Theoretical Security Evaluation of
the Human Semantic Authentication Protocol
ene Le Bouder
, Ga
el Thomas
, Edwin Bourget
, Mariem Graa
, Nora Cuppens
Jean-Louis Lanet
IMT-Atlantique SRCD, Cesson-S
e, France
DGA Maitrise de l’Information, Bruz, France
High Security Laboratory - INRIA, Rennes, France
PIN Code, Human Semantic Authentication Protocol, Graphical Password, Shoulder Surfing Attack, Dynamic
Password, Authentication.
Using a secret password or a PIN (Personal Identification Number) code is a common way to authenticate a
user. Unfortunately this protection does not resist an attacker that can eavesdrop on the user (shoulder surfing
attack). The Human Semantic Authentication (HSA) protocol proposes a solution against this attack. The
main idea is to have concept passwords and to propose images that the user must correctly select in order to
authenticate. A concept can be represented by different pictures, so one observation is not enough to retrieve
the secret. In this paper, the security/efficiency trade-off in the HSA protocol is evaluated. A probabilistic
approach is used. Under the assumption that the picture/concept database is known to the attacker, we show
that HSA is barely more resistant to shoulder surfing attacks than a PIN code. More precisely we show that
the probability to retrieve the secret concept password increases rapidly with the number of observations.
Moreover the constraints on the size of the picture/concept database are very difficult to satisfy in practice.
PIN (Personal Identification Number) codes or lo-
gin/password pairs are common authentication meth-
ods. For instance, these methods are used in payment
cards or SIM cards. Therefore, PIN and passwords
are targets of choice for malicious adversaries. The
security of PIN codes or passwords relies on them be-
ing kept secret. Many attacks exist to retrieve PIN
codes or passwords with keyloggers, smudge marks
on the screen etc. In the case where an attacker eaves-
drops on the user’s authentication, the security is bro-
ken. This kind of attacks are called shoulder surfing
Motivation and Contribution. To deter different
types of attacks, most smartphones use new methods
to authenticate users. For example graphical pass-
words require the user to memorise a graphical se-
quence and not a number sequence. The HSA pro-
tocol introduced in (Zouinar et al., 2016; Salembier
et al., 2016), appears as an efficient countermeasure
against many attacks, particularly shoulder surfing at-
tacks. The main idea of the HSA protocol is to have
a concept password. At each authentication, pictures
are presented to the user. She has to select images that
embody her concepts in order to validate her pass-
word. For example, the concept yellow could be rep-
resented with many different images, e.g. a lemon, a
sun, an American taxi etc. The authors of HSA pro-
tocol are interested by human reactions and compre-
hension of this solution.
In this paper, the goal is to evaluate the security
of this protocol. A statistical analysis of the HSA
protocol against shoulder surfing attacks is presented.
We show why this solution does not offer a stronger
enough security with respect to the efficiency of the
Organization. The paper is organized as follows.
The state of the art is described in section 2. The HSA
protocol is presented in section 3. Statistical tools to
evaluate the security of this protocol are given in sec-
tion 4. The evaluation of this protocol is given in 5.
Finally the conclusion is drawn in section 6.
Bouder, H., Thomas, G., Bourget, E., Graa, M., Cuppens, N. and Lanet, J-L.
Theoretical Security Evaluation of the Human Semantic Authentication Protocol.
DOI: 10.5220/0006841703320339
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 2: SECRYPT, pages 332-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Authentication Methods
The most common computer authentication method
is the login/password pair. The vulnerability of this
method is well-known, i.e. the difficulty of remem-
bering passwords, and it resists poorly to shoulder
surfing attacks. Alternative schemes are token-based
and biometric-based authentication. Token-based au-
thentication provides strong security. It requires that
the user owns a token e.g a smart card. However,
such a token needs to be unlocked by the user, of-
ten by requiring a PIN code. In such a case, the
user needs to have the token and to know something.
The biometric-based authentication is often classified
in behavioural-based or physiological-based method.
