Indexing Patterns in Graph Databases
Jaroslav Pokorný
, Michal Valenta
and Martin Troup
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Keywords: Graph Databases, Indexing Patterns, Graph Pattern, Graph Database Schema, Neo4j.
Abstract: Nowadays graphs have become very popular in domains like social media analytics, healthcare, natural
sciences, BI, networking, graph-based bibliographic IR, etc. Graph databases (GDB) allow simple and rapid
retrieval of complex graph structures that are difficult to model in traditional IS based on a relational
DBMS. GDB are designed to exploit relationships in data, which means they can uncover patterns difficult
to detect using traditional methods. We introduce a new method for indexing graph patterns within a GDB
modelled as a labelled property graph. The index is organized in a tree structure and stored in the same
database where the database graph. The method is analysed and implemented for Neo4j GDB engine. It
enables to create, use and update indexes that are used to speed-up the process of matching graph patterns.
The paper provides a comparison between queries with and without using indexes.
A graph database (GDB) is a database that uses the
graph structure to store and retrieve data. A GDB
embraces relationships as a core aspect of its data
model. The model is built on the idea that even
though there is value in discrete information about
entities, there is even more value in the relationships
between them. Relaxing usual DBMS features, a
native GDB can be any storage solution where
connected elements are linked together without
using an index (a property called index-free
Similarly to traditional databases, we will use the
notion of a graph database management system
(GDBMS). GDBMSs proved to be very effective
and suitable for many data handling use cases. For
example, specifying a graph pattern and a set of
starting points, it is possible to reach an excellent
performance for local reads by traversing the graph
starting from one or several root nodes, and
collecting and aggregating information from nodes
and edges. On the other hand, GDBMSs have their
limitations (Pokorný, 2015). For example, they are
usually not consistent, since have very restricted
tools to ensure a consistency. This property is typical
for NoSQL databases (Tivari, 2015), where GDBMs
are often included.
A GDB can contain one (large) graph G or a
collection of small to medium size graphs. The
former includes, e.g., graphs of social networks,
Semantic Web, geographical databases, the latter is
especially used in scientific domains such as
bioinformatics and chemistry or datasets like DBLP.
Thus, the goal of query processing is, e.g., to find all
subgraphs of G that are the same or similar to the
given query graph. We can consider shortest path
queries, reachability queries, e.g., to find whether a
concept subsumes another one in an ontological
database, etc. The query processing over a graph
collection involves, e.g., finding all graphs in the
collection that are similar to or contain subgraphs
similar to a query graph. We focus on the first
category of GDBs in this paper.
Graph search occurs in application scenarios,
like recommender systems, analyzing the hyperlinks
in WWW, complex object identification, software
plagiarism detection, or traffic route planning.
Gartner believes that over 70% of leading companies
will be piloting a graph database by 2018
data-normal-graph, 2018).
One of the most fundamental problems in graph
processing is pattern matching. Specifically, a
pattern match query searches over a G to look for
the existence of a pattern graph in G. This problem
can be expressed in the different graph data models
as Resource Description Framework, property
Pokorný, J., Valenta, M. and Troup, M.
Indexing Patterns in Graph Databases.
DOI: 10.5220/0006826903130321
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2018), pages 313-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-318-6
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
graphs as well as in the relational model. A property
subclass of property graphs can even be modelled
using XML documents. We will focus on general
property graphs in this paper. Both above mentioned
GDB types, however, reduce exact query matching
to the subgraph isomorphism problem, which is NP-
complete (Ullmann, 1976), meaning that this
querying is intractable for large graphs in the worst-
case. In context of Big Data we talk about Big
Graphs (Pokorný and Snášel, 2016). Their storage
and processing require special technics.
An effective implementation of each DBMS
highly depends on the existence and usage of
indexes. Nowadays, some effective indexes for
nodes and edges already exist in GDB
implementations (see, e.g., the evaluation (Mpinda,
et al, 2015) mentioned in Section 2.1), while
structure-based indexes, which may be very useful
for subgraph queries and for relationship-based
integrity constraints checking, are yet rather the
subject of research as it is described in Section 2.
Particularly, there already exist indexing methods
for (various kinds of) graph pattern matching, see,
e.g., works (Aggarwal and Wang, 2010), (Troup,
2015) and (Yan, et al. 2004).
In the paper, we focus on Neo4j GDBMS
( and its possibilities to express
an index of graph patterns. Neo4j is an open-source
native GDBMS for storing and managing of
property graphs, that offers functionality similar to
traditional RDBMSs such as a declarative query
language Cypher (
cypher-query-language/, 2018), full transaction
support, availability, and scalability through its
distributed version (Robinson, et al. 2013). Cypher
commands use partially SQL syntax and are targeted
at ad hoc queries over the graph data. They enable
also to create graph nodes and relationships. Our
goal is to extend the Cypher with new functionality
supporting more efficient processing graph pattern
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we summarize some related works divided
into two categories of graph indexing methods:
value-based indexing and structure-based indexing.
Section 3 introduces a graph database model based
on (labelled) property graphs. We continue with
graph pattern indexing and the details of the new
method based on so called graph pattern trees of
variations. Implementation and related experiments
are described and discussed in Section 4. Section 5
gives the conclusion.
In general, graph systems use various graph
analytics algorithms supporting with finding graph
patterns, e.g., connected components, single-source
shortest paths, community detection, triangle
counting, etc. Triangle counting is used heavily in
social network analysis. It provides a measure of
clustering in the graph data which is useful for
finding communities and measuring the
cohesiveness of local communities in social network
websites like LinkedIn or Facebook. In Twitter,
three accounts who follow each other are regarded
as a triangle.
One theme in graph querying is graph data
mining finding frequent patterns. Frequent graph
patterns are subgraphs that are found from a
collection of graphs or a single massive graph with a
frequency no less than a user-specified support
threshold. Subgraph matching operations are
heavily used in social network data mining
Indexing is used in graph databases in many
different contexts. Due to the existence of properties
values in a GDB, graph indexes are of two kinds, in
principle: structure-aware and property-aware.
They occur in GDBMS in various forms from a
fulltext querying support over indexing nodes,
edges, and property types/values to indexes based on
indexing non-trivial subgraphs.
2.1 Value-based Indexing
Authors of (Mpinda, et al. 2015) compare indexing
used in two favourite GDBMSs Neo4j and
OrientDB (, 2018). The
Cypher language of Neo4j enables to create indexes
on one or more properties for all nodes that have a
given label. OrientDB supports five classes of
indexing algorithms: SB-Tree, HashIndex, Auto
Sharding Index, and indexing based on the Lucene
Engine (for fulltext and spatial data). SB-tree
(O’Neil, 1992) is based on B-Tree with several
optimizations related to data insertion and range
queries. In Auto Sharding Index (key, value) pairs
are stored in a distributed hash table.
Another native GDBMS Sparksee (http://www., 2018) uses B+-trees
and compressed bitmap indexes to store nodes and
edges with their properties. Titan (http://titan., 2018) supports two different
kinds of indexing to speed up query processing:
graph indexes and node-centric indexes. Graph
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
indexes allow efficient retrieval of nodes or edges by
their properties for sufficiently selective conditions.
Node-centric indexes are local index structures built
individually per node. In large graphs, nodes can
have thousands of incident edges.
2.2 Structure-based Indexing
The design principle behind a structural index is to
extract and index structural properties of database
graphs, typically at insertion time, and use them to
filter the search space rapidly in response to a query.
Previous works have mainly focused on mining
“good” substructure features for indexing. A good
feature set improves the filtering power by reducing
the number of candidate graphs, which leads to a
reduction in the number of subgraph isomorphism
tests in the verification step. Subtree features are
also mined for indexing, and they are less time-
consuming to be mined in comparison with more
general subgraph features. Many methods take a
path as the basic indexing unit. For example, the
SPath algorithm (Zhao and Han, 2010) is centred on
a local path-based indexing technique for graph
nodes and transforms a query graph into a set of the
shortest paths in order to process a query. The work
(Srinivasa, 2015) distinguishes three types of
structure-based indexes: path-based index, subgraph-
based index, and spectral methods.
It is remarkable, that different graph index
structures have been used for different kinds of
substructure features, but no index structure is
enabled to support all kinds of substructure features.
Authors of (Yuan and Mitra, 2013) propose a
Lindex, a graph index, which indexes subgraphs
contained in database graphs. Nodes in Lindex
represent key-value pairs where the key is a
subgraph in a GDB and the value is a list of database
graphs containing the key. Frequent subgraphs are
used for indexing in gIndex (Yan, et al 2004). An
introduction to graph substructure search,
approximate substructure search and their related
graph indexing techniques, particularly feature-
based graph indexing can be found in (Yan, et al.
2010). In (Zhu, et al. 2011), the authors introduce a
structure-aware and attribute-aware index to process
approximate graph matching in a property graph.
A detailed discussion of different types of graph
queries and a different mechanism for indexing and
querying graph databases can be found in (Sakr and
Al-Naymat, 2010).
Although GDBMS can be based on various graph
types, we will use a (labelled) property graph model
whose basic constructs include:
entities (nodes),
properties (attributes),
labels (types),
relationships (edges) having a direction, start
node, and end node,
Entities and relationships can have any number of
properties, nodes and edges can be tagged with
labels. Both nodes and edges are defined by a unique
identifier (Id). Properties are of form key:domain,
i.e. only single-valued attributes are considered. In
graph-theoretic notions we also talk about labelled
and directed attributed multigraphs in this case. It
means the edges of different types can exist between
two nodes. These graphs are used both for a GDB
and its database schema (if any). In practice, this
definition is not strictly enforced. There are
GDBMSs supporting more complex property values,
e.g. the already mentioned Neo4j.
When retrieving data from a GDB, one may want
to query not only single nodes or relationships, but
also more complex units consisting of these basic
elements. Such units, graph patterns, can contain
valuable information for many use cases. The fact
that the graph can easily express such information is
one of the main benefits of using such data model.
Thus graph pattern matching is one of the key
functionalities GDBs usually provide. In Section 3.1
we discuss shortly graph patters definable in the
Cypher language and two basic methods for their
indexing. Section 3.2 focuses on so called graph
pattern trees of variations appropriate for organizing
variations of a single graph pattern. Updating the
index after performing DML operations is described
in Section 3.3.
3.1 Graph Patterns
A wide variety of graph patterns can be found across
different GDBs. Graph patterns have different
information value that is based on type of data stored
within a database and use cases that involve these
graph patterns.
One of widely used graph patterns, defined as
GP = (V
; E
), where V = {v
; v
; v
} and E = {(v
); (v
; v
); (v
; v
)}, is called a triangle. In Cypher,
Indexing Patterns in Graph Databases
Figure 1: Example of a triangle.
a triangle can be expressed in a few different ways,
but preferably, e.g., as
) - [r
] - (n
) - [r
] - (n
) - [r
] - (n
i.e., triangle patterns look for three nodes adjacent to
each other regardless of edge orientation. That is, a
direction can be ignored at query time in Cypher,
i.e., the database graph behind can be handled as
bidirectional. Figure 1 shows a triangle coming from
a social graph. To retrieve such pattern using Cypher
is easy for Neo4j. The problem arises when we focus
only on structural features of the graph and want,
e.g., all such triangles of people with their
friendship. Then a structure-based index can be
A graph pattern index is basically a data structure
that stores pointers that reference graph pattern units
within the database. Indexes can be either stored in
the same database as the actual data or in any
external data store. We use here the former variant.
The latter was used, e.g., in (Ramba, 2016), where
the embedded database MapDB (http://www., 2018) was used for this purpose.
3.2 Graph Pattern Tree of Variations
An important feature of our approach is that a new
index must be created for each different graph
pattern, i.e., index that was created based on a
specific graph pattern cannot be used when querying
a different graph pattern.
Due to labelling nodes and edges of GDB,
patterns of the same structure can occur in different
variations (see, Figure 2). All variations of a single
graph pattern can be organized into a tree-like
structure, called graph pattern tree of variations.
Part of such tree for a triangle is shown in Figure 2.
Nodes represent individual graph pattern variations.
A root node of the tree is reserved for the basic
graph pattern variation with no additional
information about nodes and relationships. Children
of each node represent variations that provide some
additional information compared to its parent nodes
(i.e. when traversing deeper in the tree, more
information about graph pattern is specified). Leaves
of such tree represent specific graph pattern units
with IDs of nodes and relationships declared) within
the database.
Graph pattern can be represented by a set of its
variations. When querying a graph pattern, one
actually queries a specific variation of such graph
pattern. Thus, it must be said explicitly which one is
3.3 Updating Graph Pattern Index
A graph pattern index maps all graph pattern units
that are matched by a graph pattern the index was
created for. Such graph pattern units exist within the
database and so can be manipulated via DML
operations. Thus, they can be updated in such way
they no longer match the graph pattern. Also, when
adding new data to the database, new graph pattern
units can emerge. For that reason, each graph pattern
index must always map its graph pattern units that
currently exist within the database. That means each
index must be updated each time a DML operation is
applied on the database. Otherwise, indexes would
not provide reliable information when queried.
The intended DML includes operations like creating
a node, creating a relationship, deleting a node,
deleting a relationship, updating a node, and
updating a relationship. Except the first one, all
these operations affect the index, i.e. the index must
be updated. It is done so within the same transaction
that executed a DML operation. If a transaction is
successfully committed, indexes will be updated. If a
transaction is rollbacked, indexes will remain in the
same state as before the transaction was initialized.
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 2: Tree-like structure with graph pattern variations.
The method for indexing graph patterns, including
operations to create an index, query using an index
and update an index, is implemented for the Neo4j
graph database engine. The major benefit of Neo4j is
its intuitive way of modelling and querying graph-
shaped data. Internally, it stores edges as double
linked lists. Properties are stored separately,
referencing the nodes with corresponding properties.
Our index implementation is done in the same GDB
as basic graph data. We introduced an additional
graph representing all indexes in the database. This
graph has a root providing approach to all indexes.
Implementation of an index consists of a two-level
tree. The first level has one node representing the
index and containing appropriate metadata. This top-
level index node is related to common root
mentioned above. The second level of index
representation consists of a set of graph pattern
units. Each unit represents one pattern (triangle in
our case). There are direct relationships to
appropriate nodes in the database from each pattern
Figure 3 describes an implementation of triangle
shape index. The first and the second layer is index
implementation, the third layer represents data in
GDB. Labels PDT denote
4.1 Graph Datasets
Experiments were done on three different graph
datasets: Social graph with a triangle index, Music
database with a funnel index, and Transaction
database with a rhombus index.
Social graph is a database that contains information
about people and friendships between them. People,
represented by nodes, have names and are
distinguished to males and females by appropriate
labels. Friendships between them are represented by
relationships of Is_friend-of type. Such
database of changeable size is generated by Erds–
Rnyi model for generating random graphs (see,
e.g., (Goldenberg, et al. 2009)). The generator is a
part of used GraphAware framework
2018). Triangle index is built for a triangle graph
pattern expressed in Cypher in Section 3.1.
Music database stores data about artists, detailed
information about the tracks they recorded and
labels that released these records. The database has a
fixed size of 12 000 nodes and 50 000 relationships.
It is one of the example datasets that Neo4j provides
on its website (
data/, 2018). The database contains 86 funnel
patterns. Funnel index pattern (Figure 4) we used for
this database has the following Cypher expression:
Transaction database stores data about transactions
between bank accounts in a simplified way. Bank
accounts, represented by nodes, are identified by
account numbers. Transactions between bank
accounts are represented by relationships. They have
no properties on them since it is not crucial for the
measurements. If used in a real database, they would
probably hold some specific characteristics about
them, e.g., a date of transaction execution or the
amount of transferred money within a transaction.
Such database of changeable size was generated
by a Cypher script that was created especially for
this purpose. Such simple script creates bank
accounts at first and then generates a transaction
Indexing Patterns in Graph Databases
Figure 3: Implementation of triangle shape index.
relationship for each pair of these accounts with a
given probability. The database we generated has 10
000 of nodes and 100 000 of relationships, it
contains 70 rhombus patterns which were indexed.
Rhombus index (Figure 5) is used for this database.
It is formulated by the following Cypher expression
All results are achieved by measuring within a
test environment provided by GraphAware
framework. The following configuration is used
when performing measurements: 2.5GHz dual-core
Intel Core i5, 8GB 1600MHz memory DDR3, Intel
Iris 1024 MB, 256 GB SSD, OS X 10.9.4.
To achieve the most accurate results,
measurements are always performed multiple times
and their results are averaged. Measuring is done for
all cache types provided by Neo4j, i.e., no-cache
(Neo4j instance with no caching), low-level cache,
and high-level cache.
4.2 Measurement on Social Graph
Database with Triangle Index
The size of the database scales from 50 nodes and
100 relationships to 100 000 nodes and 500 000
relationships. A matching triangle graph pattern
using a simple query (i.e. without a graph structure
index) is nearly impossible for larger databases of
this type.
There are two metrics used: time and the number
of database hits (DBHits), i.e., total number of
single operations within Neo4j storage engine that
do some work such as retrieving or updating data.
DBHits metrics for varying size of databases are
shown on Figure 6. We can see that from the
database of size 10 000 nodes/50 000 relationships
index pattern is much more effective than simple
query (i.e. the query without index usage). The
amount of DBHits for index grows linearly with
growing the database while it grows exponentially
for simple query.
Time metrics are shown on Figure 7. Again, we
can see an exponential rowth of time for a simple
Figure 4: A graph pattern used for Music DB.
query and a linear growth for index. For the largest
database of 100 000 nodes and 500 000
relationships, a query using an index is
approximately 170 times faster and performs
approximately 180 times less database operations
than a simple query.
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
4.3 DML Operations and Queries
The index must be updated together with DML
operations on the base data. In our implementation
update of the index is done in the same transaction
as DML statement. We did measurements on all
three databases mentioned in Section 4.1 for the
following DML operations:
creating an index,
creating a relationship,
deleting a relationship,
deleting a node, and
deleting a label of a node.
All these DML operations may affect existing
All measurements were done again for all cache
types provided by Neo4j, i.e:
without caching,
low level cache (i.e. file buffer cache), and
high level cache (object cache).
Figure 5: A graph pattern used for Transaction DB.
The last mode is the most suitable for our purpose
and, not surprisingly, it provides the best
performance. See (Troup, 2015) for measurement
results using another cache modes.
In the Tables 1-3 we present also a time of given
operation without index usage to show additional
costs for index maintenance. In Table 1 we present
measured values done on a social graph with triangle
index on the database having 10000 nodes and
50 000 relationships. Let us note, that there were 183
graph patterns on 179 nodes.
Table 1: Social graph, triangle index.
Simple query [μs]
Index [μs]
create index
5 242 762
query index
6 881 440
403 375
create relationship
25 973
29 987
delete relationship
146 820
157 726
delete node with its
228 399
277 835
delete node label
17 475
19 380
Table 2 presents measurements for funnel pattern
index on the Music database. The database consists
of 12 000 nodes, 50 000 relationships and contains
86 funnel patterns
Table 2: Music database, funnel index.
