2018)), have been proposed and are an active area of
research by the industry.
These enclaves shift the trust from the cloud
operator to the hardware manufacturer and use
cryptographic algorithms to attest to the user that the
code and data that he provided is being executed in a
secure enclave that cannot be probed by external
agents without being noticed. As disadvantages they
usually bring significant performance overheads and
are nonetheless susceptible to some attacks
(Weichbrodt et al., 2016).
Virtualization is at an advanced stage now, however
there is still much to do in order to make this
technology safer, faster, easier and better.
In this paper, we surveyed virtualization, with a
main emphasis on its past and current challenges as
well as solutions, to help in the improvement of this
technology, giving a view of what already exists,
what is being currently done in the field and what
can be done in the future.
Virtualization will continue to increase in
security, performance and popularity in the nearby
future. The future work in the area will surely fall
under one of the previous mentioned topics: VM
protection against failure (either by improving the
already existing tools or by creating new ones); VM
performance (mainly through the improvement of
the existing virtualization techniques); cloud
virtualization and data security (either by improving
the existing tools or by implementing new ones).
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