In this paper, we examine a missile attack scenario
combined with a cyber-attack scenario. To do that,
we solve the SIR model using an approximate
solution which reproduces all of the characteristics
of the problem such as the asymmetry, the trends in
time evolution of the parameters
as well
as their long term behaviours.
It could also be argued that the asymmetric
approximation is in itself an epidemic model in the
same way that the SIR model is an epidemic model.
They are both anchored on similar assumptions. And
they both generate similar results.
We show that the missile defence effectiveness
of the blue force can be critically affected when the
red force launches a cyber-attack at the same time as
a missile attack.
To our knowledge, the degradations of a missile
defence system due to a cyber-attack have not been
explicitly modelled. In the future, we would like to
examine closely how command and control systems
are affected by a cyber-attack. To do that, we will
investigate in depth the complexity of command and
control systems and the nature of cyber-attacks.
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A Simultaneous Cyber-attack and a Missile Attack