Based on the goals and intentions of the “App i
Owner” and the context of the “Line i”, the “Line i
Team” has to choose the way that best fits the
context: First, in the case where the “line team” has
to develop new reusable artefacts that do not exist
within the common assets, the team applies the same
process used for the domain engineering phase.
Second, in the case where some stakeholders’ goals
do not affect the product line, have not equivalent
features in the common assets, and concern a
specific product, the “Line Team” produces directly
the User Stories and their Backlogs.
The aim of this paper was to propose an integrated
and consistent metamodel for software analysts and
developers who adopt agile product line approaches.
The research was conducted in the context of defining
our own agile software product line called AgiFPL.
The main contribution of the metamodel is to allow
capturing intentional variability and describing the
intentions behind existing features in the agile product
line. As a consequence, by using family goal models
we can ensure that existing features and variability
relations in feature models are aligned with
intentional variability in the family goal models. In
addition, we can trace back differences in products to
differences in the intentions of stakeholders.
Moreover, applying intentional elements within agile
product lines not only facilitates identifying features
in domain engineering lifecycle, but also eases the
selection of features based on stakeholder’s intentions
and needs in the application engineering lifecycle.
Modeling the organizational and operational
context of the domain and application engineering
tiers within the flexible and rapid environment of a
product line is usually founded on primitive
concepts such as those of Goal, Role, Feature, Actor,
and User Story. Our paper proposed an integrated
metamodel, described its main concepts, illustrated
it with an example and related it to our AgiFPL
methodology. Our approach differs from others
primarily in the fact that it is based on ideas from
goal-oriented requirements engineering frameworks,
feature-oriented approaches, and agile requirements
practices found to be relevant for the solicited
requirements engineering approach.
Future work will develop a procedure to discover
inconsistencies in mapping results (i.e. generated
goal models and/or generated feature models).
Finally, we will lead a formal and empirical
evaluation of our proposed framework.
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