for deriving IT system functional models from
annotated business models.
In (Suchenia et al., 2017), the authors describe
how to transform a BPMN model into a UML
sequence diagram. As the UML model natively
supports modeling time issues, the proposed solution
can be used for validating such issues by business
analysts, software engineers, etc.
Cruz et al. (Cruz et al., 2012) propose a set of rules
to generate a data model from the business process
model. Then, the data model may be used as a starting
artifact in the IS software development process.
The approach presented by Meyer et al. (Meyer et
al., 2013) focus on annotated data objects to allow
data dependency representation and data instance
differentiation as well as SQL queries generation
(Przybyłek, 2014) combine techniques from both the
fields of Business Process Engineering and
Requirements Engineering and define a Business-
oriented approach to requirements elicitation.
Overall, the above works related to BP-IS models
in (Meyer et al., 2013) (Rhazali et al., 2016) are purely
structure-based; it ignores the remaining aspects of a
BP, which do affect the performance of a BP. For
example, the type of semantic relations between
classes is not captured, like the composition, heritage,
etc. Furthermore, sequence system diagram is crucial
since it is a popular notation to specify scenarios of the
processing of operations as its clear graphical layout
gives an immediate intuitive understanding of the
system behaviour. Our proposed method combines
both aspects in order to obtain a use case diagram,
sequence system diagrams and class diagram that
cover the structural and semantic aspect. To do so, we
use the business context concept (Section 2.1).
This paper proposed a transformation-based approach
to generate use case, system sequence and class
diagrams from business process models. It provides
for the generation of IS entities and their relations that
are aligned to the business logic. Compared to
existing works, our approach has the merit of
accounting for both the semantic and structural
aspects of the business process model. To do so, we
proposed to define the business process context
expressing the relation semantics and type.
Ongoing work focuses on 1) conducting an
experimental evaluation to assess the coverage and
precision of all generated use case and system
sequence diagrams; and 2) enhancing the
transformations in order to cover interaction in the
design sequence diagram, and component diagram.
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