iArch-U/MC: An Uncertainty-Aware Model Checker
for Embracing Known Unknowns
Naoyasu Ubayas hi, Yasutaka Kamei and Ryo suke Sato
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Model Checking, Uncertainty, Known Unknowns, Modular Uncertainty R epresentation, Partial Model, State
Explosion Problem.
Embracing uncertainty in software development is one of the crucial research topics in software engineering.
In most projects, we have to deal with uncertain concerns by using informal ways such as documents, mailing
lists, or issue tracking systems. This task is tedious and error-prone. Especially, uncertainty in programming
is one of the challenging issues to be tackled, because it is difficult to verify the correctness of a program when
there are uncertain user requirements, unfixed design choices, and alternative algorithms. This paper proposes
iArch-U/MC, an uncertainty-aware model checker for verifying whether or not some important properties are
guaranteed even if Known Unknowns remain in a program. Our tool is based on LTSA (Labelled Transition
System Analyzer) and is implemented as an Eclipse plug-in.
Embracing uncertainty in software development is
one of the crucial research topics in software engi-
neering. Garlan, D. discusses the future of software
engineer ing from the view point of uncertainty (Gar-
lan, 2010). He argues that we must embrace un-
certainty within the engineering discipline of soft-
ware engineering. There are two kinds of uncertainty:
Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns (Elbaum
and Rosenblum, 2014). In Known Unknowns, there
are u ncertain issues in the process of software de-
velopment. However, these issues are known and
shared among the stakeholders including developers
and customers. For example, there are alternative re-
quirements althoug h it is uncertain which alternative
should be selected. On the other hand, in Unknown
Unknowns, it is uncertain wh a t is uncer ta in. It is dif-
ficult to deal with Unknown Unknowns, because we
cannot pre dict the appearance of this kind of uncer-
tainty. In this paper, we focus on Known Unknowns
as the first research step .
It is important to systematically describe and ve-
rify a program if we have to embrace uncertainties in
the software development. Unfortu nately, program-
ming under uncertainty is not yet appropriately sup -
ported. It would be preferab le to be able to modu-
larize uncertain concerns and check whether the im-
portant properties concerning to the require ments and
designs are satisfied even if there are uncertain con -
cerns. We can c ontinue the development if the pro-
perties hold, because the de cision can be deferred.
To deal with this problem, we propose the design
and implementation of iArch-U/MC
, a model chec-
ker for verifying whether or not some impor ta nt pr o-
perties such as functionality and deadlock freedom
are guaranteed even if Known U nknowns remain in
a program. Using this uncertainty-aware model chec-
ker, we can postpone the decision for dealing with un-
certainty to th e later software development phase if
the selection of uncertain a lternatives doe s not affect
the corr e ctness of the properties.
In th is paper, we introduce a new programming
style to realize a n uncertain ty-aware mo del checking:
1) an interface mec hanism for modular uncertainty re-
presentation based o n par tial model (Famelis et al.,
2012), a single model containing all possible alterna-
tive d esigns of a system; 2) type checker for guaran-
teeing the refinement simulation between an interface
and its sour c e code; and 3) model checker for veri-
fying whether or not a partial model generated from
an un c ertainty-aware interface satisfies an important
The iArch-U (Watanabe et al., 2017) is an IDE (Integra-
ted Development Environment) for supporting uncertainty-
aware software development. The iArch-U/MC, one of the
iArch-U tool components, supports model checking. This
paper focuses on only the design and implementation of our
uncertainty-aware model checker.
Ubayashi, N., Kamei, Y. and Sato, R.
iArch-U/MC: An Uncertainty-Aware Model Checker for Embracing Known Unknowns.
DOI: 10.5220/0006889501760184
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 176-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
property. Although model checking is performed at
the interface-level (an abstraction of the code), the
behavior of a program is also guaranteed in terms of
interface descriptions. The reason is that there is a si-
mulation relation between the interface and the co de
if type checking is passed. Our a pproach can relax
the state explosion problem because of the combinati-
onal usage of interface-level model checking and type
checking. Our tool is implemented as an Eclipse plug-
in and su pports uncertainty in Java programming.
This paper is structured as follows. We survey the
related work on uncerta inty in Section 2. Section 3 in-
troduces an unce rtainty-aware interface mechanism.
Section 4 shows our approach to type checking and
model checking. Section 5 shows the overview of
iArch-U/MC. We discuss on the originality and the ap-
plicability of our approach in Section 6. Concluding
remarks are p rovided in Section 7.
Recently, uncertainty has attracted a growing interest
among researchers. Most of the state-of-the-art stu-
dies focus on Known Unknowns. As a representa-
tive work, a method for expressing Known Unk no-
wns using partial model is proposed in (Famelis et al.,
2012; Famelis et al., 2015). A partial model is a single
model containing all possible alternative designs of a
system and is encoded in propositional logic. We c an
check whether or not a mod el includin g unc ertainty
satisfies some interesting properties. The idea of par-
tial model fits the ne eds in real software d evelopment
projects, because alternatives appearing in a software
design model or a source program ca n be represented
as a single model by using partial model. This partial
model is effective for a developer to manag e uncer-
tainty in design and coding phases. For this reason,
our approach is based on partial mod e l.
Perez-Palacin, D. and Mirandola, R. provide a
systematic review on unce rtainty (Pere z-Palacin and
Mirandola , 2014) and summarize as follows: The
most used defi nitions of uncertainty simply distin-
guish b etween natural variability of physical proces-
ses (i.e., aleatory or stochastic uncertainty) and the
uncertainties in knowledge of these proce sses (i.e.,
epistemic or state-of-kno wledge uncertainty) .
The state-of-the-art research themes sp read over
uncertainty of requirements mod eling, software ar-
chitecture, model transformations, program ming,
testing, verification, and performance engineering.
In ( Salay et al., 2013a), partial model is applied to
uncertainty in requirements to addr ess the problem
of specifying uncertainty within a requirements mo-
del, refining a model as uncertainty reduces, provi-
ding meaning to tracea bility relations betwee n models
containing unc e rtainty, and propagatin g uncertainty-
reducing changes between related models. In (Au-
tili et al. , 201 2; Esfahani et al., 20 12; Esfahani et al. ,
2013; Lag o and Vliet, 2005), uncertainty is explored
in terms of software architecture. Letier, E et al. pre-
sent a support method for eva luating uncertainty, its
impact on risk, and the value of reducing uncertainty
in requirements and arch itec ture (Letier et al., 2014).
In (Salay et a l., 2013b), a method for change prop a-
gation in the context of model uncertainty is propo-
sed. Most of these studies focus on epistemic uncer-
tainty. Un c ertain< T >, a simple probabilistic pro-
gramming language for letting programme rs without
statistics exper tise easily a nd cor rectly compute with
estimates (Bornholt et al., 2014). Uncertain< T >
deals with aleatory uncertainty. Elbaum, S. and Ro-
senblum, D. S. explo re how uncertainty affects soft-
ware testing (Elbaum a nd Rosenblum, 2014). Uncer-
tainty in self-ad a ptive systems is explor ed in (Cheng
and Garlan, 2007; Esfahani et al., 2011; Esfahani
and Malek, 201 3; Perez-Palacin and Mirandola, 2014;
Whittle et al., 2010; Yang et al., 201 4). Performance
and reliability analysis under u ncertainty is exp lored
in (Devaraj et al., 2010; K. and S., 2003; Meedeniya
et al., 2011; Trubiani et al., 2013).
Uncertainty has been well studied in the field of
formal method s: PRISM (Hinton et al., 200 6), a pro-
babilistic symbol model checker, can deal with ale-
atory uncertainty; and th ree-valued logic consisting
, and
can represent epis-
temic uncertainty as in VDM (Vienna Development
Method) (Fitzgerald and Larsen, 1998). Unfortuna-
tely, it is not easy to check w hether or not a program
behaves cor rectly at the source code level when there
are Known Unknowns, because there are m a ny beha-
vioral possibilities in the program.
Although uncertainty is an imp ortant research is-
sue, uncertainty in programm ing and modular reaso-
ning has not been well explored. One of the reasons
why uncertainty cannot be dealt with in c urrent pro -
gramming languages is that the state-of-the-art mo-
dule me chanisms do not regard an uncertain concern
as a first-class pluggab le software module. If uncer-
tainty can be dealt with modularly, we can add or de-
lete uncer tain conc e rns to/from code whenever these
concerns appear or disappear. Moreover, we can ve-
rify the correctness of a program modularly and effi-
ciently if uncertain ty is repr esented modularly. In this
paper, we show an uncertainty-aware model checking
approa c h for modular reasoning.
iArch-U/MC: An Uncertainty-Aware Model Checker for Embracing Known Unknowns
[List 1]
01: interface component cPrinter {
02: public void get();
03: public void put();
04: public void print();
05: [public void utility();]
06: }
08: interface component cScanner {
09: public void get();
10: public void put();
11: public void scan();
12: [public void utility();]
13: }
15: interface component cCopyMachine {
16: public void copy();
17: }
18: interface connector cSystem (
19: cCopyMachine P, cCopyMachine Q,
20: cPrinter printer, cScanner scanner) {
22: GET = (printer.get -> scanner.get);
23: PUT = (printer.put -> scanner.put);
24: COPY = (scanner.scan -> printer.print);
26: P.copy = (GET -> COPY -> PUT -> P.copy);
27: Q.copy = (GET -> COPY -> PUT -> Q.copy);
28: }
[List 2]
01: interface connector uSystem
02: extends cSystem (
03: cPrinter printer, cScanner scanner) {
05: GET = ({printer.get -> scanner.get,
06: scanner.get -> printer.get});
07: }
Figure 1: Archface-U Description (Printer-Scanner System).
We adopt an interface mechanism to realize modular
programming for uncertainty. In this section, we in-
troduce the inte rface mechanism called Archface-U to
represent uncertainty based on partial mo del by refer-
ring o ur prelim inary work (Fukamachi et al., 2015 a ;
Fukamach i et al., 2015b).
Archface-U, an abbreviation of architectural in-
terface for uncertainty, represents an abstract pro-
gram structure in terms of c omponent-and- c onnector
architecture consisting of two kinds o f interface: com-
ponen t an d connector. Figure 1 (Printer-Scanner Sy-
stem), a well-known parallel system that falls into
a d eadlock (Mag ee and Krame r, 20 06), is an exam-
ple of Archface-U descriptions. Two processes P a nd
Q a c quire the lock from each of the shared resour-
ces, the printer and the scanner, and then releases
the locks. The sy mbols
represent alter-
native and optional, respectively. A component is
the same with ord inary Java interface. A c onnector,
which is specified using the notation similar to FSP
(Finite State Processes) (Magee and Kramer, 2006),
defines the message interactions among compone nts.
In Archface-U, unc ertain concerns are defined as a
sub interface as shown in List 2. By extending the
existing interface, we can introduce uncertainty mo -
dularly. The
interface, an extension of the
interface, introduces uncertainty by over-
writing the existing
message sequence. In List
2, it is uncertain how to acquire printer and scanner
Table 1: Checking Property on Partial Model (Famelis et al.,
Property p
resources in two processes, P and Q. In the overwrit-
message sequence, there can be two alterna-
tives: printer.get scanner.get and scann e r.get
printer.get. As shown here, uncerta inty can be intro-
duced modu la rly without invading existing interfaces.
As shown in Figure 1, we can explicitly represent
Known Unknowns-type un c ertainty using alternative
and optional language constructs. If a developer is
writing a program (currently, the target programming
languag e is Java) and he or she b e comes aware o f
the existence of uncertainty, the developer only has
to modify Archface-U as shown in List 2. The deve-
loper does not have to modify the original code, be-
cause the essential information containing uncertain
concerns is expressed in the Archface-U and the be-
havioral properties can be checked using only this in-
formation as explained in Section 4. If an uncertain
concern is fixed to certain, a developer only has to
delete the corresponding inh eritance (List 2) and mo-
dify the o riginal Archface-U (List 1) if needed. As
explained here, uncertainty can be managed at only
interface level and the original program co de is not
basically affected. This is why we adopt an interface
mechanism to represent uncertainty modularly.
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
 
 
 
 
?%)% 2(<" @"1%)",
2($$"2&9. ")"# 6=
8#2"$&%6#&. "A6,&,B
Figure 2: Modular Reasoning for Known Unknowns.
Without modular reasoning abou t uncertainty, a deve-
loper has to rely on global reasoning to check whether
some pr operties are satisfied. In this section, we show
the Archface-U-based verification in details.
4.1 Uncertainty-aware Verification
We can use the verification power pr ovided by partial
model. The behavioral correctness of a pr ogram is
guaran teed modularly using our compiler (type chec -
ker) and model checker. Figure 2 illustrates the ve-
rification process. The type checker based on the re-
finement calculus focusing on simulation checks th e
conformance between Archface-U and its code. The
model checker verifies the behavioral properties such
as a dea dlock by only using the information descri-
bed in Archface-U. Integrating type che cker and mo-
del checker, we can verify behavioral properties at the
code level. Φ
and Φ
in Table 1 (Famelis et al.,
2012) correspon d to logical formula expressing a par-
tial model generated from Archface-U and the proper-
ties to be checked.
In this paper, we p rovide two types of true-
false decisions for a property p: 1) verified by type
checking; and 2) verified by model checking. Φ
correspo nds to the consistency among code or user-
defined properties. When a property p is
, we can
continue to develop even if unce rtainty exists. When
a p roperty p is
, we have to take care of the cor-
respond ing properties as a development risk. In o ther
cases, we have to reconsider the code .
4.2 Type Check
Uncertainty is a target of compilation. O ur type chec -
ker verifies 1) whether a partial model Φ
from A rchface-U satisfies a property Φ
such as con-
sistency; and 2 ) whether code is a subset o f the p artial
model Φ
(or whether code simulates one of the be-
havioral models contain e d in the partial model). It
is important that 1) is performed by only Archface-
U definitions. If code conforms to Archface-U in
terms of 2), Φ
is also satisfied in the code. That
is, the verification of Φ
results in modular interface
checking. All of the c ode files are needed for property
checking without an interface mechanism provided
by Archface-U. Fixing the inter-model/code inco nsis-
tency is an important problem (Egyed et al., 2008).
Our approach can verify inconsistency among code
files by type checking even if uncertainty exists. For
example, our c ompiler generates an error message if
a method is defined in a component interface and its
call is not appeared in the connector interface.
In our compiler, Archfac e-U is translated into a
partial model as shown in Figure 2. The followings is
the algorithm for Archface-U containing Alternative
iArch-U/MC: An Uncertainty-Aware Model Checker for Embracing Known Unknowns
Par•al Model
C1 U1
C1 U2
Model1 Model2
C1 -> {U1,U2} -> C2
Figure 3: Partial Model Generation (A lternative)
C1 -> [U1] -> C2
1 32
1 2
Par•al Model
Model1 Model2
Figure 4: Partial Model Generation (O pti onal).
STEP 1. Divide a connector interface including Al-
ternative to a set of connector interfaces repre-
sented by original Archface-U that does not con-
tain uncertain ty. Each Archface-U description re-
presented by LTS (L a belled Transition System) is
translated into a state transition model. The upper
part of Figure 3 shows the result of transformation
in case of C1 {U 1,U2} C 2. The number in
Figure 3 indic a te s a state.
STEP 2. State transition models generated in STEP
1 are merged into a state transition mac hine as
shown in the lower part of Figure 3. This state
transition model is a partial mod el. Mandatory
edges and nodes appeared in all state transition
models are represented by solid lines. Othe r non-
common edges and nodes are represented by das-
hed lines. After generating a partial mod el, it is
translated into logical formula.
The algorithm in case of Op tional uncertainty is ba-
sically the same to the above algorithm as illustrated
in Figure 4. In case of C1 [U1] C2, this Opti-
onal uncertainty is translated into two state transition
models as shown in the upper part of Figu re 4. This
proced ure corresponds to STE P 1 in Alternative un-
certainty. After that, these two models are merged
into a state transition machine as shown in the lower
part of Figure 4. Th is procedure co rresponds to STEP
2 in Alternative uncertainty. C2 is represented by two
dashed line s, because the source of transition C (state
Figure 5: Expansion of uncertain FSP.
number 3) is different from that of transition D (state
number 2).
4.3 Model Checking Embracing
Behavioral properties represented by LTL can be au-
tomatically verified using existing model checkers.
In our unce rtainty-aware model checker, LTSA (LTS
is used as a model checking en gine
because Archface-U is based on FSP supported by
LTSA. Optional and Alternative are tran slated into or-
dinary FSP descriptions as shown in Figure 5.
If a property is verified by LTSA and the type
check is successfully passed, the program satisfies the
property too. Although we used LTSA, our appro-
ach takes a standard appr oach and can be implemen-
ted with other popular off-the-shelf checkers such as
FDR (Failures Divergences Refineme nt)
, a refine-
ment checker for the pr ocess algebra CSP (Commu-
nicating Sequential Processes).
4.4 Usage Scenario
We explain our verification process using a printer-
scanner sy stem as an example. There are four pos-
sible resource ac quisition sequences as shown in Fi-
gure 6. These cases are genera te d from a partial mo-
del described as Archface-U (List 2). Type check is
passed if the code simulate s one of these sequences.
The Java code below (List 3) simulates the sequence
1 in Figure 6 and the type ch eck is passed.
http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/ltsa/, Last accessed 19 April
https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/projects/fdr/, Last accessed 19
April 2018.
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 6: Partial Model and Java Program.
[List 3]
01: public class Printer implements uPrinter {
02: public void get() { ... };
03: public void put() { ... };
04: public void print() { ... };
05: }
07: public class Scanner implements uScanner {
08: public void get() { ... };
09: public void put() { ... };
10: public void scan() { ... };
11: }
13: public class CopyMachine
14: implements uCopyMachine {
15: public void copy() {
16: printer.get(); scanner.get();
17: scanner.scan(); printer.print();
18: methodX();
19: printer.put(); scanner.put();
20: }
21: }
As shown in Figure 2, each behavioral model of
a partial mo del is converted into the corresponding
FSP description. Behavioral properties represented
by LTL can be automatically verified using our mo-
del checker. If counterexamples are no t ge nerated by
our model checker, we can select any sequence (either
of 1, 2, 3, or 4 is OK). We can proceed development
even if uncertain conc erns exist, because the code si-
mulating any sequence is correct. Of course, List 3
simulating the sequence 1 is correct. Unfortunately,
counterexamples are generated in case of the sequen-
ces 3 or 4 and these counter examples show that the
acquisition order must be the same. We are notified
that unc ertainty specified in Archface-U (List 2) may
cause a deadlo ck although the code (List 3) is correct.
We cannot embrace unce rtainty in this scenario. We
should not modify L ist 3 but c hange List 2 to remove
the alternatives of
operation orders. After that,
We have to run the model checker ag ain and confirm
that no coun te rexamples a re generated. As explained
here, we can resolve uncertain co ncerns and make a
correct program b efore debugging and testing.
Our type checker con sists of a partial model gen e-
rator, a refinement verifier, and a consistency verifier.
The par tial model generator creates a partial mode l, a
set of p ossible behavior models f rom FSPs containing
alternative and optio nal descriptions extended by
Archface-U. The refinement verifier checks whether
the code simulates one model included in the genera-
ted partial model. In List 3, a sequence printer.get
scanner.get scanner.scan printer.print
methodX printer.put scanner.put simulates the
sequence 1 (Figure 6) generated from the Archface-U
definitions (List 1 and 2). The call of
not violates an LTS defined by FSP in Lists 1 and
2. As a result, properties satisfied by the LTS are
also held in the code that passes compile check. The
consistency verifier checks the inconsistency not only
among Archface -U definitions but also among code
files. An error is generated if a method is defined in
a component interface and its call does not appear in
the connector interface. Ou r approach can verify the
inconsistency even if uncer ta inty exists.
Our compiler adds only type checking embracing
uncertainty to the original Java compiler. Compiled
code is executable, because Archface-U is just a con-
straint to the code. Program b e havior is also guaran-
teed, because th e co de simulates just one of the pos-
sible models described in Archface-U.
4.5 State Explosion Problem
State explosion is a cru c ia l problem when applying
model checking to a real project. Especially, it is dif-
ficult to apply model checking to source code even if
several tools suc h as CBMC (Bounded Model Chec-
ker for C and C++)
and Java Pathfinder
are already
provided. On the other hand, in our approach, mode l
http://www.cprover.org/cbmc/, Last accessed 19 April
https://github.com/javapathfinder/, Last accessed 19
April 2018.
iArch-U/MC: An Uncertainty-Aware Model Checker for Embracing Known Unknowns
Figure 7: iArch-U/MC.
checking is p erformed in terms of only FSP descr ipti-
ons in Archface-U. Co de is not the direct target of mo-
del checking. As a result, the number of states is re-
duced. Nevertheless, as repea tedly claimed, code can
be indirectly verified by the mode l ch ecker if the code
conforms to its Archface-U via type checker. Our ap -
proach mitigates the problem of state explosion b y in-
tegrating type che c king with model chec king.
The iArch-U, an IDE for supporting uncerta inty-
aware programming, consists of Java program editor,
uncertainty-aware compiler, uncertainty-aware model
checker, unit testing support, and Git-based uncer-
tainty management support. The iArch-U IDE is open
source software and its preliminary versio n can be do-
wnloaded fr om GitHub
The iArch-U/MC, a new tool com ponent for mo-
del check ing, is imple mented as an Ec lipse plug-in as
shown in Figure 7. Figure 2 illustrates the overview
of our approach. As roughly explained in Section 4,
a p artial model is generated from Archface-U definiti-
ons. Each behavioral model consisting the partial mo-
del is converted into the corresponding FSP descrip-
tion. Behavioral proper ties repre sented by LTL can be
http://posl.github.io/i A r ch/, Last accessed 19 April
automatically verified using LTSA supporting FSP. If
a property is verified by a model checker and the type
check is successfully passed, the program satisfies im-
portant properties such as deadlock freedom. Whe n a
property is
, we can continue to develop even if
uncertainty exists. Otherwise, we have to reconsider
the code . Using iArch-U/MC, we can explore which
uncertainty can be permitted by interactively modi-
fying not prog ram co de itself but Archface-U descrip-
tions and checking the beh avioral corre ctness.
In this section, we discuss on the originality and the
applicability of our idea.
Someone might consider that Archface-U is simi-
lar to variability modeling in SPL (Ba¸k et al., 2014).
How different is our approach from SPL? If the re is
no difference, we can deal with uncertainty by only
using SPL technologies. Indeed, uncertainty in struc -
tural aspects (a component interface in Archface-U)
can be represented by defining uncertain features in a
feature model. Althou gh it is difficult to re present be-
havioral aspects of uncertainty (a con nector interface
in Archface -U) in a feature model, there are studies
on behavioral variability (Classen et al., 20 12; Ghezz i
and Shar ifloo, 2011).
Our most important contribution is to introduce
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
the interface-b ased v ariability to the world of SPL.
As claimed in this paper, this interface enables the
valuable integration of code-conform a nce check via
type chec ker and model checking taking into account
abstraction. Only using current SPL technologies, it
is not easy to integrate important facilities mentioned
above. Mor e over, our idea can be basically applied
to SPL by not limiting to variability in uncertain c on-
cerns. Similarity to SPL comes from the characte-
ristics of Known Unknowns in which uncertainty is a
subset of variability.
Although the interface mechanism of Archface-U
can be applied to SPL, the process of SPL is different
from that of uncer tainty-aware software development.
The former focuses on gener ating a product fr om a set
of features represented by optional and alternatives.
Product structure does not basically chan ge thro ugh a
software development, although product regene ration
may occur several times to deal with small changes.
On the other hand, our app roach focuses on the ma-
nagement of u ncertainty frequently appearing or di-
sappearing in a software development. Product gene-
ration is out of scope. The main concern is to ve-
rify whether some important properties are guaran -
teed even if uncertainty exists and to decide whether
resolution of uncertainty can be postponed. For this
reason, modular reasonin g realized by type checking
and model checking is important.
When modifying a large product, it is necessary
to impose constraints among alternatives because a
large number of checking for relatively com plex sy-
stems would result in errors. It makes sen se to ex-
tend the alternative and optional operators to in-
clude constraints. However, the number of constraints
might be overwhelming due to com binatorial explo-
sion. The lack of precision may indeed identify more
constraints than necessary in order to keep a sound
verification. This issue is our future work.
In this paper, we proposed iArch-U/MC, an
uncertainty-aware model checker for verifying
whether or not some important properties a re guaran-
teed even if Known Unknowns remain in a program.
Our approach deals with epistemic uncertainty at the
program code level. As the next step, we plan to
integrate iArch-U/MC with LTSA- PCA (Probabilistic
Compone nt Automata) (Rodrigues et al., 2014) to
support aleatory uncertainty.
We thank Syunya Nakamura, Keisuke Watanabe, and
Takuya Fukamachi for their gre a t contributions. They
were students of Naoyasu Ubayashi. This work
was supported by JSPS KAKEN HI Grant Numbers
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ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies