A Holistic Privacy Approach for the Internet of Things
Christoph Stach
, Sascha Alpers
, Stefanie Betz
, Frank D
, Andreas Fritsch
, Kai Mindermann
Saravana Murthy Palanisamy
, Gunther Schiefer
, Manuela Wagner
, Bernhard Mitschang
Andreas Oberweis
and Stefan Wagner
IPVS, University of Stuttgart, Universit
atsstraße 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Haid-und-Neu-Straße 10-14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kaiserstraße 89, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
ISTE, University of Stuttgart, Universit
atsstraße 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
ZAR, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Vincenz-Prießnitz-Straße 3, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Privacy, IoT Apps, Smart Things, Stream Processing, Privacy Preferences Elicitation & Verification.
Applications for the Internet of Things are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the large amount of available
context data, such applications can be used effectively in many domains. By interlinking these data and
analyzing them, it is possible to gather a lot of knowledge about a user. Therefore, these applications pose a
threat to privacy. In this paper, we illustrate this threat by looking at a real-world application scenario. Current
state of the art focuses on privacy mechanisms either for Smart Things or for big data processing systems.
However, our studies show that for a comprehensive privacy protection a holistic view on these applications
is required. Therefore, we describe how to combine two promising privacy approaches from both categories,
namely AVARE and PATRON. Evaluation results confirm the thereby achieved synergy effects.
Applications for the Internet of Things—or short IoT
Apps—are on the rise. This trend is due to the in-
creasing number of sensors that are built in everyday
objects with (indirect) connection to the Internet. So,
these objects are able to interconnect and exchange
data. Such devices are labeled as Smart Things. Since
we are surrounded by Smart Things in almost ev-
ery situation, there constantly arise novel application
fields for the IoT. Here, each Smart Thing captures
a different aspect of its context and commonly sends
this data to a central processing system. The central
system consolidates the data and has sufficient com-
puting power to perform comprehensive analyses on
it. The data is stored for future unknown purposes
and gets enriched by data from further data sources.
As a result, knowledge can be gained from the avail-
able data, e. g., behavior patterns can be derived for
an individual user. This knowledge can be used to in-
crease the quality of service for each user from then
GrowthEnabler predicts that the market for such
IoT Apps will grow by almost 300 % until 2020. Es-
pecially the Connected Health domain benefits from
this trend (GrowthEnabler, 2017). However, as health
IoT Apps handle data which contains a lot of knowl-
edge about users, an effective privacy system is a key
issue for such apps. State of the art focuses on pro-
tecting sensitive data either on Smart Things or on
big data processing systems. Yet, there is no holis-
tic view on IoT Apps as a whole. That is, a privacy
system for the IoT has to operate on both the Smart
Things as well as the central processing system in or-
der to provide a comprehensive protection. There are
completely novel requirements towards such a privacy
system that exceed those for single Smart Things or
central processing systems by far (Dhillon and Back-
house, 2000). For instance, due to the complexity of
IoT Apps, users cannot comprehend what knowledge
can be gained from which data and what background
information about him or her is available.
For this reason, by introducing AVARE PATRON,
a holistic privacy approach which focuses on a simple
description of privacy preferences, we make the fol-
lowing contributions: (a) We introduce a real-world
application scenario from the Connected Health and
derive requirements towards an IoT privacy system.
Stach, C., Alpers, S., Betz, S., Dürr, F., Fritsch, A., Mindermann, K., Palanisamy, S., Schiefer, G., Wagner, M., Mitschang, B., Oberweis, A. and Wagner, S.
The AVARE PATRON - A Holistic Privacy Approach for the Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0006850303720379
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 2: SECRYPT, pages 372-379
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Big Data
Figure 1: IoT App Layer Model.
(b) We introduce a holistic privacy approach for the
IoT called AVARE PATRON, a fusion of two promis-
ing privacy systems for Smart Things (AVARE) and
big data processing systems (PATRON). Both systems
achieve significant synergy effects due to this tight in-
termeshing. (c) We show that AVARE PATRON is the
only privacy approach which meets all requirements
towards an IoT privacy system.
The remainder of this paper is as follows: In Sec-
tion 2, a real-world IoT App from the Connected
Health domain is introduced and privacy require-
ments are derived from it. Then, AVARE PATRON—
our approach towards a holistic privacy system for the
IoT—is introduced in Section 3. Section 4 discusses
AVARE PATRON in the context of related work. Fi-
nally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
Before introducing a real-world application scenario,
we first discuss the architecture of IoT Apps in gen-
eral. Figure 1 illustrates the components involved.
The Sensor Layer contains all components that are
able to capture context data. These components are
characterized by the fact that they have very little
computing power and can only capture a certain type
of data. As a result, they only provide unprocessed
raw data. They are also not designed to execute third-
party applications. Examples of Sensor Layer com-
ponents are cameras, microphones, or GPS receivers.
Special medical devices such as health monitors or
devices for the administration of medication are also
part of this layer. In order to (pre)process the cap-
tured data, these devices have to be connected to a
device with more computing power and connectivity
(e. g., a smartphone). This connection can be either
physical (e. g., the sensor is installed in a smartphone)
or wireless (e. g., via Bluetooth). This hub device is
usually strongly tied to a single user, i. e., all data con-
flated on the device can be linked to this user. Un-
like sensors, devices in the Edge Layer are able to
store data. Their key feature is however the ability to
execute third-party applications. These applications
have access to remote servers, i. e., they can transfer
the collected data to the Big Data Layer in order to
perform comprehensive analyses. As a result, data
of many such hub devices, i. e., data of many users,
are gathered in the Big Data Layer. A user does not
know where his or her data is processed or stored. The
Big Data Layer persistently stores any incoming data.
This enables to process both, historical and real-time
data. These two data types can be combined for the
analyses. Data of different users can be cross-linked
as well. That way, data mining, machine learning,
and complex event processing techniques can be used
to recognize patterns and generate further knowledge.
The insights are prepared for presentations tailored to
different stakeholders. For example, users can be in-
formed about the occurrence of certain patterns, ir-
relevant information can be filtered out, or the data
can be provided in a highly aggregated form. How
the data is presented is determined by the Application
Layer. The devices used here are highly heteroge-
neous and are not necessarily associated with the data
subject, i. e., these devices can belong to other users
or even companies.
After introducing the architecture of IoT Apps,
the application scenario below illustrates the advan-
tages of these apps. The scenario introduces an app
for children suffering from diabetes, as IoT Apps are
The AVARE PATRON - A Holistic Privacy Approach for the Internet of Things
particularly effective for the treatment of chronic dis-
eases (Kn
oll, 2012).
For this purpose, the children are equipped with a
Smart Bracelet and a smartphone. The Smart Bracelet
is able to detect certain activities (e. g., administer-
ing insulin) based on characteristic movement pat-
terns (Kwapisz et al., 2011). The smartphone deter-
mines the child’s mood via its microphone (Mehta
et al., 2012) and the taken bread units via its cam-
era (Almaghrabi et al., 2012). In addition, blood glu-
cose meters can be connected via Bluetooth in order
to access their readings. All measurement results are
automatically captured, labeled with a GPS location
and a time stamp, and entered into an electronic di-
abetes diary. Thereby the children do not have to
remember to write down their health data and the
records are more accurate.
The collected data is regularly sent to a hospital
cloud. Here the data of all patients are preprocessed
and made available to the attending physicians. This
facilitates their work, as they can quickly review the
data and focus on emergency cases. If necessary,
however, they also have access to the unprocessed
original data.
Additionally, this approach enables researchers
from various research areas to gather novel insights
due to the huge data collection. For instance, physi-
cians can derive correlations between treatment meth-
ods and disease progressions. Or urban planners
are able to identify places where the medical condi-
tion gets significantly better and learn how to create
healthier cities (Kn
oll, 2012).
However, there are two further stakeholders for
this kind of data: the parents of the young patients
and their insurance companies. Parents can be in-
formed about an unhealthy lifestyle of their children
(e. g., if too many sweets are consumed) or be alerted
in case of a sugar shock including precise location in-
formation. Insurance companies can use the data to
determine whether expensive treatment methods are
actually required.
Due to the huge amount of sensitive data and the
large number of stakeholders who are interested in
this data, a wide variety of privacy concerns arise in
such a context. For instance, the children want to pre-
vent that their parents are able to check their current
location regularly and thus oversee them permanently.
However, if they deactivate the GPS entirely, the par-
ents cannot be informed of their whereabouts even in
case of an emergency. Moreover, this would signif-
icantly deteriorate the data quality. Correlations be-
tween particular locations and health conditions can
no longer be detected. This also applies to all other
sensors used in this scenario. That is, an applicable
privacy system cannot solely rely on filtering out or
alternating data from certain sources.
Resulting Requirements.
Privacy systems for IoT Apps should be applied to
the Edge Layer or the Big Data Layer. In the Sensor
Layer, no third-party applications can be installed and
these devices lack sufficient computing power. The
data subject has no control over the devices in the Ap-
plication Layer. In addition, a privacy system would
have little effect in this layer; private data has already
been fully analyzed and could have been shared with
any third-party by previous layers. Therefore, the fo-
cus of this work is on the Edge Layer and the Big Data
Simple Configuration. Most users of IoT Apps
are no IT experts. Therefore, the configuration of
the privacy systems, i. e., the specification of pri-
vacy preferences, has to be very simple. This is
crucial in such a complex environment, as users
cannot comprehend what knowledge can be de-
rived from which data. The user has to be able to
give a high level description of which information
should be concealed from which stakeholders.
Quality of Service Preservation. Besides pri-
vacy, the user is primarily interested in a high
quality of service. As shown in the applica-
tion scenario, all privacy issues could be solved
by sharing no information with any third-party.
But then the user would not benefit from the IoT
App. Therefore, a privacy system has to apply
different concealing techniques to protect privacy
while still guaranteeing the highest possible ser-
vice quality.
Protection at Big Data Layer. Only at the Big
Data Layer all data used by an IoT App is avail-
able (i. e., data from all involved Smart Devices
as well as data from further sources). In addi-
tion to real-time data, the Big Data Layer also
has the necessary storage capacities to maintain a
long-term data history. New knowledge can be de-
rived by combining historical and real-time data.
Therefore, a privacy mechanism needs access to
all of this data to comply with the privacy prefer-
Protection at Edge Layer. As a user can no
longer technically control the use of personal data
after it has left the Edge Layer, it is necessary that
a part of the privacy mechanism is also executed
there. Since the amount of data involved in an
IoT App is very large, data protection at the Big
Data Layer takes a considerable amount of time.
To ensure near-real-time data processing despite
the privacy measures, the amount of data should
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
be reduced at an early stage. For instance, a pa-
tient could prevent data from sensors that are not
required for the IoT App from being transferred
to the Big Data Layer. By restraining data at an
early stage, it can also be ensured that particularly
sensitive data never leaves the Smart Thing, i. e.,
the data subject’s control.
Tight Coupling. The privacy mechanism at the
Edge Layer and the one at the Big Data Layer
should work closely together for efficiency rea-
sons. The configurations of both mechanisms
have to be harmonized according to the user’s
privacy preferences. This includes not only co-
ordinating which mechanism protects what kind
of data, but also a shared memory, which stores
the existing knowledge on every component. It
should be kept in mind here that a lot of differ-
ent devices at the Edge Layer can be involved in a
single IoT App.
To meet these requirements, we combine two promis-
ing privacy approaches, namely AVARE (Alpers et al.,
2017a) and PATRON (Stach et al., 2018). AVARE is a
privacy mechanism for Smart Things. With AVARE,
the user’s effort in specifying his or her privacy pref-
erences is reduced as s/he has to formulate these only
once at a central point. AVARE then distributes them
to all of his or her Edge Layer devices. Besides, le-
gal compliance is taken into account. Nevertheless,
the source-based permissions used in AVARE prevent
comprehensive analytics in the Big Data Layer. PA-
TRON takes care of the latter. It allows users to spec-
ify their privacy preferences in natural language. Do-
main experts are provided with tool support to semi-
automatically translate these descriptions into permis-
sions. For verification, a control group defines alter-
native permissions. Via a data flow comparison, the
quality of the two permission sets is evaluated to ver-
ify that the permissions fully correspond to the user’s
preferences. By combining the two approaches, syn-
ergy effects are achieved in the resulting holistic pri-
vacy system. The overall architecture is shown in Fig-
ure 2. The components are outlined hereafter.
3.1 Configuration of the System
In addition to the existing four layers for IoT Apps,
we introduce two further layers: the Verification
and Configuration Layer and the Deployment Layer.
These layers are required for creating and managing
the privacy configurations.
The elicitation of privacy preferences has to be
very easy, especially in such a complex environ-
ment as IoT Apps. The user therefore formulates
his or her privacy preferences in near-natural lan-
guage towards the PATRON Verification and Config-
uration Layer. Using a knowledge base, these prefer-
ences are translated into a system configuration. The
knowledge base contains insights from domain ex-
perts (e. g., which data is required for which analysis
or what knowledge can be derived from which sensor
data). The translation can only be carried out semi-
automatically, since the preferences are expressed at
a high level (e. g., “Insurance company must not know
that I have eaten sweets!”). System theoretical tools
can support this process. Several configurations are
created, of which one is randomly selected as master
configuration. The remaining configurations are kept
as test suites for verification (see Section 3.3).
The master configuration is sent to the Deploy-
ment Layer. If necessary, legal experts can assess the
configurations for their legal compliance at this point.
If the configuration does not violate any applicable
law or norm, it is approved for deployment. For this,
it is split into two: an AVARE configuration enforced
directly on the various devices at the Edge Layer and
a PATRON configuration for the Big Data Layer.
3.2 Privacy at the Edge Layer
The privacy system AVARE is embedded in the Edge
Layer. This requires a dedicated instances of AVARE
per Smart Thing on the Edge Layer equipped with a
corresponding configuration, depending on the sen-
sors available for the device.
So, the data can be prepared (i. e., thinned out) at
the Edge Layer. AVARE is able to filter data horizon-
tally or vertically (i. e., filtering values or attributes)
blur data, and block data sources that are not required
by later analyses. Depending on the respective data
source, different concealing techniques are applied.
For instance, it is acceptable to reduce the accuracy of
location data (if this does not violate applicable law),
while medical data must not be altered as this could
have serious implications for a patient’s health.
Such privacy mechanisms work entirely source-
based, e. g., location data sharing can be prevented but
patterns consisting of data sequences from different
sources cannot be concealed. This could be achieved
with a permission model such as ACCESSORS, but
even then it is not possible to consider the data from
other Smart Things. However, this data is merged
in the Big Data Layer, whereby further patterns can
be revealed. To provide a comprehensive protection,
very restrictive rules are required at this layer. Yet,
that has a negative effect on subsequent processing
The AVARE PATRON - A Holistic Privacy Approach for the Internet of Things
Verification and
Configuration Layer
Modeler Testers
Deployment Layer
Sensor Layer
Application Layer
Big Data Layer
PATRON Access Control
Edge Layer
Data Flow Verification
Figure Legend:
AVARE components
are shown in blue
PATRON components
are shown in green
Insecure components
are shown in red
Figure 2: Overall Architecture of AVARE PATRON.
steps. The advantage of this procedure is that such
privacy operations require little computing effort and
by reducing the amount of data subsequent processing
steps are much faster. Moreover, users do not have to
rely on the fulfillment of their privacy preferences at
the Big Data Layer. This means that the modelers
have to trade off quality of service against processing
speed in the Big Data Layer.
Additionally, the connection to the Big Data Layer
can also be secured. Thereby devices in the Edge
Layer cannot send data to unauthorized third parties,
but to the processing back end, only. In addition,
the connection itself can be protected (e. g., via SSL).
This solves a major problem for PATRON, namely
how to ensure that Smart Things do not bypass the
PATRON Access Control and send their data directly
to the Big Data Layer.
3.3 Privacy at the Big Data Layer
The PATRON Access Control is wrapped around the
Big Data Layer. Therefore, it is able to control all in-
coming and outgoing data streams. That way, the PA-
TRON Access Control has a detailed overview of the
existing information available to the processing logic
in the Big Data Layer.
PATRON does not filter out certain attributes, but
it conceals private patterns. Such a pattern represents
a sequence of high-level events, e. g., the patient ate
sweets (Event
) and had to inject insulin as a result
). To accomplish this, various techniques can
be applied. For instance, the chronological sequence
of events can be swapped (whereby the correlation be-
tween eating sweets and taking insulin gets lost) or
certain events can be suppressed. On the one hand, the
modeler has to consider which technique has the least
influence on the quality of service. To this end, it is
considered how many false positives (e. g., sequence
is detected although it did not oc-
cur) and false negatives (e. g., an insulin intake is not
detected) occur due to the manipulation. Depending
on the specific use case, these parameters can also
be weighted (e. g., a false alarm is less crucial than
a non-identified emergency). On the other hand, the
manipulation must not be perceptible. For instance,
if an adversary knows that all n time units a certain
reading occurs, this event can neither be suppressed
nor swapped in the chronological order. As a result,
the computations in the PATRON Access Control be-
come complex and thus time-consuming. It is there-
fore important that the incoming data is pre-filtered in
the Edge Layer by AVARE.
These concealing techniques are applied to both
historical data and real-time data. The outgoing
(privacy-friendly) data flow is not only forwarded to
the Application Layer, but also sent to the Verification
and Configuration Layer. Here, the data is compared
with the result of a simulated run on which the test
cases are applied. The system assesses whether the
selected master configuration complies with all pri-
vacy preferences, as well as whether the configuration
is too restrictive, i. e., whether the quality of service
is impaired too much. The configuration is then ad-
justed accordingly and the user gets feedback. This is
important to build confidence in the privacy system.
AVARE and PATRON are promising privacy systems
in their respective application field. However, the
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
combination of these two systems provides a holis-
tic privacy protection for IoT Apps. In the follow-
ing, we discuss whether the two systems meet the re-
quirements towards a privacy system for IoT Apps
specified in Section 2 and which synergy effects are
achieved by our combined approach. As shown
in the application scenario, the elicitation of privacy
preferences has to be simple (R
). Related work of-
fer a variety of ways for the elicitation of privacy
preferences. ACCESSORS introduces a permission
model for Smart Things that allows users to describe
which information can be used for which purpose un-
der which context. It also enables to express what
information can be derived from which sensor (com-
binations) (Stach and Mitschang, 2018). However,
expert support is needed to identify these relation-
ships. There are extensions for TOSCA (TOSCA
is a standard for describing topology and orchestra-
tion of cloud applications) to specify privacy require-
ments (Breitenb
ucher et al., 2013). However, these
preferences can be specified only by the system ad-
ministrator and apply to all users. Yet, each user
might have individual privacy preferences which can-
not be considered in advance. In addition, system
administrators and users have to trust blindly that
these settings are actually implemented by the cloud
provider. STPA-Sec introduces a method to model
security requirements towards a software system.
Thereby, software architects are semi-automatically
supported to take these security constraints into ac-
count during implementation phase (Young and Leve-
son, 2014). STPA-Priv supports additionally model-
ing of privacy-relevant aspects (Shapiro, 2016). This
presupposes that the architect is willing to protect pri-
vate data—but a lot of business models are based on
the exploitation of this data. In addition, STPA-Priv
cannot apply any user-specific privacy preferences.
