5.2 Trial Study
Participants (industry practitioners) were provided
with instructions (see Appendix), to be read in con-
junction with the definitions above. In summary, they
were asked to
• Select a specific practice from a recent software
initiative and establish objectives.
• Identify factors believed to have contributed to-
wards success or failure.
• Classify the factors into the taxonomy.
Several practitioners were positive about the pos-
sibility of a decision support system to help with prac-
tice selection. However, most found it difficult to
align their thinking with the categories of the taxon-
omy. This is not surprising, as thus far there appears
to have been little thought given to exactly what is
meant by ‘context’, with the result that different kinds
of factor tend to be viewed in a generic way. This
caused us to understand that the taxonomy is primar-
ily a tool for researchers, at least until a common ter-
minology has been established.
One researcher, with expertise in the area of hu-
man aspects in agile projects, felt that the terms
‘cultural cohesion’ and ‘shared understanding’ in the
‘People’ category had two different meanings. He
suggested the term ‘team cohesion’ was a more appro-
priate one. He also suggested the addition of the term
‘willingness to change’ as having a different meaning
than ‘motivation’ i.e. both are required as basic ideas.
In this paper, we have proposed a taxonomy for soft-
ware process context. The taxonomy represents a
repositioning of our earlier investigations and our
contribution is a preliminary conceptualisation of
context to support discussion and evidence accumula-
tion. We applied the taxonomy development method
proposed by Nickerson et al. (Nickerson et al., 2013)
and mapped the taxonomy to the design structure sug-
gested by Usman et al. (Usman et al., 2017). The
main limitation of this contribution is that, at present,
the taxonomy is in the conceptual stage and so eval-
uation thus far is minimal. We classified two existing
context models into the taxonomy and conducting a
small industry trial. In the next stage of our research,
we will formally and iteratively refine the taxonomy
(Nickerson et al., 2013; Routio, 2007) in collabora-
tion with researchers and practitioners.
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ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies