still 0.003578853. The standard deviation (σ
) of to-
tal noise in the experiment, where the chip length is
1022 and the number of users is 1000, was measu-
red at the detector and found to be 0.0017. Back-
ground noise standard deviation was 0.05, at the point
where it enters the system, so after averaging over
chip symbols, this becomes 0.05/
1022 = 0.00156
at the detector. Taking account that the standard de-
viation of the symbols, in the constellation used in
this system is 0.6873, the standard deviation of user
noise, at the detector, predicted by theory, in this sy-
stem, is 0.6873
1000/1022/κ = 0.000665. Thus,
standard deviation of total noise is expected to be
+ 0.000665
) = 0.001695 which is al-
most exactly the same as measured in the experiment.
These experiments confirmed that the system des-
cribed in theory, in Section 5, can be readily imple-
mented, and performs as predicted by the theory.
A communication system which combines spread-
spectrum codes and OFDM with the potential to ope-
rate at optimal efficiency has been defined, implemen-
ted and tested. The system implemented uses a sim-
ple constellation of phases and amplitudes which de-
monstrates the operation of the proposed SS-OFDM
system but without making full use of the available
combinations of phase and amplitude. For this rea-
son this system does not approach optimal efficiency.
The efficiency of a similar system which does use a
full range of phases and amplitudes has been analy-
sed theoretically and the efficiency of this system has
been estimated.
The authors are sincerely thankful to the University
Southern Queensland (USQ) for providing a platform
for doing this research work.Indeed, we would like
to thank all the reviewers for their feedback and ap-
preciated notices about the paper and we are happy
to consider them all as they are very useful and they
can refine the paper to make it very consistent and
successful. The first author’s is grateful also to the
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
of Iraq for supporting his Ph.D. study.
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