consider only one customer and o ne merchant (Birjo-
veanu, 2015; Dju ric and Gasevic, 2015; Alara j, 2012;
Li et al., 2006; Z hang et al., 2006) and from all this
solutions the one proposed in (Birjoveanu, 2015) pro-
vides also anonymity for both customer and merchant.
There are known many multi-party fair exchange
protocols proposed with applications in e-commerce
transactions for buying digital goods (Liu, 2009), di-
gital signature of contracts ( D raper-Gil et al., 2013;
Onieva et al., 2009), and certified e-mail (Onieva
et al., 2009). Despite g reat variety of multi-party fair
exchange protocols proposed until now, there is no
solution to address our problem: com plex transacti-
ons where a customer wants to buy several physical
products from different merchants, providing fair ex-
change and anonymity.
From all known solutions for multi-party fair ex-
change, no one can be applied to our problem. First,
all proposed solutions exchange digital items, while
our problem involves exchange between electronic
paymen t and ph ysical products delivery. Secondly,
some multi-par ty non-repudiation solutions exchange
different messages (Onieva et al., 2009) in a one-to-
many configuration, withou t taken in to consideration
atomicity, while our problem involves one customer
that wants to buy several products while p reserving
atomicity. Thirdly, the scenario most closed to our
scenario is the one prop osed by (Liu, 2009), where
in an aggregate transaction, a customer wants to buy
from different merchants several digital prod ucts. The
solution from (L iu, 2009) can not be applied to our
problem because the protocol architecture for physi-
cal p roducts delive ry is more complex than for digital
products: delivery agents are needed for phy sical pro-
ducts delivery from merchants to customer. Also, in
(Liu, 2009) optional transactions and anonym ity are
not considere d.
Our contribution. I n this paper, we propose a new
anonymous fair exchange e-commerce p rotocol for
complex transactions in that the customer wants to
buy several different physical prod ucts from different
merchan ts. In our scenario, a complex transaction is
a combination in any form of aggregate and optio-
nal transactions. Our solution is the first that addres-
ses to p hysical product delivery in complex transacti-
ons. Also, our protoco l pr ovides non-repudiation, in-
tegrity and confidentiality of data exchanged between
the parties.
The paper is structured as follows: section 2 gives
an inform al description, section 3 presents the pro-
tocol, section 4 provides an analysis of the proposed
protocol and section 5 contains the conclusion.
Our protocol has ap plications in Business to Consu-
mer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B) scen arios.
For a B2B scenario, the cu sto mer is the Electron com-
pany that manufactures electronic boards for different
purposes, on req uest from his clients. To plan its bu-
siness, Electron uses an online catalog fr om where it
can buy several electronic compo nents from different
merchan ts denoted by M1,M2,M3 , e.t.c. From the
online catalog, Electron can select products like: r e-
sistors (R), capacitor s (C), integrated circuits (IC), ca-
bles, conn e ctors, printed circuit boards (PCB) and so
on. Electron wants to star t the production of a new
electronic board and therefore wants to prepare its or-
der in form of an e-commerce complex transaction as
follows: (100R of 10kΩ from M1 or 70R of 2 0kΩ
from M2) and (50C of 100m F from M3 or 100C of
70mF from M4) and 70 connectors DB35 type from
M5 and 30PCB from the M6 . The complex tran-
saction is composed from an aggregate transaction
and two optional transactions. For the first optional
transaction if Electron can not acquire 10 0R of 10kΩ
from M1 due to lack of sto ck or delay in d elivery
time, then its second option is taken into considera-
tion to acquire 70R of 20kΩ from M2. To start the
production, Electron ne eds all types of components
specified in its request, so a partial combination (e.g.
100R of 10kΩ, 100C of 70mF and 30PCB, but wit-
hout 70 connector s DB35 type) is not usef ul for him.
For an optional transaction, Electron must not acquire
more than one product (e.g. for the first optional tran-
saction h e must n ot acquire both 100R of 10kΩ and
70R of 20kΩ) be cause then he will remain with un-
necessary pr oducts. For example, a pack of products
that solves the customer’s options is: 100R of 10kΩ,
and 100C of 70mF, and 70 connec tors DB35 type and
A similar scenario can be used in B2C applicati-
ons. In this case, the customer is a person that likes
electronics a nd wants to build an electronic hobb y kit,
and for this he uses the online catalog to order the nee-
ded components.
The protocol we propose uses an online TTP that
will validate the customer’s coins a nd will provid e
fair exchange if any party misbehaves or prematurely
aborts. The customer m ay choose to remain an ony-
mous during the protocol execution. Our pro tocol
uses the electronic cash payment mechanism based on
group blind digital signatu res on behalf of the banks
proposed in (Lysyanskaya and Ramzan, 1998) to pro-
vide anonym ity of the customer in th e payment phase.
To ensure anonymity of the customer in the physical
delivery phase, our p rotocol is based on a delivery