Everything-as-a-Thing for Abstracting the Internet-of-Things
Zakaria Maamar
, Noura Faci
, Mohamed Sellami
, Emir Ugljanin
and Ejub Kajan
Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E.
e Lyon 1, Lyon, France
ISEP Paris, Paris, France
State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia
Capability, Internet of Things, Role, Service, Storytelling.
This paper discusses Everything-as-a-Thing (*aaT) as a novel way for abstracting the Internet-of-Things (IoT)
applications. Compared to other forms of abstraction like Everything-as-a-Service (*aaS) and Everything-
as-a-Resource (*aaR), *aaT puts emphasis on living things, on top of non-living things, that populate these
applications. On the one hand, living things take over roles that are defined in terms of rights and duties. On
the other hand, non-living things offer capabilities that are defined in terms of functional and non-functional
properties. Interactions that occur between living and non-living things are specified as stories that define who
does what, when, and where. For illustration purposes, *aaT is put into action using a healthcare case study.
A plethora of buzzwords (e.g., cloud, fog, ubiqui-
tous, pervasive, and big data) describe the continuous
development of the ICT field that is seeing, among
other things, a convergence of system development
approaches towards the paradigm of service compu-
ting. This paradigm is about exposing Everything-as-
a-Service (*aaS). Thing could be software, platform,
infrastructure, data communication, to cite just some,
with the first 3 constituting the essence of cloud com-
puting. *aaS offers ICT practitioners multiple advan-
tages over other forms of computing (like component-
based), such as, abstracting the complexity of the
digital and physical worlds and their potential con-
nection, complying with the separation-of-concerns
principle (Parnas, 1972), and shifting the burden of
running certain internal operations to external bodies
in-return of a fee.
In conjunction with the expansion of service com-
puting, the ICT field is, also, witnessing a pheno-
menal increase in the volume of data that is gene-
rated and, thus, needs to be “harnessed” in terms of
processing and storage. Indeed, according to Vice
President of Intel’s Architecture Group, Kirk Skau-
gen, there was more data transmitted over the In-
ternet in 2010 than the entire history of the Internet
through 2009
. One source of these data are millions
of sensors and actuators that perfectly exemplify the
era of Internet-of-Things (IoT). IoT is about anything
and everything (e.g., smartphone, kitchen appliance,
and TV) that connects with peers and exchanges data
with them. According to Gartner
, 6.4 billion con-
nected things (not to confuse with everything as a ser-
vice) were in use in 2016, up 3% from 2015, and will
reach 20.8 billion by 2020. In addition, it is predicted
that the total economic impact of IoT will reach be-
tween $3.9 trillion and $11.1 trillion per year by the
year 2025 (DZone, 2017).
In this paper, we discuss IoT from a service per-
spective by raising 2 specific questions: what is a
thing when it acts as a consumer of services and
what is a thing when it acts as a provider of servi-
ces? Answering these 2 questions would raise anot-
her question, which is: is there room for Everything-
as-a-Thing (*aaT) in the current ICT landscape? Con-
trarily to *aaS where everything is about non-living
digital things, only, *aaT would include all forms
of things, living and non-living. *aaT would, first,
back Snyder and Byrd’s vision about the Internet-
that is the next evolution stage of
IoT (Snyder and Byrd, 2017), and, second, respond
to Moldovan et al.s statements that Boundaries bet-
ween computing systems, people, and things are gra-
dually disappearing and that New approaches are
required to manage today’s and tomorrow’s increa-
Internet-of-Everything versus Internet-of-Things is dis-
cussed in (Simmons, 2015).
Maamar, Z., Faci, N., Sellami, M., Ugljanin, E. and Kajan, E.
Everything-as-a-Thing for Abstracting the Internet-of-Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0006869907330740
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 733-740
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
singly connected and heterogenous ecosystems of pe-
ople, computing processes, and things (Moldovan
et al., 2018).
Considering things as providers and/or consumers
of services would require “revisiting” how today’s
things operate. Several reports indicate that things
are still passive and mainly confined into a data-
provider role (Green, 2015; Mzahm et al., 2013; Wu
et al., 2014). In addition, and according to Gart-
ner’s hype cycle of emerging technologies (Snyder
and Byrd, 2017), IoT has entered the trough of dis-
illusionment, a period of uninspiring results com-
pared to high expectation”. To fix this disillusion-
ment and promote things from a data-provider role
to service-provider/consumer role, we deem neces-
sary examining how to support things “decide” on
the best course of action to take in response to a
particular surrounding. In this paper, we define
course of action using storytelling concepts namely
character and script (Ware et al., 2014). On the one
hand, things are characters who either play roles of
living things or offer capabilities of non-living things.
On the other hand, things comply with scripts’ what-
to-do, when, and where.
Our contributions include (i) definition of IoT-
related thing from a service perspective, (ii) empo-
werment of IoT-related thing so, that, a thing ta-
kes over/fulfills roles/capabilities, (iii) specification
of IoT-related thing’s roles/capabilities using storytel-
ling, (iv) proposition of *aaT to abstract IoT applicati-
ons development, and (v) illustration of *aaT through
a healthcare case study. The rest of this paper is orga-
nized as follows. Section 2 consists of some definiti-
ons and then some related works. Section 3 presents
*aaT in terms of foundations and how things bind to
roles and capabilities. Section 4 concludes the paper.
Storytelling. It has been used in different domains
such as computer games and educational virtual
environments. Storytelling has one main ele-
ment, story, that features the following compo-
nents (Young et al., 2013): (i) script that outli-
nes a sequence and/or branching of actions and
events related to the story, (ii) characters that set
personalities along with their mental attitudes and
relationships, and (iii) settings (aka scenes) that
include spatio-temporal locations along with ob-
jects that characters manipulate when they join
the settings. Details about using storytelling in
game development are given in (Crawford, 2004),
for example.
Internet-of-Things. The abundant literature on
IoT (e.g., (Abdmeziem et al., 2016; Barnaghi and
Sheth, 2016; DZone, 2017; Zorzi et al., 2010))
does not help propose a unique definition of what
IoT is or should be. On the one hand, Barnaghi
and Sheth provide a good overview of IoT re-
quirements and challenges (Barnaghi and Sheth,
2016). Requirements include quality, latency,
trust, availability, reliability, and continuity that
should impact efficient access and use of IoT data
and services. And, challenges result from today’s
IoT ecosystems that feature billions of dynamic
things that make existing search, discovery, and
access techniques and solutions inappropriate
for IoT data and services. On the other hand,
Abdmeziem et al. discuss IoT characteristics and
enabling technologies (Abdmeziem et al., 2016).
Characteristics include distribution, interopera-
bility, scalability, resource scarcity, and security.
And, enabling technologies include sensing, com-
munication, and actuating. These technologies
are mapped onto a three-layer IoT architecture
that are referred to as perception, network, and
application, respectively. Qin et al. (Qin et al.,
2014) define IoT from a data perspective as
“In the context of the Internet, addressable and
interconnected things, instead of humans, act as
the main data producers, as well as the main data
consumers. Computers will be able to learn and
gain information and knowledge to solve real
world problems directly with the data fed from
things. As an ultimate goal, computers enabled
by the Internet of Things technologies will be able
to sense and react to the real world for humans”.
Thanks to a reliable and efficient Internet, the
Web has become the platform of choice for thou-
sands of online transactions (related to e-commerce,
e-government, e-learning, etc.) involving thousands
of things exposed as services (*aaS). However, *aaS
seems overlooking a major stakeholder in the equa-
tion of achieving these transactions, namely people
who are now labeled as prosumers standing for consu-
mers of services and providers of services (Pedrinaci
and Domingue, 2010). *aaS does not capture the pe-
ople dimension when exposing everything, including
humans, as a service. Our *aaT addresses this limi-
tation by expanding the list of things to people, who,
on top of authorizing the use of their personal resour-
ces (e.g., desktops and networks), will have a say on
how online transactions should be shaped due to con-
cerns like privacy, limited availability, and social atti-
tude. Thus, we consider *aaT as a normal evolution of
*aaS and all its derivatives like *aaR (Resource) (Ba-
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
ker et al., 2018).
In (Christophe et al., 2011), the authors discuss
the vision of a Web of things in which things are ex-
posed as services and interactions with these servi-
ces are defined as patterns. Though Christophe et al’s
work is a bit outdated, published in 2011, their vision
has, nowadays, become a reality with the multitude of
everyday objects connected to the Internet. To include
humans in the list of everyday’s “objects”, *aaT offers
the necessary means namely roles and capabilities to
define living and non-living things, respectively.
In (Perera et al., 2014), sensing-as-a-service mo-
del is presented using 5 actors: sensors, owners of
sensors, publishers of sensors, providers of sensed
data, and consumers of sensed data. Benefits of using
this model include embracement of cloud computing
principles, participatory sensing, sharing and reusing
sensor data, and fostering innovation. The model
is evaluated through the win-win situation based on
several objects that share common sensing data: a
person with a new refrigerator with built-in sensors
(temperature, door, etc.), a sensor publisher, an ice
cream manufacturing company, and a cheese manu-
facturer. All of these objects expose themselves as
sensors whose data are mutually shared in favor of all
with respect to their roles, preferences, and capabili-
In (Broring et al., 2017), the authors introduce
an architectural model for IoT ecosystems and high-
light 5 common interoperability patterns that would
enable cross-platform interoperability among highly
heterogeneous entities like providers and consumers
from different application domains, among providers
hosted on different IoT platforms, etc., and thus, es-
tablishing successful IoT ecosystems. A particular
cross-platform pattern enables applications to access
resources (information or functionality) from multi-
ple platforms through the same interface specifica-
tion. Despite the focus on interoperability across IoT
applications, services and platforms, the idea of using
patterns to allow multi-purpose of things may be ex-
tended to anything on the Web.
In (Chen et al., 2014), the authors propose
Wisdom-as-a-Service (WaaS) model using 4 types of
services: data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
WaaS provides intelligent IT applications based on
a variety of intelligent technologies (e.g., personali-
zation and context-awareness) for making judgments
and taking actions so, that, the right services are pro-
vided to humans. After humans consuming service
the process is return to things to start new loop. The
cycle from raw data to the right services is called Wis-
dom Web of Things (W2T) processing cycle that ac-
cording to Chen et al. “... realizes the harmonious
symbiosis of humans, computers, and things in the
hyper-world”. Our *aaT describes this symbiosis in
an unified manner.
In (Raggett, 2015), the author stresses out the role
of avatars in virtualizing the Web-of-Things (WoT).
On top of connected devices that illustrate things,
Raggett considers living things, which is in line with
our *aaT, as well as other objects. Another use of
avatar-based WoT architecture is discussed in (Mrissa
et al., 2015). Despite the novel concept of using ava-
tars, the human dimension is missing from the colla-
boration space that arises between things.
3.1 Foundations
In compliance with the storytelling principles
(Section 2), we define *aaT using 2 main con-
cepts (Fig. 1): character that would abstract IoT ap-
plications’ future stakeholders and script that would
abstract IoT applications’ future operations (or course
of action) that the stakeholders will execute. Depen-
ding on a script’s definition (e.g., narrative descrip-
tion), a character either takes over a Role (R) that we
define using duties and rights (Section 3.2) or fulfills
a Capability (C) that we, also, define using functional
and non-functional (aka QoS) attributes (Section 3.3).
On the one hand, role targets living things (hu-
mans). On the other hand, capability targets non-
living things and permits to cater to the needs and
requirements of *aaS. By differentiating living/role
from non-living/capability, *aaT complies with the
separation-of-concerns principle since each has dif-
ferent objectives to achieve, different needs to satisfy,
and different requirements to meet.
In Fig. 1, we note that (i) scripts regulate the ope-
rations (what-to-do) of characters ((n, m) cardinality),
(ii) a role may request other capabilities in accordance
with its rights ((0, n) cardinality), (ii) a role may su-
pervise other roles in accordance with its duties, as
well ((0, n) cardinality), and (iii) a capability may be
composed of other capabilities in accordance with its
functional attributes ((0, n) cardinality). More details
about the interactions between characters are provi-
ded in Section 3.4.
3.2 Binding Characters to Roles
Characters, who refer to living things, take over Ro-
les (R) defined in terms of rights (r) to request and du-
ties (d) to achieve. Rights and duties vary depending
Everything-as-a-Thing for Abstracting the Internet-of-Things
Character Thing
as a
takes over
Figure 1: *aaTs core concepts for abstracting IoT applications’ stakeholders/operations.
request assignment
request completion
request transfer
response delivery
Figure 2: Lifecycle of a character taking over a role.
request assignment
request completion
request transfer
response delivery
Figure 3: Lifecycle of a character fulfilling a capability.
busy:R 
idle:R 
idle:R 
busy: R 
on-hold:R 
on-hold:R 
busy:R 
Intra-transition Inter-transition
Figure 4: Supervision cycle representing R2R interaction.
suspended:C 
Intra-transition Inter-transition
activated:C 
activated:C 
activated:C 
activated:C 
suspended:C 
activated:C 
Figure 5: Composition cycle representing C2C interaction.
activated:C 
activated:C 
idle:R 
busy: R 
on-hold:R 
Intra-transition Inter-transition
on-hold:R 
busy:R 
Figure 6: Request cycle representing R2C interaction.
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
on whether a character consumes services or provides
1. Character’s rights/duties as a service consumer (c)
are, but not limited to, listed below:
): search for other services provided by
other characters.
): receive services from other characters
according to what is agreed upon.
): raise concerns about other characters’
): use valid credentials during identifica-
): provide feedback, whenever neces-
sary, on the consumed services of other charac-
): compensate the consumed services of
other characters as agreed upon.
2. Character’s rights/duties as a service provider (p)
are, but not limited to, listed below:
R. p(r
): reject service requests (e.g., off-duty)
of other characters.
R. p(r
): ask for the necessary capabilities
when providing services to other characters.
R. p(r
): self-protect from malicious requestors
of services.
R. p(r
): request fair treatment when competi-
tion arises.
R. p(r
): be compensated in return of the provi-
ded services to other characters.
R. p(d
): offer fair treatment to all requestors of
R. p(d
): allow any external request to audit
(check) the provided services to other charac-
Building upon the aforementioned rights and du-
ties, we illustrate in Fig. 2 a lifecycle for a character
that takes over a role.
As a service consumer, states include idle, on-
hold, and on-leave. And, transitions include re-
quest transfer, response delivery, completion, re-
sumption (× 2), and (un)planned leave (× 2).
As a service provider, states include idle, busy,
and on-leave. And, transitions include request
assignment, request completion, completion, re-
sumption (× 2), and (un)planned leave (× 2).
Since rights and duties are defined as abstract con-
cepts, they need to be instantiated according to a case
study, which is discussed in Section 3.5.
3.3 Binding Characters to Capabilities
Characters, that refer to non-living things, fulfill
Capabilities (C) defined in terms of functional ( f )
attributes associated with what-is-offered and non-
functional (n f ) attributes associated with what-is-
guaranteed. Functional and non-functional attributes
vary depending on whether the character consumes
services or provides services.
1. Character’s functional/non-functional attributes
as a service consumer (c) are, but not limited to,
listed below:
C.c( f
): compose services provided by other
characters according to what is agreed upon.
C.c(n f
): use valid credentials during authenti-
2. Character’s functional/non-functional attributes
as a service provider (p) are, but not limited to,
listed below:
C. p( f
): announce services.
C. p( f
): monitor provided services.
C. p(n f
): ensure the quality-of-service of the
provided services to other characters.
C. p(n f
): allow any external request to audit
(check) the provided services to other charac-
Building upon the aforementioned functional and
non-functional attributes, we illustrate in Fig. 3 a life-
cycle for a character that fulfills a capability.
As a service consumer, states include not-
activated and suspended. And, transitions include
request transfer, response delivery, and comple-
As a service provider, states include not-activated,
activated, and serviced. And, transitions include
request assignment, request completion, comple-
tion (× 3), and prevention/correction.
Since functional and non-functional attributes are
defined as abstract concepts, they need to be instan-
tiated according to a case study, which is discussed
in Section 3.5.
3.4 Interactions between Characters
Fig. 1 illustrates 3 types of interactions that involve
characters together.
Role-2-Role (R2R) interaction happens through
supervise(0,n) relation. Acting as a provider of
services, a character’s role may
consist of look-
ing after other characters (also acting as providers
Because of 0 min in the cardinality.
Everything-as-a-Thing for Abstracting the Internet-of-Things
of services) whose (certain) duties are required for
achieving this role’s duties.
For modeling needs of R2R interaction, we map
supervise relation onto a supervision cycle that in-
volves 2 roles, R
:supervisor and R
and is represented as a set of connected states
that originate from these roles’ respective lifecy-
cles whether a role is a consumer (supervisor) or
provider (supervisee). On top of these states, the
supervision cycle features 2 types of transitions:
intra-transitions connecting states that belong to
the same lifecycle (already shown in Fig. 2) and
inter-transitions connecting states that belong to
separate lifecycles. Fig. 4 is the supervision cycle
representing R2R interaction. Assumption made
in this cycle is that the supervisee is waiting for
requests from the supervisor. This cycle also high-
lights one intra-transition from busy to on-hold to
allow the same supervisor to switch roles from
provider to consumer and another intra-transition
from on-hold to busy to allow the supervisor to
switch roles from consumer to provider. These
2 intra-transitions need to be added to a charac-
ter’s lifecycle shown in Fig. 2.
Capability-Capability (C2C) interaction happens
through compose(0,n) relation. Acting as a provi-
der of services, a character’s capability may con-
sist of initiating other characters (also acting as
providers of services) whose (certain) capabilities
are required for achieving this capability’s functi-
onal attributes.
For modeling needs of C2C interaction, we
map compose relation onto a composition cy-
cle that involves 2 capabilities, C
:composer and
:component, and is represented as a set of con-
nected states that originate from these capabi-
lities’ respective lifecycles whether a capability
is a consumer (composer) or provider (compo-
nent). On top of these states, the composition cy-
cle features 2 types of transitions: intra-transitions
connecting states that belong to the same lifecy-
cle (already shown in Fig. 3) and inter-transitions
connecting states that belong to separate lifecy-
cles. Fig. 5 is the composition cycle represen-
ting C2C interaction. Assumption made in this
cycle is that the component is waiting for requests
from the composer. This cycle also highlights one
intra-transition from activated to suspended to al-
low the composer to switch roles from provider to
consumer and another intra-transition from sus-
pended to activated to allow the same composer
to switch roles from consumer to provider. These
2 intra-transitions need to be added to a charac-
ter’s lifecycle shown in Fig. 3.
Role-Capability (R2C) interaction happens
through request(0,n) relation. Acting as a provi-
der of services, a character’s role may consist of
using other characters (also acting as providers of
services) whose (certain) capabilities’ functional
attributes are required for achieving this role’s
For modeling needs of R2C interaction, we map
request relation onto a request cycle that in-
volves 1 role, R
:requestor, and 1 capability,
:requestee, and is represented as a set of con-
nected states that originate from both this role’s
lifecycle acting as a consumer (requestor) and this
capability’s lifecycle acting as a provider (reque-
stee). On top of these states, the request cycle fea-
tures 2 types of transitions: intra-transitions con-
necting states that belong to the same lifecycle
(already shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3) and inter-
transitions connecting states that belong to sepa-
rate lifecycles. Fig. 6 is the request cycle repre-
senting R2C interaction. Assumption made in this
cycle is that the requestee is waiting for requests
from the requestor. This cycle also highlights one
intra-transition from busy to on-hold to allow the
requestor to switch roles from provider to consu-
mer and another intra-transition from on-hold to
busy to allow the requestor to switch roles from
consumer to provider. These 2 intra-transitions
need to be added to a character’s lifecycle shown
in Fig. 2.
To illustrate how we put *aaT into action (so that
*aaTs concepts become concrete), a simple scena-
rio is used. The scenario concerns a hospital that is
on high-alert being close to a car accident. The hos-
pital has different state-of-the-art equipment and faci-
lities that showcase how IoT can smoothen operations
and improve efficiency. For instance, wards have am-
bient sensors for temperature automatic-control, life-
support machines have RFID tags for better tracking,
and smart wrists allow real-time transmission of pa-
tients’ vitals to appropriate recipients.
Let us consider an injured driver who requires a
surgery due to brain bleeding. In compliance with
Section 2’s storytelling principles, the relevant script
for surgery is activated as per the hospital’s prescri-
bed guidelines. A simple definition of this script
given in Listing 1 where G stands for main goal, TG
Script formalization does not fall into the scope of this
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
stands for terminal goal, CH stands for character, R
stands for role, C stands for capability, T stands for
time, and L stands for location. At run time, the script
is activated, which means instantiating the necessary
arguments. For instance, CH:R:doctor becomes John,
CH:R:nurse becomes Melissa, CH:C:thermometer be-
comes thermometer
, T becomes 2:50pm, and L be-
comes operatingTheater
Listing 1: Example of script definition.
1 Script = G:stop-brain-bleeding
2 G:prepare-patient
3 (TG:diagnose-patient;
4 CH:R:nurse.takeTemp.CH:R:patient OR CH:C:
5 CH:R:nurse.takePress.CH:R:patient OR CH:C
6 CH:R:doctor.diagnose.CH:R:patient; T:
currentTime; L:operatingTheater)
7 (TG:give-medication; ..... )
8 G:perform-surgery
9 (TG:prepare-operating-theater; .....)
10 (TG:.....)
11 .....
In Fig. 1, *aaT defines role with rights and du-
ties, capability with functional and non-functional at-
tributes, and, finally, relations between roles, between
capabilities, and between roles and capabilities. We
illustrate all these concepts with the brain bleeding
Doctor Role: to identify the duties and rights of doc-
tor as role, we resort to job descriptions that cle-
arly define these duties and rights from different
perspectives like patient, line-manager, peer, com-
munity, etc. In the following, we consider the pa-
tient perspective.
Examples of Doctors rights/duties as a service
consumer (c) are:
): consult patient files prior and af-
ter surgeries.
): have access to surgery equip-
): return patient files after surge-
): meet deadlines when submitting
surgery requests.
Examples of Doctors rights/duties as a service
provider (p) are:
Doctor. p(r
): inform insurance providers about
patient conditions before and after surgeries.
Doctor. p(r
): postpone patient surgeries.
Doctor. p(d
): consult patients before and after
Doctor. p(d
): prescribe medicines before and
after surgeries.
Thermometer Capability: to identify the functional
and non-functional attributes of thermometer as
capability, we resort to the descriptions that a ma-
ker of this thermometer provides.
Examples of Thermometers functional/non-
functional attributes as a service consumer (c)
Thermometer.c( f
): not-applicable.
Thermometer.c(n f
): use 2mm diameter dispo-
sable lens-filters.
Examples of Thermometers functional/non-
functional attributes as a service provider (p)
Thermometer. p( f
): measure body tempera-
Thermometer. p(n f
): measure body tempera-
ture with 99% accuracy.
Doctor-Nurse Relation: to illustrate the supervise
relation between doctor and nurse roles, we stress
out the duties of doctor that call for the duties
of nurse. Doctors duties will be listed from
a service-consumer perspective whereas nurses
duties will be listed from a service-provider per-
spective. Examples of duties are:
): request patient vitals from nurse.
Nurse. p(d
): respond to doctor with patient vi-
smartWrist-Thermometer Relation: to illustrate
the compose relation between smartWrist and
thermometer capabilities, we stress out the capa-
bilities of smartWrist that call for the capabilities
of thermometer. smartWrists and thermometers
capabilities will be listed from a service-provider
perspective. Examples of capabilities are:
Thermometer. p( f
): measure body tempera-
smartWrist. p( f
): inform nurse based on the
body temperature returned by thermometer.
Nurse-Thermometer Relation: to illustrate the re-
quest relation between nurse as role and thermo-
meter as capability, we stress out the duties of
nurse that call for the capabilities of thermome-
ter. Nurses duties will be listed from a service-
consumer perspective whereas thermometers ca-
pabilities will be listed from a service-provider
perspective. Examples of duties and capabilities
): request body temperature from
Everything-as-a-Thing for Abstracting the Internet-of-Things
Thermometer. p( f
): measure body tempera-
This paper presented Everything-as-a-Thing (*aaT)
as a new paradigm for abstracting the Internet-
of-Things (IoT). Compared to Everything-as-a-
Service (*aaS) and Everything-as-a-Resource (*aaR),
*aaT differentiates living from non-living things. The
former take over roles that are defined in terms of rig-
hts and duties, and, the latter offer capabilities that
are defined in terms of functional and non-functional
properties. *aaT, also, relies on storytelling’s prin-
ciples, namely script to define what living and non-
living things are expected to perform and character to
bind living and non-living things to specific scripts.
Our ongoing work consists of applying *aaT to a real
scenario like the one discussed in this paper.
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