The Internet Connected Production Line: Realising the Ambition of
Cloud Manufacturing
Chris Turner
and Jörn Mehnen
Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, U.K.
Dept. of Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XJ, U.K.
Keywords: Cloud Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet, Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Cloud
Computing, Redistributed Manufacturing.
Abstract: This paper outlines a vision for Internet connected production complementary to the Cloud Manufacturing
paradigm, reviewing current research and putting forward a generic outline of this form of manufacture. This
paper describes the conceptual positioning and practical implementation of the latest developments in
manufacturing practice such as Redistributed manufacturing, Cloud Manufacturing and the technologies
promoted by Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet agendas. Existing and future needs for customized
production and the manufacturing flexibility required are examined. Future directions for manufacturing,
enabled by web based connectivity are then proposed, concluding that the need for humans to remain ‘in the
loop’ while automation develops is an essential ingredient of all future manufacturing scenarios.
The Internet and its supporting technologies have had
a profound impact on society and business around the
world over the past 20 years. The business models of
companies in service industries such as finance, retail
and the media have seen fundamental change in
response to the opportunities offered by the web and
increasing acceptance of this communication channel
by customers. The possibilities being realized in
industries such as banking and retail are only just
starting to filter through to potential realization in a
manufacturing setting. Internet connected production
provides an infrastructure for the opportunities
offered by both Cloud and redistributed forms of
manufacturing through the utilisation of internet
protocol and web data description formats.
Through a combination of new technology and
consumer demand for novel ‘tailored’ products there
has been a move away from classic mass production
manufacturing models towards mass customization
and mass personalization. Mass customization relates
to the production of products which may be
customized to the individual consumer needs
(Mourtzis and Doukas, 2014); the automotive
industry is a good example where a customer may
select options to modify a mass produced vehicle
variant. Major initiatives that promote Internet
connected (or at least network connected) production
lines, such as Industry 4.0 (Federal German
Government, 2016) and the Industrial Internet
(Posada et al. 2015), espouse the primacy of
interconnected machines and intelligent software
forming cyber physical manufacturing entities. In
addtion manufacturing paradigms such as Cloud
Manufacturing (Zhang et al. 2014) and Redistributed
Manufacturing (Moreno and Charnley, 2016) (Ellen
Macarthur Foundation, 2013) leverage digital
connectivity in realising their aims of remote and
geographically dispersed production entities.
The Internet of Things (IoT) forms a vital part of
the infrastructure, enabling internet conncted
production through the ubiquitous presence and
availability of network connected sensors and the
efficient near to real time processing the data they
collect. It is suggested that instead of thinking of the
aforementioned initiatives and connectivity as
separate and even competing there is a level of
convergence that can be expressed in the delivery of
the Internet connected production line as both a
physical and digital entity.
Turner, C. and Mehnen, J.
The Internet Connected Production Line: Realising the Ambition of Cloud Manufacturing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006894001370144
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 137-144
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A common theme to all of the aforementioned
subjects outlined in the preceding section of this
paper is the ubiquity of Internet technologies and their
use in connecting once disparate entities to form a
digital “nervous” system for manufacturing. An
important facilitator of the required interconnectivity
is provided through the concept of Servitization in
combination with Webservices technology expressed
through a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
(Tzima and Mitkas, 2008). When products and
services are sold as bundled offerings (Servitization)
the digital interactions between different company
entities and even the customer may be conveyed
through web based applications on a request and
provision based protocol (Baines et al., 2009; Wu et al.,
2015). Much of the richness in the digital
communication now possible is provided by semantics,
whereby meta-data to describe manufacturing
parameters and other data points promote a meaningful
exchange between engaged parties.
2.1 Internet Connected Production
Line Goal
While the question must be asked ‘what is the goal
for Internet Connected Manufacturing?’ Building on
Wu et al. (2015) vision for Cloud Manufacturing, the
following aim can be formed for an Internet
connected production line:
‘To provide an outline template for distributed
production benefiting from autonomous decision
making based on a real time view of the organisation
and its environment’. An additional question that
may also be asked regarding the location of the
production facilities if all parts of the manufacturing
process are digitally linked. Along with trends in
economics and geopolitics, re-distributed
manufacturing can provide part of the answer to the
question of production line location. Along with
trends in economics and geopolitics, re-distributed
manufacturing can provide part of the answer to the
question of production line location. In a monolithic
factory producing products such as automobiles, the
main production assembly resides in one factory with
subsidiary factories producing substantial
components such as engines and gearboxes (the
subsidiary factories are normally wholly owned
facilities of the parent company or first tier suppliers).
In geographically distributed factory facilities, the
notion of centralised production recedes as assembly
of a product may be localised in a region of a country
or at the retail end point or perhaps even in the
customer’s home. It is certainly true that the amount
of Big Data created has increased at an exponential
rate (Kambatla et al., 2014) and this is providing new
opportunities for the development and production of
new products. Among the points made by Li et al.
(2015) regarding Big Data and Product Lifecycle
Management (PLM) the following are particularly
relevant to the operation and use of Internet
connected production lines Li et al. (2015):
Lifetime prediction for parts
Access to product design data inside and
outside a company – improving design
Access to production line data
Monitored products and product service
IT integration and connection with
production line sensors and CPS
Prediction of customers’ needs and demand
level for products
Supplier performance measurement and
Smart maintenance of production lines
Controlling energy consumption and
enabling emission reduction in
Cloud Manufacturing is a term that has been gaining
in popularity in recent years. As described by Xu
(2014), Cloud Manufacturing is a concept that aims
to describe how Cloud technologies could be used to
link distributed production facilities with both
customers and suppliers. Dynamic scalability of
production is possible with Cloud manufacturing
where products can be produced using generic non-
specialised tooling (Wu et al., 2013).
2.2 Security
Research is underway on ways to establish trust,
transparency and legal liability when it comes to
distributed and global Internet business connections.
The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) highlight
that further research into IoT security highlighting the
need for methods to ensure end to end trust and
techniques to verify related metadata (describing data
provenance) and its context (W3C, 2017). Recent
research includes the use of Blockchain technology to
provide a means for secure transactions in
manufacturing supply chains. Abeyratne and
Monfared (2016) outline Blockchain use in
manufacturing highlighting its ability to allow two
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
parties to trust and securely transact with each other
without the need for a 3rd party facilitator.
Blockchains use in IoT interconnectivity has been
outlined by Bahga and Madisetti (2016) who propose
a secure platform for IoT based on Blockchain,
allowing for connectivity between peers in a formally
trust-less network environment.
2.3 Metadata
It is also the case that systems for well-coordinated
linkages between production cells are still in
development. Wang (2015) describes the concept of
networked cellular manufacturing though raises a
number of concerns and mitigations for cyber security
issues. In addition the moves towards standardisation
on internet technology (and adoption of web
standards) for data transmission in a manufacturing
setting is still a work in progress. The W3C (World
Wide Web Consortium) likens the current situation in
IoT interoperability to the pre internet times and their
competing networking technologies often operating
with proprietary and incompatible standards (W3C,
2017). W3C (2017) envisage a future situation where a
combination of existing web standards are used with
semantic meta-data descriptions (perhaps based on
RDF (Resource Description Framework) and
LinkedData) to provide open interoperability between
physical and virtual entities associated with IoT.
In realising the fine grain interoperation of both
physical and virtual systems required by the internet
connected production line the use of semantics to
provide additional meaning and context to data
becomes essential. A number of metadata language
standards have recently developed for use in
manufacturing applications.
3.1 Semantic Standards
The development of the AutomationML (2017)
standard has in part been one response to this need for
interoperability between industrial automation plant
and computer systems (Drath et al., 2008). As an
XML (Extensible Markup Language) compliant
language AutomationML has the ability to model
information at different levels allowing for lossless
data transfer between entities and, according to Luder
et al. (2010), enhanced parameter traceability (for
possible reconstruction of an audit trail for automated
decision making). The OPC UA (OPC Unified
Architecture) is a standard for industrial system
intercommunication that is platform neutral (OPC
Foundation, 2017). This standard while comprehensive
in its specification can be complex and expensive for
an organisation to implement. The work of Henßen and
Schleipen (2014) examines the role that the
AutomationML mark-up language can play in
simplifying the use of OPC UA models with existing
data sets and streams expressed in XML. According to
Henßen and Schleipen (2014) use of OPC UA directly
is a complex task, utilising AutomationML mapping to
OPC UA opens up the opportunity of streamlined
connectivity with OPC UA compliant systems and
manufacturing systems. The Industry 4.0 vision states
that individual parts of a manufacturing operation such
as machinery, IT systems and deployed sensors can be
described as autonomous discrete components each
with their own semantic descriptions (Grangel-
Gonzalez et al. 2016). The work of Grangel-González
et al. (2016) highlights the use of RDF (Resource
Description Framework) in the provision of an
administrative shell for Industry 4.0 components. RDF
facilitates a semantic description of data to be
exchanged. In the context of Grangel-González et al.
(2016) it is used in concert with the Reference
Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0).
VDI/VDE (2015) is the model used to describe product
lifecycle, IT systems and manufacturing plants in a
holistic shared context of Industry 4.0. Mazzola et al.
(2016) detail the CDM-Core manufacturing ontology
for production and maintenance, citing its use in sensor
stream annotation and web services as key benefits. An
additional commentary on semantic service
composition is provided by Mazzola et al. (2017) in
which the authors outline a pattern based approach to
the service oriented implementation of manufacturing
plans. Big Data is a core asset of Industry 4.0
implementations with its intelligent processing
providing the potential for context aware autonomous
operation and self-adaptation.
3.2 Data Requirements and Context
Golzer et al. (2015) investigate the data processing
requirements of Industry 4.0 and deduce seven broad
categories composed of four data requirements and
three processing requirements. The content of the
data in the opinion of Golzer et al. (2015) divides into
four categories: Product data; Process data; Business
data; Sensor data. In the processing of data three main
categories of processing are put forward by Golzer et
al. (2015): Decision processing; Knowledge
The Internet Connected Production Line: Realising the Ambition of Cloud Manufacturing
processing; Real-time processing. It is possible that
two additional categories can be put forward that of
context related meta-data and the further contextual
processing of that meta-data related to the
aforementioned categories.
One of the main motivations behind an Internet
connected production line is the use of TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to
provide ubiquitous networking capabilities
throughout the manufacturing operation, moving
beyond proprietary networking solutions. In addition
to addressing the changing nature of consumer
demand, from generic products through mass
customization towards a future of products designed
for a market of one (mass personalization), it is the
potential for automation and autonomous operation of
distributed manufacturing facilities that the Internet
connected production line framework can contribute
a holistic template. Figure 1 displays an outline of an
Internet connected production line as a system. It can
be seen in Figure 1 the production line itself is
composed of 3 entity types; production line
machinery; production line robots; 3D printing. All
entity types are capable of providing data streams and
exposing control interfaces. In terms of the first two
types CPS systems may be inherent in providing the
possibility for distributed intelligence (and local
decision making on the shop floor) combined with
central control within the business intelligence layer
of the semantic sandwich. Production line decision
making may even be componentized as an agent
based representation within the business intelligence
layer. Both inbound logistics (the supply chain) and
outbound logistics are shown in Figure 1.
4.1 Metadata and the Internet
Connected Production Line
Real time digital connectivity with both entities is
essential for the Internet connected production line.
The meta-data rich communication utilizing internet
protocols provides an ‘open’ format for data
exchange. Central to the framework outlined in
Figure 1 is the ability to transform messages produced
in one part of the system for processing and analysis
in another. Physical production line equipment is
likely to describe parameters in a particular format
which may be proprietary. The use of XML languages
such as AutomationML and XML compatible meta-
data frameworks such as RDF, along with suitable
ontologies, allows for meta-described data produced
by a variety of heterogeneous machines to be
captured and then transformed into other XML
dialects suitable for business systems and intelligent
decision support applications (see also section 3.1 of
this paper for standards). In addition to meta-data
transformation it is necessary to employ intelligence
within the semantic sandwich illustrated in Figure 1
to establish the order in which parameters are being
produced, processed and then acted upon (decision
making). In this way the context of semantics is also
processed by the business intelligence layer as well as
providing decision making assistance.
4.2 Webservices and the Internet
Connected Production Line
This framework also helps to componentize the
production line and business systems of a
manufacturing organization. In effect each
component could conceptually become a service and
be exposed in the form of a Webservice. The work of
Vergidis et al. (2015) provides a method for
assembling discrete Webservices to form actionable
and optimized processes. Such a technique could be
applied to the Internet connected production line
whereby manufacturers would be able to dynamically
assemble new production processes from existing
components exposed as services.
Once such a process has been assembled the
individual components (such as robots and machines)
may be virtually represented as agents in terms of
enacting intelligent decision making and control
activities (in the live production phase). Automated
negotiation would also assist in the selection and
integration of services (Fatima et al., 2015). While
offering manufacturing services for clients outside the
organization a manufacturer may also wish to utilize
this mode to reconfigure current operations. Short run
production of highly customized products could
benefit from an increased understanding of the current
production facilities that a framework as presented in
Figure 1 could facilitate. Supply chain integration may
also be streamlined via such a framework through the
provision of a standard API (Application Programming
Interface) and common XML based message passing
language. Even without full compatibility in the supply
chain the functionality of the framework affords a level
of adaptation difficult to achieve in a manufacturing
environment composed of disparate systems and
traditional administrative silos.
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: The Internet Connected Production Line as a system.
Figure 2: The Semantic Sandwich.
The Internet Connected Production Line: Realising the Ambition of Cloud Manufacturing
4.3 Decision Making in the Internet
Connected Production Line
At this point it should not be forgotten that decision
making regarding the overall operation of the Internet
connected production line still requires the human in
the loop (potentially even in a limited oversight role
when operating in a future fully autonomous mode).
In this respect the value of information presentation
and interface design becomes paramount when
developing dashboard applications to facilitate
human interaction in the control of the manufacturing
operation. Along with enhanced interface design
metaphors the way a user will view manufacturing
processes will change too. A process flowchart
metaphor may have added value in such an
environment whereby many, once disparate systems
are brought together and viewed as a networked
cooperating ecosystem (Fayoumi, 2016). The use of
simulation systems used with Virtual Reality and
Augmented Reality headsets/ viewing devices may
also be beneficial in the human interaction with future
manufacturing operations (Turner et al., 2016).
4.4 The Semantic Sandwich
The semantic sandwich (shown in Figure 2) is
composed of the following sub layers:
Data stream filtering and analysis layer – This
layer will filter both existing data sets and data
streams produced by production line sensors,
• Semantic / ontology / context layer – This
layer will describe discrete data points with semantic
descriptions that will indicate the context in which the
data has been collected and its potential relevance.
This layer is central to the concept of the Internet
connected production line in that all data is
semantically described (via metadata) for
presentation to users in a human readable format
The Business intelligence layer – This layer
will employ algorithms to process semantically
tagged data in combination with business rules drawn
from ERP (or similar) business systems to provide
decision making capability. This layer is in effect the
computational intelligence layer where centralised
decision making takes place (although distributed and
localised intelligence of CPS may also be embodied
in production line machines and robots).
