Towards an Enhanced Security Data Analytic Platform
Gustavo Gonzalez-Granadillo, Susana Gonzalez-Zarzosa and Mario Faiella
Atos Research and Innovation, Cyber Security Department, Spain
XL-SIEM, SIEM Enhancements, Security Data Analytic Platforms, SIEM Analysis.
We present in this paper a Cross-Layer Security Information and Event Management tool (herein after denoted
as XL-SIEM) as an enhanced security data analytics platform with added high-performance correlation en-
gine able to raise alarms from a business perspective considering different events collected at different layers.
The platform is composed of a set of distributed agents, responsible for the event collection, normalization
and transfer of data; an engine, responsible for the filtering, aggregation, and correlation of the events col-
lected by the agents, as well as the generation of alarms; a database, responsible of the data storage; and a
dashboard, responsible for the data visualization in the web graphical interface. The proposed platform has
been deployed on top of the open-source SIEM OSSIM (AlienVault) providing enhanced features compared
to current open-source solutions, in particular associated to data sources, correlation engine, visualization, and
reaction capabilities. A testbed implementation is described to show the integration and applicability of the
tool over a security infrastructure.
Several companies have developed SIEM software
products in order to detect network attacks and
anomalies in an IT system. Gartner reports (Ka-
vanagh et al., 2016) analyze the SIEM tools avail-
able in the market provided by the top 14 leading
SIEM vendors. According to these reports, products
are classified into four groups based on the ability to
execute and the completeness of vision.
Among them, we find classical IT companies such
as IBM, LogRhythm, Splunk, HP, and Intel as the
leaders, that provide products with good requirements
behavior and have the foresight for future require-
ments; others as challengers (i.e., EMC - RSA Se-
curity, providing products that do not comply gen-
eral market requirements, execute well at present or
may control a large segment, but do not demonstrate
knowledge of future requirements; others as vision-
aries (i.e., AlienVault, that forecast trending of mar-
ket, but do not yet execute well; and others as niche
players (i.e., MicroFocus, Trustwave, SolarWinds,
Fortinet, EventTracker, ManageEngine, and Black-
Stratus), that execute well in a particular segment of
market but are unfocused and do not out-innovate or
outperform others.
Besides the great variety of commercial and open-
source SIEMs, current tools are unable to cope with
the new and complex attack patterns. Most of them
do not provide high-level security risk metrics and
their correlation rules are basic and weak (Barros,
2017). Current solutions lack on user and entity be-
havior analytic (UEBA) features, and their storage,
visualization and reaction capabilities are very limited
(Scarfone, 2015), (Kavanagh et al., 2016), (Sheridan,
2017), (Caccia et al., 2017).
Based on the aforementioned limitations, we in-
troduce a Cross-Layer SIEM (XL-SIEM) as an en-
hanced security data analytic platform deployed on
top of Alienvault Open Source SIEM (OSSIM)
, that
overcomes limitations detected in current solutions.
In particular, XL-SIEM enhances the performance
and scalability of current open source SIEMs, allow-
ing the processing of increasing amounts of data and
adding the possibility of event correlation at different
layers with more complex rules.
Paper Organization: The remainder of the paper is
structured as follows: Section 2 describes the archi-
tecture of the XL-SIEM. Section 2 defines architec-
ture and the different modules that compose the XL-
SIEM platform. Section 3 details the extended ca-
pabilities of the proposed platform. Section 4 shows
the implementation and testbed of the XL-SIEM plat-
form. Finally, conclusions and perspective for future
work are presented in Section 5.
Gonzalez-Granadillo, G., Gonzalez-Zarzosa, S. and Faiella, M.
Towards an Enhanced Security Data Analytic Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0006831104530458
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 2: SECRYPT, pages 453-458
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1 depicts the XL-SIEM architecture with its
main components. The collection of data is done on
the monitored infrastructure by SIEM Agents, and the
events are sent to the XL-SIEM engine core running
on Apache Storm
, where they are processed and cor-
related. The events gathered as well as the alarms
generated and the configuration used are integrated
with the OSSIM deployment in the XL-SIEM for its
storage and visualization.
