dimension p− 1, that divides points. The data can be
classified using differenthyperplanes,but the best one
provides the best division between two classes.
Initially, SVM is a linear classifier, i.e. it can solve
only linearly separable tasks. Applying nonlinear ker-
nel, one can map initial data into the space of greater
dimension, where an optimal separating hyperplane
can exist. The following functions are often used as
the kernel ones:
• Linear function: K(x
, x) = x
• Sigmoid: K(x
, x) = tanh(k(x
, x)+c), k > 0, c < 0
• Radial basis function: K(x
, x) = e
, γ > 0
During the analysis, we determined that the best
results in accuracy and speed of recognition of EEG-
patterns associated with motor or real imagery were
achieved with next configurations:
• RBFN with 251 neurons in hidden layer with
Gaussian activation function, 31 input and 1 out-
put linear neurons;
• Multilayer perceptron with one hidden layer con-
sisted of 15 neurons with hyperbolic tangent as an
activation function, 31 input linear neurons and
one output neuron with logistic activation func-
• SVM with nonlinear kernel based on radial basis
function with value 0.01 < γ < 0.1.
All results describing below were obtained us-
ing presented configurations of neural networks. For
greater representativeness we also used linear model,
that consists only of the input and output layer and
does not have any hidden layer. Such model is effec-
tive for establishing simple linear dependencies, but
we studied it additionally in order to increase under-
standing of how neural networks work with such non-
linear and nonstationary data as EEG.
The described ANNs were implemented using the
Matlab package. The method of error backpropaga-
tion was used to train the ANNs.
2.3 Dataset Optimization
Before training ANN, we performeddataset optimiza-
tion in order to improve classification quality. The
idea was to reduce number of EEG channels and use
different channel sets for classification until the com-
bination of both parameters, i.e. channels number and
classification accuracy, is optimal. Channel sets asso-
ciate with brain areas where corresponding electrodes
were placed, namely, with frontal, central, parietal,
temporal and occipital lobes. During classification,
we used 13 different channel sets including full place-
ment consisted of 31 channels. We also calculated the
results of classification averaged on one electrode.
Besides the channel selection, we also performed
low-pass filtering with cutoffs f
= 4 Hz or f
15 Hz. Pre-filtering of EEG data is necessary for re-
ducing intrinsic noise and artifacts, such as eye move-
ments and blinks. It is known that appropriate filter
provides better classification performance due to re-
ducing signal redundancy. However, the selection of
filter type, as well as development new ones, often be-
comes the study objective (Kumar et al., 2017; Gaur
et al., 2015). Here, we shortly describe the effect of
pre-filtering on neural network classification perfor-
The session of numerical experiments was conducted.
The full dataset that contained data from whole exper-
iment was splitting into the sets of duration 2.5 sec-
onds and 3 seconds, each one contained one real or
imaginary movement event. The qualities of classifi-
cation of different ANN architectures and types were
3.1 Imaginary Movements
The Fig. 2 presents averaged over all subjects values
of recognition accuracy of imaginary movements of
legs using different groups of electrodes. One can
see, that the best results of classification correspond
to RBFN: in the case without pre-filtering (Fig. 2a
and 2b) accuracy reaches 80% when using all elec-
trodes and 70% — in average. Then goes multilayer
perceptron with 70% recognition accuracy maximum
and 65% in average. The linear network shows un-
stable recognition on the level of 58%. Comparison
of Fig. 2a and 2b corresponding to different dataset
lengths shows that this value does not affect signif-
icantly on recognition accuracy. Thus, we used 3-
second fragments in the following analysis.
Then we investigated the influence of pre-filtering
of initial EEGs with low-pass filter with f
= 4Hz or
= 15 Hz. Fig. 2c and Fig. 2d show that pre-filtering
of input data with low-pass filter allows to signifi-
cantly increase the recognition accuracy (10 − 20%
on average), and the low-pass filter with f
= 4 Hz
demonstrates the best results and allows to achieve
the classification accuracy up to 95%. From phys-
ical point of view, the last result means that signif-
icant increase of recognition accuracy due to low-
pass filter appears on account of cleaning the use-
ICINCO 2018 - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics