Mixed Energy Model for a Differential Guide Mobile Robot Evaluated
with Straight and Curvature Paths
Mauricio F. Jaramillo Morales an d Juan B. G´omez Mendoza
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, National University, Manizales, Colombia
Energy Model, Dynamic Model, Gaussian Path Planning, Mobile Robot.
Energy consumption is an important issue for mobile robots that carry a limited energy sources, like batteries,
for a long period of time. An energy model can relate t he kinematic movements of the robot with energy
values, giving an estimation of the energy needed for the robot to fulfill a specific task. In this study an energy
model is proposed, based on the dynamic parameters of the mobile robot, as well as the motors, given an
energy value close to real energy consumption. Mixed energy model is tested with a well-known motor energy
model, using the velocities related to straight and curvature paths as i nput. In the r esults, a higher energy
consumption value is identified by the mi xed energy model, especially when the acceleration of the mobile
robot increases. Energy models are configured with P3-DX robot mobile parameters.
For mobile robots, it is critical to know th e amount
of energy that it mu st carry in order to accomplish a
long-ter m task. Many researches in the literature un-
derline that major ene rgy consumption is generated
for the DC moto r, which governs wheel movements.
However, the influence that the d ynamic p a rameters
of the mobile robot can exert in total energy con-
sumption, has been ignored (P. Tokekar and Isler,
2014), especially for the differential guide mobile ro -
bot configur ation (Kim and Kim, 2008). In this paper,
a goo estimation of power and energy consumptio n,
using a mixed energy model that takes into ac c ount
the DC moto r and the mobile robot dynamic para-
meters, incorporating in a path planning, is presen-
ted. An energy model can be calculated using the me-
chanical and kinetic energy f ormulation, based on the
mass and velocity of the mobile robot (Liu and Sun,
2014; G. Kladis and Guerra, 2011), or friction esti-
mation (Dogru and Marques, 2016; Dogru and Mar-
ques, 2018). H owever, th e energy con sumption is not
related to the dynamic parameters of the robot as mo-
ments of inertia. Instead, Chuy and Bensekane’s in-
vestigation presents a power consumption modeling,
using a 2- dimensional, second order differential equa-
tion, that describes a four wheel steering robot for-
ces (O. Chuy Jr. and Ord onez, 2009; I. Bensekrane
and Merzouk, 2017). But, the dynamic p arameters of
the DC motor model are no taken into account in the
energy values, related for example, with motor ch a-
racteristics such as voltage and torque constants.
In Kim and Tokekar’s work, velocity profiles that
minimize mobile robot energy consumption for a gi-
ven p ath, is calculate d (Kim and Kim, 2008; P. Toke-
kar and Isler, 2014). The researchers use the energy
motor model as a cost function to op timize, but in the
energy saving values presented, the contribution of
mobile ro bot dynamic param eters, such as the weight
of the mobile robo t or load weight, is not reflected.
In this paper, the d ynamic mobile robot model b a-
sed on the Lagrange formalism, and the dynamic mo-
tor model based on electrica l and torque characteris-
tics, are calculated. Th e n, the models torque variables
are mixed. Finally a space state realization (Yun and
Yama moto, 1993) is proposed, in ord er to expand the
state variables and simplify the Lagrange multipliers.
This tran sformation permits d escription of the mixed
energy model with ordinary differential equations, so
that energy consumption values can be calculated. In
the re sults sectio n, the mixed energy model is com-
pared to the well-known ene rgy motor model. Both
models a re tested, using the typical trapezoidal velo-
city profile for the straight path, an adap te d Gaussian
function for the curvature path, and a different load
The rest of this paper is organiz ed as follows: in
Section 2 the mobile robot dynamic mo del, motor dy-
namic model, and mixed energy model formulation
is pre sented. Section III presents the calculation of