In the behavioural scheme, the user is authenticated
thanks to the voice, the keystrokes and so on; and can
be performed remotely. The physiological scheme
analyses the face, fingerprinting, iris etc. The sen-
sor can only be local and thus it requires the presence
of the user. Its drawbacks are accuracy, (false posi-
tive, false negative) and the variability of the user’s
characteristics mainly related to its health.
Password schemes do not resist against shoulder
surfing attack, but it has been demonstrated that many
other attacks can cause damages with this scheme.
Unfortunately, when using a screen keyboard it is pos-
sible to guess a cell phone PIN due to several side
channels. The first obvious one is related with the
smudge marks on the screen. Those smudge marks
indicate the four PIN digits, so an attacker knows
that the PIN is one of the 24 possible permutations
of those digits. At Black Hat in (Yue et al., 2014),
the authors have demonstrated a new attack using
video footage (thanks to Google glasses), they claim
to be able to automatically recognize 90 percent of
PIN code up to nine feet from the target. The used
side channel is the relative motion of the victims’ fin-
gers over the touchscreen, analysing shadow forma-
tion around the fingertip as it strikes the touch screen,
and using computer vision techniques.
Modern smart phones use sensors that enable a
wide range of interactions, but some of these sensors
can be employed as a side channel to learn about user
input. In (Aviv et al., 2012), authors demonstrate that
the accelerometer sensor can also be employed as a
high-bandwidth side channel. Particularly, they use
the accelerometer sensor to learn user tap and gesture-
based input as required to unlock smart phones using
a PIN/password or Android’s graphical password pat-
2.2 Side Channel, Key-logger and
Observation Attacks
The security issue is probably the most important one,
when accessing banking services using a smart phone.
The user must be correctly authenticated using the
touchscreen. Passwords and PIN code are highly sen-
sitive assets and handling them over to third-party
applications raises the following question: how a
user can be sure that an application properly han-
dles their assets? The recent discovery of password-
stealing applications and other vulnerabilities in An-
droid demonstrates that users have reason to be con-
cerned (Felt et al., 2011). A trusted information-
flow monitor such as TaintDroid (Enck et al., 2010)
can track the propagation of password data, but data
must be tagged before it can be tracked. Unfortu-
nately TaintDroid does not prevent data from leaking
through covert channels such as a program’s control
flow or timing information.
The user can upload inadvertently a spyware ap-
plication in its cell phone or this latter can be shipped
with a pre installed key-logger (Stavrou et al., 2017).
There are a lot of programs for Android-based cell
phones that are able to monitor the information sent
or received by the phone. A key-logger is able to run
completely in stealth mode. After it is installed it
should not show up in the start-up icons or anywhere
else on the phone that is being monitored. Other
important features are also location tracking and
remote control.
In (Xu et al., 2012) the authors describe a side
channel that employs the gyroscopic orientation sen-
sor to determine broadly where a user touches on a
large keypad. They were able to infer PIN data while
using the telephone keypad. Accelerometers have
been used in (Owusu et al., 2012) and (Aviv et al.,
2012) to infer sensitive data with an acceptable suc-
cess rate.
The camera and microphone sensors are used
in (Simon and Anderson, 2013) with the PIN skim-
mer application to retrieve the value of SIM PIN
code. Every time the user touches the screen, their
tool takes a photo of the user’s eyes, with the front
camera and saves the image along with its associated
digit. The pairs (photo/digit) are sent to a server.
The user photos are associated to each digit. These
side channel attacks succeed because there is a direct
mapping between the inferred position and the value
to guess.
Randomized virtual keypads seem to be a promis-
ing solution to thwart such side channel attacks be-
Theoretical Security Evaluation of the Human Semantic Authentication Protocol
cause there are no more links between position and
value. Unfortunately, there is still a possibility that an
installed application with enough privilege can obtain
a snapshot of the screen; thus the used keyboard and
obtain the link between position and value. The diffi-
culty resides only in luring the user while the applica-
tion requires permission for screen shot. Another so-
lution, a bit more complicated, requires acquiring root
privileges. As a conclusion, to avoid side channel or
key logging attacks, one can use graphical password
schemes. But even this solution is still vulnerable to
shoulder surfing attacks.
2.3 Graphical Password
The graphical password mechanism requires from the
user to memorize a sequence of graphical representa-
tions instead of an alphanumeric string. Human vi-
sual memory preserves the security of the system and
improves usability. Several studies evaluate the us-
ability of graphical authentication schemes and only
a few studies have focuse on the security aspects (Re-
naud et al., 2013). Graphical passwords are typically
classified as recall-based, recognition-based, or cued
2.3.1 Recall-based Schemes
Users are either required to draw a shape from
memory or repeat a sequence of actions. Examples
of recall schemes are Draw-A-Secret (DAS) (Jermyn
et al., 1999) and Pass-Go (Tao and Adams, 2008), as
well as Android’s Pattern Unlock.
A DAS password is a free-form picture drawn
on an NxN grid. The grid is denoted by discrete
rectangular coordinates (x,y) which are used to
indicate the cells that are crossed by the user’s drawn
secret. In order for a drawn secret to be accepted in
authentication, it needs to cross the same grid of cells
while ensuring the breaks between the strokes occur
in the same place. DAS does not rely on drawings
from a semantic perspective but on the underlying
grid sectors.
Pass-Go improves DAS’s usability by encoding
the grid intersection points rather than the grid cells.
It overcomes the limitation of the DAS scheme, where
strokes too close to adjacent cell edges could be incor-
rectly assigned to multiple cells.
Such pattern-based authentication mechanisms
are vulnerable to attacks based on observations of
smudges on the device touchscreen. Moreover, recall
is a cognitively difficult task (same as a PIN code).
Therefore, users tend to resort to coping strategies.
2.3.2 Recognition-based Schemes
Users have to recognize a sequence of images or
shapes, usually embedded in a grid of decoy images
to detract attention of observers. It is the least cog-
nitively demanding and particularly suitable for use
with images.
Dhamija and Perrig (Dhamija et al., 2000) propose
eja Vu a recognition-based graphical authentication
mechanism. Each image is abstract in nature and the
collection is generated using a mathematical formula.
In fact, the output depends on an initial seed. The
advantage relies on the fact that the actual images do
not need to be stored, just the small initial seed.
A typical scheme is Passfaces (Brostoff and
Sasse, 2000) where a user selects a portfolio of faces
from a database while creating a password. During
authentication, a panel of candidate faces is presented
for the user to select the face belonging to her portfo-
lio. This process is repeated in several rounds, each
round with a different panel. A successful login re-
quires correct selection in each round.
Use Your Illusion (UYI) (Hayashi et al., 2008) re-
lies on the human ability to recognize a degraded ver-
sion of a previously seen image. UYI utilizes an im-
age process filter to eliminate most details in an im-
age, while preserving some features such as colour
and rough shapes.
2.3.3 Cued-recall-based Schemes
Users have to select target points in an image or a se-
quence of images. The image serves as a cue to sup-
port memory recall. Ideally, cues are only helpful to
the legitimate user but not to observers.
In (Wiedenbeck et al., 2005) the authors propose
a mechanism called PassPoints. In PassPoints
the user is expected to select five click points on an
image. The sequence of click points is the authen-
tication secret. The image can be selected from a
library or provided by the user, the only requirement
being that the image is complex enough to inspire
users and protect the secret. In (Suo et al., 2005) the
author propose a variant which is somewhat resistant
to shoulder-surfing: Cued Click Points, where images
are changed after each click; with the next image
selected by a deterministic function. The next image
displayed is based on the previous click point so users
receive immediate implicit feedback as to where they
are on the correct path when logging in.
Most graphical password schemes solve the prob-
lem of key-logging attacks but remain sensitive to
shoulder surfing attacks or side channel attacks.
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.1 Definition
In (Salembier et al., 2016), the authors present the
HSA protocol. They claim to be a mix between
recall and cued-recall based schemes. For the
authentication, the system proposes a sequence of a
images set. The user selects the sequence of images
that remind her its secret password. The originality
of this scheme relies on the fact that the secret is not
an image or a part of an image but a concept. In this
paper, we suppose that the user selects an image and
not a part of the image. Indeed, selecting a picture
or a part of a picture is the same in the sense that
a multi-parts picture could be reduced to multiple
pictures in an equivalent whole pictures only scheme.