Figure 1: XL-SIEM Architecture.
2.1 XL-SIEM Agent
The XL-SIEM agent is the resource layer compo-
nent responsible for the event collection, normaliza-
tion and transfer to the XL-SIEM Engine for its pro-
cessing. Events are generated by different sensors
(e.g., network traffic, honepypot, intrusion detection
systems) deployed on the customer’s monitored in-
The main advantages of the XL-SIEM compared
to other open source solutions are as follows:
support the usage of TLS (Transport Layer Se-
curity) certificates in the communication between
agents and XL-SIEM engine;
support for anonymization/encryption of normal-
ized fields before transmission. The user has the
possibility of defining which fields in an event
type are sensitive and need to be transmitted and
stored anonymized;
new output to RabbitMQ (RabbitMQ, 2008) mes-
saging system in JSON (Bray, 2014) format for
sharing events collected;
generation of heartbeats to monitor the status of
the agents.
Open source distributed real-time computation system for
processing large volumes of data
2.2 XL-SIEM Engine
The XL-SIEM Engine is the component on the back-
end layer of the monitoring architecture responsible
for the analysis and processing of the events collected
by the XL-SIEM Agents, and the generation of alarms
based on a predefined set of correlation rules or secu-
rity directives. XL-SIEM is implemented in a Storm
topology running in an Apache Storm cluster
allows to take advantage of the benefits of this archi-
Previous to the correlation of the collected events,
there is a phase of Pre-processing and Policy Filter-
ing, in which the system verifies if the user has spec-
ified some conditions to filter the incoming events
before they arrive to the correlation engine (e.g.,
source/destination IP, port, time/date range, type of
event, or the SIEM agent where the event is col-
The Correlation Engine is the core of the XL-
SIEM engine and integrates the open source high per-
formance correlation engine Esper
. The correlator
uses Event Processing Language
(EPL), which al-
lows a flexible and complex definition of the corre-
lation rules. It is a SQL-like language that includes
for example the detection of patterns, the definition of
data windows or the aggregation and filtering of in-
coming events into more complex events.
2.3 XL-SIEM Database
The XL-SIEM takes advantage of the OSSIM
database and storage capabilities. The format used
by the XL-SIEM for the events and alarms storage is
consequently the same defined in OSSIM. The main
aspects of this module are as follows:
Data is stored in MySQL relational databases;
There is a separate database for historical data;
It does not support integration with cloud storage
The data storage can be in a different machine
from the one where the event processing takes
place to improve the performance or in case it is
required more storage capacity.
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SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
2.4 XL-SIEM Dashboard
XL-SIEM web graphical interface is deployed on top
of OSSIM dashboard and consequently, it integrates
the following visualization capabilities.
different graphical charts are shown to the user as
an overview of the monitored system status;
alarms, security events and raw logs can be visu-
alized by the user;
additional information provided by open source
tools (e.g., Netflow traffic detected by Fprobe,
vulnerabilities detected by Nessus or OpenVAS)
is integrated in the graphical interface;
it is possible to generate PDF reports with a sum-
mary of the SIEM analysis;
This section details the additional features integrated
in the XL-SIEM that enhance their capabilities in
terms of data sources, correlation, visualization, and
3.1 Data Sources
Besides the data sources supported by open source
SIEMs (e.g., database, log, remote logs, security de-
vice event exchange, windows management infras-
tructure), the following data sources have been added
to the XL-SIEM:
Structured Threat Information eXpres-
sion(STIX) format data (Barnum, 2014):
Cyber-threat observations, represented using
this type of structured language for cyber threat
intelligence, are supported through a STIX
plug-in that parses the STIX data and generates
its representation in the OSSIM normalized event
format used in the XL-SIEM.
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format
data (Bray, 2014): It supports data received from
the open source message broker RabbitMQ
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Pro-
tocol (AMQP).
3.2 Correlation Engine
One of the advantages of XL-SIEM architecture is the
use of a high-performance correlation engine running
in an Apache Storm cluster for the processing of the
incoming security events.
XL-SIEM makes use of Esper
for event cor-
relation and generation of alarms. This complex
event processing engine is able of processing 500,000
events per second with latency below 10 microsec-
onds average with more than 99% predictability. For
more complex queries, these values are slightly re-
duced to a throughput of 120,000 events per second
(Mathew, 2014), keeping good performance capabili-
ties for processing large volume of data.
Security rules in the XL-SIEM are expressed us-
ing the Event Processing Language
(EPL). This lat-
ter is a declarative programming language that allows
expressing security directives with rich event condi-
tions and patterns in a simple way. The usage of EPL
adds a business perspective to the definition of secu-
rity directives.
In addition, for the definition of security di-
rectives, XL-SIEM supports two means: (i) Pre-
configured categories of rules: where the user se-
lects one or several directive categories (e.g., scans
behaviours, malware detection, denial of service at-
tacks, brute force attacks, network attacks) for which
a pre-configured set of rules or security directives is
included; and (ii) User custom rules: where users
have the possibility to define their own rules or se-
curity directives and select them in the configuration
of each correlation process.
3.3 Visualization Capabilities
Besides the visualization capabilities inherited by OS-
SIM, the XL-SIEM includes high-level charts and di-
agrams in different dashboards to provide valuable
information about incidents to non-security expert
These diagrams can be adapted based on the client
needs and requirements. Examples of available dash-
boards are Executive Dashboard: showing a high-
level information relevant for a C-level administrator,
e.g., the current threat level of the monitored system
with a color code (green, yellow and red); Opera-
tional Dashboard: showing information relevant for
system administrators to be able of taking decisions,
e.g., the top five detected incidents, the hosts identi-
fied as source of security incidents or alarms, or the
destination TCP/UDP ports of the attacks; and Situa-
tional Awareness Dashboard: showing a graph with
the monitored network topology including the num-
ber of events detected in each component as well as
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Towards an Enhanced Security Data Analytic Platform
representing with a color code (green, yellow, red) the
risk level of each node.
3.4 Reaction Capabilities
The processes running in the XL-SIEM topology in-
clude support to provide the same reaction capabili-
ties offered by the open source version of the Alien-
Vault SIEM (e.g., execute a script, send an email or
create a ticket) but with an enhanced performance.
On the one hand, the different actions can be as-
sociated to each correlation process, which allows its
execution for specific alarms and not only associated
to a defined policy. On the other hand, since there is a
specific process defined in the Storm topology for the
application of these reactions, it is possible to increase
its parallelism to reduce the reaction time or even de-
cide in which node of the cluster this process will be
launched. This is useful in situations where the script
to be invoked or the email server is only available in
a specific node.
The XL-SIEM has been deployed in a security infras-
tructure to correlate logs and detect abnormal situa-
tions. The test-bed is composed of two servers, each
one holding a web application (i.e., ownCloud
, and
); the XL-SIEM Engine, holding the core
of the SIEM; the XL-SIEM Agent deployed together
with two IDSs (i.e., Snort
and Suricata
; the XL-
SIEM Database and Dashboard, as depicted in Fig-
ure 2. In addition, an internal sub-net composed of
several users with different privileges and access right
over the applications has been integrated into the plat-
The purpose of this test-bed is to detect unusual
connections against the web applications that could
lead to the execution of attacks (e.g., brute-force,
DoS, SQL injection). The Agent sends the suspi-
cious events to the engine for correlation and treat-
ment. Events are stored in the XL-SIEM Database
and displayed in the Dashboard for further analysis.
Figure 2: XL-SIEM Testbed.
4.1 Attack Description
A possible Brute-force has been detected via correlat-
ing events seen on the network . Brute Force attempts
are one of the few events in security that are identifi-
able by their volume, not by their type. While a sys-
tem can be exploited with as little as a single packet
of data, brute-force intrusions require greater numbers
of packets to be achieved.
All hosts accessible from the Internet are con-
tinually been scanned and attacked from malicious
hosts, searching for vulnerable systems to compro-
mise and re-use. While this brute-force attempt may
therefore be legitimate, it is not necessarily targeted
directly against the organization. We must cross-
reference against other activities from this system to be aware if this host is engaging in
further activities beyond an unsuccessful brute-force
access attempt.
4.2 XL-SIEM Detection
Data are collected through the XL-SIEM Agents, di-
rectly from the sensors deployed in the monitored in-
frastructure. These data are then normalized and sent
to the XL-SIEM Engine, for further analysis and cor-
relation. For this purpose we use the open source
high performance correlation engine Esper
, which
allows defining specific security rules using the Event
Processing Language
(EPL), a flexible SQL-like
declarative language.
As explained in section 2.2, the incoming event,
before being correlated, is filtered considering spe-
cific policies. The filtering operation is performed
taking into account the source and destination IP ad-
dresses, the source and destination port numbers, the
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SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
event type (e.g., ANY; DS Groups (i.e., Executable
files, Suspicious DNS, Network anomalies); Taxon-
omy (Product Type, Category, Subcategory)), and the
name of the XL-SIEM agent involved.
The following example shows a policy created for
any IP source and destination, any source and desti-
nation port, an event type of DS Groups detected by
any agent:
After this pre-processing and filtering operation,
the normalized events are correlated, using specific
correlation rules. The definition of these latter is a
process that requires (i) the definition of statements
and (ii) the definition of directives. A statement indi-
cates the sources from which the information will be
evaluated. They do not fire an alarm but the gener-
ated output is used by other services. A statement is
composed of a unique name and a value that indicates
the variables and the sources of information. For in-
stance, plugin id=1001 refers to data source SNORT.
Directives contain the pattern used in the evalua-
tion of the rule. They are defined using Event Pro-
cessing Language (EPL). They fire an alarm for every
matching pattern. For every EPL directive, we can
assign a category (e.g., alarm , antivirus, authentica-
tion, application, etc.), a subcategory (e.g., Attacks,
Bruteforce, DoS, Malware, Network, etc.), a reliabil-
ity score (from 1 to 10), and a priority score (from 1
to 5).
A concrete example of a correlation rule, associ-
ated to the attack described in section 4.1, used by the
XL-SIEM engine is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: XL-SIEM Correlation Rule Example.
Name: BruteForce Microsoft SQL Server authen-
tication attack against SRC IP
EPL Statement
Insert into BruteForce Microsoft SQL Server
authentication attempt failed detected select
* from ossimSchema default where (plu-
gin id = 1001) and (plugin sid = 50051 2) and
(dst port=1433)
EPL Directive
Insert into directive sls 1 select * from pattern
[every-distinct(a.src ip, 15 seconds) a = Brute-
Force Microsoft SQL Server authentication
attempt failed detected ([3] b = BruteForce
Microsoft SQL Server authentication attempt
failed detected ((b.src ip=a.src ip) and
(b.dst ip=a.dst ip)))]
The previous rule is defined to raise an alarm af-
ter 3 failed Microsoft SQL Server authentication at-
tempts. The EPL statement will increase the value of
the related variable from the default OSSIM scheme,
where the plugin id corresponds to Snort (value =
1001), and the plugin sid correspond to a failed Mi-
crosoft SQL Server authentication attempt (value =
50051 2).
The EPL directive shows the correlation rule used
to fire an alarm if there is a match in the pattern de-
fined within the brackets. In this case: every sequence
that considers distinctively the IP source and 15 sec-
onds of timeout will generate an alarm. For this ex-
ample we have defined a failed Microsoft SQL Server
authentication attempt as the event to check, if the de-
fined condition matches (i.e., the IP source and desti-
nation are the same) and the same event occurs more
than 3 times, then we will generate a correlated alarm.
