Crypto-democracy: A Decentralized Voting Scheme using Blockchain
Gautam Srivastava
, Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi
and Rajani Singh
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland
Blockchain Voting, Graphs, Voting Schemes, PHANTOM, Distributed System, Cryptocurrency.
A fraudulent election is one of the biggest problems of the contemporaneity in most countries. Even the
world’s largest democracies like India, United States, and Japan still suffer from a flawed electoral system.
Vote rigging, hacking of the EVM (Electronic voting machine), election manipulation, and polling booth
capturing are the major issues in the current voting system. This fallacious election process calls voting
systems into question. With the current Cambridge Analytica scandal a hot topic around the world, it brings
the validity of current voting systems into question. In this paper, we investigate the problems in the election
voting systems and propose a novel voting model which can resolve these issues. We use a recently introduced
blockchain based protocol called PHANTOM, which uses a directed acyclic graph of blocks, also known as
blockDAG, to generalize the initial blockchain technology.
Some countries have already taken the initiative to im-
prove their voting system by using blockchain tech-
nology (Nakamoto, 2008) a decentralized peer to
peer network accompanied by a public ledger. The
inability to change or delete information from blocks
makes the blockchain the best technology for vot-
ing systems. However, questions surrounding se-
curity and scalability of the voting system using
blockchain methodology still need to be answered.
In a blockchain protocol, when a miner (responsible
node for maintaining the blocks) extends the chain
with a new block, it propagates in time to all hon-
est nodes before the next one is created. The prop-
agation of these long, data and electricity intensive
blockchains brings on the problems of the proto-
col that we have seen with many cryptocurrencies.
Namely, large electricity usage, large blockchains,
and very slow computational speeds. In the more than
likely case when block creation rates are sped up or
block size increased, we will most definitely see these
problems grow in an exponential nature. Therefore, to
apply classic blockchain techniques to voting appli-
cations for larger democratic countries with massive
populations is not by any means efficient or viable.
Apart from the technical considerations, vote count-
ing strategies also play an important role in any elec-
tion process. Game theorists have suggested various
types of voting schemes, each of them having their
benefits and drawbacks. Vote counting schemes that
are currently widely used are:
1. Plurality voting — where each voter is allowed to
vote for only one candidate and whoever gets the
most votes is elected.
2. Ranked voting Instead of selecting only one
candidate, voters rank all the candidates according
to their preferences from most preferred to least.
Each country has different political and local en-
Moreover, the process to actually choose a good
vote counting scheme based on country of election is
another challenge altogether. Recently we have seen a
major scandal hit the worldwide press involving Cam-
bridge Analytica (Greenfield, 2018). The data ana-
lytic firm used personal information harvested from
more than 50 million Facebook profiles without per-
mission to build a system that could target US vot-
ers with personalised political advertisements based
on their psychological profile. This scandal has
brought the voting system of a major international
democracy, the U.S.A., into question. The worldwide
scandal eventually led to the firm having to declare
Srivastava, G., Dwivedi, A. and Singh, R.
Crypto-democracy: A Decentralized Voting Scheme using Blockchain Technology.
DOI: 10.5220/0006881905080513
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 2: SECRYPT, pages 508-513
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Related Work
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto invented the basis
for what we now know as blockchain technology
(Nakamoto, 2008). The core concepts for this system
were used in many cryptocurrencies and other appli-
cations, with the reach of its applicable side still not
fully known. Built on the blockchain technology of
Nakamoto was a protocol called PHANTOM, which
we build on here (Sompolinsky and Zohar, 2018).
PHANTOM has been proven to be secure under any
throughput that the network itself can support, which
makes it prime for use in voting systems where voters
can number in the millions.
Many digital voting system are currently in use
around the world. In 2005, Estonia started the first on-
line voting system for municipal elections. In 2007,
internet voting was also used in the Estonian parlia-
mentary election. In 2015, they used an i-voting sys-
tem (Valimised, 2015) for the parliamentary election
system and 30.5% votes were made through i-voting.
In 2015, the state of Virginia in tne United States
of America also implemented a blockchain based so-
lution to vote using Follow My Vote (Vote, 2017).
In this blockchain implementation, voters installed a
”voting booth” on a computer or smartphone. But
there were too many flaws in this implementation and
therefore the Follow My Vote project is still active but
has lost funding.
In 2016, Kaspersky Labs and Economist newspa-
per (Jennifer Bondarchuk, 2017) organized a com-
petition where teams from the United States and
United Kingdom had to implement voting system us-
ing blockchain. The Votebook team from New York
University, U.S.A. came in first place who offered the
most effective case study on how a blockchain voting
system might look.
In 2014, Lalley and Weyl proposed that
blockchain lowers disorder and dictatorship costs of
the voting and electoral process (Lalley and Weyl,
2014). In addition to efficiency gains, this techno-
logical progress has implications for decentralized
institutions of voting. One application they proposed
is Quadratic Voting (QV), which was further studied
by (Posner and Weyl, 2015). Voters making a binary
decision purchase votes from a centralized clearing
house, paying the square of the number of votes
purchased. They show that this process is both
efficient and applicable to modern voting. Last year,
it was suggested that
Quadratic voting is the most important idea
for law and public policy that has emerged
from economics in (at least) the last ten years
(Allen et al., 2017)
We will further some of the initial ideas revolving
around blockchain voting in this paper to a decentral-
ized system that is efficient, secure, and most impor-
tantly realizable for large democracies.
1.1 Drawbacks and Security Issues
Security of digital voting is always a big problem in
voting systems. During these digital voting elections,
researchers identified many potential security risks.
Such risks could be malware in the client machine
that can change a vote for a different candidate or,
another possibility is an attacker can directly infect
servers. However, a model with a blockchain voting
system could prevent these issues but for larger demo-
cratic countries having massive populations and large
geographical area, blockchain alone is not enough of
a solution because of its slow computational speed.
Some countries are also fighting with other prob-
lems in voting systems like illiteracy, threatening vot-
ers, and booth capturing. Therefore, using a current
blockchain voting model is not enough to fight against
a flawed election system.
We break down our system into the following two
1. In this paper, we introduce a more advanced
blockchain voting management system. Instead
of using the classic blockchain protocol, we
use the PHANTOM protocol a protocol for
transaction confirmation that is secure under any
throughput that the network can support. PHAN-
TOM, unlike some of its predecessors, enjoys
very large transaction throughput, which is a ma-
jor downfall of many cryptocurrencies. PHAN-
TOM utilizes a Directed Acyclic Graph of blocks,
aka blockDAG, a generalization of blockchains
which better suits a setup of fast or large blocks.
PHANTOM uses a greedy algorithm on the
blockDAG to distinguish between blocks mined
properly by honest nodes and those mined by non-
cooperating nodes that deviated from the DAG
mining protocol.
2. To help alleviate the problems of booth capturing
or voter threatening, we consider the Borda count
method for vote counting which is a ranked based
voting scheme (Emerson, 2013).
Crypto-democracy: A Decentralized Voting Scheme using Blockchain Technology
2.1 Proposed System
We propose a model that does not replace the present
digital voting model but rather integrates new tech-
nology and other modifications in the current system.
2.2 System Requirements
1. Authentication: Votes can only be made by au-
thentic voters. In our system we do not need a
registration process. Many countries provide a
unique national identity card by using biometric
and demographic data of people. As governments
already have biometric information of people, we
use fingerprint authentication to ensure an honest
voter identity.
2. Accuracy: Every vote should be counted, must be
accurate and cannot be changed. For this purpose
we are using the PHANTOM protocol which is
more secure than blockchain. To reduce the ef-
fect of problems like polling booth capturing or
threatening voters we adopted the special voting
schemes called the Borda count method.
The basis for PHANTOM protocol is blockchain
which was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in
(Nakamoto, 2008). Bitcoin is considered the first ap-
plication of blockchain that allows currency transac-
tions over the internet without relying on third party
financial institutions. Blockchain is an ordered data
structure consisting of blocks of transactions. The
blocks are connected with each other in the form of
chain. The first block of the chain is known as Gen-
esis. Each block consists of a Block Header, Trans-
action Counter and Transaction. The structure of
blockchain follows:
Table 1: Structure of the Blockchain.
Field Size
Block Header 80 bytes
Block Size 4 bytes
Transaction Counter 1 to 9 bytes
Transaction Depends on the transaction size
Each block in the chain is identified by a hash
in the header. The hash is unique and generated by
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256). SHA takes any
size plaintext and calculates fixed size 256-bit cryp-
tographic hash. Each header contains the address of
the previous block in the chain. In blockchain, each
new transaction block is created by “miners”. Min-
ers solve difficult mathematical problems based on
hash algorithms. The solution found by this prob-
lem is called “Proof-Of-Work”. Miners could be an
honest node or dishonest node. It might also be pos-
sible that a new fake block is mined by a dishonest
node. But this requires a lot of computer efficiency to
solve proof of work, which is possible but not easy.
When a miner extends the chain with a new block,
it propagates in time to all honest nodes before the
next one is created. On average, a block is mined ev-
ery 10 minutes. So, if you perform a transaction, it
will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The
propagation of these long, data and electricity inten-
sive blockchains bring on the problems of scalability
of the protocol and slow computational speed. There-
fore for the purpose of distributed voting for large
population countries blockchain is not a good option.
For the above reasons instead of blockchain we
are using more advance version of blockchain called
PHANTOM protocol in our model which is more se-
cure against dishonest blocks as well as fast. PHAN-
TOM, first introduced by Yonatan Sompolinsky and
Aviv Zohar in 2018, utilizes the Directed Acyclic
Graph of blocks (blockDAG) (Sompolinsky and Zo-
har, 2018). PHANTOM uses a greedy algorithm
on blockDAG to distinguish between properly mined
blocks by honest nodes and the blocks mined by non-
cooperating or dishonest nodes. These nodes are
identified as they deviate from DAG mining proto-
col. In blockDAG structure, rather than extending
a single chain, miners are instructed to reference all
blocks in the graph (that were not previously refer-
enced, i.e., leaf-blocks). PHANTOM resolves the
scalability, trade-off, security issues and guarantees a
fast voting process which makes it more general and
scalable than the classic blockchain protocol.
In PHANTOM protocol, instead of a chain the
blocks are in the form of tree structure. When cre-
ating a new block, miners only reference the tip of the
longest chain in the tree and ignore the rest.
We have divided the blocks in the form of a clus-
ter. We created 3-cluster of blocks within a given
DAG: A,B,C, D,F,G, I,J (colored blue). The prop-
erty of this cluster is, each block has at most 3 blue
blocks in an anticone. If we talk about E,H,K (col-
ored red), these blocks have more than 3 elements in
anticone. Therefore if we set parameter k = 3, this
means 4 blocks can be created within each unit of de-
lay. This is the reason PHANTOM enjoys large
transaction throughput as rather than extending a
single chain, miners in PHANTOM reference all
blocks in graph.
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: 3-cluster of block DAG.
2.4 Voting Mechanism and Architecture
We use a multi-tiered, decentralized distributed ledger
by dividing the protocol network into three tiers:
Figure 2: Three tier node structure.
1. National: The national tier (level 1) is the set of
nodes which are not tied to any location. At this
node, we apply the PHANTOM protocol. These
nodes are only responsible to mine transactions
and add blocks in the form of blockDAG instead
of a long chain of blocks, as shown in Figure 2.
All national nodes are connected with each other
and can communicate.
2. Constituency: The constituency also known as
electoral area is a territorial subdivision for elect-
ing members. The constituency tier (level 2) con-
tains all the nodes that are deemed to be at the
constituency level. These nodes would be di-
rectly connected to each other and to a subset of
polling stations under that constituency. A state
or province of a given country would make for a
good example of this tier.
3. Local: The local tier (leaf nodes) is a set of all
polling stations across the country. A local node
is setup to only communicate with the other lo-
cal nodes under the associated constituency node
and the constituency node itself. B1, B2...B9 rep-
resents the vote transactions by individual voters
which is transferred to upper level nodes after en-
We are using an encryption method which is based
on public and private keys as in Figure 3. Each con-
stituency level nodes generate the key pairs. Each
constituency node has different public key. The pub-
lic key are distributed to all lower level connected
polling station nodes in Local tier under the given
constituency node. These nodes use public keys to
encrypt votes made by polling stations. As each con-
stituency has a different public key, chunks of data
under a given constituency are encrypted differently
than the other chunk of data in other constituencies.
In such case if a hacker manage to recover private
key of a particular constituency then he/she will only
be able to decrypt data under current constituency.
He/she will not be able to recover all data in other
constituency. Once the voting deadline passed, con-
stituency nodes publish the private key to decrypt the
data and count vote.
We do not encourage voting through mobile apps
or web-browsers in our model because client side
machines could be infected with malware or other
viruses. Since our voting system model also focuses
on rural areas where literacy rates may be low and vot-
ers may not be familiar with the most current modern
technologies, allowing the use of modern technology
may become detrimental. Therefore, in our model,
we emphasize that the voting should be performed by
using polling booths which will prevent such attacks.
During the voting process, the voter requires a
national identification card which includes a unique
identity number, biometric information and other re-
lated data. For example, India provides a 12-digit
unique identity number issued to all Indian residents
based on their biometric and demographic data, called
UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India). As
government has all the biometric and demographic in-
formation of the voters, we use fingerprint authentica-
tion to ensure an honest voter identity. Once the sys-
tem identifies that user fingerprints match, he/she is
allowed to vote.
Some countries are also facing the problem of
threatening voters to vote a particular candidate or
booth capturing. Such problems can not be com-
pletely avoided but among the various voting schemes
we suggest a particular vote counting scheme which
can avoid a complete loss of honest candidates.
Crypto-democracy: A Decentralized Voting Scheme using Blockchain Technology
Figure 3: Key Pair Encryption.
The Borda count voting scheme is a particular type
of voting where voters rank candidates in order of
preference. This method is currently used to elect
members of the Parliament of Nauru and also by the
National Assembly of Slovenia. The Borda count
is treated as a ranked or preferential voting system.
In this method candidates score one point for being
ranked last, two for being next-to-last and so on. The
candidate who receives the most points is declared
the winner. In such cases when a voter is forced to
vote for a particular candidate, he could give the sec-
ond preference to the candidate which he/she actually
wanted. Therefore, it will not be considered a com-
pletely wasted vote of his/her candidate in the elec-
tion. If there are n number of candidates, the can-
didate with 1st preference will receive n points, can-
didates with 2nd preference will receive n 1 points
and so on.
Table 2: Borda’s system.
Ranking Candidate Formula Points
1 A n 5
2 B n 1 4
3 C n 2 3
4 D n 3 2
5 E n 4 1
Borda count is also treated as a positional vot-
ing system as candidates receive a certain number of
points. This method is useful for problems like booth
capture. Of course, it can be understood that dishon-
est candidates can still get full points in selected areas
of election where booths have been captured by in-
fluential locals. But on the other hand, people tend
to know about such candidates and therefore he/she
will get last priority in other booths which are not
captured. The honest candidate is not getting full
points in case of captured booth but voters can choose
him/her as 2nd preferred candidate.
3.1 Borda Count Example
Let us take a real example of Borda Count Method.
Consider there are 5 voters and 4 candidates A, B, C,
D. Voters have to give votes in preferential order as
shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Borda’s voting.
Borda count Voter1 Voter2 Voter3 Voter4 Voter5
3 A B D A D
2 C C A B A
1 D D C D C
0 B A B C B
Candidate A receives 10, B receives 5, C receives
6 and D receives 9 points. Therefore A wins the
election. To calculate the points we use the following
The Borda count for A is given by: (number 1st
place votes) 3+(number 2nd place votes) 2+ (num-
ber 3rd place votes) 1+ (number 4th place votes)
0 = 2 3 + 2 2 + 0 1 + 1 0 = 6 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 10.
The Borda count for B is given by: (1st place
votes) 3+(2nd place votes) 2+ (3rd place votes)
1+ (4th place votes) 0 = 5.
The Borda count for C is given by: (1st place
votes) 3+(2nd place votes) 2+ (3rd place votes)
SECRYPT 2018 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
1+ (4th place votes) 0 = 6.
The Borda count for D is given by: (1st place
votes) 3+(2nd place votes) 2+ (3rd place votes)
1+ (4th place votes) 0 = 9.
Now let us take the scenario when some booths
have been captured by people or, say 3 out of 5 vot-
ers are threatened by influential candidate B to vote
for him/her. In such case if we follow the normal vot-
ing system, B will surely win the election as he will
get 3/5 votes. But, if we apply Borda count method
then he might lose the election. Consider that Voter 1,
Voter 2, Voter 3 are influenced to vote for candidate
B while they actually wish to give their vote to A. In
such cases these three voters give full points to B but
as a second choice they will give some points to A as
given in Table 4.
Table 4: Borda’s voting.
Borda count Voter1 Voter2 Voter3 Voter4 Voter5
3 B B B A D
2 A A A C C
1 D D C D A
0 C C D B B
Now in such case, candidate A receives 10, B
receives 9, C receives 5 and D receives 6 points.
Therefore, A again wins the election.
The Borda count for A is given by: (number 1st
place votes) 3+(number 2nd place votes) 2+ (num-
ber 3rd place votes) 1+ (number 4th place votes)
0 = 1 3 + 3 2 + 1 1 + 0 0 = 3 + 6 + 1 + 0 = 10.
The Borda count for B is given by: (1st
place votes) 3+(2nd place votes) 2+
(3rd place votes) 1+ (4th place votes)
0 = 3 3 + 0 2 + 0 1 + 2 0 = 9 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 9.
The Borda count for C is given by: (1st
place votes) 3+(2nd place votes) 2+
(3rd place votes) 1+ (4th place votes)
0 = 0 3 + 2 2 + 1 1 + 2 0 = 0 + 4 + 1 + 0 = 5.
The Borda count for D is given by: (1st place
votes) 3+(2nd place votes) 2+ (3rd place votes)
1+ (4th place votes) 0 = 1 3+ 0 2+ 3 1+ 1 0 =
3 + 0 + 3 + 0 = 6.
Our model provides an ideal voting system for those
places where voting system is suffering from the
problems plaguing today’s democracies like EVM
hacking, election manipulation and polling booth cap-
turing. This model is also ideal for rural areas
where literacy rates are low. Our system does not
use browsers, tablets or mobile devices, making it
free from virus or malware attacks. When energy
consumption and slow computational speed are ma-
jor problems, our model provides a fast, secure and
high throughput voting system compared to tradi-
tional blockchain voting schemes. Since booth cap-
turing or threatening voters are still major problems
in few countries that can not be completely solved by
any technology, we propose the vote counting scheme
Borda count which helps the preferred candidate to
win the election. As a complete package we have pro-
posed a system that is easy to implement. It will be of
interest to see how blockchain technology fits into its
many proposed applications in the years to come, and
how it can be used to further the needs of the many
people that rely on technological advancement to help
further our needs as a society.
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Crypto-democracy: A Decentralized Voting Scheme using Blockchain Technology