On the contrary, AVARE provides a user-friendly
GUI that allows users to configure the system. It
guides the user to create and manage a legally compli-
ant privacy profile. This profile is then transferred and
applied to all of his or her Smart Things. However, the
user is not made aware of any correlations between
the data sources used by an app and the knowledge
derivable from these data. PATRON therefore adopts
a different strategy. Since the user gives high-level de-
scriptions of his or her preferences, s/he is able to for-
mulate all of his or her requirements. As AVARE PA-
TRON adopts this strategy, our approach fully meets
Requirement R
The data protection measures must not unneces-
sarily affect the service quality of the IoT App (R
To the best of our knowledge, this issue is not covered
by related work. In AVARE, the user is responsible
for maintaining the quality of service. That is, if the
experienced quality of service is too low, the user has
to decide which privacy settings has to be changed
to improve the quality. PATRON always checks and
maximizes the quality of service automatically. This
is achieved by applying the most suitable concealing
techniques for each individual case. However, the
large number of possible techniques causes a process-
ing overhead. In AVARE PATRON, this is reduced
by aggregating or filtering out unrequired data at the
Edge Layer. Thus, our approach is better than both of
the other two approaches as it fully meets Require-
ment R
Privacy protection at the Big Data Layer (R
) is
important in the IoT context. There are many pri-
vacy extensions for real-time data processing systems,
e. g., Borealis (Lindner and Meier, 2006). They pro-
vide an attribute-based protection, i. e., certain data
attributes are only visible to authorized processing
units. This procedure is overly restrictive as the
units either always have access to certain attributes
or never. Therefore, systems such as ACStream pro-
vide context-based access control (Cao et al., 2009).
Yet, they also operate at the level of attributes. He
et al. therefore propose to consider whole complex
events, i. e., sequential sequences of certain attribute
values. This way, certain events can be dropped in-
stead of all attributes. As a result, quality of service
is considerably improved (He et al., 2011). Wang et
al. study how to suppress certain events while maxi-
mizing service quality (Wang et al., 2013). However,
dropping of events achieves suboptimal results, as too
much information could be lost. To carry out accurate
but privacy-aware analyses, PrivApprox uses a differ-
ential privacy-based approach. That is, detailed data
from different users is analyzed, but the results con-
tain no information about an individual user (Quoc
et al., 2017). Yet, this technique is not suitable for
medical use cases, since it is crucial that examination
results can be linked to specific patients.
The Big Data Layer is fully out of AVARE’s scope
whereas PATRON fully meets this requirement. It
provides comprehensive privacy protection at the Big
Data Layer. Thus, AVARE PATRON also meets Re-
quirement R
Privacy protection at the Edge Layer (R
) is vi-
tal in the IoT context as well. There are basically
two different implementation strategies for privacy
mechanisms for Smart Things: On the one hand,
the apps can be manipulated. A monitoring com-
ponent is injected into the byte code of an app.
This monitor ensures that the app complies with the
user’s privacy preferences. AppGuard is a privacy
system which uses byte code injection. It enables
The AVARE PATRON - A Holistic Privacy Approach for the Internet of Things
users to add context-based constraints to permissions,
i. e., the permissions’ scope of validity gets restricted.
Furthermore, users are able to specify countermea-
sures if an app’s execution violates the permissions.
For instance, the app can be provided with aggre-
gated, anonymized, or randomized data (Backes et al.,
2014). Dr. Android & Mr. Hide addresses the prob-
lem that a lot of apps have access to too many pri-
vate data due to coarse-grained permission settings.
For this purpose, new fine-granular permissions are
introduced. All of an app’s functions that require user
data are assigned to one of four protection classes.
For each category, generic anonymization and filter-
ing techniques are defined allowing the user to restrict
data access (Jeon et al., 2012). Even more control is
provided by RetroSkeleton. Here, the user can spec-
ify function calls s/he considers to be privacy critical.
For each function call, s/he defines a code fragment
which should be executed instead (Davis and Chen,
2013). Yet, users are completely overburdened with
this task, e. g., as many approaches require a deeper
technical understanding. On the other hand, the oper-
ating system on the Smart Things can be manipulated,
i. e., the operating system monitors the apps. That
way, similar extensions as the ones described above
can be realized. For instance, Apex adds constraints
to permissions (e. g., to specify how often an app can
request the current location) (Nauman et al., 2010).
However, all of these approaches have three crucial
issues: a) As they map their permissions to sensors,
privacy management is far too restrictive. b) They
only work on single Smart Things and do not con-
sider distributed infrastructures. c) Many of these ap-
proaches violate applicable law, e. g., the manipula-
tion of byte code might violate copyright law (Alpers
et al., 2017b).
Privacy protection at the Edge Layer is fully re-
alized by AVARE. It provides various technical mea-
sures to protect the user’s personal data on the Smart
Things. This is ensured, e. g., by preventing unautho-
rized data access. PATRON does not consider privacy
protection at the Edge Layer. By integrating AVARE
in our approach, we also meet Requirement R
A holistic view on the entire data processing of
an IoT App is highly recommended for a privacy sys-
tem (R
). As related work considers only the one or
the other, there is no such holistic view. AVARE PA-
TRON operates on both layers, as there is a tight cou-
pling between the privacy components at both layers.
On the one hand, the two protection mechanisms are
controlled by a common configuration. This enables
a good coordination of concealing tasks. On the other
hand, this ensures that Smart Devices on the Edge
Layer forward their data to the PATRON Access Con-
trol, only. Thus, AVARE PATRON meets Require-
ment R
Lessons Learned.
Although AVARE and PATRON are highly effective
in their respective application field, both lack a holis-
tic privacy protection for IoT Apps.
AVARE has drawbacks with respect to quality
of service. Since data protection is realized at data
source level, the restrictions can be overly strict. This
is a consequence of the fact that AVARE operates
solely on Edge Layer devices. As a result, AVARE
lacks the knowledge of how the data is processed in
the Big Data Layer and with which additional data
it is interlinked. As AVARE only has to deal with a
small amount of data, it can provide near-real-time
data processing.
That is the key problem of PATRON. The Big Data
Layer is where the data from all Smart Things is gath-
ered. As a result, PATRON has to deal with a lot of
data. As PATRON operates at pattern level, there are
many options for protecting private data. The selec-
tion and application of the best privacy mechanism
is therefore very time-consuming. However, this en-
sures that the user receives the best possible quality of
Hence, only by combining the two approaches all
requirements towards a privacy system for IoT Apps
can be met. AVARE PATRON is not only the sum
of both approaches’ advantages, but it also eliminates
their shortcomings. In addition, the tight coupling en-
sures that adversaries are unable to gain access to sen-
sitive data. So, combining AVARE and PATRON is
the logical choice.
Due to the proliferation of sensors in everyday ob-
jects, IoT Apps are becoming increasingly popular.
Smart Things can be beneficial in various domains
such as Smart Cities, Industrial IoT, and Connected
Health. However, this also raises new requirements
towards privacy mechanisms. While there is a large
number of privacy solutions for Smart Things or for
big data processing respectively, there is a lack of
holistic approaches. For this reason, this paper de-
scribes how to combine two promising individual so-
lutions, namely AVARE and PATRON. This com-
bined approach is called AVARE PATRON. Evalu-
ation results show that AVARE PATRON complies
with all requirements towards a privacy system for
IoT apps. AVARE PATRON not only possesses the
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
individual advantages of its components, but also gen-
erates many synergies.
This paper is the result of a collaboration between the
research projects AVARE and PATRON, both com-
missioned and financed by the Baden-W
Stiftung gGmbH.
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The AVARE PATRON - A Holistic Privacy Approach for the Internet of Things