A Concept Password (CP) is a sequence of con-
cepts, as a PIN code is a sequence of digits. On the
screen, different pictures are presented to the user.
Each picture contains several concepts. The user se-
lects a sequence of pictures which contains her con-
cept sequence in order to be authenticated.
This implies that the user must decode how the
concept has been represented into the image. The au-
thors of (Salembier et al., 2016) claim that only a hu-
man can act as a good decoder. They give some ex-
amples. An image where the concepts yellow colour,
tool, animal and food are the sequential elements of
the CP. Any element of the CP can be instantiated
with different pictures. For example, yellow can be a
sun, a car, a wall. Any animal can either be an animal
or a food and a bee can be an animal and the item yel-
low. Several concepts can be embedded into one im-
age, an element can represent different concepts and
a concept can be in different successive images. The
main feature behind the HSA protocol is to obfuscate
the secret elements through diversity and redundancy.
The authors pay a lot of attention to the usability of
the scheme leading to studies capturing different pa-
rameters as the time to recognition, the recognition
ratio, etc. They claim a strong resistance against over
the shoulder attacks performed either by human or
by a machine. We investigate in section 4 and 5 the
resistance of the HSA protocol from a mathematical
point of view either for a human attacker or a machine
based attacker.
3.2 Threat Model
During the authentication process, HSA presents a
challenge set to the user that contains both decoy con-
cepts and CP embedded into a set of images. The user
is required to choose all concept passwords to pass
the authentication. A threat model in which the adver-
sary performs a shoulder-surfing attack is assumed. A
shoulder surfing attacker intends to capture the legiti-
mate user’s concept passwords through observing the
user’s selection with any technical recording device.
The attacker can use any device (a camera for ex-
ample) to record all the images and all the attempts.
As a consequence the entire set of images is known
by the attacker. In the following, we suppose that the
set of concepts is publicly known.
In summary the attacker can see the different
pictures selected by the user. Is she able to retrieve
the CP? If so, in how many observations? What are
the limits of this identification scheme?
On the other hand, in this paper we want to keep
a security as strong as the one offered by a PIN code.
That means that the probability of selecting the good
pictures by chance has to be the same as that of testing
by chance PIN code.
3.3 Mathematical Description
In this section, the objective of this paper is given,
with a mathematical formalisation. Let be a Concept
Password CP of size n (number of concepts the user
has to memorize):
CP = c
, c
, ..., c
The set of all concepts is denoted D with a cardinal
equal to D. The set of pictures in the database is de-
noted by P. At each authentication a subset of p pic-
tures (taken from P) are presented to the user. Each
picture can be mapped to a subset of D with only l
concepts (each picture contains l concepts).
An attacker can have a divide an conquer approach
and attack one concept at a time. So in the following,
the attacker tries to find a single concept c
(e.g. the i-
th concept of the concept password) within a sequence
of observed pictures. In this paper D
, denotes the set
of l concepts included in the picture selected by the
user at the j-th authentication for a given concept c.
3.3.1 Main Questions
In the rest of this paper, we want to know if an attacker
can easily retrieve the concept password according to
the number of concepts and its repartition. In other
Theoretical Security Evaluation of the Human Semantic Authentication Protocol
words, for a strong security implementation of HSA,
we want to answer the following main questions:
1. How many concepts in total (D size of D)?
2. How many concepts in a picture (l)?
3. How many pictures should be presented to the
user for one authentication (p)?
In this section various probability constraints are in-
troduced in order to have an approximation for a good
pair D and l. More precisely, this paragraph gives the
tools to answer the questions 1 and 2.
4.1 Probability to Select a Good Picture
The number of concepts by picture is fixed and noted
l. Extreme values of l do no make sense. If l = 1 it
is equivalent to a classic PIN. If l = D, all pictures
contain all concepts: any sequence of pictures vali-
dates the CP. It is preferable to strike a better balance
between these two extreme values.
Let be Q the probability of the event:
The attacker selects a picture associated to the concept
c by chance.
