Validation and Extension of the Smart City Ontology
anek and Mouzhi Ge
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Smart City Ontology, Smart City Definition, Concept Validation.
Over the last decade, the concept of the Smart City has been extensively studied with the development of
modern societies. However, due to the complexity of Smart City, there does not exist a widely accepted
definition for the Smart City. More recently, Ramaprasad et al. in 2017 have proposed a Smart City ontology
that connects its relevant concepts with specified relations. This ontology thus can offer various paths by which
theory and practice contribute to the development and understanding of a Smart City. However, this ontology
is still lacking practical validations to verify its applicability, Therefore, in this paper, we select a set of critical
Smart City papers and validate this ontology by fitting the papers into this ontology. Based on the validations,
we also further propose and discuss the possible extensions and consolidations for this Smart City Ontology.
With the rapid development of urbanization, there
have been a variety of challenges that are proposed
to meet the demand of modern societies to ensure the
quality of life, sustainability, and economic growth.
The works that tend to address these challenges with
new technologies are usually associated with the term
Smart City. This term was initially developed in the
1990s, when there appeared different needs from the
cities e.g. to encompass sustainability by avoiding en-
vironmental pollution, efficient use of energy and ma-
terials, and life cycle engineering (Hall et al., 2000).
Different smart services have been developed to of-
fer a better satisfaction for stakeholders’ needs. Thus,
Smart City can be explained in terms of a complex of
services exchanged by a network of actors intercon-
nected in order to share knowledge, resources, com-
petencies, and capabilities to perform better solution.
Even though there has been an extensive Smart
City research over the last decade, there does not
exist a shared definition of the Smart City concept.
For example, some definitions are focused on citizens
and stakeholders, ”A Smart City is a city well per-
forming in a forward-looking way in 6 characteristics
built on the smart combination of endowments and
activities of self-decisive, independent and aware ci-
tizens.” (Giffinger et al., 2007), other definitions have
a technical focus such as “Smart City is defined by
IBM as the use of information and communication
technology to sense, analyze and integrate the key in-
formation of core systems in running cities. (Coc-
chia, 2014), or to promote certain specific technolo-
gies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) “Smart City
is the product of Digital City combined with the In-
ternet of Things.” (Su et al., 2011). As far as we have
reviewed, those Smart City definitions are not con-
tradictory, rather complementary with each other. As
Cocchia (Cocchia, 2014) claimed, the reason is that
definitions were derived from real Smart City pro-
jects that were driven by technological innovation and
its application to specific urban areas. Since the pro-
jects’ environment was different, the process of Smart
City implementation varied. There are therefore many
definitions of Smart Cities using different division of
city domains and city services.
In order to unify different Smart City Concepts,
Ramaprasad et al. in 2017 (Ramaprasad et al., 2017)
have proposed a Smart City ontology that connects
different sets of Smart City concepts with specific re-
lations, which thus can offer a roadmap to go through
the Smart City designs and assess the Smart City
services from different perspectives. We also con-
sider this ontology can be a better way to organize
the Smart City concepts rather than just a single de-
finition. However, although this ontology follows a
proper design, it is not yet validated with Smart City
works. We, therefore, consider that it is valuable to
conduct further validation to assess the applicability
of this ontology.
This paper, therefore, aims to validate the Smart
City ontology by fitting different Smart City papers
into this ontology. The contribution of this paper is
epánek, P. and Ge, M.
Validation and Extension of the Smart City Ontology.
DOI: 10.5220/0006818304060413
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 406-413
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Smart City ontology redrawn to a mind map.
two-fold: (1) we have conducted a practical valida-
tion for Smart City ontology by verifying whether dif-
ferent papers follow respective routes along the onto-
logy, (2) we have further developed and extended the
ontology based on elements used in papers and mis-
sing in the ontology, elements having alternatives in
papers and the ontology and finally in papers not used
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 revisits the Smart City ontology and
summarizes the ontology into Figure 1. Based on the
ontology, section 3 uses a set of Smart City papers to
validate the ontology in practice. From the validation,
section 4 discusses the results and possible extensions
of the Smart City ontology. Finally, section 5 conclu-
des the paper and outlines the future work.
There can be found more than 36 distinct definitions
of the Smart City concept in a current scientific li-
terature that make this research field ambiguous. The
core of the problem lies mainly in the word Smart that
can be perceived in many ways. At the beginning of
the Smart City field, the word Smart meant to use an
IT anywhere in a city. Lately, the focus of the term
moved from using IT to city goals. It is connected to
the realization that a city is a living organism and it
needs to fulfill specific goals for the city to preserve
its existence. Then, city functions were identified for
a Smart City evaluation in the last few years.
