In this paper an algorithm, useful for a potentially
cooperative task between a human and a robot, is
presented. The work contains all the elements which
characterize a collaborative space and focuses on the
hand-over without restricting the robot to walk
predefined paths: the algorithm controls the cobot to
permit to the end-effector to reach the hand of the
human operator in any point of a dedicated
exchanging area.
Experimental tests have been performed to
validate the methodology. In these tests, the human
hand moves towards four distinct positions with
different velocities. Different total times of human
limb motion towards the meeting points do not affect
the robot paths, but they influence the delay in the
hand-over task.
Future works will involve different modelling of
the end-effector linear velocity to move the robot with
a human-like profile, for example pursuing a
minimum-jerk profile or a simple ball-shaped one
(Flash et al., 1985). The prediction of the human
movements, not considered in this work, will be
another important point to refine the algorithm.
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ICINCO 2018 - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics