Polycentric Climate Governance and the Amazon Tipping Point
Indigenous Climate Governance in Acre-Brazil and Ucayali-Peru
Fronika Claziena Agatha de Wit
Institute of Social Science, University of Lisbon, Av. Prof. Aníbal Bettencourt 9, Lisbon, Portugal
Due to its high complexity and uncertainty, climate
change is an example of a ´wicked´ problem
(Incropera 2015); there is no silver bullet or one-
size-fits all solution. Next to the climate challenge,
we also face a need to feed an increasing world
population. Land use change for agricultural
expansion has facilitated meeting the increased need,
but it challenges the ecosystem´s capacity to
maintain biodiversity and regulate the climate (Foley
2005). The Earth System is facing boundaries to
high anthropogenic pressures and, in order to create
a safe operation space on earth, the Planetary
Boundary (PB) Framework has estimated nine
global boundaries (Rockstrom et al. 2009). Drawing
upon scientific research, the PB Framework
quantified seven of the boundaries and estimated
that the boundaries for climate change, biodiversity
loss and changes to the nitrogen cycle have already
been passed (Rockstrom et al. 2009). Although the
PB Framework, provides us with a “planetary
playing field”, critics have pointed to the
Framework´s missing “social dimension”: It
describes a safe, but not necessary a just operating
space (Raworth 2012). With the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in 2015 at the
UN Summit, researchers updated the PB Framework
and placed it into the social context of the SDGs
(Steffen et al. 2015). However, they did not provide
pathways for just development inside the
Related to the PB Framework are the Tipping
Points: planetary thresholds that, when crossed, may
drastically change ecosystems or even lead to
collapse (Lenton et al. 2008). One of the global
tipping elements is the Amazon, where complex
interactions between local land-use change and
global emissions determine potential future
scenarios: forest dieback might turn the forest from
carbon sink to carbon emitter (Nepstad et al. 2008).
Modeling studies show that the Amazon is facing
two different tipping points, one related to global
climate change and one to local land-use change.
The first tipping point happens if the global
temperature increases with 3-4°C; The second if
more than 40% of the forest area is deforested
(Nobre & Borma 2009). Both threats may compound
each other and should therefore be considered
together when planning and implementing climate
policies in the Amazon (Betts et al. 2008).
Deforestation for agricultural purposes is one of
the main drivers of increased emissions and accounts
for three-quarters of all tropical deforestation
(Barker 2007). Reducing emissions from
deforestation, while at the same time keeping up
agricultural production, is a major challenge for
environmental governance. Top-down strategies fail
to align the diverse levels and sectors of government
and exclude local stakeholders from the process
(Ostrom et al. 2010). Nobel Prize winner Elinor
Ostrom introduced a bottom-up form of climate
governance with polycentric patterns (Ostrom et al.
2010). The concept of polycentric governance, a
form of multi-level governance, assumes multi-actor
and multi-sector decision-making under a general
system of rules leading to a productive arrangement.
It highlights the importance of vertical and
horizontal integration as well as learning-by-doing
for effective climate governance.
The future of the Amazon is a topic of global
concern: It sustains about 40% of the world's
remaining tropical rainforests, making it an
important provider of environmental services
(Fearnside 2008). In the recent past the region was
perceived as a “cowboy economy”, symbolic for its
illimitable natural resources and associated with
reckless, exploitative behavior (Boulding 1966).
Studies on the relationship between territory,
development and governance, have changed this
conceptualization of the Amazon as one big
homogenous green space (Becker 2005a). The
Amazon faces an exogenous and endogenous
current: the exogenous current sees the Amazon as a
source of natural resources for Brazilian and foreign
private sector actors, the endogenous current on the
other hand, represents the various local institutions
de Wit, F.
Polycentric Climate Governance and the Amazon Tipping Point.
In Doctoral Consortium (GISTAM 2018), pages 19-26
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in the quest for a form of local development (Abdala
2015). Brazilian geographer Bertha Becker
introduces a new pathway for the Amazon that
strives towards a new development model with an
important role for the Amazonian people (Becker
2013). This PhD-project intends to answer the
question to what extend polycentric climate
governance with spatial justice, can prevent the
Amazon tipping point and lead to more inclusive
and just development.
The study´s main objective is to analyze the
potentials and pitfalls of polycentric climate
governance towards new pathways for a safe and
just operating field in the Amazon. We look for site-
specific, dynamic forms of climate governance that
are able to provide a more effective response
towards the faced threat of the Amazon tipping
points. This PhD-thesis has four objectives, visually
illustrated by Figure 1:
1.) To evaluate the impact of polycentric governance
on preventing the Amazon tipping point, by
analyzing vertical (multi-level) and horizontal
(multi-sector) policy and network integration and
The red circle in Figure 1 represents the Amazon
tipping point that is related to global (orange circle:
Climate Change) and local factors (orange circle:
Land Use Change).
2.) To identify a territorial dimension of polycentric
climate governance in the Amazon that is sensitive
to spatial justice.
Climate governance in the Amazon entails
United Nations programs aimed at Reducing
Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation
(REDD). The REDD-discourse focuses on the
concept of “sustainable landscape”, such as a
watershed or ecological unit, rather than “sustainable
territory”, such as a local community (McCall 2016).
Figure 1 shows the different discourses with the
green circle (sustainable landscape) and blue circle
(sustainable territory).
3.) To assess bottom-up policy pathways for safe and
just development, involving local stakeholders.
Figure 1 shows two triangles that represent top-
down and bottom-up governance. The upside-down
triangle represents top-down policy pathways
(international and national level); the other triangle
stands for bottom-up governance (sub-national
4.) To identify local (indigenous) ontologies and
epistemologies for safe and just development and
their incorporation in Amazon climate governance.
Figure 1 shows this study´s focus on indigenous
governance in the oval inside the triangle.
Figure 1: Theoretical framework of this research on
Polycentric Climate Governance, showing the Amazon
Tipping Point (red circle) and its two inter-related factors
Climate and Land Use Change (orange circles); its safe
(green circle) and just (blue circle) planetary boundary;
top-down and bottom-up climate governance (triangles).
This study has direct links with the 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in
particular with SDG 10 (reduced inequalities), SDG
13 (climate action), SDG 15 (sustainable forest
management) and SDG 17 (global partnerships).
Governance must be a crucial part of the SDGs
(Biermann et al. 2014), and this study provides
examples of integrating bottom-up climate
governance into the goals.
Planetary boundaries are of great concern for policy-
making and require a restructuring of governance
arrangements (Folke et al. 2010). Decades of
international environmental conservation efforts
show that national governments alone cannot ensure
conservation; governing climate change is a multi-
DCGISTAM 2018 - Doctoral Consortium on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
level and multi-sector process that needs Multi-
Level Governance (MLG) (Ostrom et al. 2010). By
including social dimensions to climate change
adaptation, governance becomes more inclusive,
adding richness and value to the systems (Pelling
2011). Hooghe and Marks (2003) distinguish
between two types of MLG. Type I governance
(nested approach) shows clear vertical linkages
between governance levels with a central role for the
nation-state, whereas Type II governance
(polycentric approach) jurisdictions operate at
numerous territorial scales and are flexible rather
than durable (Hooghe & Marks 2003, p.237).
Bulkeley et al (2003) present the two types of MLG
structures, showing the top-down “Russian doll set
of nested jurisdictions” of Type I MLG and the
overlapping crosscutting jurisdictions as well as the
role of civil society in Type II MLG (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Comparing the structures of Type I-Nested
governance with the arrows representing direct
representation and transnational networks between local
government, national government and international
institutions and Type II-Polycentric governance, operating
at numerous territorial scales, involving transnational
networks (TN), place-based partnerships (PBP), civil
society (CS), subnational government (Sub), nation-state
(State), and supranational institutions (SI) (adapted from
Bulkeley et al, 2003).
The concept of ´polycentric governance´ is used
with different levels of precision, and different
conceptualizations of its vertical and horizontal
forms of differentiation (Dorsch & Flachsland
2017). An example of polycentric patterns for
climate governance are subnational governments
that drive policy change and self-organize into
transnational networks to commit to climate and
energy targets and organize policy transfer
(Hakelberg 2014; Urpelainen 2013; Bulkeley &
Betsill 2016; Hoffmann 2011). Another example is
climate change insurance, where fossil fuels are
insured, based on insurance principles of precaution,
risk assessment and risk sharing, public-private
oversight body (Spreng et al. 2016). Others have
analyzed new global actors, mechanisms, and
interrelations (Biermann & Pattberg 2012) and the
growth of transnational climate change governance
(Abbott 2012; Andonova et al. 2009; Bulkeley et al.
2003; Bulkeley & Betsill 2016).
Dorsch and Flachsland (2017) characterize four
main features of polycentric climate governance:
self-organization, site-specific conditions,
experimentation and learning and a strong emphasis
on trust, which can overcome cooperation dilemmas.
Experimentation and learning can lead to innovation
and flexible adaptation, as well as the production
and diffusion of knowledge and norms. A multi-
scale approach to the problem of climate change is
be more effective and encourages experimentation
and learning (Ostrom et al. 2010). Cole (2015)
shows how in a polycentric approach, the enhanced
direct communication of individuals positively
affects trust levels, which themselves substantially
determine levels of cooperation.
More recently, some authors have started
elaborating different attempts to actively manage
uncoordinated efforts to reduce such potential
inefficiencies, through linking or “orchestration” by
traditional actors such as international organizations
and committed states (Dorsch & Flachsland 2017).
Authors are questioning if the polycentric, multiple
level approach, is really going to lead to a cohesive
response to climate change (Aligica & Tarko 2012).
Strong free-rider incentives for some actors will very
likely continue to exist (Dorsch & Flachsland 2017).
Also, the costs and benefits of an increasingly
polycentric approach to climate mitigation
governance are difficult to estimate, when compared
to top-down approaches (Dorsch & Flachsland
2017). Taking into account a broader group of
potentially relevant actors who can contribute to the
goal of enhanced climate mitigation comes with a
high risk of uncoordinated, or even contradictory,
policies and actions (Dorsch & Flachsland 2017)
Research shows the benefits of the polycentric
approach in urban politics of climate change
(Bulkeley et al. 2014). However, it is crucial to
evaluate the impact and effectiveness of polycentric
governance more thoroughly .Jordan et al (2015)
critically discuss promising strands of the literature
on new, dynamic forms of climate governance, but
call for scientific and political efforts to strengthen
the understanding and effectiveness of these diverse
polycentric patterns. Making polycentric governance
effective requires ongoing research to refine, revise,
and adapt the regime’s rules and practices (Spreng et
al. 2016). In addition, it requires continuous
monitoring to ensure that implementation enables
Polycentric Climate Governance and the Amazon Tipping Point
and demands constructive interactions to make the
polycentric governance work properly.
3.1 Moving Beyond
Political science scholars have done extensive top-
down research on new forms of climate governance
and polycentricity in the developed world (Rayner &
Jordan 2013; Jordan et al. 2015; Spreng et al. 2016;
Termeer et al. 2011; Bulkeley et al. 2003; Bulkeley
& Betsill 2016). However, there is a lack of more
people-centered research, to empower the poorest
people and countries in their efforts to fight climate
change. Climate Justice links human rights and
development to achieve a human-centered approach,
safeguarding the rights of the most vulnerable and
sharing the burdens and benefits of climate change
and its resolution equitably and fairly (MRF 2015).
This study will move beyond the current studies of
polycentric governance, and will combine a
geographical and anthropological perspective, for
policy pathways towards spatial climate justice in
the Amazon.
In the analysis of bottom-up pathways for the
Amazon, we will link climate governance with the
concept of territoriality. Research points to the
importance of new emerging territorialities at
different scales, which are not only putting in doubt
the primacy of the macro-region for planning, but
also the nation-state as the only source of power
(Becker 2010). The Amazon´s regional
heterogeneity and bio-socio-diversity represent new
territorialities resistant to expropriation, such as
indigenous people, rubber tappers or family farmers.
For diverse reasons, these actors have the presence
of the state government as a first demand,
highlighting the relevance of sub-regionalization
(Becker 2005b). New Amazonian governance
experiences show the involvement of populations of
different ethnic and geographical origins, using
various social and political productive structures, as
well as diverse partnerships (Becker 2010).
Although its sustainability is still unknown, we can
already point to diverse potentialities, such as
Extractive Reserves (RESEX), Family Farming
Projects, and most important, Indigenous Lands and
its People that have become effective regional actors
(Becker 2010). In her last work "A Urbe
Amazônida", Becker uses the concept of
´sustainable territory´ instead of ´sustainable
landscape´ and thereby stresses the importance of
the different social actors living in the Amazon
(Vieira & et. al 2014).
This research consists of five tasks and each task
will lead to a scientific paper on Polycentric Climate
Governance (to be submitted to WoS and Scopus
indexed journals). For a description of the five
tasks/articles and their methods, go to section 4.2.
In order to assess polycentric climate
governance in the Amazon, I will use a triangulation
of both qualitative and quantitative methods: a
combination of evidence collection, impact
evaluation and analytical methods (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: This research´s methodology to assess
polycentric climate governance in the Amazon is based on
a triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods.
The nine countries that make up the Amazon
have very diverse social, political, economic and
institutional characteristics, which complicates the
evaluation of its regional environmental governance
strategies. That is why we will assess polycentric
climate governance by looking at two case studies.
The case study method enables us to capture the
complex institutional context and gain in-depth
understanding of interactions and perspectives of
different stakeholders to be able to interpret a
particular case (Yin & Heald 2016). I will shortly
describe the chosen case studies in section 4.1.
4.1 Case Studies
To grasp more of the Amazon´s geopolitical
diversity, we will assess climate governance in the
two countries that hold the largest land area of the
Amazon basin, Brazil and Peru. Brazil holds
approximately 65% of the Amazon, followed by the
Peruvian share that makes up for 10% of the basin
(Global Forest Atlas 2018) (see Figure 4).
DCGISTAM 2018 - Doctoral Consortium on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Figure 4: The Amazon is shared by nine South American
countries, with its largest parts in Brazil and Peru. The
region can be classified as the Amazon river basin (outer
line) and Amazon biome (shaded polygon).
Out of Peru´s 24 regional departments, five are
part of the Peruvian selva (Amazon). The Peruvian
department that will serve as our case study for
polycentric climate governance in the Amazon is
Ucayali. Ucayali is an interesting case study,
because research shows the department´s land
conflicts with its indigenous populations and climate
governance structures where untitled communities
are ´hidden´ under investment opportunities(Leal
Pereira et al. 2015).
The Brazilian State of Acre, situated on the
border with Bolivia and Peru, is one of Brazil´s nine
Amazon States. Between 2011 and 2016, I lived in
Acre, and could observe the state´s development of
its State System of Incentives for Environmental
Services: One of the world´s most advanced
statewide programs in low-emission rural
development (Stickler 2014). The State´s
experiments with forest-based development and
forest citizenship have led to a comprehensive
approach that links policies across sectors, involves
civil society and continuously builds institutional
capacity (Schminck et al. 2014).
4.2 General Protocol
In this section, I will provide a short overview of the
five tasks/articles of this PhD-thesis.
4.2.1 Climate Governance and the Future of
the Amazon
Here I analyze the combined impact of global
climate change and local land use change on the
Amazon, by looking at primary data and evaluating
the coherence of climate policies and programs for
the Amazon, using the Climate Policy Evaluation
Framework (EEA 2016) and the Policy Coherence
Tool (Nilsson et al. 2012).
Figure 5: The focus of this article is the coherence of
climate measures in the Amazon, making use of the
Climate Policy Evaluation Framework of the European
Environmental Agency (EEA 2016).
Analyzing climate projections for the Amazon
by running simulations from CMIP5
(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project)
models under RCP4.5, RCP6.0, and RCP8.5.
Observing historic change in vegetation cover
via the Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index (NDVI) for the Amazon Biome.
Evaluating the coherence of international,
national and state climate policies using the
European Environmental Agency´s Climate
Policy Evaluation Framework (EEA 2016)
(see Figure 5).
4.2.2 Polycentricity and Territoriality
This article combines the concepts of polycentric
climate governance and spatial justice. Hereby, I aim
to look for site-specific dynamic forms of climate
governance that are able to provide a more effective
response towards the faced threats.
Conducting a systematic literature review on
climate governance and spatial justice.
Mapping all indigenous territories and
protected areas in the Brazilian and Peruvian
Amazon and their jurisdictional status, with
the use of Geographical Information Systems
Crossing data on deforestation in the Amazon
(making use of Brazil´s PRODES
deforestation monitoring by satellite) with
spatial planning data in the Amazon
Polycentric Climate Governance and the Amazon Tipping Point
4.2.3 Environmental Governance and
Climate Justice
This article will make use of the richness of
available case material on Climate Governance in
the Amazon and use the Case Survey Methodology
(Larsson et al. 1993) to conduct a meta-analysis on
“Amazon Governance” in order to assess its social
and spatial implications.
Selection of cases with a WoS and Science-
Direct search of peer-reviewed articles
related to “Amazon Governance”.
Coding of selected cases using MaxQDA
coding software.
Statistical analysis of coded information
using R.
4.2.4 Climate Governance and Indigenous
Ontologies and Epistemologies
This article will focus on the role of local
(indigenous) perspectives and knowledge related to
climate governance in Acre-Brazil and Ucayali-
Literature review on Indigenous Epistemologies
and Ontologies towards environmental
Participant observation in the case study area in
April 2018 and August to October 2018.
Semi-structured interviews and focus groups
with local stakeholders and indigenous
leaders in case study area.
Content analysis of the data gathered using
MaxQDA software-program
4.2.5 Climate Policy Network Analysis
This article will focus on climate policy networks in
Acre-Brazil and Ucayali-Peru, using social network
methodologies (Borgatti et al. 2009).
Climate policy data and information collection
for Acre-Brazil and Ucayali-Peru
Semi-structured interviews and questionnaires
with actors involved in climate governance in
the study area.
Policy Network Analysis on cooperation and
information sharing, using the software-
program Gephi.
With this study, I expect to provide theoretical
advances to the concept of polycentric climate
change. By looking at bottom-up experiences in the
Amazon, this study will challenge the existing body
of knowledge on the potentials and pitfalls of
polycentric governance It does not only add the
anthropological and geographical perspective to the
discussion, but also sheds a light on the link between
climate governance and climate justice. In addition,
this PhD-thesis adds the “Epistemologies of the
South” (Escobar 2016) – local (indigenous)
knowledge and strategies – towards a more just and
inclusive way of development. It highlights that the
Amazon does not only have a high biological
diversity, but also a high social diversity that needs
to be incorporated in development policy and
planning. The Planetary Boundaries framework
focusses on the ecological limits of our planet,
however thereby it creates another limit; the
boundary between indigenous knowledge and
scientific knowledge. The basis of Indigenous
knowledge are cosmologies that differ from the
Western classic distinction between Nature and
Culture (Coleman 1998). Their perspectives arise
from geographical features mutual recognition,
active communication amongst people, animals,
plants, spirits and the dead conceived as actors in the
same socio-cosmological networks (Viveiros De
Castro 2004; de Castro 1998; Schwartzman et al.
2013). This study aims to look at ways to
incorporate the Amerindian cosmology into climate
adaptation strategies in specific and climate
governance in general.
This PhD-research is part of the Doctoral Program in
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Policies of the University of Lisbon in Portugal. The
research has received funding from the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT),
which started in September 2017. It is a three-year-
research and entails two fieldwork trips to the study
area: one fieldwork trip in April 2018 and one from
September to November 2018. As this research is in
its initial stage, its current focus on the revision of
literature, testing of methods and initial data
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DCGISTAM 2018 - Doctoral Consortium on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management