Q =
. (1)
This probability shows that a picture does not have to
contain too many concepts.
To have the same security as a PIN or better, it
means that
Q =
Thus, l the number of concepts by picture has to be:
l 6
4.2 Probability to Retrieve a Concept
The attacker has a set of N observed pictures for the
concept c, obtained from the shoulder surfing attack.
Let P (N) be the probability of the event: “the at-
tacker has retrieved the concept c”, with N observa-
tions. There are two cases:
1. The event A:
= {c} and P (N) = 1 .
The attacker is sure that she has retrieved the good
2. The event A:
but the intersection is not equal to the single-
ton {c} so:
P (N) =
, with k = #
P (N) =
· P
= k
. (2)
As c is the common concept of all observations of the
attacker, the following notations are introduced:
= D\{c} D
= D
= D 1 l
= l 1 .
With these new notations, P (N) is a sum of P
with the factor
P (N) =
k + 1
(N) ; (3)
(N) = P
= k
. (4)
Estimation by Recurrence
The goal of this part is to write the probability
P (N + 1) with P (N).
The probability P
(N) defined in equation (4) is
If N = 2, the attacker can see only two observa-
tions, k, P
(2) can be computed.
(2) = P
= k
(2) =
This corresponds to a hypergeometric distribution.
This distribution describes the probability of drawing
k “successes” in l
draws, without replacement, from
a population of D
objects that contains l
objects la-
belled “success”. P
(2) can be seen as drawing l
concepts to form D
, k of which should be taken from
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Then, a recurrence relation can be defined:
(N + 1) =
· P
(N) . (5)
This is also a hypergeometric distribution : draw l
concepts to form D
, k of which should be taken from
, assuming the latter is of size k
. Then, sum-
ming of all the values of k
. Thanks to the relation 5,
P (N) can be computed in practice.
5.1 Security Conditions
5.1.1 Consequences of P (N)
2 4 6 8 10
Figure 1: Probability P according to N, for l = 20 and
D = 20 in black +, D = 40 in red , D = 100 in green ,
D = 200 in blue B, D = 400 in magenta ×.
Figure 1 illustrates the probability according to dif-
ferent values of the number of observation N, for the
number of concepts l by picture fixed to 20, and dif-
ferent values of the total number of concepts D.
The black + curve is the extreme case where
D = l = 20; it means that a picture contains every
concept. So it is impossible to retrieve the concept
c and P =
; but this makes no sense from the HSA
protocol point of view. Indeed, all pictures validate
all concepts.
The blue B curve represents the case with the
same security as a PIN code for N = 0. More pre-
cisely: D = 10 ·l = 200.
0 10 50 100 150 200
Figure 2: The shoulder surfing security:
Maximum number N of observations made by an attacker
such that they can correctly guess the right concept with
probability P (N)
, as a function of the number l of
concepts per picture, and of the total number D of concepts.
All points inside the region of the same colour share the
same value of N. The dashed line is the line D = 10l.
0 10 50 100 150 200
Figure 3: The shoulder surfing security:
Maximum number N of observations made by an attacker
such that they can correctly guess the right concept with
probability P (N) 0.5, as a function of the number l of
concepts per picture, and of the total number D of concepts.
The dashed line is the line D = 10l.
There is a
chance to select a picture which con-
tains the correct concept. Figure 1 shows that P > 0.9
Theoretical Security Evaluation of the Human Semantic Authentication Protocol
after only N = 3 observations.
For all different values of D > l, P rapidly
Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate the shoulder surf-
ing security for various values of l and D. The dashed
lines are the line D = 10 · l. They represent Q =
the probability to select a correct image by chance;
for a PIN code, it is equal to
as explained in 4.1.
Figure 2 gives the maximum value of N for which
P 0.1, holds. For example if l = 150 and D = 1000,
then until N = 2 observations P 0.1; and with N = 3
observations P 0.1. Every point inside the region
of the same colour share the same value of N. The
dashed curve represents a limit not to cross to keep
PIN code security with N = 0 observation. If the
dashed curve is used; if l = 150 then D has to be equal
to at least 1500.
In conclusion of this Figure 2, in order to have
P 0.1 with N = 2 observations, D = 1000 concepts
are required and every picture has to contain l = 100
Figure 3 is the same as Figure 2, but with P 0.5.
With D = 2000 and l = 200, with N = 4 observations,
the probability P to retrieve the concept is bigger than
5.1.2 Constraints
To avoid sieve attacks, all concepts have to be present
on screen authentication. In order to not have some
concept password more secure than others, each
concept have to be contained in the same number of
pictures on the same screen. Moreover, to keep the
same security as a PIN code for N = 0 observation,
each concept has to appear in
of the pictures
at most . On the other hand, every picture has to
contain the same number of concepts l in order to not
introduce any new bias.
The estimation of l implies that a compromise is
required. Indeed, the bigger the number of concepts
l by picture, the better is P (N) the probability to
retrieve a concept. On other hand, the smaller the
number of concepts l by picture, the better is Q the
probability to select a good picture by chance.
Finally, we try to answer to the questions 1,2 and
3 of paragraph 3.3.1.
If l = 200 concepts per image, 2000 concepts are
required to have a good security up to N = 3 ob-
servations. A picture is a random subset of l con-
cepts in D concepts.
There are 10
possible concept subsets.
If l = 100 concepts by pictures, 1000 concepts are
required to have a good security up to N = 2 ob-
servations. There are 10
possible concept
5.2 Security/Efficiency Trade-off
In the previous section, the human limits and the
hardware limits have not been taken into account.
Store 10
pictures is impossible. Is it possible
to have fewer pictures and keep the same security ?
Studying how many pictures are enough is another
subject of research for a future work. A solution
would be to generate pictures on the fly. Another
solution could be that pictures are stored on cloud,
but that means that a connexion is required for
It is important that the HSA protocol can be used
by real people. This protocol has to stay practical.
A human limit is for example the number of pic-
tures which are printed on the screen. In (Zouinar
et al., 2016; Salembier et al., 2016), the authors use
only 4 concepts by pictures. One has to remark than
4 is very small.
Another problem is the capacity for a user to re-
trieve concepts in a picture. If a concept is obvious
then the attacker can discover it very fast. For exam-
ple a colour is a too obvious concept. On the other
hand, concepts should not to be too abstract, since
users must be able to retrieve them in a picture. Fur-
thermore, according to the culture, abstract concepts
can be seen differently. For example the concept wis-
dom could be represented by an elephant or an owl in
different cultures.
The HSA protocol is better than a simple PIN code
against shoulder surfing attacks. Unfortunately its im-
provement is minimal.
In (Zouinar et al., 2016; Salembier et al., 2016),
the authors use only 4 concepts by pictures, so the
security is broken for 2 observations. Indeed, in prac-
tice even if many concepts are used to generate the
different pictures, this solution is not secure after 2 or
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3 observations by the attacker. If l = 200 concepts by
pictures, 2000 concepts are required to have a good
security up to N = 3 observations and 10
tures are possible. If l = 100 concepts by pictures,
1000 concepts are required to have a good security
up to N = 2 observations and 10
pictures are
possible. This represents many possible pictures with
many concepts in each picture just to resist to only 2
or 3 observations.
Moreover, human limits and hardware limits are
not taken into account in this paper. But they repre-
sent important limitation in the implementation. Gen-
erating pictures on the fly would be an interesting so-
lution, as it would solve many problems of HSA. An
attacker won’t be able to know the picture database
since it does not exist and the device won’t have to
store all pictures. So she would need detect concepts
in pictures. To our knowledge the best methods in-
volve machine learning algorithms. That requires a
characterisation step, with a numerous data samples.
Another question is how to generate a picture with
100 concepts such that a human is able to retrieve her
concept in this picture?
In practice, it is often better to have no security
at all and be fully aware of it rather than having a
false feeling of protection relying on weak security.
An HSA user is less alert than a standard PIN code
user against shoulder surfing attacks. Since they feel
protected against this kind of attacks, they are more
careless in hiding their authentication. Yet security
breaks down quickly (3 observations), so they should
not relax their attention.
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