preliminary implementation results are reported in
Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
Internet of Things. The abundant literature on IoT
does not help propose a unique definition of what
IoT is or should be. On the one hand, Barnaghi and
Sheth provide a good overview of IoT requirements
and challenges (Barnaghi and Sheth, 2016). Require-
ments include quality, latency, trust, availability, re-
liability, and continuity that should impact efficient
access and use of IoT data and services. And, chal-
lenges result from today’s IoT ecosystems that fea-
ture billions of dynamic things that make existing se-
arch, discovery, and access techniques and solutions
inappropriate for IoT data and services. On the other
hand, Abdmeziem et al. discuss IoT characteristics
and enabling technologies (Abdmeziem et al., 2016).
First, characteristics include distribution, interopera-
bility, scalability, resource scarcity, and security. Se-
cond, enabling technologies include sensing, commu-
nication, and actuating. These technologies are map-
ped onto a 3 layer IoT architecture that consists of per-
ception, network, and application, respectively.
Cognitive Computing. Sheth, in (Sheth, 2016), re-
fers to DARPA’s definition of cognitive system as a
system that can “reason, use represented knowledge,
learn from experience, accumulate knowledge, ex-
plain itself, accept direction, b e aware of its own be-
havior and capab ilities as well as re spond in a robust
manner to su rprises” (Johnson, 2002). This defini-
tion identifies some capabilities that could empower
things such as learning and sensing. According to
, cognitive computing systems may include dif-
ferent components such as natural language proces-
sing, machine learning, image recognition, and emo-
tional intelligence.
Case Study. It is about cognitive water-pipes in sup-
port of smart homes’ services. It is well known that
leaks are a significant source of water loss. However,
it is less known that a large proportion of this loss, 20-
30%, occurs at the consumer side. According to the
Association of British Insurers Research, the average
cost from a burst pipe is £6,500 to £7,500 (cas, ). On
top of this cost, insurance companies spend billions to
cover water damages and cost of repairs.
We, safely, assume that walls in today’s smart ho-
mes have mounted moisture detecting sensors, which
could help reduce water loss and hence, bills. The
sensors would alert tenants of any water pipe leakage
before it leads to serious damages. However, by the
time the tenant notices the alert, then finding a plum-
bing company to book for repair, the wall itself could
end up costing some money to get fixed, for example.
Our proposal is that cognitive water-pipes would
reason about sensed data (e.g., leak position and time
it started, amount of drippings, and moisture level) so,
they, for instance, ask the water distribution company
to suspend water provisioning, contact potential re-
pair services to come fix the leak, and finally, make
a payment. In this case, searching for and calling re-
pair services, negotiating deals with them, and ma-
king contact with the tenant’s bank account to com-
plete a service payment are all individual BP that rely
on CT engagement in addressing water pipes’ leaks.
3.1 Features of Cognitive Things
We empower a CT with 3 types of capabilities (not ne-
cessarily all) that would allow this CT to reason about
the surrounding, to learn from the past, and to adapt
to changes. These capabilities include computation
for processing needs, persistence for storage needs
(even temporarily), and communication for transfer
needs. The enactment of each capability is subject to
2 types of restrictions on the CT: functional and non-
Functional restrictions impact a CT participation
in ongoing BP (in fact, BP instances at run-time). We
decompose these restrictions into 3 categories:
- Limited (l): when a CT participation is restricted
by a time frame. Beyond this time frame, the CT
ceases to exist (e.g., withdrawn because of expiry
date) and hence, becomes unavailable for certain
BP (however, the CT would remain available for
other BP). Example of limited is a moisture sensor
that has a life span due to power availability (on
battery) and/or part deterioration over time.
- Non-shareable (ns): when a CT concurrent par-
ticipation in many BP needs to be scheduled
(e.g., required because of conflicting requests).
Example of non-shareable is a water meter de-
dicated to personal usage and hence, cannot be
shared with other residential units.
- Renewable (r): when a CT participation in a BP
is extended for another time frame and/or round
of use subject to satisfying the limited and/or sh-
areability restrictions (e.g., approved because of
work incompleteness). Example of renewable is a