seismic resolution and survey size keep increasing
with technological advances in seismic reflection pro-
During this research project
we first searched for a
new model for multivalued horizons. Both qualitative
and quantitative comparisons have led to the construc-
tion of a piecewise-explicit surface representation, the
patch system model. An algorithm has then been pro-
posed in order to reconstruct a multivalued horizon
by interpolation from polylines, as exposed in this pa-
per. Our process has been validated by geologists that
will use it in order to interpret and reconstruct multi-
valued horizons, and has been shown to be robust
towards uncertainties in the input constraints (noisy
seismic signal leads to sparse and irregular picking).
Time will still be spent in several ways, first by op-
timizing the multivalued gridding pipeline. From new
features to implementation optimizations, the pro-
posed algorithm can be improved in many ways. Time
will also be spent to use the constructed multivalued
horizons for both display and processing. This will
lead to the development of triangulation algorithms
and the test of multivalued seismic attributes.
Our work on the handling of multivalued horizons
is innovative in the oil and gas industry, and will en-
hance the previously cumbersome process of multi-
valued horizon interpretation. Using our proposed
model and algorithms, it will be possible to pick, in-
terpolate, display and process a multivalued horizon
as a single object integrated in TOTAL’s geoscience
software Sismage CIG.
Moreover we provided a piecewise-explicit sur-
face model as well as a reconstruction scheme from
sparse polyline. This could be used in other appli-
cations where a complex surface must be represented
explicitly. Our work might for example help in devel-
oping new triangulation, surface processing or simu-
lation algorithms.
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DCGISTAM 2018 - Doctoral Consortium on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management