address the impact of these PLIs on the network
performance. In (Filer and Tibuleac, 2012), the
optical filtering and in-band crosstalk impairments
due to a cascade of WSSs, have been considered, but
neglected the ROADM architectures types. In (Filer
and Tibuleac, 2014), the impact of the ROADM
architectures are considered, but the influence of the
ROADM add/drop structures has been neglected. In
(Pan and Tibuleac, 2016), the filtering and in-band
crosstalk impact were evaluated considering the
37.5 GHz flexible grid. In that study, the authors
considered a colorless add/drop structure. In (Morea
et al., 2015), the impact of filtering for both the
50 GHz fixed grid and 37.5 GHz flexible grid is
evaluated. In that study, the crosstalk impact is not
considered, as well as the contentionless ROADM
feature. In all these previous studies, the ASE noise
accumulation is not considered. Instead, the authors
considered that the ASE noise is totally loaded at the
system input (Pan and Tibuleac, 2016) or at the
system output (Morea et al., 2015).
In this work, we investigate the impact of the
optical filtering, ASE noise accumulation and
in-band crosstalk generated inside CDC ROADMs
on the network performance, through Monte-Carlo
(MC) simulation. PDM quadrature phase-shift
keying (PDM-QPSK) signals at 100-Gb/s, with
25 Gbaud symbol rate, for the 50 GHz fixed grid are
considered, although other scenarios could be
simulated (Fabrega et al., 2016). We investigate both
nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) rectangular (Wang and
Lyubomirsky, 2010) and Nyquist pulse shaped
signals. These last signals considered a roll-off
factor (β) equal to 0.1, which is a typical value
(Morea et al., 2015). This study is performed by
properly modelling the ROADM nodes, considering
both B&S and R&S architectures and different
add/drop structures, based on multicast switches
(MCSs) (Way, 2012) and WSSs (Yang et al., 2017).
This work is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the simulation model of the multi-degree
CDC ROADM-based optical network. Details on the
ROADM add/drop structures are provided in
Subsection 2.1. In Subsection 2.2, the filtering
transfer functions used to model the ROADM
components are presented and characterized. The
optical filtering impact is studied in Section 3, for
both ROADM architectures, add/drop structures and
pulse shapes signals. Section 4 investigates the in-
band crosstalk level evolution in a CDC ROADM
cascade also for both ROADM architectures,
add/drop structures and signal shapes. In Section 5,
the impact of in-band crosstalk on the network
performance is evaluated. Finally, in Section 6, the
conclusions of this work are provided.
In this section, we present the simulation model of
an optical network based on multi-degree CDC
ROADMs, as well as, the in-band crosstalk terms
generated inside these ROADMs and the ASE noise
added to the primary signal along the network.
Subsection 2.1 describes the ROADM add/drop
structures modelling. Subsection 2.2 presents the
filtering transfer functions used to model the
ROADM components.
Figure 1 depicts the simulation model of an
optical network based on multi-degree CDC
ROADMs. The red line in this figure represents the
light-path of the primary signal (i.e., the signal that
is taken as a reference to study the impact of the
, since it is added to the network, in the
first ROADM node, until it is dropped, in the
. Throughout this work, we
consider a 100-Gb/s NRZ rectangular or Nyquist
pulse shaped signal and QPSK modulation for the
primary signal. In our MC simulator, we do not
consider the fiber transmission effects, so the fiber
impairments are neglected.
Regarding the in-band crosstalk signals
originated along the multi-degree CDC
ROADM-based optical network, we consider that all
interfering signals have the same modulation format
and bit rate as the primary signal, but with different
arbitrary transmitted symbols, characterized by a
phase difference and a time misalignment between
the primary signal and in-band interferers (Cancela
et al., 2016). These interfering signals arise from the
ROADM inputs and, also, from the ROADM add
structures, denominated, respectively,
, with M indicating the ROADM node and R
the ROADM degree in which they are originated.
We consider that all ROADM degrees are sources of
interfering signals. In the ROADM inputs and
ROADM add structures, the interfering signals pass
through the respective components (e.g. WSS) and
then are added to the primary signal.
Concerning the ASE noise addition, we consider
that the ASE noise is added both at the ROADM
inputs and outputs. The optical amplifier (OA) at the
ROADM inputs is used to compensate the optical
path losses, whereas the OA at the ROADM outputs
is used to compensate the losses inside the ROADM
node (Zami, 2013).