Table 1: Accuracy values for different k.
Value of k 3 5 7 9
Accuracy 0.90 0.96 0.96 0.94
Table 2: Confusion Matrix.
Meli Giallo Rosso
Meli 100% 0 0
Giallo 0 86.67% 13.33 %
Rosso 0 0 100%
increase the scientific knowledge of these products.
We also plan to extend this notebook for other crops
introducing also other analysis tools. The system has
been designed to allow the farmer to trace cultivation
over time and to collect data that can be automatically
Future work will be developed to produce automatic
procedure which can be used for decision making and
comparing advanced methodologies for image repre-
sentation and classification (e.g. deep learning).
We thank C.R.E.A for providing the dataset. We also
thank Joint Open Lab Wave of Catania (a research
laboratory of TELECOM) for helpful comments.
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