In (Ramaprasad et al., 2017), the authors studied
Smart City definitions and other relevant scientific
studies from different fields with the intention to unify
a view of the Smart City concept. They came up with
a Smart City Ontology (see Figure 1) that integrates
36 Smart City definitions and other Smart City publi-
This ontology defines Smart City concept as a
function of two main parameters, which are Smart and
City. For each parameter, there is a function that ex-
plains the dimensions of the parameter. The concept
Smart contains Structure, Function, Focus, and Semi-
otics. The City consists of Stakeholders and Outco-
For a deeper understanding of the ontology, every
dimension from Smart and City functions is defined
as a set of components (or classes). The class of
Structure is constructed by Architecture, Infrastruc-
ture, Systems, Services, Policies, Processes, and Per-
sonnel elements. The Function class contains Sense,
Monitor, Process, Translate and Communicate ele-
ments. The Focus dimension contains Cultural, Eco-
nomic, Demographic, Environmental, Political, So-
cial, Technological and Infrastructural elements. For
Semiotics, there are Data, Information, and Know-
ledge elements. For the two classes in the City, Sta-
keholders include Citizens, Professionals, Commu-
nities, Institutions, Business, and Governments ele-
ments, while Outcomes are constructed by Sustaina-
bility, Quality of Life, Equity, Livability, and Resi-
lience elements. The presented ontology is more a
proposal than a unified definition. As authors them-
selves stated, it can be expanded or reduced depen-
Validation and Extension of the Smart City Ontology
ding on a context of its use. There are different pos-
sible applications for the ontology such as assessing
the level of smartness of their cities from many per-
spectives at different levels of complexity, providing
a roadmap for new smart city designs, and guiding
cooperative thinking among government agencies and
other stakeholders.
2.1 Alignment of Smart City Ontology
In order to further explain the Smart City ontology,
we have aligned three typical papers to this ontology,
indicating which paper follows which path according
their contexts. For example, (Babar and Arif, 2017)
proposes and tests a generic Smart City architecture
which aims at efficient planning and decision ma-
king for Smart Cities. Its intended parameters are in-
clusivity and elasticity and it is built upon IoT and
Big Data analytics. The architecture consists of three
main parts each with its own purpose. The essen-
tial part takes care of data acquisition & aggregation
using mainly IoT elements. The second part of the ar-
chitecture pre-processes data, which means it checks
the validity, normalizes it, scales it and filters useful
data that are stored. The last part of the architec-
ture uses the pre-processed data for making intelligent
decisions and communicating events to citizens. We
can translate the idea of the paper into the following
function aligned with the Smart City ontology:
(BabarandAri f , 2017) =
f ( f (architecture + (monitor, process,
translate, communicate) + urban + data)
+ f (citizens + quality O f Li f e))
The paper (Uribe-Perez and Pous, 2017) propo-
ses a solution to problems of communication within
the Smart City. More specifically, the paper says that
the ICT plays a key role in every Smart City and this
ICT needs to be efficient and valuable for the city. A
city using ICT doesn’t need to be smart. For the ICT
to be more efficient and valuable for the city, the in-
terconnection and mutual communication are one of
the parameters. Therefore, authors of the paper pro-
pose a communication architecture inspired by a hu-
man nervous system. The architecture is composed of
(1) a sensing layer containing a sensor network, (2) an
access layer with Smart GateWays to process a low-
level information and act consequently, (3) data layer
with 3 types of databases to store data, (4) a platform
layer to supervise and manage the city and the last,
(5) application layer to provide services. This pro-
posed communication architecture should be dynamic
and scalable with ensuring a fast response when a not
complex event appears. Let us transform the idea of
the paper to fit in the ontology function:
(Uribe PerezandPous, 2017) =
( f (architecture + (sense, monitor,
translate, communicate) + urban
+ (data, in f ormation))
+ f (stakeholders + resilience))
Another paper (Chen et al., 2016) describes an au-
tomotive sensing platform used in the city to obtain
data from different parts of the city by cars equipped
with sensors. In general, an automotive sensing has
two main advantages. The sensors can be powered by
a car battery. It solves energetic constraints that are
usually present. The second advantage is a size and
a weight of the sensors which is not that restrictive
as for instance in case of mobile phone sensors. The
study describes a sensing platform built upon garbage
collecting trucks equipped with sensors to sense data
and send it to servers where can be converted to the
required format and processed further. In the words
of ontology function:
(Chenet al., 2016) =
f ( f (plat f orm + (monitor, process,
communicate) + data))
In order to validate the Smart City ontology, we have
selected several Smart City papers by searching aca-
demic databases and well-known publishers such as
ScienceDirect, Scopus, as well as general Google se-
arch with keywords like Smart City or Smart Service.
