Table 1: Performance comparison of related schemes.
Scheme Sign Verify Signature size
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2004) (3+4(N −1))E + (1+2N)M (4N)E + 2NM O(N), N + 2
Fujisaki and Suzuki et al. (Fu-
jisaki and Suzuki, 2007)
(3+2N)E + (2+3N)M (4N)E + (3N)M O(N), 2N + 1
Chandran et al. (Chandran
et al., 2007)
N)P + (3
N+1)E +
N +1)M
N + 6
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2009) NE N E O(N), 2N + 1
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2014) (5+N)E+(4+N)M (4+N)E+(3+N)M O(N), N + 3
Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2015) E+NS NS O(N), N + 1
This solution 2E+2M+NS M+NS O(N), N + 2
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does not use heavy operations. The ring signature ver-
ification takes only 1 multiplication and N squaring
which depends on the size of ring (N). Therefore,
the solution could be implemented in services running
in heterogeneous networks with small and medium
groups of constrained devices.
As future work, we would like to make the link
procedure more efficient and integrate the proposed
ring signature scheme into a transaction model based
on blockchain.
Research described in this paper was financed by the
National Sustainability Program under grant LO1401
and Ministry of Interior under grant VI20162018003.
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Lightweight Ring Signatures for Decentralized Privacy-preserving Transactions