Stability Analysis of a Regulated Oxygen Mask
Geoffray Battiston, Dominique Beauvois, Gilles Duc and Emmanuel Godoy
Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S), Centrale-Supélec, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud,
Université Paris-Saclay, 3 rue Joliot Curie, 91192 Gif sur Yvette, cedex, France,,
Keywords: Stability Analysis, Pneumatic Systems.
Abstract: We analyse the stability of a regulated oxygen mask distributing oxygen in response to an inhalation demand.
The mask pressure exhibits troublesome vibrations after the demand reaches a certain flow value. Starting
from a simple nonlinear model, we perform a local linear stability analysis which highlights that the real part
of two eigenvalues is positive when this system is chattering. We propose then adjustments of some
parameters of this purely mechanical system in order to avoid this phenomenon. These adjustments have been
tested and validated experimentally.
In an airplane, in order to avoid hypoxia accidents
which can be due to fire or cabin depressurization,
some international aviation agencies (like NATO,
1991 or EASA, 2012) impose the availability and
performance of an oxygen supply for aircraft pilots.
We analyze the stability of a regulated oxygen mask
distributing oxygen in response to an inhalation
demand. The mask pressure exhibits troublesome
vibrations after the demand reaches a certain flow
value. Starting from a simple nonlinear model, we
perform a local linear stability analysis which
highlights that the real part of two eigenvalues is
positive when this system is chattering. We propose
then adjustments of some parameters of this purely
mechanical system in order to avoid this
The regulated oxygen mask studied in this paper
satisfies all the requirements but still presents a mask
pressure vibration issue which can disturb an inhaling
pilot. For comfort reasons, these vibrations must be
suppressed. The regulator of the mask is made of
purely mechanical elements and for cost reasons we
can only adjust its physical parameters.
As in many studies of pneumatic systems, we
cope with relief valves which introduce amplitude
constraints in addition to nonlinearities linked to the
nature of the flows in the pneumatic circuit. It is
known that valves coupled with a phase shifting
element like a long tube or volume can be affected
with various dynamical behaviours like chattering,
fluttering, pressure surge, etc. (a complete review for
pressure relief valves can be found in Hös et al.,
2017). Chattering, which concerns us the most here,
is basically the situation where the valve starts
touching its support. The study of the chattering
phenomenon is linked to this grazing bifurcation and
can be found in multiple papers (see for instance,
Budd, 1996, Chin et al., 1994, Casas et al., 1996 or
Molenaar et al., 2001) or books (see Bernardo et al.,
The classical method for such a study is, usually
first, to perform a stability analysis of a linearized
model of this nonlinear system to find the possible
instabilities, Hopf bifurcations (see for instance,
Maeda, 1970, MacLeod, 1985), secondly to
eventually use nonlinear tools (normal form
reduction, center manifold reduction, Lyapunov
exponents, etc.) to analyze the trajectory of the
system variables until a grazing bifurcation appears
(Hayashi et al., 1997, Licsko et al., 2009). Thirdly,
the grazing bifurcation can be studied by finding a
Poincaré map which describes the essential dynamics
of the oscillating valve that collides with its support
(see the suggestions about chattering in the papers
cited above). In this paper, we will only focus on the
first step, which is finding the conditions provoking
the chattering effect, and see if it is possible to find
any stability condition for the regulated mask and
how it can be fulfilled by modifying some physical