Determination of Natural Language Processing Tasks
and Tools for Topological Functioning Modelling
Erika Nazaruka and Jānis Osis
Department of Applied Computer Science, Riga Technical University, Sētas iela 1, LV-1048, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Natural Language Processing Tools, Topological Functioning Model, Computation Independent Model,
Domain Modelling.
Abstract: Topological Functioning Modelling (TFM) is based on analysis of exhaustive verbal descriptions of the
domain functionality. Manual acquisition of knowledge about the domain from text in natural language
requires a lot of resources. Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools provide automatic analysis of text in
natural language and may fasten and make cheaper this process. First, the knowledge, its expressing elements
of the English language, and processing tasks that are required for construction of the topological functioning
model are identified. The overview of the support of these tasks by the main NLP pipelines is based on the
available documentation without performing practical experiments. The results showed that among the
selected six NLP pipelines the largest support comes from the Stanford CoreNLP toolkit, FreeLing, and
NLTK toolkit. They allow analysing not only the words and sentences, but also dependencies in word groups
and between sentences. The obtained results can be used for academics and practitioners that perform research
on NLP for composition of domain (business, system, software) models.
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) (Miller and
Mukerji, 2001) proposed by OMG (Object
Management Group) gave a ground for new software
development principles, where models of the
software are at the core of the development process.
MDA suggests using three models: a computation
independent model (CIM), a platform independent
model (PIM) and a platform specific model (PSM).
Commonly, a language for MDA models is the UML
(Unified Modelling Language), sometimes BPMN
(Business Process Model and Notation), and rare
SBVR (Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules).
BPMN and SBVR are used for specification of the
CIM, while UML for the PIM and PSM.
In our approach, we suggest using a Topological
Functioning Model (TFM) as the CIM. The TFM
elaborated by Janis Osis at Riga Technical
University, Latvia, in 1969, specifies a system from
three viewpoints functional, behavioural and
structural. This model can serve as a root model for
further system and software domain analysis and
transformations to design models and code (Osis and
Asnina, 2011b).
There are two approaches for composition of the
TFM, namely, TFM4MDA (Topological Functioning
Model for Model Driven Architecture) and IDM
(Integrated Domain Modelling) presented in (Slihte,
Osis and Donins, 2011). Rules of composition and
derivation processes from the textual system
description within TFM4MDA are provided by
examples and described in detail in (Asnina, 2006;
Osis, Asnina and Grave, 2007, 2008). Since,
TFM4MDA does not have software tool support,
results of text processing are kept in tables.
Additionally, the TFM can be manually created in the
TFM Editor or can also be generated automatically
from the business use case descriptions in the IDM
toolset (Osis and Slihte, 2010; Šlihte and Osis, 2014).
So, TFM4MDA proposes manual processing of the
unstructured, but processed text, while IDM
automated processing of use case specifications in the
form of semi-structured text. In this case, results of
text processing are kept in XMI (XML Metadata
Interchange) files using XML (eXtensible Markup
Language) structures.
At the present, we decided to use a knowledge
base for keeping results of text processing to gain
from its inferring mechanism and flexibility. The
knowledge frame based approach (Nazaruks and
Osis, 2017) is at its very beginning. It assumes that
Nazaruka, E. and Osis, J.
Determination of Natural Language Processing Tasks and Tools for Topological Functioning Modelling.
DOI: 10.5220/0006817205010512
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 501-512
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
knowledge on domain will be kept in the knowledge
frame system. In practice, preparation of the text and
manual knowledge acquisition from it is too resource-
consuming (Elstermann and Heuser, 2016).
Therefore, it is better either to skip the step of
preparation of the textual description and start from
human analysis of the available information, either to
automate or semi-automate this process. We plan to
automate the process of knowledge extraction from
textual descriptions partially or completely
depending on technologies available at the present.
The goal of this research is to understand what
possibilities Natural Language Processing (NLP)
tools have at the present that could support the
automated knowledge acquisition for construction of
the TFM from data kept in the knowledge frame
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents overview of related work in the field. Section
3 describes the main elements of the TFM, the
process of its manual composition and characteristics
of its validity. Section 4 presents tasks that are to be
supported or assisted by the NLP tools and the
overview of the selected NLP tools. Section 5
concludes the paper.
Knowledge extraction from different types of media
is quite important since it may reduce time for
analysis of large amount of information. Very
interesting approach is presented in (Nakamura et al.,
1996), where authors suggest using knowledge
extraction from diagrams and its integration with
patterns of textual explanations. Nevertheless, the
idea has been proposed by Nakamura et al. in 1996,
it is useful enough also in nowadays (Leopold,
Mendling and Polyvyanyy, 2014), since automated
creation of explanations for large diagrams would be
very helpful in business and system analysis. It can be
said that several ways of evolution of this idea relate
to knowledge extraction from factual data, diagrams,
data warehouses and to data mining (Cannataro,
Guzzo and Pugliese, 2002).
Creation of models and UML diagrams from
textual documents is presented in several researches.
For example, use case diagram creation from textual
requirements in Arabic using Stanford Tagger/Parser
(Jabbarin and Arman, 2014), and creation of UML
Activity Diagram via identification of simple verbal
sentences from user requirements in Arabic make a
use of Stanford and MADA+TOKAN tagger (Nassar
and Khamayseh, 2015). Two research projects
suggest creating UML class diagrams from textual
requirements in English using the proposed Relative
Extraction Methodology (Krishnan and Samuel,
2010), and from use case descriptions (Elbendak,
Vickers and Rossiter, 2011). But they do not deal with
possible ambiguities of the natural language (NL).
Analysis of textual user requirements in natural
language and requirements engineering diagrams can
be used to create the Use Case Path model, the Hybrid
Activity Diagrams model and the Domain model
(Ilieva and Ormandjieva, 2006). As Ilieva and
Ormandjieva (2006) mention the standard way for
automatic model creation from text is transformation
of text in natural language to the one in formal natural
language then to the intermediate model and then to
the target requirements engineering model. For text
analysis the authors apply syntax analysis by MBT
tagger, semantics analysis to discover roles of words
in the sentence (subject, predicate and object) and
connections among them and then create a semantic
network for text model. At the last step, the authors
transform this semantic network to one of the
mentioned models using patterns. NL analysis can be
used for automated composition of conceptual
diagrams (Bhala, Vidya Sagar and Abirami, 2014).
The authors also noted a need for human
participation, as well as several issues of NL itself,
i.e., sentence structures may have different forms that
are not completely predictable, syntactical
correctness of sentences, as well as ambiguity in
determining attributes as aggregations and in
The overview of existing solutions in the field of
UML model creation from textual requirements and
business process model creation from textual
documents (Osman and Zalhan, 2016) showed that
existing tools allow creating Class diagrams, Object
diagrams, Use Case diagrams, and several of them
provide composition of Sequence, Collaboration and
Activity diagrams. All the solutions have certain
limitations: some require user intervention, some
cannot perform analysis of irrelevant classes, some
require structuring text in a certain form before
processing, and some cannot correctly determine
several structural relationships between classes. The
tools used are Stanford Parser and lexical database
WordNet 2.1, FrameNet and VerbNet, and NLP
libraries that belong to NLTk framework. The only
approach that allows complete derivation of the
business process model mentioned by the authors is
presented by Friedrich, Mendling and Puhlmann in
(Friedrich, Mendling and Puhlmann, 2011).
Some approaches use ontologies predefined by
experts in the field and self-developed knowledge
MDI4SE 2018 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
acquisition rules in order to extract knowledge on
necessary properties or elements and their values
from text documents (Amardeilh, Laublet and Minel,
2005; Jones et al., 2014).
3.1 Topological Functioning Model
The TFM is a formal mathematical model that allows
modelling and analysing functionality of the system
(Osis and Asnina, 2011b). The system could be a
business, software, biological system, mechanical
system, etc. The TFM represents modelled
functionality as a digraph
𝑋, Θ
, where X is a set of
inner functional characteristics (called functional
features) of the system, and Θ is a topology set on
these characteristics in a form of a set of cause-and-
effect relations. TFM models can be compared for
similarities using the continuous mapping mechanism
(Asnina and Osis, 2010). Since 1990s the TFM is
being elaborated for software development.
The TFM is characterized by the topological and
functioning properties (Osis and Asnina, 2011a). The
topological properties are connectedness,
neighbourhood, closure and continuous mapping.
The functioning properties are cause-and-effect
relations, cycle structure, inputs and outputs. The
composition of the TFM is presented by Osis and
Asnina (2011b).
The main TFM element is a functional feature that
represents system’s functional characteristic, e.g., a
business process, a task, an action, or an activity (Osis
and Asnina, 2011a). It can be specified by a unique
tuple (1).
FF = <A, R, O, PrCond, PostCond, Pr, Ex, S>
Where (Osis and Asnina, 2011b):
A is object’s action,
R is a set of results of the object’s action (it is
an optional element),
O is an object that gets the result of the action
or a set of objects that are used in this action,
PrCond is a set of preconditions or atomic
business rules,
PostCond is a set of post-conditions or atomic
business rules,
Pr is a set of providers of the feature, i.e.
entities (systems or sub-systems) which
provide or suggest an action with a set of
certain objects,
Ex is a set of executors (direct performers) of
the functional feature, i.e. a set of entities
(systems or sub-systems) which enact a
concrete action.
S is a variable Subordination that holds
Boolean value of belonging of the functional
feature either to the system or to the external
The cause-and-effect relations between functional
features define the cause from which the triggering of
the effect occurred. The formal definition of the
cause-and-effect relations and their combinations
(Donins, 2012a; Asnina and Ovchinnikova, 2015)
states that a cause-and-effect relation T
is a binary
relationship that links a cause functional feature to an
effect functional feature as it is stated in (2).
= <Id, X
, X
, L
, L
Where (Donins, 2012a):
Id is a unique identifier of the cause-and-effect
is a cause functional feature that may
generate the effect functional feature X
is an effect functional feature;
is a set of logical relationships between
cause-and-effect relations on outgoing arcs of
the cause functional feature X
is a set of logical relationships between
cause-and-effect relations on incoming arcs of
the effect functional feature X
In fact, this relation indicates control flow
transition in the system. The cause-and-effect
relations (and their combinations) may use logical
negation (NOT) and may be joined by the logical
operators: conjunction (AND), disjunction (OR), or
exclusive disjunction (XOR). The logic of the
combination of cause-and-effect relations denotes
system’s behaviour and execution (e.g., decision
making, parallel or sequential actions). The formal
definition of a logical relationship (3) states that it is
put on set T of cause-and-effect relations belonging
to this logical relationship and Rt specifies the type of
it by a logical operator NOT, AND, OR, or XOR
(Donins, 2012a).
= <Id, T, Rt>
3.2 Construction Guidelines
Manual construction of the TFM consists of the
following steps (Asnina and Osis, 2011):
Definition of domain functional characteristics:
o List of domain objects and their properties;
o List of external systems;
Determination of Natural Language Processing Tasks and Tools for Topological Functioning Modelling
o List of subsystems/actors;
o List of functional features (with the structure
equal to (1)).
Introduction of topology:
o List of cause-and-effect relations (with the
structure equal to (2) and (3));
Separation of the TFM of the domain:
o Topological functioning model that must
satisfy all topological and functioning
The following running example will be used to
illustrate some key points of the discussion. Assume
that the following text in the formal style that
describes the desired functionality of some book
returning machine in the library is presented:
“When the client appears, he can return the
book to the book returning machine. The client puts
the book into the special tray and enters his data of
the registration. Then, the machine checks the
registration and scans the image of a book. The
machine searches for the loaned book in a reader
account. If it is found, the machine checks the end
date of a book loan and evaluates the condition of a
book. If the end date is not exceeded and the condition
is good, then the machine sends the book to the
storage. Otherwise, if the end date is exceeded or the
condition is not good, the machine calculates, writes
out and imposes the fine to the client. And only then
the machine sends the book to the book storage. The
client receives the imposed fine. After sending the
book to the storage, the machine waits for a new
In the text, domain objects and their properties
are expressed as a noun together with its direct object
that is not expressed as a numeral or a pronoun. For
example, they can be things, phenomena, products,
results of actions, documents, catalogues, human role,
services, organizations etc. For each noun, synonyms
and homonyms must be analysed as well as their
correct sense in each case of a use, e.g., a train” in
one case is a locomotive together with a certain
number of carriages, while in other case it is a single
locomotive (Asnina and Osis, 2011).
It must be able to determine which of domain
objects are external systems or subsystems/actors. It
is necessary to analyse the meaning of nouns, i.e. do
they indicate roles, work positions, organizational
units such as departments and business centres,
organizations, and names of subsystems. A company
that uses by-products of functionality of the
organization can also be mentioned as an example.
Those objects, which are not subsystems of the
system under consideration and whose functionality
is not directly subordinated to the system, are external
systems” (Asnina and Osis, 2011).
Nouns in the running example (the underlined
words) as well as their meaning and purpose in the
domain are illustrated in Table 1.
Table 1: Nouns and their purpose in the domain.
Object, actor (executor)
System, actor (provider, executor;
(noun phrase)
Object, Element of the machine
Properties of the registration
(must be refined; noun phrase)
Object (result of the process)
Property of the book (noun phrase)
Object (noun phrase)
Object, Property of the reader (noun
End date
Property of the loan (noun phrase)
Object (result of the process)
Property of the Book (noun phrase)
Object, Element of the machine
Discovering of functional features relates to
determination of “a business function” (Asnina and
Osis, 2011). A list of functional features must be
defined accordingly to the verbs (actions A), their
preconditions (PreCond) and postconditions
(PostCond). Preconditions are a set of conditions that
allows triggering the action. Postconditions are a set
of conditions that are set after a functional feature was
executed. A business rule can be either a condition or
a functional feature.
A list of domain object identified in the previous
step contains objects that are used in the context of
this action (O), objects that are the results of this
action (R), objects that are marked as external
systems or subsystems/actors that either provide (Pr)
or execute (Ex) this concrete action. Together the
action, results and the object with preposition form a
description (name) of the functional feature.
In the running example, the verbs (in the active
voice) are denoted by bold. Adding -ing” to them
and joining objects we can form the part of the
specification of functional features (Table 2).
Conditions highlighted in text in italic are enumerated
in Table 3.
Identification of the list of cause-and-effect
relations among functional features is based on the
fact that a cause-and-effect relation between two
MDI4SE 2018 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
Table 2: Actions, objects and results.
[a] Client
[a] Book
[a] Book
[a] Registration
[a] Client
[a] Book
Searching for
[a] Reader Account
[a] Loan
[a] Book
[a] Client
Writing out
[a] Client
write out
[a] Client
[a] Storage
[a] Fine
Waiting for
[a] Request
wait for
Table 3: Conditions.
If the book is found
IF part
If the end date is not exceeded AND the condition is good
7, 8
IF part
If the end date is exceeded OR the condition is not good
7, 8
IF part (that begins the
chain of 9, 10, 11)
Table 4: Cause-and-effect relations.
Chronological sequence indicated in the description “When <clause1>, <clause 2>”
Chronological sequence implicitly indicated in the description.
Chronological sequence implicitly indicated in the description.
Chronological sequence indicated in the description “<Sentence1>. Then <sentence 2>”
Chronological sequence indicated in the description “<Sentence1>. Then <sentence 2>”
Chronological sequence indicated in the description “<verb phrase 1> and <verb phrase
2>”, where “and” meaning is “if <action 1> is successful, then <action 2>”
Chronological sequence implicitly indicated in the description.
Chronological sequence indicated in the text as precondition: “If <condition>, <clause>”
Chronological sequence indicated in the description as precondition:
“If <condition>, “<verb phrase 1> and <verb phrase 2>”
Chronological sequence indicated in the text with the precondition:
“If <condition>, <clause>”
Chronological sequence indicated in the text with the precondition:
“If <condition>, <clause>”
Chronological sequence indicated in the description as a sequence of actions:
“<verb phrase 1>, <verb phrase 2>, and <verb phrase 3>”
Chronological sequence indicated in the text with the precondition:
“If <condition>, <clause>”
Chronological sequence indicated in the description as a sequence of actions:
“<verb phrase 1>, <verb phrase 2>, and <verb phrase 3>
Chronological sequence indicated in the text with the phrase: “And only then <clause>”
Chronological sequence implicitly indicated in the description.
Chronological sequence indicated in the description “After <clause1>, <clause 2>”
Chronological sequence implicitly indicated in the description.
Determination of Natural Language Processing Tasks and Tools for Topological Functioning Modelling
functional features of the system exists if the
appearance of one feature is caused by the appearance
of the other feature without participation of any third
(intermediary) feature” (Asnina and Osis, 2011). The
connection between a cause-and-effect is represented
as causal implication, where a logical sequence can
serve as a form of expression of it. A cause
chronologically precedes and triggers an effect. Most
of causal implications involve multiple factors. In
order to identify the cause-and-effect relation the
following advices can be mentioned (Asnina and
Osis, 2011):
Words and phrases that can signal relations,
e.g., accordingly, because, effect, in order that,
since, cause, for, therefore, as a result, if…then,
why, consequently, due to, etc.
Causative verbs, e.g., have, get, let, allow, re-
quire and so on.
Some suffixes that indicate changes, causes and
effects: -ate” can mean to become, to cause
(e.g., to update), -ation” the result of -ing
(e.g., registration is the result of registering
process), -ize” to make, a cause to be (e.g.,
finalize), etc.
Table 5: Logical relations: CER denotes cause-and-effect relations, LO denotes a logical operation on the set of cause-and-
effect relations.
2-3.1, 2-3.2
LO is indicated in the description “<verb phrase 1> and <verb phrase 2>”
3.1-4, 3.2-4, 14-4
LO is implicit and is inferred using logical speculations.
6-7, 6-8
LO is indicated in the description under the same precondition “If the book is found
7-9, 8-9
LO is indicated in the precondition “If the end date is exceeded OR the condition is not
9-10, 9-12
LO is indicated as two text blocks under mutually exclusive preconditions:
1) If the end date is not exceeded AND the condition is good, and
2) If the end date is exceeded OR the condition is not good
11-12, 9-12
LO is inferred using logical analysis of chains of cause-and-effect relations: getting the
same state from two mutually exclusive paths.
11-13, 11-12
LO is implicit.
Figure 1: The topological space for the domain with the book returning machine.
MDI4SE 2018 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
In the running example, the chronological and
conditional sequences are got using text analysis and
inferring based on the experience (Table 5). The
composed topological space is illustrated in Figure 1.
If we decide to get the TFM of the book returning
machine, then we should join neighbourhoods of
functional features, where a provider is Machine. In
this example, the TFM is equal to the constructed
topological space.
The topological cycles are identified as closed
paths in the graph, and they are 4-5-6-7-9-10-11-12-
14-4, 4-5-6-7-8-10-11-12-14-4, 4-5-6-7-9-12-14-4,
and 4-5-6-8-9-12-14-4. The order of cycles must be
defined by the expert.
Analysing nouns, we can find that words
“registration” and loan” indicate the processes that
are not mentioned in the description, but it must be
done before.
4.1 NLP Application for Constructing
the TFM: A Vision
In order to define what characteristics of the NLP
tools are needed, let us first consider the scheme of
the knowledge frame system and required knowledge.
According to the initial scheme of the knowledge
frame system (Nazaruks and Osis, 2017), the lists of
elements (Section 3.2) should be kept in the instances
of the following frame classes:
manually filled in: FunctionalFeature and
manually filled in with some generable values
of slots: Object and TopologicalCycle,
generated: CauseAndEffectRelation and
TopologicalOperations, and identifiers of all
instances of all frame classes.
The frame class CauseAndEffectRelation has slot
values that are generated based on the facts that the
cause is specified by its precondition, while the effect
is specified by its postcondition (Donins, 2012b).
Instances of the frame class TopologicalOperation
have the name that must be set “as a union of values
of slots ‘action’ and ‘result’ of FunctionalFeature, the
slot ‘owner’ gets its value based on the value of slot
‘object’ in the frame FunctionalFeature, and slot
‘returnType’ by a type of the value of the slot ‘result’”
(Nazaruks and Osis, 2017).
In instances of the frame class Object the only
generated values are those of slot
topologicalOperation, and in instances of the
TopologicalCycle values of slot functionalFeatures
that holds a set of references to functional features
that are involved in a cycle (closed path).
In this research the focus is put on knowledge that
is to be added manually, i.e., values for slots of frame
classes Object, Property, and FunctionalFeature. The
frame TopologicalCycle is skipped since it requires
manual human participation only in determination of
the order of cycles.
In the IDM (Slihte, 2015), use case scenario text
processing is performed by The Stanford Parser for
identifying the executors (Ex) and the description of
the functional feature that is a union of O, A and R in
accordance with the following sentence parsing rules:
Sentences of use case steps must be in simple
form to answer a question “Who does what?”;
Identify coordinating conjunctions to split a
sentence into several clauses, and, thus, several
functional features;
Identify the verb phrase (VP) that is considered
as a union of action A, object O and result R;
Identify the noun phrase (NP) that can be either
object O, result R or an executor Ex;
Preconditions are taken directly from the
corresponding preceding events;
Postconditions are next functional features in
the scenario or sequential events.
In case of formal but unstructured text we cannot
use the same principles for discovering pre- and
postconditions, while others are suitable. Therefore,
NLP tools must be able to perform all four NLP tasks:
“tokenization, part-of-speech (POS) tagging,
chunking, and Name Entity Recognition
(NER)/Classification” (Pinto, Oliveira and Oliveira
Alves, 2016) as well as semantic analysis of noun and
verb phrases. Besides that, the tagged text and parsed
trees must be semantically analysed to identify causal
dependencies. In step of NER/Classification noun and
verb ontology banks must be used. The general
scheme of textual description processing should be as
in Figure 2.
4.2 NLP Pipelines for Assistance in the
Topological Functioning Modelling
There are a lot of NLP tools (Pinto, Oliveira and
Oliveira Alves, 2016) that allow processing text as in
a formal as in an informal style (such as used in
forums, blogs, and chats). Our research is oriented on
finding tools that work with the formal style, since
processing is needed for formal documentation.
In our research we want to focus on non-
commercial pipeline solutions that do not require
Determination of Natural Language Processing Tasks and Tools for Topological Functioning Modelling
Textual description in formal style
Tokenization of sentences
POS tagging
Semantical analysis of clauses and
coordinating conjunctions,
prepositions, adverbs
Semantical analysis of words and
phrases that signal relations
Semantical analysis of verbs in VP:
forms, tenses and suffixes
List of Objects and their Properties
List of Functional Features
Figure 2: The general scheme of textual description
processing for construction of the TFM.
complex installation and that are not complex to
understand. The language of processed text is
English. The list of pipeline software solutions
includes Apache OpenNLP, FreeLing, GATE,
LingPipe, Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK), and
StanfordNLP (Rodrigues and Teixeira, 2015).
LingPipe has a free licence and a commercial one.
The Stanford CoreNLP toolkit (Manning et al.,
2014) contains components that deal with
tokenization, sentence splitting, POS tagging,
morphological analysis (identification of base forms),
NER, syntactical parsing, coreference resolution and
other annotations such as gender and sentiment
analysis. It can be accessed from many programming
languages, e.g. Java, Python, Ruby, and .NET C#/F#.
The NER component recognizes names (PERSON,
miscellaneous) and numerical (MONEY, NUMBER,
DATE, TIME, DURATION, SET) entities. Phrases
can be parsed using both constituent and dependency
representations based on a probabilistic parser that is
more accurate according to the parsers that relate to
some predefined structures. Discovering basic
dependencies can help in further identification of
actions and corresponding objects, results, modes
(that can serve for identification of causal
dependencies), executors and providers. Besides that,
the Standford CoreNLP implements mention
detection and pronominal and nominal coreference
resolution that can help in dealing with pronouns and
noun phrases that denote concrete phenomena.
Apache OpenNLP (Apache OpenNLP
Development Community, 2017) is a machine
learning based toolkit. It provides Java library for
such tasks as tokenization, sentence segmentation,
POS tagging, NER, chunking, parsing and
coreference resolution. OpenNLP includes
components that allow training and evaluating
models. The components are available via their
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). NER
can find named entities and numbers using a model of
entity types for a language. OpenNLP has several pre-
trained models for English, i.e. for dates, locations,
money, organizations, percentages, persons, and
time. OpenNLP can categorize document contents
into predefined categories. The POS tagger marks
tokens with their word type and the context using a
probability model. The POS tagger may be trained on
annotated training sentences and can find base forms
of words. Opposite to the Stanford CoreNLP, in
chunking OpenNLP provides only separation of
syntactically correlated groups of words (noun
phrases and verb phrases), but it does not specify their
internal and external dependencies. At the present, the
parser that is intended for discovering dependencies
is developed only for demonstration and testing.
Coreference resolution is also limited to noun phrase
mentions. The main advantage of OpenNLP is
possibility to train models.
The third pipeline is FreeLing (Carreras et al.,
2004; Padró et al., 2010; Padró and Stanilovsky,
2012). FreeLing is a C++ library for multi-language
NLP tasks that supports customisation. The supported
tasks are tokenization, sentence splitting,
morphological analysis, NER, POS tagging, Word
Sense Disambiguation, Semantic Role Labelling,
dependency parsing, shallow parsing, WordNet-
based sense annotations, and coreference resolution.
NER allows recognizing and classifying dates,
numbers, physical magnitudes, currency, ratios. The
morphological analysis supports number, quantity
and date recognition from word groups,
customization of the behaviour of the analysis chain
triggered by a regular expression, aggregation of
multiple words in a single word object, NER with the
precision about 85% for the “basic” module and over
90% for the “bio” module. FreeLing supports analysis
of alternatives for words, searching all senses for a
word or performing word-sense-disambiguation. The
MDI4SE 2018 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
Named Entity Classification module differs from
NER with predefined four classes: Person,
Geographical location, Organization, and Others.
Besides that, it allows defining the context features
that extend the predefined classes. Chunking is
performed by the Chart Parser Module. Dependency
parsing is either based on rules defined in the file, or
uses a statistical dependency parsing module.
Coreference resolution allows mention detection and
feature extraction. The advanced Semantic Graph
Extractor Module supports building a semantic graph
that encodes events, relations among events and the
actors participating in those events. This module
could be useful for discovering causal dependencies
of TFM functional features.
GATE is a toolkit that includes “a desktop client
for developers, a workflow-based web application, a
Java library, an architecture and a process” (The
University of Sheffield, 2018). The Information
Extraction System supports the following tasks:
tokenisation; sentence splitter; morphological
analysis (Lemmatiser for determination of base forms
of words, Gazetteer for identification of entity names
(such as currency, days) in the text based on lists);
POS tagger; NER performed by the Semantic Tagger
that supports such entity types as Person (and gender),
Location and its sub-types, Organization and its sub-
types, Money, Percent, Date in the form of date, time
and dateTime, Address, Identifier and Unknown;
coreference resolution by OrthoMatcher between
named entities, and pronominal coreference in noun
phrases. In GATE, chunking is supported by several
predefined rules and can be customized by a
LingPipe (Carpenter and Breck, 2011; Alias-i, no
date) is a Java-based toolkit for NLP processing using
computational linguistics. The main tasks are NER
and Classification, POS tagging and chunking, and
Chinese Word Segmentation. Besides that, it supports
sentence splitting, spelling correction, sentiment
analysis, singular value decomposition and word
sense disambiguation.
The last one, the NLTK framework (Bird, Loper
and Klein, 2009; NLTK Project, 2017), is dedicated
for programs on Python and provides easy-to-use
interfaces for multiple corpora and lexical resources
such as WordNet. At the beginning, the NLTK was
dedicated to processing textual documents in the
formal style, but now it can use also corpora for
different genres. The NLTK supports a usage of
users’ corpora and corpora in other but English
languages. A use of different corpora supports
semantic analysis of the type “is-a-part-of”,
discovering synonyms and homonyms. The NLTK
supports the tasks of tokenization, POS tagging,
chunking, and NER. For example, tagging of verbs
can help in analysis of their forms: Are they, for
example, in past tense or they have the past participle
form? In order to rise the precision of tagging, it is
possible to combine the taggers provided.
The NLTK implements Named Entity
Classification via decision trees, naive Bayes
classifiers, and probabilistic models. Chunking
relates as to noun phrases as to verb phrases and
supports a use of regular expressions for
determination of word groups and their hierarchy as
well as for word groups that should be excluded from
this process.
The NER includes recognition of the following
FACILITY, and GPE (for geo-political entities). The
interesting function suggested in the NLTK is
Relation Extraction that allows extracting relations
among named entities. The NLTK supports also
analysis of phrase structure grammars, dependencies
and dependency grammars. It could be useful for
discovering the structure of functional characteristics
by analysing the structure of a sentence and causal
dependencies between sentences or clauses.
Table 6: NLP tools for knowledge extraction activities for the topological functioning modelling: T tokenization, POS
POS tagging, CH chunking, NER NER/Classification, and assistance in A-CL analysis of dependencies between
clauses/sentences, A-NP analysis of dependencies in complex noun phrases, A-PR analysis of dependencies in predicates,
A-VP analysis of verbs in verb phrases.
NLP tools
Stanford CoreNLP toolkit
Apache OpenNLP
NLTK framework
Determination of Natural Language Processing Tasks and Tools for Topological Functioning Modelling
However, the accuracy of this analysis can be
decreased because of syntactic ambiguity of
sentences in NL.
The support of the defined tasks of the topological
functioning modelling by the considered NLP tools is
summarized in Table 6. The largest support of the
required tasks comes from the Stanford CoreNLP
toolkit, FreeLing and NLTK framework.
The topological functioning modelling is based on
knowledge extraction from multiple verbal
descriptions of the functions, behaviour, phenomena
and structure of the domain. In case of introducing the
frame system as a core storage for those knowledge,
extraction of it is likely to be automated to be more
valuable for software developers or business/system
The NLP tools support automated knowledge
extraction from formal and informal text. The
precision of the extraction may differ, but some tools
support training a model for NL text processing.
We have defined the tasks for text processing in
order to get knowledge necessary for the topological
functioning modelling. They are tokenization, POS
tagging, chunking, NER/Classification, and
assistance in analysis of dependencies between
sentences, in complex noun phrases and verb phrases,
in predicates, and analysis of verb forms and tenses.
The most difficult tasks relate to analysis of
dependencies among sentences, verb phrases and
predicates. Some dependencies are not explicitly
indicated in the text, thus inferring is required.
All the tasks in some degree are supported by the
Stanford CoreNLP toolkit, FreeLing and NLTK
We plan to perform research on opportunities
provided by these toolkits in more detail. The future
research direction relates to practical experiments
with the three pipelines in order to evaluate the
easiness of implementation of knowledge extraction
as well as precision of the discovered knowledge,
extension of tool functions and to understand their
performance issues.
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