Towards a Data Warehouse Architecture for Managing Big Data
Darja Solodovnikova and Laila Niedrite
Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia, Raina blvd. 19, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Data Warehouse, OLAP, Big Data, Evolution, Adaptation, Architecture.
Abstract: The problem of designing data warehouses in accordance with user requirements and adapting its data and
schemata to changes in these requirements as well as data sources has been studied by many researchers
worldwide in the context of relational database environments. However, due to the emergence of big data
technologies and the necessity to perform OLAP analysis over big data, innovative methods must be
developed also to support evolution of data warehouse that is used to analyse big data. Therefore, the main
objective of this paper is to propose a data warehousing architecture over big data capable of automatically
or semi-automatically adapting to user needs and requirements as well as to changes in the underlying data
Data warehousing and OLAP technologies have
been used to analyse data stored in relational
databases to support decision making for several
decades. During this time, the majority of research
problems related to traditional data warehousing
have been solved. However, during the course of
time, data that should be processed and analysed in
the decision-making process have become so
enormous and heterogeneous that traditional
solutions based on relational databases have become
unusable to process all these data volumes. Besides,
new data sources (bio-medical data, social networks,
sensor data, log files, etc.) that may be used for
decision making have emerged. In most cases, data
obtained from such sources are semi-structured or
unstructured, therefore special methods must be
applied to store, process and analyse them.
The increase of volume, variety and velocity of
data to be stored and processed induced the
emergence of new big data technologies that employ
distributed data storage techniques where special
methods are used to process data in parallel. The
demand to analyse data stored in such systems is
increasing and one of the analysis options is to use
data warehousing and OLAP methods. Traditional
methods applied in relational databases may not be
used anymore for big data analysis, therefore, new
modern technologies (Shvachko et al., 2010),
(Zaharia et al., 2010), tools (George, 2011), (Olston
et al., 2008) and frameworks (White, 2009) have
been proposed recently to support Big Data
analytics, including OLAP-like analysis (Thusoo et
al., 2010), (Apache Kylin Overview, n.d.). These
tools mainly support just the data warehouse
maintenance when volume of the underlying source
data is growing, but the problem of data expansion
when the structure of data evolves or new data items
are added to data records remains an unsolved yet
challenging task. Besides, to handle changes in user
requirements, a great developer effort must be
devoted to manually adapt the system to underlying
changes, inasmuch as the existing solutions do not
support automatic or semi-automatic handling of
evolution of a data warehouse over big data.
Since big data is a new technology, there are a
number of research directions and challenges that
have been outlined in several recent articles (Kaisler
et al., 2013), (Cuzzocrea et al., 2013), (Abaker et al.,
2015). The authors of the paper (Kaisler et al., 2013)
mention dynamic design challenges for big data
applications, which include data expansion that
occurs when data becomes more detailed. Another
review paper (Cuzzocrea et al., 2013) is more
specific and indicates research directions in the field
of data warehousing and OLAP. Among others, the
authors also mention the problem of designing
OLAP cubes according to user requirements.
Solodovnikova, D. and Niedrite, L.
Towards a Data Warehouse Architecture for Managing Big Data Evolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0006886100630070
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2018), pages 63-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-318-6
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To address the evolution problem, we propose a
system architecture for warehousing and performing
various kinds of analysis, including OLAP analysis,
over structured and unstructured big data at different
granularity levels that are loaded into the system
with different velocity. The unique feature of our
proposed architecture is that it is capable of
automatically or semi-automatically adapting to
changes in requirements or data expansion.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 the related work is discussed. The main
contribution of this paper is presented in Section 3,
where the data warehouse architecture is described
and the process of handling evolution in the
proposed architecture is outlined. We conclude with
directions for future work in Section 4.
The problem of data warehouse evolution has been
studied extensively in relational database
environments. The approaches for handling
evolution at the extraction, transformation and
loading (ETL) level is proposed in the paper
(Wojciechowski, 2018). Schema evolution
approaches, e.g., (Bentayeb et al., 2008), update data
warehouse schemata to reflect changes that have
occurred. Another direction is schema versioning
and temporal data warehouses. According to these
approaches, not only schema of a data warehouse is
updated, but also the history of previous schemata is
kept, e.g., (Golfarelli et al., 2006), (Ahmed et al.,
2014), (Malinowski and Zimányi, 2008). These
works do not describe formally how the information
requirements affect the evolution changes. Some
research is done to get such methods (Thenmozhi
and Vivekanandan, 2014), (Thakur and Gosain,
All the above-mentioned approaches target data
warehouses implemented in relational database
environments, thus, they cannot be utilized directly
to perform adaptation of big data warehouses. Only
few big data solutions are considering the evolution
aspect of big data. The paper (Olston et al., 2011)
presents a workflow manager deployed at Yahoo.
The paper also explains the approach to data schema
specification and schema evolution processing. The
objective of the presented system is not data analysis
and it does not employ data warehouse.
A solution to handling data source evolution
problems in the integration field was presented in
the paper (Nadal et al., 2017). The authors propose
the use of big data integration ontology to define the
integrated schema, source schemata, their versions
and local-as-view mappings between them. When a
change at a data source occurs, the system steward
supplements the ontology with a new release and a
new wrapper that allows unchanged and new
attributes to be added to the changed source. Our
approach differs in that the proposed architecture is
OLAP-oriented and is capable of handling not only
changes in data sources, but also requirements.
There are several studies devoted to
multidimensional analysis of big data. The paper
(Song et al., 2015) presents an OLAP system for big
data implemented with Hadoop. The authors propose
a data model utilized in the system and algorithms
for execution of aggregate queries, roll-up and drill-
down operations and for data distribution among
multiple nodes of the system. The solution leverages
“share-nothing” architecture, which consists of a
Hadoop cluster where OLAP cubes are calculated by
an ETL tool, metadata server, job node for query
management, OLAP service facade and OLAP client
used for query specification and visualization of
query results.
A distributed OLAP system is presented in the
paper (Chen et al., 2017). The system architecture is
composed of 4 modules. Data acquisition module is
responsible for obtaining data from structured and
unstructured data sources. Data storage module
maintains source data in HDFS, key-value store and
relational database. OLAP analysis module performs
OLAP cube calculation and SQL-like query
execution. Data visualization module allows
definition of OLAP cubes to be calculated,
visualization of query results and specification of
user privileges.
The paper (Santos et al., 2017) studies the
problem of migration of a traditional data warehouse
to a data warehouse over big data. The authors
propose a big data warehousing architecture where
data from data sources are obtained by ETL tools
and initially accumulated in the HDFS staging area,
then data are transformed and loaded into the big
data warehouse implemented in Hive. Data analytics
and visualization is available in Tableau that uses
Impala for querying data warehouse data.
All the previously discussed studies on data
warehouses for big data analysis do not address the
problem of big data evolution. We found only a few
researches that consider that problem. One of them
is the paper (Tardio et al., 2015) that proposes a
methodology for a construction of a system for big
data analysis. One of the methodology steps is a
design of a multidimensional model, which involves
analysis of data sources, construction of separate
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
models for each source and data integration into a
unified multidimensional model. The authors also
discuss a model enrichment process, which may take
place when a new data source is added to the system
or additional data are discovered by means of data
mining methods. To handle changes in big data, the
authors propose iterative execution of the model
design step until such a model is obtained that can
satisfy all information requirements. The proposed
approach is complimentary to ours, however, it
cannot be applied in case when some previously
available data become unavailable.
A data warehouse solution for big data analysis
that is implemented using MapReduce paradigm is
described in the paper (Chen, 2010). In this solution,
virtual views that join dimensions and fact tables of
a data warehouse are built and processed by SQL-
like queries. The presented system is used for
advertisement data analysis and the author mentions
that because of the system nature, schema changes in
it occur frequently. Therefore, the system supports
two kinds of changes: slowly changing dimensions
are managed with methods proposed by Ralph
Kimball (Kimball and Ross, 2013) and fact table
changes are handled by schema versions in
metadata. Unlike our proposal, the system does not
process changes in big data sources that may
significantly influence analysis process and results.
An architecture that exploits big data
technologies and is used for large-scale data
processing and OLAP analytics at LinkedIn is
presented in the paper (Sumbaly et al., 2013). The
architecture supports also source data evolution by
means of maintaining a schema registry and
enforcing the schema to remain the same or
compatible to the desired structure. OLAP
functionality is provided by the distributed system
Avatara described in the paper (Wu et al., 2012).
Avatara consists of two sub-systems: batch
processing engine for sharded small OLAP cube
calculation and incremental update implemented in
Apache Hadoop and online SQL-like query engine.
Such an architecture provides that user-defined
queries are executed with very low latency, but data
used for queries are updated less frequently. Authors
mention also the problem of cube evolution when a
new dimension is added to the cube. In contrast to
our proposed architecture, in Avatara evolution is
handled by means of manual redefinition of cube
schema and cube data re-calculation.
To solve the topical issue of adaption of a data
warehouse over big data to changing user
requirements and expanding data sources, we
propose the use of a big data warehousing
architecture to analyse data stored and processed by
big data technologies. The architecture is an adapted
version of the data warehouse evolution framework
presented in (Solodovnikova, 2007). The data
warehouse evolution framework is capable of
automatically detecting and handling changes in data
sources or a traditional data warehouse as well as
adapt a data warehouse to changes in user
requirements (Solodovnikova et al., 2015) utilizing a
schema versioning approach.
The architecture proposed in this paper will be
able to provide big data analysis capabilities and
handle big data evolution. The big data warehouse
architecture is depicted in Figure 1.
3.1 Components of the Architecture
The architecture consists of several components:
source layer, data highway, metastore, cube engine,
metadata management tool and adaptation
component. The functionality of each component is
described in the following subsections.
3.1.1 Source Layer
In the source layer, data from various heterogeneous
data sources are obtained and loaded into the system
for further analysis. Because of the variety of big
data that may be required for the analysis, the
proposed architecture must process not only data
structured in rows and columns, but also semi-
structured data, for example, in XML or JSON
formats, and even unstructured data, for example,
log file records, user posts, photographs or video.
In the architecture, wrappers obtain data from
data sources and load them into the system.
Wrappers implement interfaces for data acquisition
supported by corresponding data sources (for
example, web services, API, etc.). Data are coming
into the system at different rates. For example, data
from RDBMS may be loaded in batches, but sensor
measurements or log file records are incoming as a
stream. All data are loaded in their original format
into the raw source data storage of the data highway
explained in the next subsection.
Towards a Data Warehouse Architecture for Managing Big Data Evolution
Figure 1: Big data warehouse architecture.
3.1.2 Data Highway
In the big data warehouse architecture, we adopt the
idea behind the architecture best practices for big
data proposed by (Kimball & Ross, 2013) to build a
highway of data at different levels of latency.
Starting from the raw source data, each next level
data are obtained from the previous level data and
are updated less often. Apart from different update
frequency, the latter level data from multiple
heterogeneous sources are integrated and
aggregated, so to support lower query latency. The
number of levels and their update frequency is
determined by requirements of a particular system.
Finally, source data are transformed into a
structured data warehouse schema (star or
snowflake). Since data in the raw source level and
intermediate levels of the highway are stored in the
original format and are only fairly integrated, we
propose to utilize a data lake repository (Terrizzano
et al., 2015) for storage and management of these
Before being loaded into each next level of the
highway and finally a data warehouse, raw source
data need to be transformed. Since data in the
proposed architecture are firstly copied in their
original format and transformed at the later stage,
ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) rather than ETL
processes (Cohen et al., 2009) are responsible for
pre-processing data incoming from heterogeneous
data sources. Existing metadata-oriented ETL
methods based on mappings of source elements to
Source Layer
Wrapper WrapperWrapper
Data Source
Data Source
BI &
Business Analyst
Cube Engine
Data Analyst
Analytics Tools
Raw Source
OLAP Cubes
Data Warehouse
Near Real
Time Data
Top Line
(data lake)
Data flow Metadata flow
Data Highway
Source Change
Adaptation Rules
Potential Change
Cube Metadata
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
data warehouse elements may be utilized in case of
structured or semi-structured data sources loaded in
batch mode. In contrast, data incoming from
unstructured data sources need to be pre-processed
quite highly. For example, data mining or sentiment
analysis techniques may be applied on them to gain
structured information that is later to be loaded into
the data warehouse.
After being loaded into the data warehouse, the
data at each level of the highway are supplemented
by the generated surrogate keys of dimensions to
ensure data provenance and enable handling of
evolution. Since ELT processes augment data at the
lower level by information obtained during the
processing and transformations performed at the
higher level, it is possible to join data from different
levels of the data highway to perform a more
valuable analysis.
3.1.3 OLAP Cube Computation
The main objective of the architecture is to support
OLAP analysis of big data. Since the volume of data
stored in the data warehouse may be too large to
provide a reasonable performance of data analysis
queries, it is possible to pre-calculate certain OLAP
cubes and execute queries on pre-computed data
sets. To speed up queries, the cube engine
component of the architecture pre-computes various
dimensional combinations and aggregated measures
for them according to the developer specification
and saves computation results in the distributed
storage. Furthermore, the cube engine manages
execution of queries by routing the query to one of
these pre-computed cubes.
3.1.4 Metadata Management
The operation of the architecture is highly based on
the metadata in the metastore. The metadata
management tool is used by a developer to define
metadata in the metastore. The metastore
incorporates six types of interconnected metadata.
Data highway metadata store information about the
schemata of each level of the data highway as well
as of the data warehouse.
Cube metadata are used to specify the
dimensions, measures and other metadata of pre-
computed cubes. This information is used during the
pre-computation process as well as for execution of
Mapping metadata define the logics of ELT
processes. They store the correspondences between
data obtained from the sources and data items of the
data highway as well as necessary transformations
that must be made during the data loading process.
Information about changes in data sources is
accumulated in the source change metadata. Such
information may be obtained from wrappers or
during the execution of ELT processes.
Adaptation rules specify adaptation options that
must be implemented for different types of changes.
Finally, the metastore also includes the potential
change metadata, which accumulate proposed
changes in the data warehouse schema.
To maintain the information in the metastore, a
developer utilizes the metadata management tool. In
addition, the metadata management tool allows the
developer to initiate changes in the data highway
and ELT procedures to handle new or changed
requirements for data. The history of chosen changes
that are implemented to propagate evolution of data
sources, as well as changes performed directly via
the metadata management tool, are also maintained
in the potential change metadata.
3.1.5 Adaptation Component
The core element of the big data warehouse
architecture responsible for handling changes in data
sources and information requirements is the
adaptation component. The main idea of the
adaptation component is to generate several
potential changes in a data warehouse or other levels
of the data highway for each change in a data source
and to allow a developer to choose the most
appropriate change that must be implemented. To
achieve the desired functionality, the adaptation
component uses metadata from the metastore.
To implement certain kinds of changes,
additional data may be necessary that cannot be
identified automatically, for example,
transformations for missing properties of source data
records. In such a case, these data are supplied by
the developer via the adaptation component and are
saved in the adaptation rules in the metastore. The
process of handling changes in data sources by the
adaptation component is detailed in subsection 3.2.2.
3.1.6 Data Analysis
In our proposed architecture, we plan to support
different kinds of analysis. OLAP cubes may be
explored by business analysts in the form of
dashboards, charts or other reports and by
performing OLAP operations using business
intelligence and visualization tools. In addition,
experienced data analysts may apply advanced
analysis techniques (for example, data mining) to
Towards a Data Warehouse Architecture for Managing Big Data Evolution
gain insight into data or discover new information
useful for decision-making by means of utilizing
existing analytics tools or implementing ad-hoc
analysis procedures.
3.2 Handling Evolution
The proposed architecture is able to handle source
changes that can influence any level of the data
highway as well as changes in requirements for data
necessary for analysis.
3.2.1 Changes in Requirements
Because data lake repositories allow to flexibly store
heterogeneous data in their original format incoming
from various data sources, such repositories are very
suitable to provide new analysis opportunities that
may become required in the course of time. In the
big data warehouse architecture, we plan to support
such changes in requirements that imply addition of
new data to the system, as well as removal of no
longer required data. The examples of supported
changes include an addition of a new dimension
attribute or measure to the data warehouse schema,
addition of a new property to data records of an
intermediate level of the data highway or removal of
such attributes, measures or properties.
All changes in requirements must be handled by
the metadata management tool. A developer must
make changes in the data highway metadata so to
specify new data items that are necessary for
analysis or to remove no longer required data items
from the metadata. The history of changes made to
the schemata of each updated level of the data
highway is also preserved. Furthermore, the
developer must make changes to the ELT procedures
affected by the changes in requirements. The
information about correspondences between data
items of the sources and new or modified data items
of each level of the data highway must be also
updated in the mapping metadata to continue
supporting handling of possible changes in data
sources. Finally, changes in the schema of the data
warehouse must be also propagated in the cube
metadata so that cube engine could re-create OLAP
cubes according to the changed requirements.
3.2.2 Changes in Data Sources
Data are incoming in the system from multiple
heterogeneous data sources that can change
independently. Many of such changes can invalidate
existing ELT processes as well as data required for
the analysis. Thus, it is necessary to handle changes
in data sources automatically or semi-automatically.
To implement the adaptation of ELT processes
and possible schemata of the data highway levels
affected by the change, source wrappers must be
capable of tracking changes in views of source data
provided by interfaces. This functionality may be
unavailable, especially in case of unstructured data
sources. Therefore, certain changes in data sources
can be discovered only during the execution of ELT
processes by means of verification of source data
correspondence to the desired format and constraints
and discovering any inconsistencies caused by
changes in the data structure. All changes discovered
by wrappers or ELT processes must be registered in
the source change metadata. The list of supported
changes in data sources is highly dependent on the
ability of the corresponding wrappers or ELT
processes to track changes.
The processing of source changes is performed
by the adaptation component. Initially it analyses the
changes in the source change metadata and detects
changes that affect the schemata of the data highway
and ELT processes. The adaptation component
handles these changes using data from the adaptation
rules available in the metastore and provided by the
developer and for each change generates potential
solutions that adapt the schemata of the data
highway and ELT processes. The adaptation may
affect one or several levels of the data highway,
including a data warehouse.
The developer is informed about all discovered
changes and their potential adaptation options, so
then he/she may approve the most suitable solutions
that are later implemented by the adaptation
component. Such approach involves developer effort
only occasionally when changes occur and does not
require a developer to manually adapt ELT
procedures and schemata, however it also minimizes
the possibility of errors since no adaptation options
are implemented automatically and they all need to
be approved by a developer.
If schemata of the data warehouse are also
adapted after implementing the chosen solutions, the
adaptation component must also update cube
metadata to reflect changes in the data warehouse
and launch the cube engine to re-compute cubes
after re-definition.
3.3 Potential Implementation
For the implementation of the big data warehouse
architecture, we intend to utilize the existing tools
and technologies as well as to implement the
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
original solutions. We plan to use HDFS for storage
of raw source data and intermediate levels of the
data highway and Apache Hive for a data
warehouse. Apache Kylin will be suitable to
implement the functionality of the cube engine since
it is capable of producing cubes from Hive data
structures. Cubes pre-computed by Kylin need to be
stored in Apache HBase database. We plan to
employ a RDBMS for the metastore and possibly
Pentaho software to implement ELT processes.
Finally, since no existing products support big data
evolution to the full extent, we will implement the
original solutions for the metadata management tool
and the adaptation component.
The main contribution of this paper is a data
warehouse architecture that on one hand allows to
perform different kinds of analytical tasks, including
OLAP-like analysis, on big data loaded from
multiple heterogeneous data sources with different
latency. On the other hand, our proposed
architecture is capable of processing changes in data
sources as well as evolving analysis requirements.
We described the components of the architecture,
the necessary metadata and gave examples of
changes that are supported by the architecture
together with their implementations within the
Our future research directions include a
construction of metadata models to describe
schemata of the data highway, requirements for data,
source data and changes. The main challenge here
would be to determine metadata of non-structured or
semi-structured big data and the possible solution is
to leverage meta-learning.
To enable handling of big data evolution,
algorithms for automatic and semi-automatic change
detection and treatment are necessary. Since change
detection may be impossible at the data source layer,
the possible solution would be to specify constraints
on data items incoming from data sources and detect
violation of such constraints to discover evolution.
This work has been partly supported by the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
project No. “Handling
Adaptation of Big Data Warehouse” and by
University of Latvia project No. AAP2016/B032
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DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications