In th is work, a tracking control problem for ENS’s
modeled by IPN’s was addressed. The synth esized
controller enforces the plant to track actuator’s out-
put symbol sequences indicated by the specification.
The IPN plant model is formed as a collection of in-
dividual ENS models herein presented, thus its con-
struction is a straightforward process. The specifica-
tion ind ic ates the actuator’s output symbol sequence,
just as the pr actitioners do, hence it is represented as
a simple IPN sequence. The proposed controller is
capable of handling output symbols of p roximity sen-
sors and switch e s as guards to trigger sequences o f ac-
tuators. Moreover, the closed-loop behavior exhibits
important properties, such as liveness and bounde d-
ness. The proposed approach was illustrated through
an app lication example.
As a future work, the synthesis will be extended to
specifications involving concurre ncy. Moreover, de-
centralized approaches will be investigated.
The research leading to these results has received fun-
ding f rom the Conacyt Program for Education, project
number 288470.
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