4.3 XL-SIEM Analysis
The XL-SIEM dashboard shows a list of both events
(e.g. Suspicious TCP traffic, Potential SSH Scan at-
tempts) and alarms (e.g., Brute-force attack, Network
Scan). The former should not be considered as real
alarms, they constitute the output produced through
the EPL statements. Then, this output is further an-
alyzed through the EPL directives for raising alarms,
if specific conditions are met, as explained in Section
Regarding the alarms, they are triggered from a
correlation rule having Snort and/or Suricata as in-
put devices. Two or more conditions must be met
(e.g., several particular log events in the same time pe-
riod, or an event from a security control that matches
against a particular host’s current condition). We will
focus on an alarm with a high risk level: Brute-force
attack, Microsoft SQL server authentication attack
By clicking on the alarm name, we obtained more
information about the events, that triggered such an
alarm. In this case, we identified that four individual
events with the same source and destination IP ad-
dresses within a period of 12 hours have triggered this
alarm. Moreover, by clicking on the tabs ”Source”
and ”Destination”, specific information related to the
source and destination IP addresses, respectively, can
be consulted. For example, the geographic location
of the IP address can be visualized through a map.
For a further analysis, information associated to both
the alarm and each single event, which contributed to
raise the former, can be visualized.
This paper presents a Cross-Layer Security Informa-
tion and Event Management tool (XL-SIEM) as a se-
Towards an Enhanced Security Data Analytic Platform
curity data analytic platform that enhances current
open-source SIEMs in terms of data sources, corre-
lation, visualization and reaction capabilities.
The XL-SIEM provides several advantages com-
pared to current open source solutions: e.g., the sup-
port of STIX and JSON data formats, secure commu-
nications between the XL-SIEM engine and agents,
Data anonymization, high processing performance,
advanced visualization options, and enhanced corre-
lation capabilities that reduce the reaction time and
allow customizing the reaction options.
The main drawbacks of the XL-SIEM are the
following: (i) No cloud storage service supported,
XL-SIEM uses MySQL relational databases for data
storage; (ii) No User and Entity Behavior Analysis
(UEBA) or machine learning capabilities, although it
is possible to include behavioral analysis at the ap-
plication level through the implementation of specific
plug-ins to normalize the data; (iii) No built-in net-
work forensics capabilities; (iv) very basic ad-hoc im-
porting capabilities to deal with a huge number of un-
structured data as inputs; (v) no support for dealing
with new and specific targeted attacks (e.g., zero-day
Future work will concentrate in improving the
aforementioned limitations and providing a platform
able to evaluate defense in depth by analyzing multi-
ple and diverse security devices (e.g., IDSs, firewalls,
honeypots). As a result, accuracy on the detection will
be improved, and false alarm rates reported back to
the system will be reduced. In addition, limitations
of actual SIEMs based on the last two drawbacks, as
stated in (Gonzalez-Zarzosa, 2017) and (ThreatCon-
nect, 2018), will be studied more in details.
The final objective of the security data analytic
platform is to integrate the XL-SIEM with a threat
intelligence platform, able to gather, process, and
normalize unstructured information from external
sources (e.g., OSINT sources). In this way, the XL-
SIEM drawback in terms of ad-hoc importing capa-
bilities will be overcome and the new detection rules
could be dynamically created and injected directly
into both the XL-SIEM and the sensors that interact
with it, making it possible to recognize zero-days at-
tacks that were not previously identifiable. Moreover,
integrating the XL-SIEM with a threat intelligence
platform, as highly recommended in (ThreatConnect,
2016), will also improve information sharing capa-
bilities, considering that the platform itself will han-
dle both the input and the output information flows.
This will have a positive impact, because threat in-
telligence sharing is considered as a critical activity
against new generation threats by governments and
companies, for empowering incident response and de-
fense capabilities (Ring, 2014) (US-CERT, 2013).
This work is supported by the European Commis-
sion, as part of the H2020 Diversity enhancement
for SIEMs (DiSIEM) project (under grant agree-
ment 700692) and H2020 European Network for Cy-
bersecurity (NeCS) project (under grant agreement
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SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography