time to reach the desired speed (around 2 seconds),
now are suitable to control our vehicle.
This paper presented a low cost speed control method
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speed conditions. Using a particularization of the
Kalman Filter (SDKF), we were able to increase the
sensor hall sampling time thus reducing considerably
the quantification noise while keeping the required
control rate. The proposed solution has been tested in
an Unmanned Ground Vehicle and compared against
a Differential GNSS system, showing that is suitable
to perform an effective speed control. We provide
the developed software and CAD designs through a
GitHub repository.
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ity of extending the proposed control method to ac-
celeration and jerk adding a PLL structure to obtain
smoother transients. Moreover, we want to evaluate
the speed control performance using a high-level sen-
sor fusion system to make asynchronous updates of
the Kalman filter.
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erment through grant FPU15/04446 and the research
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Speed Estimation for Control of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle using Extremely Low Resolution Sensors