Analysis of Man-In-The-Middle of Attack on Bitcoin Address
Abba Garba
, Zhi Guan
, Anran Li
and Zhong Chen
Institute of Software, EECS, Peking University, China
National Engineering Research Center for Software Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China
MoE Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies, Peking University, Beijing, China
Bitcoin, MITM Attack, Blockchain.
In cryptocurrency systems such as Bitcoin, user use string-hashes from public keys, that look like random
strings, to receive payments. Unfortunately, there is no authority to verify user identity. Normally a user
cannot prove the address binds with her real identity. Technically, a victim could get a tampered address
and pay coins to this tampered address. In this paper, we report on the large-scale of Bitcoin addresses,
including secured and unsecured merchants websites, exchange platforms, online chat forums, social channels
and blogs. We illustrate our data through a range of graphs based on transaction distribution. Our analysis
consists of crawling many web pages related to cryptocurrency transactions. We scrap the web pages by
persing 10,0045 bitcoin addresses related to merchants or individuals that receive bitcoin in their websites
directly. We determine how many addresses are subject to Man-in-the-middle of attack in our analysis. We
review some countermeasures from best practices of Bitcoin transactions.
Bitcoin is a p2p electronics digital money whose
value is not dependent on any financial institution,
rather, it is based on the perception of the participants
in the decentralized p2p network (Lischke and Fabian,
2016). In December, 2017 Bitcoin market capitaliza-
tion soared to 240 billion dollars. Bitcoin is endorsed
by users in a decentralized networked system, the
overall consensus and guarantee for integrity of the
system rely upon solving computational puzzles in a
distributed replicated global ledger called blockchain
(Bartoletti and Pompianu, 2014). The participants
in the global ledger are cryptographically signed a
secure list of transactions via consensus agreement
among the nodes in the network (Nakamoto, 2008).
During the last few years bitcoin and other alter-
nate cryptocurrencies have increasingly become pop-
ular mediums for exchanging assests over the internet.
Companies from various industries around the world
have started accepting Bitcoin as a means of payment.
Some product vendors such as Dell and Lenovo ac-
cept bitcoin on their websites. Overstock and other
service providers such as WordPress adopted Bitcoin
*Corresponding author.
This work is supported by the National Key Research and
Development Program of China NO.2018YFB0803601.
as an optional payment method (Soska and Christin,
2015). Many organizations and individual placed
their Bitcoin addresses on web pages related to fo-
rum posts, blogs, and social media for the purpose of
receiving Bitcoin (Ateniese et al., 2014). For exam-
ple receives bitcoin
as donations, the web site is not secure by (CA).
Many Product vendors and service providers around
the world accept payment with bitcoin as listed on
To receive payment in Bitcoin, a payee anony-
mously publishes her address over the internet. After
the payer transfers coins to payee’s address, the payee
redeems the transaction with her private key through
p2p network protocol(Nakamoto, 2008).
Bitcoin as a system and its official implementation
does not provide an integrated mechanism to check
the authenticity of the addresses, user cannot identify
the payment source (Fleder et al., 2015; Maesa et al.,
However, little attention has been focused on the
security of Bitcoin addresses placed randomly on the
over the internet. This may allow a Man-in-the-
Middle (MitM) attack(Callegati et al., 2009; Cheng
et al., 2010; Cheng et al., 2010; Stricot-Tarboton
et al., 2016) to tampers payee’s address on the web
Garba, A., Guan, Z., Li, A. and Chen, Z.
Analysis of Man-In-The-Middle of Attack on Bitcoin Address.
DOI: 10.5220/0006864003880395
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 2: SECRYPT, pages 388-395
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A Man in the middle (MitM): is the common type
of attack used in communication between two parties
over the internet. A third party (attacker) maliciously
gains control of the communication channel in order
to intercept, listen and change the content of the mes-
sage without either party suspecting. Thus, MitM can
occur in a various communication channels such mes-
sage exchange between two parties over the internet
using Bluetooth, NFC and Wifi access point (Conti
et al., 2016).
In this paper we begin by examine how MitM at-
tack is subject to tampering with Bitcoin addresses
over the internet using HTTP/HTTPS. Background
and related work of bitcoin address and other cryp-
tocurrencies in Section 2; We present our system
model in section 3; Section 4 we describe the method-
ology and analysis of Bitcoin addresses; Section 5
counter measures based on best practices in bitcoin
transaction; finally conclusion and future work in sec-
tion 6.
In this section, we first introduce how Bitcoin ad-
dresses are constructed, we also look at several meth-
ods of sending and receiving bitcoin. We also de-
scribe several addresses of other digital currencies.
Finally we explain related study.
2.1 Bitcoin
Transaction in Bitcoin is a cryptographically signed
statement that transfer an exact sum of coins from a
sender to receiver’s address (Nakamoto, 2008). For
a transaction, the Payer proves ownership of amount
of Bitcoin using her private key, which already ap-
peared in a ledger that moves amount of Bitcoin to
her address. Payee use her key pair to receive amount
of Bitcoin to her address. A Bitcoin address is con-
structed from public portion of a public/private key-
pair of ECDSA a name curve secp256k1. Client
can sign transaction with her private key and any-
one who knows the hex-hashes of the public key of
Bitcoin address can verify that the signature is
valid. One-way-cryptographic secure hash function
is computed together with RIPEMD to generate bitcoin
address. Given the elliptic curve domain parameter
(p, a, b, G, n), the user’s key pair is (d, P = dG), the
address is form by the application of:
hash = RIPEMD160(SHA256(ECPublickey))
checksum = SHA256(SHA256(pre f ixkhash))[0...3]
Address = Base58(pre f ixkhashkchecksum)
As described above, Bitcoin address construc-
tion where the checksum is the first 4 bytes of
the double-SHA256 of the concatenated version and
public key hash. The Base58 is a text encoding
method. Although the address is the hash of the pub-
lic key, it is used as the identity of a user in Bit-
coin transaction. Bitcoin wallet allows you to cre-
ate as multiple addresses for anonymous transaction.
Example of bitcoin address can be represented as:
2.2 Types of Transaction Scripts in
There are various scripts used to manage transfer of
asset from payer to the payee in the bitcoin network,
the standard types of transaction script for sending
and receiving payment in the bitcoin address are:
Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH): is a form of
script that mostly used in bitcoin for making trans-
actions,P2PKH scripts is computed by sending the
public key and a digital signature made by the corre-
sponding private key. The standard formats of P2PKH
ScriptPubkey: OP DUP OP HASH160
Other scripts used in bitcoin transaction include
the followings: Pay-to-Script-Hash(P2SH), Pay-to-
MultiSig(P2MultSig), Pay-to-MultiSig(P2MultSig),
Pay-to-Public Key(P2PK).
2.3 Other Digital Currency Addresses
Other cryptocurrencies used the same cryptographic
algorithms or slightly different from bitcoin to con-
struct address are describe below:
Litecoin: in litecoin address is generated based on
the digital signatures and combination of 33 hexadec-
imal values; litecoin address always started with letter
L. That is based on: based58encoded hashes of user
public keys. In litecoin address formation is similar
to bitcoin: ECDSA SHA256 RIPEMD160
Ripple: is a decentralized consensus payment sys-
tem that allows people to make cross border transac-
tions. (Armknecht et al., 2015). Ripple use same ad-
dress generation as Bitcoin.
Dash: Dashcoin addresses format is similar to bit-
Ethereum: An Ethereum address can be con-
structed based on the following formation:
Analysis of Man-In-The-Middle of Attack on Bitcoin Address
hash Keccak256(pubkey) =
Address hash(Hash[13..32]) =
Monero: Monero’s address use a combination of
95 alphanumeric characters. As Sarang (2017) high-
lighted, two key pairs are used to create Monero ad-
dresses: spend and view keys. In Monero ed25519
keys is used to represent the pair of public keys, ad-
dresses are formed by hashed of the KECCAK-256.
A public key pair and a spend key pair is added to the
prefix of the network byte plus checksum to form a
Monero public key address:
data networkkpubkey
hash Keccak256(data)
Address Base58(datakhash[0...3])
Zcash: Unlike Bitcoin, Zcash uses two distinct
types of public key addresses, shield and transpar-
ent addresses (Sasson et al., 2014).For example:
addr is transparent transaction on the blockchain
or Z
addr is hiding the transaction information to the
2.4 Authenticating Bitcoin Address
Bitcoin transactions are conducted in different ways;
the secure ways to transfer asset are using QR codes
or using Bitcoin ATM machines to convert bitcoin to
fiat currency. Another way to make Bitcoin transac-
tions are via exchange platforms. Also SMSGateway
is considered to be an alternative medium for Bitcoin
transactions especially for non-smart phone users. In
Table 1, we classify several ways of authenticating
Bitcoin transactions:
Different platforms vary in terms of registration
requirements to verify users. In this case, most of the
platforms use method like mobile phone (2FA) and
finger-print patterns to authenticate users.
2.5 Related Work
Over the past few decades there has been a research
efforts on MitM in both HTTP and HTTPS trans-
actions (Callegati et al., 2009; Cheng et al., 2010;
Stricot-Tarboton et al., 2016; Aviram et al., 2016)
In 2013 Andersen proposed a protocol to extend
the bitcoin address with human readable message of
the recipient, Andersen’s proposal used PKI stan-
dard (X.59) to ensure security of communication us-
ing HTTPS between payer and payee against MitM
(Andresen, 2013; Biryukov and Pustogarov, 2015).
On the other hand, (Ateniese et al., 2014) proposed
a certify Bitcoin address that allows clients to send
and receive Bitcoin from certified trusted third party.
However, this form of proposal had faced lots of chal-
lenges such as involving third party during the trans-
action (Moore and Christin, 2013).
On the analysis side, present a thorough analysis
of online anonymous market place over a long period
of time (Ron and Shamir, 2013; Fleder et al., 2015;
Koshy et al., 2014; Miller et al., 2017; Kumar et al.,
2017; Pedro Moreno-Sanchez* and Kate*, 2017). To
our knowledge no one has conducted a thorough anal-
ysis of a large portion of Bitcoin addresses posted
in various forums and merchant’s website that accept
Bitcoin directly.
The main concern with respect to MitM security vul-
nerability is that most of the Bitcoin addresses posted
randomly on forum posts, blogs, merchant’s web
sites, social media channels are not well protected.
3.1 Security Model
Consider the Bitcoin transaction between two parties
in a less secure channel where payer might be a victim
sends a sum of coins to payee whereby payee redeems
the coins.
1. The victim publishes her address on her own
website without HTTPS protection or without a cer-
tificate from a trusted authority.
2. The victim publishes her address on website or
a forum post without HTTPS protection or without a
certificate from a trusted CA.
3. The victim publishes her address on a HTTPS
protected website or forum. We consider an attacker
operating in the middle between payer and payee dur-
ing the transaction. The payer initiates a payment by
using the payees Bitcoin address to send payment. We
assume communication protocol is vulnerable such
that the attacker may gain advantage between payer
and payee without their knowledge and replace the
victim’s address.
The attacker may be a web service provider, an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a malicious Wi-Fi
access point. The major challenge of the attacker is
to identify a valuable address from its stored content
or blockchain.
Consider these two categories of attackers:
1. An attacker close to the payee, such that when
the payee publishes her address through the attacker,
the attacker will modify the target’s address to at-
tacker’s address.
2. An attacker close to the payer, the payer re-
trieves the payee’s address from the attacker, and the
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Bitcoin address authentication via platforms.
Transaction Categories Example Veri. ID Possible attacks
Exchange Platforms
Mt. Gox,Huobi, Silk road,
Karen and bitsquare.
DDoS, Double spend,
Ponzi scheme,
Txt Malleability attacks
Merchant’s websites
Overstock, Dell ,
dish, cheapair.
Unprotected websites
Chat forums, Blogs,
Social media
Phishing attacks,
Phone-porting attacks.
37coin, Coinpip,
Yes DDoS, IMSI attacks
Email Coinbase, Blockchain Yes
Phone-porting attack s
Bitcoin ATMs
Lambassu,General bytes,
Yes Phishing attack
QR code, Bluetooth/ NFC Bitcoin wallets, Airbitz, Box tip No
Relay Attacks
attacker easily modifies the address with her own ad-
In this case, how can an attacker identify high
value addresses? Initially the attacker can easily filter
potential Bitcoin addresses from web content and then
use its inner checksum to verify that it is a Bitcoin ad-
dress. The major computation for an attacker is the
REGEX filtering and the double SHA-256 checksum
generation. Once obtained an address, the attacker
can check the Bitcoin blockchain to see if it is a per-
sistent address with high receiving coins. After that,
the attacker can replace the address with her own.
Ironically, attacker can use one-time address to keep
The attaker’s The payee’s
Figure 1: Indicate the Man-in-the-middle of attack: Temper
with addresses from both victims.
It is very easy for an attacker to generate a lot of
addresses on-the-fly with some hierarchical address
generation methods (Wallets).
In this case, MitM is very powerful as the nature of
HTTP connection data can be transferred in the form
of plain text. Attacker may easily replace Bitcoin
addresses placed randomly on the web pages using
HTTP. The attacker can then simply modify the con-
tent of the web page that contain Bitcoin addresses
and replace them with an address under her control.
On the other hand, HTTPS could suffer the same at-
tacks if the certificate is not valid because its security
guarantees ties on validity of the certificate.
We combine different methodologies to analyze bit-
coin addresses collected from websites and global
ledgers. Websites consist of crawling many
web pages related to cryptocurrency transactions
and Bitcoin blockchain were accessed through
Blockchainifo. We used this information to classify
addresses based on the transaction distribution. We
show how REGEX filtering can be used to obtain
the Bitcoin addresses in the network traffics. We
also analyze how many proportions of addresses use
HTTP/HTTPS during transaction. Finally we exam-
ine number of active and non-active addresses.
4.1 Methodology
First Step: Scraping the Websites
We designed and developed a few lines of code that
allow us to crawl many web pages to extract Bit-
coin address transactions and validate using REGEX,
we then scrap web pages to get the relevant data we
Second Step: Parsing the Websites
Different websites needed to be parsed to extract in-
formation associated with each bitcoin address. Con-
sidering the number of addresses collected was large
(10,045), a great deal of manual work were needed
Analysis of Man-In-The-Middle of Attack on Bitcoin Address
to collect and record each address using (Googledoc)
with its associated transactions such as: Bitcoin re-
ceived, number of transaction inputs. In this case, we
first identified addresses scraped from the website and
then we categorized the addresses in to five: Dona-
tions, Crowd funds, Ransoms, Merchants and Others.
Table 2: The table describe the addresses crawled from dif-
ferent source based on the category.
Description No. Of Addresses
Donations 3,282
Merchants 2,667
Crowd funds 1,326
Others 2,108
Ransoms 662
Total Addresses 10,045
Table 2: Indicated a statistics we looked at based
on the transaction distribution in our analysis result,
realized that 33% with 3,282 addresses from dona-
tions, as compared to merchants 27% with 2,667 ad-
dresses. For others category %13 collected which re-
sulted to 1,326 addresses as compare to crowd funds
which resulted to 20% with total addresses of 2,108,
while ransoms category indicated that 7% with total
addresses of 662. Our results strongly shown that
large number of bitcoin addresses were subject to
Figure 2: Shows percentage of Bitcoin addresses by cate-
Third Step: Filtering Addresses in Network
Bitcoin and other alternate currencies use different
format to represent address, we use REGEX filtering
to extract the potential addresses from a web content.
Furthermore in recent survey reveal that the average
percentage of text on web pages accounted to 26.88%
as compare to early 90s (Cocciolo, 2015).
Table 3. Indicates example of REGEX formats for
the bitcoin and other alternate currencies mentioned
in this paper.
Figure 3: Shows transaction of BTC in HTTP/HTTPS.
4.2 Taxonomy of Bitcoin Addresses
We then present summary of the analysis of bitcoin
addresses based on transaction distributions.
After analyzing the addresses, we realized that
there were Total of 845,370.19BTC associated
with 10,045 addresses collected in addition to that
749,894.00 addresses were involved in the input
transactions with each corresponding addresses.
As depicted in table 4. There was variance be-
tween the following corresponding categories: Dona-
tion addresses received 278,972.161BTC, with input
transactions of 247,465 addresses, resulted in 33%
of the total receiving bitcoin, followed by merchant
addresses receiving 228,249.95BTC, with 202,491.00
associated input addresses involved during the trans-
actions. Crowd funds received 109,898.13BTC with
97,486.00 addresses involved; while others category
received 169,074.04BTC with 149,978 corresponding
addresses. For simplicity we considered remaining
addresses as ”Others” because it accounts for many
addresses collected over the internet. Ransoms has
a lowest receiving addresses of 59,175.100BTC with
total number of transactions of 52,492.
4.3 Transaction of Bitcoin on
We collected bitcoin addresses from various websites
both with HTTP/HTTPS. We constructed a graph to
represent the activities associated with each address
such as balance and number of transaction inputs.
We then presented our data as depicted in Figure
5, by analyzing users activities associated with their
addresses. We also categorized percentage of transac-
tion addresses using HTTPS/HTTP as shown in table
We examine that, our results shown in Table 5.
54% of the total addresses we collected conducted
transactions over the internet without authentication,
while only 46% have proper security using HTTPS.
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: This table shows an example of regular expression bitcoin and alternate digital currencies.
Cryptocurrency Regular Expression Crypto-Algorithms
Bitcoin [13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34} ECDSA, SHA-256
Litecoin [LM3][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{26,33} Scrypt, SHA-256
Ripple r[0-9a-zA-Z]{33} ECDSA, SHA-256
Dash X[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{33} ECDSA, SHA-256
Ethereum (0x)1[0-9a-fA-F]{40} ECDSA, KECCAK-256
Monero 4[0-9AB][1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{93} EdDSA, KECCAK-256
Zcash ([t][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{34})|([z][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{95}) zk-SNARK, SHA-256
Table 4: Taxonomy of Bitcoin Address.
Description No. Of Address No. Of TxT BTC Received
Donations 3282 247,465 278,972.161BTC
Merchants 2,667 202,491.00 228,249.95BTC
Crowd funds 1,326 97,486.00 109,898.13BTC
Others 2,108 149,978 169,074.04BTC
Ransoms 662 52,492 59,175.100BTC
Total Addresses 10,045 749,894.00 845,370.19BTC
Table 5: Shows Pct. of addresses use HTTP and HTTPS.
Addresses without CA Addresses with CA
No. Of addresses 5,393 No. Of Addresses 4,652
Pct.% 48% Pct.% 52%
Our findings indicated that lots of addresses were vul-
nerable to tampering address using MitM.
Active and non-active addresses: We examined
number of active and non-active addresses in table 6
to present our results. As depicted in the table 6 indi-
cated that nearly 1,660 of the addresses collected were
dormant which accounted to only 17% out of the to-
tal sample of the addresses we collected in this paper.
This indicated that about 83% of the addresses in our
analysis are active receiving transactions.
Table 6: Indicate addresses that are active and non active.
Non Active Active
Donations 382 2900
Merchants 763 1904
Crowd funds 259 1067
Others 192 1916
Ransoms 64 598
1660 8385
17% 83%
4.4 Regular Expression Performance
As shown in the Table 7 we used bitcoin to demon-
strate regular expression to extract bitcoin address
from the web page. For example btccharity.html is
a bitcoin donation page and the ordinary.html is a
normal web page without bitcoin address. We run a
few lines of Python code to extract bitcoin address.
We used MacBook Pro with processor: 2.5GHz, Intel
Core i7, Memory: 16GB, and single thread program
for our experiment. We found out that the script could
deal with more than 40 MB data per second. Table 8
depicted the summary of our experiment.
5.1 Vanity Address
A vanity address is an address with some meaning-
ful sub-string in the address. For example, the Bit-
coin address of a valid key pair (d, P) is: 1anaLysis
Vj8ALj6mfBsbifRoD4miY36v. The vanity address
is produced through brute-force searching of elliptic
curve key pairs that can produce an address with a
pre-defined pattern. The Bitcoin project provides a
command line tool, vanitygen for the generation of
vanity addresses.
Let’s assume payee has a public identity. This
identity is also available to the payer. This is a rea-
sonable assumption because the payer should always
know who she intends to pay. The idea is the payee
Analysis of Man-In-The-Middle of Attack on Bitcoin Address
Table 7: Shows performance evaluation of Regular filtering of bitcoin address in the network traffic.
Files Run Times Speed(MB/s)
Name Size(KB) Rounds RGX (ms) Validate(ms) TT(ms) RGX TT
btccharity.html 8.9 1 0.212 1.217 1.429 40.997 6.082
ordinary.html 90 1 1.763 1.374 3.137 49.853 28.017
btccharity.html 8.9 100 20.394 139.270 159.664 42.617 5.443
ordinary.html 90 100 176.611 133.890 310.501 49.765 28.306
btccharity.html 8.9 10000 1965.440 12647.865 14613.305 44.221 5.947
ordinary.html 90 10000 18040.518 13574.551 31615.069 48.718 27.800
will generate a vanity address and use her identity as
the pattern. When the payer gets the address, she will
then check if the address is a vanity address with the
corresponding identity.
The client can generate a key pair (d, P) and send
the public key P to a vanity address generation ser-
vice provider, the service provider can enumerate all
the addresses from public key P + iG, where G is the
generator and increment i from 1 until when i = k a
vanity address is found. The service provider send k
to the client, the corresponding key pair with vanity
address is (d + k, P + kG). This method means the
client can generate a vanity address with longer prefix
identity through outsourcing the computation to the
Difficulty of Generating Vanity Address: The
difficulty of generating specific vanity address is cal-
culated based on the bitcoin address generation pro-
cess. For example:
Number o f possible address
Number o f address with vanitypre f ix
In this case, the accurate formula for generating
vanity address is complex. Therefore we find that if
we want to generate a prefix with ’1b’ we need only
22 times attempts and a prefix with ’1bi’ it requires
1330 times attempts. With longer prefix, we can ap-
proximately compute the difficulty with the following
di f f
= di f f
·(58±), n >= 3, 0 0.1 (1)
In our experiment, the speed to generate address
is about 75 Million keys/s using the nVidia GeForce
GTX 1070 Ti. With the above formula, we can gener-
ate a 6 length prefix (for examples ’1bitcoi’) will take
about 200 seconds.
5.2 Alternative to Vanity Address
a) Outsource Vanity address:
The security of vanity address against MitM attack is
based on the following hypothesis:
First, the victim’s identity can not be guessed pre-
viously by the attacker, so the attacker has to do on-
the-fly computation to generate a vanity address with
the same prefix identity. So if the victim is a spe-
cific attack target or the victim’s identity is included
in a pre-defined identity set, than the attacker can pre-
compute all the victims’ addresses.
Second, the valid period of the vanity address
should be shorter than attacker’s address generation
time. Normally an attack as a router only has very
limited time for vanity address generation before the
user notice the network delay. But for an attacker as
a web server owner, the attacker have enough time to
modify the address on the pages. This indicates that
vanity address can not be used to protect long term
addresses such as a fixed address for donation. The
payer need to finish the transaction before the web
server owner has the time to modify the address. And
the payee should not re-use the same identity.
b) Blockchain Domain service:
Consider blockchain name services such as: Block-
stack, Ethereum domain services and Peernames.
c) Anti-tampering address mechanisms:
Bitcoin and its original implementation was not built-
on with mechanisms to check the integrity of public
address during transaction, client may check the ad-
dress before sending the payment. Verification mech-
anism helps client to verify whether the address is re-
lated to the receiver.
e) Integrating HTTPS with X.509 during pay-
ment: Another solution is to create random payment
ID address using existing framework such (X.509)
certificate of authentication. Always consider trans-
action via HTTPS instead of of HTTP because it
is difficult for MitM to tamper with transaction
conducted on website that has a trusted certificate of
authentication using (X.509) as compare to HTTP.
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
We have analyzed a large portion of bitcoin addresses
placed on web pages randomly. In our analysis, we
have demonstrated that this creates significant secu-
rity challenges. Particularly, we showed that MitM
attacks may tamper with a victim’s address posted on
web site that are not well secured. Alternative dig-
ital currencies following Bitcoin may also face the
same security challenges. In summary, this form of
attack can happen not only with bitcoin addresses but
with any unauthenticated information. Our counter
measures will provide sufficient guidelines to users
who posted their bitcoin addresses on web pages ran-
domly. Future research should consider the potential
effects of MitM and bitcoin and alternate cryptocur-
rencies transactions on HTTP/HTTPS.
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