decision to invest. Once a commitment of some sort
has been stipulated with potential users (for instance
those providing the initial user stories) the
implementation of the system can begin.
The weakest link of the proposed method resides in
the fourth step: the system evaluation. This is not due
to the difficulty of the evaluation itself: in literature
several methods for assessment of (4.1) feasibility,
(4.2) development costs, (4.3) market potential and
(4.4) performance and economic advantages of
automation can be found, which could be applicable.
The evaluation is the weakest link of the method
because what is being evaluated is not an existing
SoS, but a virtual one, configured in step 3 (system
configuration) on the bases of the required
functionalities. The power of the evaluation resides in
its numerical and possibly objective aspect, but if the
system under evaluation is 100% virtual, one could
argue that this numerical quantification becomes
vain, invalidated by the too many necessary
assumptions. However, the configured SoS will
normally consist in great majority of an existing
platform (in the example, the mobile platform with
navigation modules and manipulator), which needs to
be modified by adding some other technological
modules. The existing technological platform will
account for a consistent percentage of the whole
system, so that the remaining share, upon which
assumptions need to be made for the evaluation, will
have a relatively minor impact in the uncertainty of
realization. Although this does not fully erase the risk
of evaluating a partially virtual system upon some
assumptions, this risk is mitigated by reducing the
impact of such assumptions, hence restoring the value
of a quantitative evaluation.
Future research will focus on the validation of the
proposed method through at least three different
applications, for different intralogistic processes.
After a brief introduction on robotics in intralogistics,
in this paper an alternative taxonomy of flexibility
was introduced together with a novel method for
flexible modular configuration of systems of systems.
The novelty of the method relies in the possibility of
evaluating the virtual systems of systems, equipped
with the needed functionalities, before its actual
development. This is accomplished first analyzing all
process requirements, then assessing factors such as
feasibility, development costs, market potential and
effective impact on the current processes. Thanks to
the evaluation before realization, the development
effort is focussed on those aspects of flexibility that
add market value to the system, thus promoting the
efficient development of systems addressed to
interested customers in intralogistics. An example of
the method application was given and the main
outcomes discussed.
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