Sport predictions present challenging and
interesting field because there is no universal
algorithm that solves prediction problem for every
sport. In addition to expert knowledge related to ICT
technology, there is also a need for expert
knowledge related to the analyzed sport.
According to the presented results, it can be
concluded that the k-nn is a very convenient method
for solving outcome prediction problems in sport.
The combination of k-nn classification method and
feature selection is also an interesting field of
research. Various approaches have been tried up to
this research. An approach that might give better
results is to define the feature weight based on the
information gain when calculating Euclidean
distance (Sun and Huan, 2010), with or without
feature selection. A possible formula for such
research to calculate Euclidian distance based on
feature information gain is:
Although there is no universal algorithm for
predicting game outcomes, there is no reason not to
try to find the sport specific one, hence in addition to
knowledge of ICT technologies and machine
learning research, advanced knowledge of the
observed process, in this case basketball, is also
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