshop-based experiment, the focus was put on
question-answering processes to get constructive
inputs regarding the human reasoning process.
Thereby, two valuable findings were gained: First,
“W”-questions influenced the way of how to answer
(e.g., who = person, where = location), and second, if
the semantics of a question made no or little sense,
participants tended to create analogies using familiar
situations. As an illustration, the question in German
Wo wachsen Glückspilze? (engl. Where do lucky
devils grow?”) is presented here: Some participants
mentioned to have tried to create analogies using Pilz
(engl. mushroom). Being influenced by the question
word wo (engl. where), participants searched for a
possible place (e.g., haunted forest) as an answer,
associating Glück (engl. luck) with a magical element.
They largely justified their answers with an
association to their childhood, in which they got to
know fairy tales. Thus, they connected the unknown
word (i.e., the growth place of lucky devils) with an
element known from their knowledge base. Hence,
creating analogies is crucial for human information
processing and, therefore, for future urban dialogue
systems, too.
In the laboratory experiment, the results mostly
indicated a stable theoretical foundation of the
developing reasoning process. However, not all tested
hypotheses were provided with evidence in favour of
SMT. The most interesting finding was that relational
similarity (i.e., analogy) was equally encoded by
subjects, even if they had completed a retrieval by
themselves. Hence, support for the hypothesis behind
that finding (i.e., H1) could not be drawn, which
counters a theoretical prediction of SMT. Regarding
dialogue systems emulating human analogical
reasoning, this last finding contains a promising
implication: Since systems at some point need to
retrieve a relation based on the drawn analogical
scheme, it would further improve urban services and
be in favour of citizens, if systems were able to
encode powerful relational similarity by default and
did not provide citizens with answers based on
objective similarity (Gentner et al., 1993).
By further emulating human information
processing through analogical reasoning, cognitive
systems might perform better in interaction with
citizens, make human-computer interaction (HCI)
even more human-centered and facilitate the urban
learning process additionally (Gentner, 2010). This
provides the foundation for a resilient urban network
of knowledge that is driven by a constantly learning
collective intelligence (Malone and Bernstein, 2015).
Thereby, intelligence amplification denotes a
visionary concept that outlines how continuous and
complementary HCI may shape and augment urban
intelligence and, thus, sustain society (D’Onofrio and
Portmann, 2017). Shaping and increasing urban
intelligence are not simple endeavors. This is because
amounts of data storage, communication capacity
and, hence, potential knowledge for humans are
exponentially growing, human information
processing however remains unchanged (Batty,
2013). Therefore, human-centered, mutual and
constant HCI is increasingly necessary to enhance
human reasoning and learning.
If cities integrate cognitive computing into urban
applications that may also emulate human analogical
reasoning, it is crucial that they pursue a business and
an economic plan that ensure appropriate planning,
procurement and delivery of corresponding
technologies and infrastructures. Thus, an appropriate
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
environment for a human-computer symbiosis can be
established and collective and humanistic intelligence
sustainably be created (Malone and Bernstein, 2015;
Mann, 1998). This intelligence is needed eventually
to strengthen urban resilience and sustain urban
governance to tackle challenges of urbanization and
digitalization (Finger and Portmann, 2016).
The presented framework for urban dialogue systems,
which is conceptually designed in this article,
represents an extract of a developing idea of a global
reasoning process for urban systems and is part of a
current research project. Therefore, most limitations
and corresponding suggestions for future research
focus on this research project.
More research needs to be done relating to how a
system decomposes a citizen question and whether
this is expedient at all. So far, data elements have
received a meaning only after they were decomposed
by granular computing into words or a sequence of
words. However, data elements might have a different
meaning if they are processed as part of an entire
question (Chowdhury, 2003). A conductive thought
can be that the system immediately tries to align the
citizen question with existing stored knowledge,
looking for similar questions that have been asked in
the past and might help to classify the incoming one.
Furthermore, investigation of modern information
retrieval (IR) techniques is needed. This is because
techniques based on conventional models are not in
favour of the IR process. Relating to a fuzzy IR
process, there are promising approaches that might be
specified for the proposed fuzzy reasoning process
(Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 2011).
More specifications are necessary regarding the
nature of a system’s knowledge base. Known fuzzy
sets first need to be collected and stored such that they
can be associated with processed data elements
afterwards. This brings up the question about an
appropriate computer memory. The authors intend to
use fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) as a memory basis
stored in graph databases (cf. D’Onofrio et al., 2017).
Since it would define relevance gradually, the system
would answer questions effectively even if they were
formulated imprecisely. Therefore, an alignment of
FCMs with SMT might be an expedient next step.
Finally, it needs to be noted that this introduction
of analogical reasoning as a sound component of the
fuzzy reasoning process focuses on SMT because it is
displayed in the analogical scheme, which links
analogical reasoning to soft computing. However,
there are several analogical concepts (e.g., metaphor,
schema, transfer) that might also provide a basis for
further development of the fuzzy reasoning process.
One last limitation relates to both experiments
whose findings do not raise a claim to represent high-
level scientific contributions, particularly not in
methodological terms. The experiments served much
more as an evaluation of the developing fuzzy
reasoning process as a designed artefact, which is
oriented towards the process of (transdisciplinary)
design science research. The authors encourage
further urban researchers to conduct experiments with
citizens to grasp actual existing needs and, therefore,
to develop meaningful urban systems.
The authors would like to thank the participants of the
workshop as well as the participants of the laboratory
experiment for the valuable insights.
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