Decision Making / Monitoring Dashboards –
A range of web delivered interfaces will be capable
of detailing every activity within the system, in
practice a sub set of the data will be provided by the
semantic sandwich layer via friendly interfaces for
decision making. The concept of ‘Human in the loop’
is reinforced within this framework through
streamlined access to decision making and the ability
to mine audit trails of decisions (and the reasoning
behind decisions) and activity that have occurred
within the Internet connected production line.
Enterprise Resource Planning System(s)
Although not officially part of the semantic sandwich
this layer is in effect the interface and API for 3rd
party ERP software. ERP systems may be linked in to
the Internet connected production line and may access
data and re-create its decision making and monitoring
dashboards through APIs (Application Programming
Interfaces) or simply access data streams from the
production line.
Data Resources – data storage resources will
be utilised by the Internet connected production line.
There will be a necessity to capture and store data
streams from the production line and audit trails of
decision making within the semantic sandwich layer
and monitored activities within the system.
4.5 Meta–heuristic Feedback
Meta-heuristic feedback functionality is used within
the semantic sandwich to identify and maintain a set
of heuristics or mining rules that would help in
identifying features and patterns in data at the sensor
fusion layer level. This feedback would be produced
from the analysis of data from the ‘shop floor’ and
from ERP and business systems. These rules would
be at the level of guidance to detect broad patterns.
This information is then utilised by the audit trail
wrapper to detail the decisions made in human
readable format.
4.6 Audit Trail Wrapper
An audit trail process may be tied to an individual
product or a particular manufacturing process taking
place within the production line. Event based process
chains comprising the audit trail may contain meta-
data descriptions to help establish provenance of the-
data. Decisions made by the semantic sandwich layer
can also be described in the audit trail. This notion of
audit trail use originates in the field of cyber security
and with this in mind the wrapper may act as an
invaluable addition to the security protocol within
internet based manufacturing in the future. It is also
the case that for humans to play an active role in the
development of automated and eventually
autonomous production there is a need to understand
at some level how and why decisions are made by
machines. The audit trail may provide insights in that
particular direction
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
With a move to mass customization and mass
personalization the need to rapidly adapt and tailor
products to individual customers’ exact requirements
will grow. The Internet connected production line is
one response to the provision of manufacturing
flexibility that will be required to meet this
challenging expansion in demand. It is the case that
more research needs to be conducted into security
issues surrounding both data transmission and the
safe completion of digital contracts. A future where
autonomous production is a reality will also require
accurate descriptions and capture routines for data.
The use of semantic technologies is vital to provide
both fine grain control over production and greater
understanding of products, customers and the
manufacturing operation as a whole. In such a world
informated products may be able to take an active part
in their construction while on the production line and
then report back to the consumer and the
manufacturer about such factors as their health status
when in use. Such levels of data necessitate the
further development of decision support systems and
their automation, though the users should always be
able to view the complete production system and
question its operation.
This paper has outlined the potential components of
an Internet connected production line. This concept
addresses the need for more flexible manufacturing to
meet the demand for customised and personalised
products. In adopting a redistributed view of
manufacturing the Internet connected production line
demonstrates how large factory manufacturing can
evolve into regional production facilities near the
customer. Both Industry 4.0 and the Industrial
Internet visions popularise a wide variety of
technologies and approaches to manufacturing, the
concept in this paper illustrates how such
technologies can be implemented within a production
line and outlines the advantages for doing so.
Central to the Internet connected production line
is the use of open standards web technology and
networking protocols. Along with this is the use of
semantic descriptions for data and intercommunica-
tion with the factory and outside suppliers, logistics
providers and customers. It is in the harmonisation of
data descriptions that holds the best route to
interoperability between systems in organisations and
human understanding of increasingly complex
manufacturing processes and a rapidly changing
business environment. The integration of machine
intelligence and coordination of multiple CPS
systems, promoted by the Internet connected
production line, may also lead to the realisation of an
overall information and control system necessary for
future automation efforts. The ability for humans to
remain in the loop while automation develops to a
future state of maturity is an essential ingredient in all
future manufacturing scenarios.
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