Simple query [μs]
Index [μs]
create index
5 242 762
query index
6 881 440
403 375
create relationship
25 973
29 987
delete relationship
146 820
157 726
delete node with its
228 399
277 835
delete node label
17 475
19 380
Table 3 presents measurements for rhombus
pattern index on the Bank database. Database
consists of 10 000 of nodes, 100 000 of relationships
and contains 70 rhombus patterns.
Table 3: Bank database, rhombus index.
Simple query [μs]
Index [μs]
create index
36 238 883
query index
41 794 378
1 243 503
create relationship
29 659
64 432
delete relationship
257 094
283 067
delete node with its
375 308
459 808
delete node label
17 485
22 420
Figure 6: Social graph, triangle index DBHits metrics.
Indexing Patterns in Graph Databases
Figure 7: Social graph, triangle index time metrics.
Let us note several interesting observations coming
from our measurements:
index creation time is not much higher than
query time without an index for triangle and
rhombus patterns, it is nearly two times
higher for funnel index,
query using an index is faster than the query
without index for all three patterns, it is 17
times faster for triangle index, 112 times for
funnel index, and 33 times for rhombus
time to update the index in case of insert/delete
a node or a relationship is on average 17% of
time needed for DML operation itself.
Let us generalize the measurement and state
several hypotheses about the efficiency of our
implementation of pattern indexes:
It was shown that starting from databases of
size 10 000 of nodes and 50 000 of
relationships queries using pattern indexes
are more efficient than queries without them.
Efficiency of pattern index increases with
growing the database. Time and amount of
database operations grow linearly for
(triangle) pattern (see Figures 6 and 7).
Complexity and size of the pattern used for
index influence characteristics and efficiency
of an index. We tested triangle, funnel, and
rhombus patterns all tested indexes are
more than 17 times faster for querying, this
ratio will growth with the size of the
Time for keeping indexes actual seems to be
under 20% of time necessary for DML
The complete analysis and design decisions can
be found in the work (Troup, 2015).
4.4 Index Size
Index size linearly grows with the number of pattern
units found in the database and it also linearly grows
with the number of nodes that the indexed pattern
consists of. The index size can by asymptotically
expressed as
where n
represents the number of pattern units
found in the database and n
represents the number
of nodes that the indexed pattern consists of. The
exact number of nodes needed for the index is
= 1 + n
where a single node represents the root of the index
and n
nodes represent individual pattern units found
in the database. The exact number of relationships
needed for the index is
= n
+ n
where n
relationships connect the root node with all
nu pattern unit nodes. n
relationships then connect
individual data nodes belonging to a single pattern
unit to its representative pattern unit node.
Table 4: Database and index sizes.
Database index
Index size
Social graph,
triangle index
Music database,
funnel index
Bank database,
rhombus index
Table 4 presents index size using 3 different patterns
and databases. There are 183 pattern units indexed in
the first database which is more than double what is
indexed in other two databases. Triangle pattern
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
consists of 3 nodes whereas funnel and rhombus
patterns consist of 4 nodes. This results in
approximately the same size (in Mb) of index for all
of 3 measured databases and patterns.
In the paper a new method for indexing graph
patterns was analyzed, designed and implemented
for Neo4j GDBMS in order to speed up the process
of matching graph patterns. The method enables to
create, use and update multiple indexes, each created
for a different graph pattern. Index data are
organized in a tree structure and they are stored
within the same database as the base data. This
solution provides really fast approach from the index
structure to data. On the other hand, it mixes index
data and base data together in one common storage.
It may negatively affect the evaluation of queries
that do not use index patterns. We plan to address
this issue in following research. It is the part of a
more general topic how to store metadata and
separate them from base data in GDBMS.
It is proved that using indexes which are created
by the method introduced in this paper is beneficial
for the process of matching graph patterns. In some
cases queries using such indexes are extremely faster
than simple Cypher queries. The paper aims to
introduce the topic of indexing graph patterns and
provides one of possible ways how to speed up the
process of matching graph patterns within a GDB.
This work was supported by the Charles University
project Q48.
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Indexing Patterns in Graph Databases