period. After the end of this period, the station is
aware of the data channel claims for transmission of
all stations, grace to the broadcast nature of the
control channel. We can say that the successfully
transmitted control packets are uniformly distributed
to the N/2 data channels with equal and constant
probability 2/N. So, if one or more other stations
have selected the same j-th control mini-slot for
transmission, the corresponding control packets have
collided during the j-th control mini-slot and are all
aborted. On the contrary if the control packet has
been successfully transmitted over the j-th control
mini-slot, the station has to check the data channel
field of the other successfully transmitted control
packets. Thus, if exactly one more station has
chosen the same data channel λ
for transmission and
its control packet transmission was successful, then
the i-th data channel from the set A1 is assigned to
the first station for transmission, while the i-th data
channel from the set A
is assigned to the second
station for transmission, i.e. the λ
and λ
channels respectively. Also, if more than one
stations have chosen the same data channel λ
transmission and their control packets transmissions
were successful, then an arbitration rule for the data
channels assignment may be considered, such as
priority. In this case, only two of these stations gain
access to the data channels λ
and λ
transmission during the cycle data phase, while the
other data packets transmissions are cancelled. The
stations who gain the access over the data channels
start tuning their tunable transmitter to the assigned
channels for the transmission. The tuning period
lasts for T time units. The data packet transmission
will start R+T time units after the end of the control
phase, as Fig. 2 shows. At the same time instant, the
data packets reception will also start by the
destination stations.
Packets are generated independently at each
station following a geometric distribution, i.e. a
packet is generated at each cycle with birth
probability p. A backlogged station retransmits the
unsuccessfully transmitted packet following a
geometric distribution with probability p
. We
assume that each station is equipped with a
transmitter buffer with capacity of one data packet.
If the buffer is empty the station is said to be free,
otherwise it is backlogged. If a station is backlogged
and generates a new packet, the packet is lost. Free
stations that unsuccessfully transmit on the control
channel or in case of loss at the channel assignment
competition during a cycle, are getting backlogged
in the next cycle. A backlogged station is getting
free at the next cycle, if it manages to retransmit
without collision over a control channel and its data
packet retransmission is not aborted due to the
channel assignment competition.
The examined system performance can be described
by a discrete time Markov chain. We denote the
state of the system by Xt, t=1,2… where Xt=0,1…M
is the number of backlogged stations at the
beginning of a cycle. Let:
Hc =The number of new control packets arrivals
at the beginning of a cycle, c=0,1,2,…
Ac = The number of successfully transmitted
data packets over the N data channels at the end of a
cycle, c=0,1,2…
S(x)=The number of successfully transmitted
control packets during the v control mini-slots,
conditional that x (re)transmissions occurred during
a cycle, c=0,1,2,….
The probability of y successes over the v control
mini-slots from x (re)transmissions during a cycle is
given by Szpankowski (1983):
and 0 ≤ y ≤ min(v,x) and x-y ≠ 1
Also, let:
A(y)=The number of successfully transmitted
data packets over the N data channels, conditional
that y successful (re)transmissions occurred during
the v control mini-slots, during a cycle.
The probability
]z)y(APr[ of z successfully
transmitted data packets over the N data channels,
conditional that y successful (re)transmissions
occurred during the v control mini-slots, during a
cycle, is given by:
)2y AND zy(:if ),z,y(prob
2)y AND zy(:if ,1
)2z AND zy( OR )zy(:if ,0
i,i2zyS ! i
! i2z