This work presented Lambda architecture
implementations for different public cloud vendors.
Also, this research offered a comparison of such
implementations to support decision makers when
they need to select specific vendors’ SaaSs in the
context of BDA. Based on the results obtained, we
recommend the most suitable SaaS for each layer
depending on the criteria selected.
In terms of performance, AWS obtained the best
metrics in the batch and speed layers. In the batch
layer, AWS showed the best performance in terms of
reading, processing, and writing time, whereas
Google Cloud seems to be affected by increasing data
size. Focusing on serving layer performance, Azure
presented a constant and efficient behavior compared
to other competitors.
Regarding the time-to-market, AWS required
more man-hours, especially in the speed and serving
layers. Azure had the fastest development in the
serving layer, but batch layer implementations
required more effort because they implied the
development and integration of Data Lake Store,
Stream Analytics, Data Factory, and Data Lake
Analytics services. Google Cloud development was
the fastest, which could be due to the unified
programming model for batch and speed processing
offered by Google Dataflow.
In terms of the cost of services, Azure was the
most expensive provider in the serving layer, whereas
AWS consumed more credits in the serving layer due
to the Cosmos DB service. In contrast, Google Cloud
presented the lowest price in all layers and offers the
widest free tier to initiate the training.
In summary, when performance is a strong
concern, despite the high cost, AWS (in the batch and
speed layers) is the best choice, and Azure (in the
serving layer) should be selected to obtain the best
response times. If the time-to-market guides the SaaS
selection, Google Cloud is recommended although
the performance could be affected. Finally, if service
pricing is an important constraint, Google Cloud
again offers the best choice by a factor of 1/4.
This research was carried out by the Center of
Excellence and Appropriation in Big Data and Data
Analytics (CAOBA), supported by the Ministry of
Information Technologies and Telecommunications
of the Republic of Colombia (MinTIC) through the
Colombian Administrative Department of Science,
Technology and Innovation (COLCIENCIAS) under
contract no. FP44842-anex46-2015. Special thanks
are due to CAOBA’s members: Miguel Rodriguez,
Felipe Gonzalez-Casabianca, Miguel Barrera, and
Camilo Ortiz.
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