Figure 10: The control signal of the classical MRAC and the
FO-MRAC (m = 1.1) in presence of measurement noises.
From the simulation results, we see that w the sys-
tem is affected by the change of parameter value at
the instant of 1500 sec, after that we observe that the
system tries to follow the consign signal, and at the
end maintains the desired performance. However, it
is also remarkable that with an FO-MRAC strategy,
the error signal has the lower amplitude.
From the Table 5, we see that the FO-MRAC has al-
ways the lowest error cost, even for sudden parameter
variations. So, we conclude that the FO-MRAC is
much more robust than the classical MRAC.
A fractional order model reference adaptive control
has been designed in order to command a conical tank
level with nonlinear dynamics. The reference model
is set to be a fractional model system approximated by
rational transfer function using the singularity func-
tion approach; also a fractional order parameter adap-
tation law is used to update the controller parameters.
Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the
proposed control scheme and confirm its robustness
and especially in the presence of measurement noises
and parametric variations.
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