We limited the search to up-to-date papers from 2010
to 2017. The search resulted in papers that contain a
process that describes how the services and solutions
in Smart City are designed for a certain purpose and
we gave a special preference on the papers with hig-
her citations. Therefore, we selected 22 Smart City
papers. Based on the selected papers, we validated
the Smart City ontology by matching the paper to dif-
ferent dimensions of the ontology.
At first, we introduce a table divided into 3 figu-
res (see Figures 2, 3, 4) containing the data from se-
lected papers fitting the ontology. Figure 2 and Fi-
gure 3 show information about the appearance of ele-
ments from the ontology smart dimension. As it can
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: A table showing occurrence of ontology smart terms (structure, function) in studied papers.
Figure 3: A table showing occurrence of ontology city terms (focus, semiotics) in studied papers.
be seen, the papers contain nearly every part of the
ontology glossary. The interesting finding is that the
papers do not contain infrastructural focus. The word
infrastructure appears a lot, but always in a context of
a structure. Less used is also focus on politics and de-
mographics and the translate function. On the other
hand, data and information are mentioned in nearly
every paper.
The third figure, Figure 4, contains more white
places than the previous one. It means that when pa-
pers speak about stakeholders, they, in most cases,
mention citizens and governments. There is proba-
bly a less focus on other city stakeholders in this re-
search field. Regarding the outcomes, they are men-
tioned quite often, but usually in a sense that Smart
City should aim at their fulfillment. In a very small
number of papers were outcomes directly connected
to the main idea of the papers.
In the following section, we intend to position the
papers into the ontology, which aims to validate this
ontology by checking whether the relevant Smart City
papers can be classified by the ontology, if not, what
Validation and Extension of the Smart City Ontology
Figure 4: A table showing occurrence of ontology city terms in studied papers.
kind of extensions can be made to improve the onto-
logy. For example, in the following validations, some
terms might be out of the glossary of the Smart City
ontology, they can be thus considered as the extensi-
ons to the ontology glossary. Therefore, the selected
Smart City papers are used to test the validity of this
ontology rather than using the ontology to classify the
selected papers.
Table 1: Smart City Ontology validation by selected papers.
Ontology validation
and Pous,
The communication architecture
to sense, monitor, translate and
communicate the urban data and
information to stakeholders for
a resilience.
A route control method to
enhance sensing coverage of
a crowdsensing system.
(Bifulco et al.,
Living Labs to develop services
innovation. Living Labs to
enhance citizens’ engagement in
urban life.
et al., 2011)
OGC framework to integrate
remote sensing and sensor webs
for decision makers to have
better urban knowledge.
table continues
continued table
Ontology validation
(Nam and
Pardo, 2011)
Strategic principles to strengthen
human infrastructure and
governance for institutional
improvement and citizen
(Chen et al.,
A platform to monitor, process
and communicate data.
(Adame et al.,
An IoT hybrid monitoring system
to provide location, status, and to
track patients and assets for
improving healthcare
(Cardone et al.,
A crowd-sensing platform to
profile users A crowd-sensing
platform to autonomously choose
people for deciding who to
involve inparticipation and to
quantify the performance of their
sensing. A crowd-sensing
platform to collect sensing data
from smartphones for delivering
sensing/actuation tasks to users.
table continues
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
continued table
Ontology validation
(Harrison et al.,
Systems to sense data to get basic
information about the city or
services. Systems to interconnect
other systems to get better more
complex information about the
city or services. Systems to
analyze, model, optimize,
visualize operations of city
services to get even more complex
information about the city or
et al., 2017)
Mobility policies to restrict points
of interest and routes among them
by governments for sustainable
A framework to improve a Smart
City infrastructure integration for
cost-efficiency, energy efficiency,
and reduced carbon footprints.
(Perera et al.,
Sensing as a Service model to
interconnect different data to
extended service providers for
opportunities to build innovative
value added solutions that make
the decision making process
efficient and effective in IoT
et al., 2011)
Collaboration frameworks to
integrate Future Internet testbeds
&Living Lab environments for
fostering innovation ecosystems.
(Solanas et al.,
A smart health concept to propose
complex information about
patient’s health and environment
or trigger processes by using
Smart City elements for a better
quality of life.
(Babar and
Arif, 2017)
The architecture to monitor,
process, translate and
communicate the urban data to
citizens for a quality of life.
(Sanchez et al.,
A deployment and
experimentation architecture to
provide a suitable platform
for large scale experimentation
and evaluation of IoT concepts
under real-life conditions.
table continues
continued table
Ontology validation
et al., 2017)
A model to infer transport mode
from mobile sensed data for better
understanding people’s travel
(Peterson et al.,
A service to use vehicle batteries
to store grid electricity generated
at off-peak hours for off-vehicle
use during peak hours for
balancing electricity consumption.
(Borgia, 2014)
An IoT paradigm to support
Smart City ideas.
Different strategies to enhance
citizen participation and civic
(Farahani et al.,
A holistic architecture to sense,
monitor, process, translate and
communicate data to doctors and
citizens for better quality of life.
(Nadal et al.,
An automated methodology to use
airborne sensors for identifying
feasibility of implementation of
rooftop greenhouses in non-
-residential urban areas.
It can be seen that there are three types of papers.
Some are very specific and they can be very easily
fitted into the ontology, e.g. (Mrazovic et al., 2017).
In the second category, there are papers about more
high-level ideas or concepts, e.g. (Farahani et al.,
2018). These papers cover more ways in the ontology
(the functions of IT architecture are sensing, monito-
ring, processing, translating as well as communica-
ting and they can serve to all the city stakeholders).
The third category of papers contains overview and
conceptual papers. They discuss less specific topics,
and those papers cover a very broad area of ideas.
Therefore, they may consist of a high number of ele-
ments in the Smart City ontology. Our validation is
mainly focused on the first two categories of papers,
rather than overview and conceptual papers.
Based on the validation results, we found that most
papers are fitting into different paths in the Smart City
ontology, indicating the positive validity of this Smart
City ontology. We, therefore, suggest that instead
of finding a unified definition for Smart City, con-
structing and consolidating a comprehensive Smart
City ontology can be more practical to define the
Validation and Extension of the Smart City Ontology
Smart City research.
Our validation results also show that this ontology
can be extended, for example, in the structure com-
ponent, additional elements can be included such as a
methodology, analysis, platform, and approach. Also,
in the function component, elements such as collect,
improve, extend, optimize and handle can be added
to the ontology. This brings to the discussion that a
set of keywords in the ontology may refer to the same
element or the same operation, e.g. approach, method
and methodology may refer to the same term but just
with different phrasing formats. Therefore, consoli-
dating the terms in the ontology can be considered as
a foundational future work for a validated Smart City
The independence and scope of the terms propo-
sed in the ontology glossary need to be further vali-
dated, for example, some of our selected Smart City
papers use “Platform” as their structure, which is not
included in the current ontology. There can be over-
laps between platform and system or platform can be
used to dock systems. Therefore, a set of commonly
agreed terms with clear scopes should be derived for
the Smart City ontology. Furthermore, some of the
terms are used together such as service system, where
in the ontology service and system are considered as
two independent terms. Our validation can thus help
to improve the ontology glossary by further clarifying
independence and scope of the ontology glossary.
It can be seen that some elements in the ontology
are rarely used in different works, for example, trans-
late in the function, demographical and infrastructural
in focus, professionals in stakeholders and livability
in outcomes. It may indicate that some element is not
in the focus of the current Smart City research, for
example, professionals may not be one of the well-
focused stakeholders in Smart City research. It may
otherwise indicate that some elements in the ontology
can be omitted or merged to other elements e.g. the
professionals can be considered as part of the citi-
zen. Thus checking the reliability and scope of the
elements in the ontology is critical.
On the other hand, some elements in the ontology
are widely addressed in different Smart City papers.
For example, systems in the structure, monitor in the
function, environmental in focus, data, and informa-
tion in semiotics, citizen and government in stakehol-
ders, and sustainability in outcomes. We may infer
the up-to-date priorities in the current Smart City re-
search. Furthermore, our validation results indicate
which paths in the Smart City ontology can be consi-
dered as main research streams in a Smart City rese-
We further found that inside the ontology, it is dif-
ficult to commonly agree on the scope of some ele-
ments, especially for the architecture. The Smart City
ontology considers architecture as a part of the struc-
ture. Some papers, e.g. (Babar and Arif, 2017), con-
sider architecture as one big scope that covers all the
concepts in a Smart City. Therefore, we further pro-
pose to refine the scope of the elements in the Smart
City ontology.
In this paper, we have described the Smart City onto-
logy that is recently proposed by (Ramaprasad et al.,
2017). In order to better explain this ontology, we
have aligned three papers to explain the possible paths
from the ontology aspect. To further validate this on-
tology, we have selected a total of 22 Smart City pa-
pers and verified the validity of this ontology by mat-
ching the papers to the attributes of the ontology. Ba-
sed on the validation results, we found that this onto-
logy can be further refined and extended. Given dif-
ferent nature of the Smart City papers, some papers
may not fit into this ontology but most papers can be
explained by this ontology. As future works, we plan
to align the design of the Smart Service with the ro-
admap that is indicated by the Smart City ontology.
The implementation of a Smart Service may provide
further insights into the ontology.
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Validation and Extension of the Smart City Ontology