• Thermometer. p( f
): measure body tempera-
This paper presented Everything-as-a-Thing (*aaT)
as a new paradigm for abstracting the Internet-
of-Things (IoT). Compared to Everything-as-a-
Service (*aaS) and Everything-as-a-Resource (*aaR),
*aaT differentiates living from non-living things. The
former take over roles that are defined in terms of rig-
hts and duties, and, the latter offer capabilities that
are defined in terms of functional and non-functional
properties. *aaT, also, relies on storytelling’s prin-
ciples, namely script to define what living and non-
living things are expected to perform and character to
bind living and non-living things to specific scripts.
Our ongoing work consists of applying *aaT to a real
scenario like the one discussed in this paper.
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