LoggerBIT: An Optimization of the OpenLog Board for Data Logging
with Low Cost Hardware Platforms for Biomedical Applications
Margarida Reis
and Hugo Pl
acido da Silva
IT - Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Instituto Superior T
ecnico, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Polytechnic Institute of Set
ubal, Campus do IPS, Estefanilha, 2914-508 Set
ubal, Portugal
Biomedical Devices, Data Logging, Biosignal Acquisition, Real-time Applications.
Low cost hardware and open source software tools specialized in biomedical applications have recently seen
a significant growth both in popularity and diversity. Within the current landscape of such tools, BITalino
is increasingly used by students and professors for educational activities and prototyping, due to its modular
design and flexibility. However, there is currently no user-friendly way of storing data locally without setting
up a wireless connection to a receiver unit (e.g. a computer or smartphone). This poses a problem, especially
in uses cases where ambulatory data acquisition is needed. In this paper we present the LoggerBIT, a data
logging block to enable data recording onto a microSD card in biomedical development toolkits, without
requiring a connection to a receiver nor any particular programming or electronics skills to setup. Our work
builds upon the OpenLog serial data logger, to which multiple optimisations were made in terms of hardware
and firmware, overcoming limitations preventing its use in high data throughput applications. Our LoggerBIT
approach is suitable for high-speed data recording, with results showing that it can log data of up to 4 analog
channels at 1000 Hz for 24 hour periods without loss of packets, and from all analog channels with minimal
data loss. This work contributes to the state-of-the-art with a comprehensive description and validation of the
block, and with a set of supporting tools released in open source, thus available for the biomedical engineering
community at large.
In the last decade, purpose-built biomedical hardware
platforms to support learning and prototyping follo-
wing a low cost and open source approach have be-
come a staple in the field, as they are not limited
by proprietary hardware or software. Examples of
such platforms include the OpenBCI (Russomanno,
2014)(Frey, 2016) and BITalino (Silva et al., 2014),
the latter of which has been reported as one of the
most complete and versatile tools for biofeedback and
quality of life research (even when compared with
the latest wearables), hence being particularly popular
(Nogueira et al., 2017).
However, existing platforms are mostly designed
around the concept of real-time data streaming to a
receiver, which can be quite restrictive. In particular,
for data acquisition in ambulatory settings, streaming
has a direct impact on the battery lifetime (both of
the transmitter and of the receiver) due to the power
required by the radio. It also requires an additional
complexity on the receiver, for tasks such as mana-
ging reconnections when the device goes out of range.
In cases where a memory card is available, this con-
tributes to a higher energy consumption of the over-
all device, and has a direct impact on the achieavable
form factor size when prototyping wearable devices.
In this work we present LoggerBIT, which con-
sists of a hardware and firmware optimization to a
commercially available data logger, devised to enable
its use in high data throughput applications. This is
targeted at eliminating the need for a radio transceiver
and the dependency on a receiver in a user-friendly
way, when working with low cost and open source
biomedical platforms. We will use BITalino as a
test bed for benchmarking, due to its widespread use.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 provides the background, Section 3 descri-
bes the proposed solution, Section 4 presents experi-
mental results on the performance of LoggerBIT in
different testing conditions, and finally Section 5 out-
lines the main conclusions and future work perspecti-
Reis, M. and Silva, H.
LoggerBIT: An Optimization of the OpenLog Board for Data Logging with Low Cost Hardware Platforms for Biomedical Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0006872306000604
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018) - Volume 2, pages 600-604
ISBN: 978-989-758-321-6
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Data logging is a common problem in many applicati-
ons, which has lead to the creation of several general-
purpose accessories. However, these are primarily
designed for use cases of relatively low data data ra-
tes, and where occasionally missing data is not trou-
The OpenLog is one such accessory, based on the
ATmega328P 8-bit MCU and that can interfaced with
via a standard Universal Asynchronous Receiver-
Transmitter (UART) port. It supports an operating
voltage between 3.3-5.0V and has a current consump-
tion of approximately 5mAh while in idle state with
the SD card inserted, and of approximately 20mAh
when writing to the SD card. These specifications
mean that it can be directly powered from the most
common biomedical platforms, and interfaced with
them via the UART.
A problem with this device is that there may be
dropped bytes with baud rates equal or higher than
57600bps (Seidle, 2014), which is a severe limita-
tion for its use with biomedical data acquisition har-
dware, where the combination of the number of chan-
nels and sampling rate can easily reach baud rates of
115200bps. The class of card can help reduce and/or
eliminate this problem, although without guarantees
of reliability using the existing OpenLog hardware
and firmware options.
Changes were made mainly to the method for confi-
guring the acquisition settings and management of the
read/write buffers to handle at least 115200 bps baud
rates in continuous logging mode. These will be des-
cribed throughout the following sections.
3.1 User-defined Configurations
The OpenLog is primarily designed to be controlled
via commands sent through the UART from an MCU
connected to it (e.g.). In LoggerBIT the user is able
to define the acquisition settings (e.g., sampling rate,
channels to be acquired, etc.), by placing a CSV con-
figuration file named config.txt at the root direc-
tory of the SD card. The configuration file has two
lines, one for the settings and the other for providing
a human-readable description of their definitions, as
can be seen in the following snippet.
1000 , live , 123 4 56 ,0 0 , 0 0
sa mp l i n g rate , mode , ch ann e ls , trigg e r ,
di gi ta l IO
3.2 Recording Loop
The main task of the recording loop is the retrieval
of a data stream from the UART, writing to the log
file and occasionally synchronizing the SD card (i.e.
flushing the buffer). We characterized the operational
demand of each task by measuring their completion
time, determining that, in average, writing approxi-
mately 128 bytes (the size of the read buffer) to the
file takes approximately 50uS, whereas the synchro-
nization lasts close to 5ms.
A major bottleneck is therefore having to periodi-
cally synchronize the card; however, this is a neces-
sary step to ensure that any bytes written to the file are
logically visible within the file system. In addition, it
needs to be performed periodically rather than on the
end of the recording, given that our goal for the Log-
gerBIT is that the user can stop the recording at any
time, by simply powering off the device without prior
announcement or action.
As such, we focused our efforts on improving this
process. When the file is being synchronized to the
SD card, LoggerBIT is blocked on that operation,
meaning that it will not be able to receive any inco-
ming data, potentially leading to a loss of packets.
With the flow-control mechanism, LoggerBIT signals
the transmitter to stop streaming and buffer the data
internally before the synchronization, and to resume
the streaming afterwards; in-between, LoggerBIT has
enough time to synchronize the file. We also modified
the synchronization cycle to have the synchronization
done based on the number of bytes written instead of
time and removed any calls that would put the MCU
in sleep mode, both being the standard approach fol-
lowed by the OpenLog.
3.3 Hardware Flow-control
Our proposed approach to mitigate the byte loss is-
sue is based on implementing UART hardware flow-
control, where LoggerBIT requests the transmitter to
stop sending data while it is executing its critical, i.e.,
time consuming operations. By default, the OpenLog
board does not have a RTS line, as the flow-control
mechanism requires; as such, we changed both the
hardware and firmware of the OpenLog to have one
GPIO working as the RTS line (Figure 1).
Having the OpenLog performing the synchroni-
zations based on the number of written bytes instead
of time (as previously described), provides us with
better control of the timming for card synchroniza-
tion. When the synchronization is happening, the RTS
line is set to the HIGH level, signaling the transmitter
to stop sending data and start buffering it internally.
LoggerBIT: An Optimization of the OpenLog Board for Data Logging with Low Cost Hardware Platforms for Biomedical Applications
Figure 1: OpenLog with UART hardware flow-control line
Once the synchronization is completed, the RTS line
is set to LOW, signaling the transmitter to resume the
data streaming.
As previously mentioned, we used the BITalino plat-
form as test bed for benchmarking, due to its characte-
ristics and growing adoption. To evaluate the perfor-
mance of the LoggerBIT we tested the loss of samples
for different configurations of the memory card, num-
ber of channels to acquire and sampling rate, analyzed
the acquisition reliability, and performed a signal dis-
tortion test against a common use case of streaming
over standard Bluetooth.
4.1 Sample Loss
Our LoggerBIT approach was benchmarked against
the standard OpenLog minimal firmware. To better
understand the effects of the hardware flow-control
mechanism we also evaluated a version of LoggerBIT
that does not use hardware flow-control. The evalua-
ted metrics were the total number of CRC fails and the
total estimated number of lost packets associated with
those fails, based on the sample sequence number.
We started by testing data acquisition sessions
with 8h duration, for which the results are presented
in Table 1. The tests were done until a zero loss confi-
guration of the system was found for each version and
for each card, starting from the most demanding use
case (acquisition of 6 channels at 1kHz) and descen-
ding to the less demanding use case (which would be
the acquisition of 1 channel at 1Hz). Analyzing first
the Class 3 card, with the highest write speed (UHS-I
U3 PRO), we can see that, for the original (OpenLog)
version of the firmware and without hardware flow-
control, there was loss of samples using the most de-
manding acquisition settings. For both versions, we
observed that this firmware and card combination can
be used reliably for 8h periods, to acquire 4 channels
at 1kHz and 6 channels at 100Hz.
It is important to note that, even though the firm-
ware without flow-control has registered sample loss,
there was approximately a 50% reduction in the num-
ber of CRC fails and associated number of lost pac-
kets when compared with the original version. This
confirms that the option to enter sleep mode when the
SD card synchronization takes place (followed in the
original firmware), introduces a significant overhead
when dealing with high throughput data received via
the UART. As for the LoggerBIT firmware, this test
demonstrates how incorporating the hardware flow-
control mechanism improves the performance, consi-
dering that it is capable of being used in the most de-
manding configuration possible for the BITalino de-
vice, without any CRC failure.
The card within the same class rating but with a lo-
wer write speed (UHS-I U3) only worked without any
losses in the most demanding configuration with the
LoggerBIT firmware. For the remaining versions, the
card proved to be stable only for the same configura-
tions previously mentioned (4 channels at 1kHz and
6 channels at 100Hz). For acquiring all channels at
the maximum sampling rate, this card had more CRC
fails than the one previously examined, which is li-
kely associated with the lower writing speed.
As can be observed, the card with the lowest speed
class rating (UHS-I U1) is also the less reliable. We
started by testing it with the LoggerBIT firmware at
the most demanding configuration, and progressively
reduced the number of channels to 2 until no data loss
events occurred while recording data at 1kHz. Be-
cause LoggerBIT is the most effective version of the
firmware, we only started to test the remaining ver-
sions also from 2 channels, since other channel con-
figurations would certainly exhibit higher data loss.
For both firmwares, sampling 2 channels at 1kHz also
appears to be a stable configuration with no associ-
ated CRC failures. As for the possibility to log the
maximum number of channels, this card is capable of
doing so at 100Hz for all versions of the firmware.
Once we confirmed that the LoggerBIT approach
is the best performing one, we decided to test its re-
liability in long term recordings, by doing a 24-hour
long test of 6 channels at 1kHz using the identified
optimal SD card (UHS-I U3 PRO). We ran multiple
iterations of this test and verified that there are always
CRC fails (between 2 to 5), which is fairly acceptable,
but led us to determine a more reliable configuration.
As such, we tested the acquisition of 4 channels at
1kHz, consistently obtaining recordings for 24h wit-
hout any data loss, which enabled us to conclude that
this is the most stable configuration and the one to be
used by default for long-term logging.
ICINCO 2018 - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 1: Performance of the LoggerBIT while continuously recording data for 8h.
Firmware Version / Card Type / # of Channels
Standard Without hardware flow-control With hardware flow-control
Rate [Hz] 2 CH 6 CH 4 CH 6 CH 4 CH 6 CH 2 CH 6 CH 4 CH 6 CH 4 CH 6 CH 2 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH
Decoding 100 - 2.84 - 2.85 - 2.68 - 2.92 - 2.36 - 2.32 - 3.06 - -
time [min.] 1000 21.44 - 22.59 40.31 24.57 39.07 22.63 - 23.41 35.13 23.09 32.38 20.19 38.67 24.02 26.97
# of CRC 100 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - -
fails 1000 0 - 0 13 0 6 0 - 0 4 0 2 0 34 0 0
# of lost 100 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - -
packets 1000 0 - 0 97 0 38 0 - 0 32 0 15 0 227 0 0
4.2 Acquisition Reliability
To test the acquisition reliability we used the most sta-
ble configuration previously determined, connected
BITalino to a function generator and injected a square
wave with a frequency of 1Hz, peak-to-peak ampli-
tude of 3V and DC offset of 150mV into one of the
analog channels. The goal of this test is to com-
pare basic statistics of the parameters of the gene-
rated function against the data actually recorded to
the SD card by the LoggerBIT. During an 8h re-
cording, the average pulse width was approximately
502.2 ± 0.45ms, indexing a maximum of 504ms and
a minimum of 498ms.
We repeated a similar test, but instead of using the
function generator, we connected the RTS line of the
LoggerBIT to one of the digital input pins on BITa-
lino. This way, we can evaluate the effective time
of writing to the SD card, i.e., measure the synchro-
nization process. Results during an 8h test showed
that the average synchronization takes approximately
5.2 ± 1.13ms, with a recorded maximum of 79ms and
minimum of 4ms.
RMSE(x, y) =
(x [k] y [k])
x [k]
x [k]y [k]
4.3 Signal Distortion
Lastly, we tested LoggerBIT in a common usage sce-
nario, that is, recording real-world physiological sig-
nals. For experimental comparison, we performed si-
multaneous acquisition, with optical synchronization,
of an Electrocardiography (ECG) signal sampled at
1kHz while it was being recorded by the LoggerBIT
from one BITalino, and also by a second BITalino
with standard Bluetooth connectivity, streaming all
data to a computer. We analized our data based on the
methodology used in (Batista et al., 2017), where the
suggested comparison metrics to quantify the simila-
rity between acquisitions are the RMSE (Equation 1)
and the coefficient of determination R
(Equation 2,
where µ corresponds to the data mean).
We synchronized the ECG signals by removing
the initial temporal offset, with the support of data
collected by optical sensors in both devices. The syn-
chronized ECG signals were normalized, filtered with
a 300
order bandpass FIR filter with cutoff frequen-
cies of 3Hz and 45Hz, and segmented using the algo-
rithm by Hamilton (Hamilton, 2002) as implemented
in the BioSPPy
Afterwards, we aligned the segmented heartbeat
waveforms by the R-peak between both ECG sig-
nals and, for each paired segment, we calculated the
RMSE and the coefficient of determination R
of the
corresponding templates. Figure 2 shows part of the
time domain representation of the segmented heart-
beat waveforms as extracted from the ECG signals
acquired by the different devices.
We concluded this morphological comparison by
aggregating the results per segment in an single va-
lue, in the form of the overall average and stan-
dard deviation across all segments, for each compa-
rison metric. As such, for the RMSE the result was
0.00715 ± 0.00195 and for the coefficient of determi-
LoggerBIT: An Optimization of the OpenLog Board for Data Logging with Low Cost Hardware Platforms for Biomedical Applications
Figure 2: Partial time domain representation of the supe-
rimposed segmented heartbeat waveforms as they were re-
corded by the BITalino (r)evolution and the LoggerBIT.
Figure 3: BITalino (r)evolution board in a dual MCU setup
allowing simultaneous Bluetooth streaming and data log-
ging with LoggerBIT.
nation R
it was of 0.984 ± 0.0194. As we can see,
there is a high correlation between both ECG signals,
as the value for the RMSE is low and the value for
is high and close to 1. This allows us to demon-
strate that the signals acquired through LoggerBIT are
in agreement with those collected using the standard
In this paper we presented LoggerBIT, a hardware
and firmware optimization of the OpenLog serial data
logger, with the goal of making it usable with low
cost and open source biomedical data acquisition plat-
forms with the best performance possible. We then
evaluated the performance of our approach, using the
BITalino platform as a test bed, for different variati-
ons of the data acquisition settings (i.e. channels and
sampling rate) and SD cards with diverse speed class
and write speed ratings. Figure 3 shows an example
deployment of LoggerBIT on our test bed.
Results show that the LoggerBIT can operate reli-
ably in the most demanding configuration of BITalino
(6 channels at 1kHz) using Class 3 UHS-I U3 PRO
cards. In 8h recordings no data loss events appear to
occur, and for longer periods minimal data loss is de-
tected (e.g. 2 to 5 packets loss over a 24h period),
outperforming the other approaches under testing. In
terms of battery life, our tests have shown that the
LoggerBIT is able to operate for approximately 40h
using a 3.7V 700mAh battery, which is a significant
gain when compared with the approximately 12h of
operation in the Bluetooth streaming approach.
Future work will focus on further characterizing
the overall LoggerBIT architecture in order to prevent
packet loss as the memory card has more space occu-
pied (as shown by the 24h tests) and on benchmarking
our approach using commonly used biomedical plat-
forms other than BITalino as a test bed.
This work is funded by FCT/MEC through natio-
nal funds and when applicable co-funded by FE-
DER PT2020 partnership agreement under the pro-
ject UID/EEA/50008/2013 “SmartHeart”. The deve-
lopments herein described have been publicly relea-
sed and made available to the community at large
in alignment with the open hardware and open source
software movement.
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ICINCO 2018 - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics