0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Angle actuator error (rad)
angle actuator error 1
angle actuator error 2
angle actuator error 3
angle actuator error 4
Figure 7: Joint errors.
The robot model is developed taking into account the
cable and the mobile platform flexibilities to describe
the kinematics and the dynamics of the coupled sys-
tem. The proposed control strategy rests on actuator
joint coordinates feedback compared to desired tra-
jectory given in mobile platform joint space and trans-
formed to the actuator joint space. The obtained error
is used to design the sliding control law. As prin-
cipal issue of cable robot is to ensure the cable ten-
sionnability during motion. In this order, constrained
optimization algorithm is developed based on mobile
platform dynamics. The cable tensions are computed,
and thereby used as another input of controller. The
stability of the proposed controller is discussed based
on Lyapunov function.
To validate the feasibility and the effectiveness of
the Multi-Body Cable Driven Robot control, a ref-
erence trajectory is generated to move all the mo-
bile platform degrees of freedoms, and thereby, ap-
plied to the proposed conltrol strategy. Using suitable
gains controller, the simulation results have presented
a good motion tracking.
The present study can be improved by introduc-
ing into the controller, a cable tension feedbacks via
the use of the appropriate sensors or by solving the
Forward Kinematic of the Multi-Body Cable Driven
Robot. if the main is to incorporate the dynamic of
This work has been supported by Automatic and In-
dustrial Informatics Laboratory (LAII), Ecole Mo-
hammadia dŠIngenieurs, Mohammed V University,
Rabat, Morocco; Integration of Systems and Ad-
vanced Technologies Laboratory (LISTA), Sciences
Faculty, Fes, Morocco; The Department of Electrical
Engineering, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Mon-
treal, Canada.
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