to a fixed point with orientation where the errors also
converge to zero and the satellite in not moving any
The orthogonal path parametrization was presented
for a space object – a flat satellite with 2 DoF pla-
nar manipulator arm. This approach was utilized for
a certain scenario where a flat satellite was used to
chase a object, debris or an other satellite, and du-
ring this manoeuvre the manipulator arm is fixed in
a certain position. The orthogonal path parametriza-
tion was used to track a path parametrized with time
where end effector of the manipulator was moving on
the orbit around the chased object. The most impor-
tant advantage of this approach is very scatter amount
of information needed to successfully follow the path.
The presented method only requires the distance to
the object and orientation error between the followed
path and the current orientation of the satellite. These
type of data, in cosmic conditions, can be relatively
easily collected. Presented manoeuvre in simulation
study section shows two phases of the movement. Fir-
stly, the satellite is following the orbit and then in the
second stage it settles in a point on this path with desi-
red orientation. This is good starting point to intercept
the chased object with only the manipulator and wit-
hout the thrusters as presented in our other research
paper. Further research would involve merging those
to stages into a single manoeuvre.
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ported by National Science Centre grant no.
2015/17/B/ST7/03995. The works of Alicja Mazur
was supported by the Wrocław University of Science
and Technology statutory grant 0401/0142/17.
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Path Tracking with Orthogonal Parametrization for a Satellite with Partial State Information