of Nanjing and the sub-centers. The result can be used
to support and examine the development agenda of
Nanjing City Council, where city officials proposed
to further grow sub-centers to release the pressure
from the central business area. In addition, we also
explored the temporal dynamics of different urban
regions based on a DTW algorithm. The extracted
outliers demonstrated the importance of
incorporating human mobility and activity data to
refine small-area land use classification. Further
research can focus on incorporating more indicators
from the taxi trajectories to improve the accuracy of
the analysis. It is also important to cross-validate the
results with other public data, such as census and
urban demographic data. Also, further research may
involve extending the study period to analyze
seasonal time series patterns when the data becomes
available. The methodology discussed in this paper
can be applied to other cities to identify urban
functional regions and provide useful input for policy
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