pleasant and unpleasant stimuli and hypothesized
that positive emotions correspond to the right
hemisphere, and negative – to the left (Fernandez-
Carriba et al., 2002). For example, the emotion-
modulated asymmetries, related with processing
pleasant and unpleasant emotional information were
found in the frontal cortex (Coan and Allen, 2004).
The clinical EEG studies have shown that depression
is associated with the greater activation of the right
prefrontal cortex (Davidson et al., 2002), other
researchers also reported about the higher activation
of the right amygdala (Abercrombie et al., 1998).
Furthermore, our results showed that most
pronounced differences of the EEG between
pleasant and unpleasant stimuli were found in the
right hemisphere. Previously, a general right
hemispheric advantage for emotion processing was
reported (Martin and Altarriba, 2017; Kesler-West et
al., 2001).
Visual and auditory sensory systems had similar
EEG patterns and differed from olfactory and tactile
sensory systems. The good level of classification
accuracy trained on sensory-non-specific EEG
distances was found. The advantage of the right
hemisphere for emotional processing was found. The
modality-independent difference between pleasant
and unpleasant stimuli is primarily visualized with
the “Emotional spaces” method. Further work is
needed to be done with the increased number of
healthy participants. Moreover, we are going to
include the patients with emotional impairments in
our study. The techniques used for classification
should be extended to support reported findings
We would like to thank engineer Kashevarova O,
researchers Atonov M, and Portnov V for assistance
in programming of “Cognitive spaces”, calculations
of the EEG parameters and DNN + EML
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CHIRA 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications