The coexistence of modern industrial societies
together with fragile natural territories increases the
vulnerabilities and exposure to both technological
and natural risks, placing new challenges for risk-
management at local and regional scales (de Souza
Porto and de Freitas, 2003). The effects of global
climate change are contributing to increase the
frequency and intensity of weather related hazards
(Adger et al, 2007; Deleu, Tambuyzer and Stephenne,
2011), requiring decision support information tools in
order to establish effective disaster mitigation
strategies (Grünthal et al., 2006).
Traditional Single-Hazard Risk Assessment (SHRA)
approaches include vulnerability and exposure
analysis of the affected elements by one hazard (e.g.
buildings, people, cars, land uses, infrastructures).
Nonetheless, most natural and anthropogenic risks are
likely to occur at one same location and, not rarely, at
the same time (Carpignano et al, 2009). Experiences
with decision makers show that a territorial
perspective is desirable for spatial planning decisions
and emergency strategies (Grünthal et al., 2006), in a
way that Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment (MHRA)
combines multiple hazardous sources and multiple
vulnerable elements overlapping in time and space,
which may be as close as possible to the reality of
spatial management for decision-makers (Carpignano
et al., 2009). Beyond the territorial perspective,
MHRA can be element oriented, concentrating on the
potential impacts from various events in the same
element at risk (Delmonaco, Margottini and
Spizzichino, 2007). Another highlighted aspect is the
interaction among different risks (Marzocchi et al.,
2009; Selva, 2013), and the so-called “cascade
effects”, which are often neglected in SHRAs
(Marzocchi et al., 2012).
Mapping is usually amongst the first steps to take
preventive measures, allowing decision makers to
identify the spatial distribution of hazard intensities,
exposed population and values, as well as expected
losses. Complete MHRAs enable significance
comparison of different hazard types, contributing to
raise awareness and develop tailor-made mitigation
strategies (Carpignano et al., 2009; EC, 2010).
Spatial and statistical data have different relevancies
for each hazard type. Nevertheless, data requirements
for natural hazard assessments include land use,
vegetation, slope, oceanographic and meteorological
factors (Van Westen, 2013). Remote Sensing (RS)
has provided a synoptic perspective for many of these
measurements, for variable spatial scales and
temporal resolutions, contributing for a wide range of
disciplines (Tralli et al., 2005). Satellite earth
observations have been used in many SHRAs,
enabling the possibility to reconstruct recent-history
catastrophic events and providing data for prediction
and mitigation planning actions (e.g., Lu et al., 2004;
Grünthal et al., 2006; Chuvieco et al., 2010; Leifer et
al., 2012).
This thesis is being developed within a research group
which as participated in several projects concerning
the Aveiro region and its relation to hazards and
global change scenarios (e.g. ADAPTARia (FCT),
ClimAdaPT.Local (MFEEE/EEA-Grants)). This
experience is considered relevant to the thesis
development, providing insights and relevant inputs
from these projects databases.
Given the complex interactions between different
hazard types and the innovative character of this
study, the list of selected hazards was restricted to:
floods (river and coastal), wildfires and soil erosion.
Not only are they amongst the most significant and
studied hazards affecting this study area, but they are
also in terms of RS, directly related with two of the
most studied and easily-identifiable land cover
elements - water and vegetation.
To minimize the costs of this thesis (which will also
affect its potential applications), the methodological
development and application will be based on free
available data and freeware/open-source software. In
RS, this represents a significant constraint in terms of
available resolutions – temporal, spectral, but mostly
spatial. However, they should be suitable for regional
assessments, allowing the compliance with national
and European strategies.
This innovative methodology will provide solutions
to reduce efforts, costs and time of traditional field
monitoring and campaigns and surveys for MHRA.
By delivering a simplified methodology based on
freely available resources and easily accessible to risk
managers and the public, socioeconomic benefits
should be generated, promoting risk awareness and
contributing for increasing the resilience of
populations and ecosystems.