nection, cloud fees, and workstation performance can
significantly improve the effective throughput and
significantly reduce cloud cost when compared to un-
compressed and the default compressed file trans-
fers. Throughput-effective upload and download mo-
des favor utilities that offer tradeoffs between com-
pression ratio and throughput, such as pzstd/zstd and
lbzip2/pbzip2, whereas cost-effective download mo-
des favor utilities with higher compression ratio, such
as lbzip2/pbzip2 and pxz/xz. These findings may
guide throughput and cost optimizations of big data
transfers in the cloud and encourage the development
of data transfer frameworks conscientious of the ex-
isting parameters for real-time selection of optimal
transfer modes.
This work has been supported by AWS Cloud Credits
for Research and in part by National Science Founda-
tion grants CNS-1205439 and CNS-1217470.
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