of SVM with other three algorithms like MLP algo-
rithm, IBK approach and J48 method that achieved
an accuracy equals to 90.37%, 88.72% and 89.33%
respectively. Our approach outperform all the previ-
ous work with an accuracy reaches 96.3%.
Regarding the REALDISP dataset, authors
in (Banos et al., 2014) tested the activities after
extracting the best features on the decision trees,
K-Nearest Neighbor, Nave Bayes algorithms. The
accuracies were 90%, 96%, and 72% respectively for
the ideal-location setting data. It was 78%, 89%, 65%
for the self-placement data. The difference between
the ideal-location setting and the self placement data
are illustrated in section 2.2. Our approach achieves
94.5% for the the ideal-placement data.
This paper introduced the HAD-AW dataset; which
includes 31 human activities; as a reference source for
human activity recognition research by using a smart
watch. Additionally, we presented a human motion
recognition framework based on tri-axial sensory data
of IMU sensors. The framework exploits a feature re-
duction as a preprocessing step where the raw signals
are parameterized by a combination of some statisti-
cal and physical features.
The experimental results indicated that the recog-
nition accuracy reaches 95.3% for HAD-AW dataset,
96.3% for USC-HAD dataset (Zhang and Sawchuk,
2012), 84.44% for CMU-MMAC dataset (De la
Torre et al., 2008), 94.5% for the REALDISP
dataset (Ba
nos et al., 2012), and 93.2% for the dataset
in (Gomaa et al., 2017). Moreover, it saved the
executing time of training and testing by 88% to
98% compared to the RF-based method for different
datasets. It is worth mentioning that when we used
the proposed approach to test the combination of all
31 activities of HAD-AW dataset and the 14 activities
of (Gomaa et al., 2017) , the total accuracy reaches
90.2% for the whole 45 combined activities.
In the future, We aim to increase the number of
activities and collect new dataset using Myo device
which contains data from IMU sensors, electromyo-
graphic (EMG) sensors and magnetometer. We will
compare the recognition accuracy between both Ap-
ple watch and Myo device by using different algo-
rithms. We also plan to collect another dataset of daily
human activities in a full continuous stream scenarios
and developing approaches for recognizing them.
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An LSTM-based Descriptor for Human Activities Recognition using IMU Sensors