also at regular distances along the aisles.
Figure 3
compares the throughputs of the different layouts
with and without cross-aisles. As mentioned above,
all curves look similar with a linear increase and a
small knee between 16 and 20 vehicles before
reaching saturation. Cross-aisles help to increase
throughput for every layout. The larger number of
routing options reduces blocking effects as expected.
Vehicles can more easily circumvent congested parts
of the layout thereby smoothing traffic.
Figure 7: Throughput of all three layouts with and without
Table 3 provides an overview of the maximum
throughput per layout and the number of AGVs that
was needed to reach that throughput. We define
maximum throughput as the first throughput that
increases less than one percent with the addition of
one vehicle per picking zone. Furthermore, the
differences in number of nodes within the storage
area is given with Layout 1 as reference. For
instance, Layout 1 with cross-aisles provides a
significantly greater throughput, but requires 26.7 %
more aisle nodes than Layout 1 without cross-aisles
does, whereas Layout 3 with cross-aisles achieves
less throughput (90 fewer cycles per hour) but
requires 40 % fewer aisles nodes.
Table 3: Comparison of performance and space
Max. cycles per hour AGVs Nodes
Layout 1 489.9 48 -
Layout 1 with
556.2 52 +26.7 %
Layout 2 324.7 32 −50.0 %
Layout 2 with
391.8 36 −40.0 %
Layout 3 372.3 48 −50.0 %
Layout 3 with
409.0 48 −40.0 %
From the curves in Figure 7, one can figure out
how many AGVs are needed to reach a certain
throughput. Furthermore, they hint at whether a
static approach that does not take blocking into
account also holds. For example, if a throughput of
200 cycles per hour is needed, the curves of all six
layouts are in the linear section. A static approach is
thus applicable. For a throughput of 450 cycles per
hour, however, a static approach results in a fleet
size of about 36 to 48 vehicles for the different
configurations. These numbers can be roughly
estimated by extrapolating the linear parts of the
curves up to 400 cycles per hour. The simulation,
however, shows that Layouts 2 and 3 reach
saturation below 450 cycles per hour. The system
would be unable to reach the desired throughput if
these layouts were chosen.
In this paper, we considered a robotic mobile
fulfilment system with six storage aisles, four
picking zones, and ten replenishment locations. We
conducted a series of simulation experiments to
compare the performances of different layout
configurations. We varied the number of vehicles
and analyzed the throughputs reached.
A bidirectional single lane layout is
recommended for fewer vehicles. However,
maximum throughput is reached with two
unidirectional lanes per aisles, although this layout
requires the most space. Using cross-aisles generally
yields greater throughput.
We were able to show that the more vehicles are
working within the system, the less throughput each
additional vehicle provides. For fewer vehicles, the
throughput is nearly a linear function of the number
of vehicles. Here it is admissible to analyze the
throughput of a single vehicle analytically and
forecast the throughput for more vehicles. But the
analytical approach underestimates the required
number of vehicles as soon as increasing blocking
effects among vehicles causes departure from
linearity. The crucial point is that numbers of
vehicles for which linearity holds is unknown. The
completion of a simulation study is therefore
essential for obtaining reliable performance results.
Based on this conclusion, we identify two
possible fields of future research: First, the scope of
the simulation model has to be extended towards
other aspects of planning like different storage
policies and dispatching rules. Both influence the
vehicles‘ travel distances and system performance.
Additionally, we assumed that the vehicles are
available without restrictions. However, battery
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60
Cycles per hour
Number of AGVs
Layout 1
Layout 1 - with cross-aisles
Layout 2
Layout 2 - with cross-aisles
Layout 3
Layout 3 - with cross-aisles
Simulation-based Performance Analysis in Robotic Mobile Fulfilment Systems - Analyzing the Throughput of Different Layout