Discovering Organizational Elements for IT Service Brokering from a
Literature Review
Linda Rodriguez and Oscar Avila
Department of Systems and Computing Engineering, School of Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
Cloud Sourcing, Outsourcing, Brokering, Inter-mediator, Integrator.
New technological trends and models are allowing organizations to easily access to specialized external IT
services. As a consequence, IT areas are developing fewer and fewer IT services and relying more on external
providers to achieve their customers’ objectives. In this new context, the IT function should move from its
traditional role of service builder and operator to a new role of service integrator and broker. However, IT
areas are not aware of the organizational elements that need to be implemented to adopt this new role. In
order to compensate this lack, this work presents a review of the existing literature intended to identify IT
capabilities, roles, skills and strategies that can help IT organizations to act as a service broker. Our findings
aim at establishing the basis for a complete approach.
New technological trends and models, such a cloud
computing, crowdsourcing, offshoring, among others,
and the increasing emergence of new IT suppliers and
services in the last few years has produced a growing
offer of services in the IT market. In this context, or-
ganizations can find easy and rapid responses to their
needs by contracting and accessing to external ser-
vices without making requests, seeking approvals or
consulting the IT department (Zimmermann and Ren-
trop, 2014). According to (Stratecast, 2016), 83% of
employees in business areas of U.S. companies use
IT services and applications that are not authorized
by the IT department to carry out their daily work. If
this is the case this could mean that the business ar-
eas would be meeting a part of their needs and taking
advantage of the benefits offered by external services
without the intervention of the IT department. How-
ever, this scenario could bring also security threats,
since users would be overlooking the information se-
curity policies and requirements of their organizations
(Zimmermann and Rentrop, 2014). Considering the
potential benefits and risks associated to such scenario
it could be said that the IT department should, on the
one hand, facilitate the use of external IT services in
order to allow business areas to reap the benefits they
offer, and, on the other hand, govern the procurement
and access to such services in order to reduce poten-
tial risks.
To succeed in, IT functions need to assume a new
management role allowing them to intermediate be-
tween the external suppliers and the business cus-
tomer in order to ease and control the supply of IT
services. This role has been defined in the the follow-
ing research works (Rackspace, 2014a), (Erbes et al.,
2012), (Rackspace, 2014b) as IT service broker. Ac-
cording to these works, in this role IT exercises the
role of intermediary between external suppliers and
internal customers in the provision of technology ser-
vices, with the aim of focusing its own efforts on the
delivery of solutions that leverage the business strat-
egy. The IT department acts as a strategic partner for
the business and as the sole responsible for the provi-
sion of IT services to the business. But the reality is
that in most of cases IT departments do not know how
to take on this new role because there is a lack of con-
ceptual tools and knowledge about the organizational
elements that need to be changed in the IT function
in order to offer a unique and flexible catalog of ser-
vices that meets business needs from the aggregation
and integration of the services contracted to external
Considering the need above mentioned, this re-
search work presents a review of the literature to iden-
tify and analyze the contributions in the IT service
brokering area. The main objective of this review is
to provide a general and up-to-date overview of exist-
ing work in order to identify and describe capabilities,
roles, skills and strategies that that can help IT orga-
Rodriguez, L. and Avila, O.
Discovering Organizational Elements for IT Service Brokering from a Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0006913201970204
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 1: DCNET, ICE-B, OPTICS, SIGMAP and WINSYS, pages 197-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Categories, criteria and research questions.
Category Criterion Research Question
Domain What is the domain of the research work?
Objective What is the objective of the research work?
Role of IT
personnel and
IT Function
What is the role of the IT function in the Service Broker role?
What are the capabilities required by the IT function in this role?
IT Personnel
What are the roles required by IT experts in the Service Broker role?
What are the skills required by IT experts in the Service Broker role?
Business strategy Alignment What is the IT strategy in the Service Broker role?
nizations to act as a service broker. Our findings aim
at establishing the basis for a complete approach or
management model.
To succeed in, firstly, we present in Section 2 a
review of the state of the art by following a system-
atic method that help us to understand the main orga-
nizational elements to be included the IT department
when working as a Service Broker. Finally, Section 3
concludes the paper.
The following steps were used to conduct the review
process: (i) Planning: This stage focuses on plan-
ning the search to identify the most relevant contribu-
tions. Thus we define in this step the research objec-
tive and an evaluation framework including research
categories/criteria and questions in order to conduct
the search as well as validate and select the most per-
tinent works. (ii) Realization: It consists in making an
exhaustive search for works defining the search crite-
ria, and assessing the found approaches in order to
select those that answer the research questions. (iii)
Analysis: This stage is related to the extraction of the
relevant information of each selected approach and to
synthesized it in order to answer the research ques-
tions of the framework.
2.1 Planning
The objective of this research work is to identify and
analyze the characteristics of the IT Service Broker
role to help IT departments in adopting the role. To
perform this analysis, we propose a framework that
is structured in term of: categories, criteria and re-
search questions. The categories are divided into: (i)
Context: to examine the domain and purpose of each
research work; (ii) IT function and personnel: aspects
related to the new role and capabilities of the IT area
as well as the skills of its experts; (iii) Alignment of IT
with the business: type of relationship to the business
strategy under this new role. The elements previously
described are shown in Table 1.
2.2 Realization
With the purpose of finding potential research works
answering the research questions previously an-
nounced, the Scopus database was used by introduc-
ing the following criteria: (i) Search area: Computer
Science, Business, Management and Accounting and
Engineering. (ii) Document type: book, book chap-
ter, article, conference paper and journal paper. (iii)
Search field type: Abstract, title and keywords. (iv)
Language: English.
Thus, the query introduced in the database is:
TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( “brokering” OR “broker” OR
“mediator” OR “inter-agency” OR “interagency”
OR “inter agency” OR “builder” OR “integra-
tor” OR “integration” OR “composition” OR “com-
poser” OR “decomposition” OR “decomposer” OR
“break down” OR “breakdown” OR “unbundled”
OR “unbundling” OR “brokerage” ) AND ( “IT ser-
vice” OR “ITC service” OR “cloud service” OR
“saas” OR “paas” OR “iaas” OR “cloud comput-
ing” OR “cloud management” OR “outsourcing” OR
“Information technolgy” OR “enterprise mashup” )
AND ( “IT department” OR “CIO” OR “IT func-
tion” OR “IT area” OR “IT unit” OR “IT functional
unit” OR “IT business unit” OR “IT functional area
OR “enterprise IT” OR “emerging trends” OR “aca-
demic research” ) )
With these criteria, the Scopus search engine re-
turned 98 candidate articles. To reduce the number
of articles included in the analysis, firstly, a review of
the articles titles was carried out. This filter reduced
the number to 35. Secondly, a reading of articles ab-
stracts was undertaken to filter those works that do
not present evidence of answering any of the analy-
sis questions. This filter limited the number of arti-
cles to 12. Thirdly, a complete reading of the articles
was performed to select the final works set made up
of 7 articles which were identied and included in the
analysis. Therefore, in order to identify more relevant
works, it was decided to carry out a Google search
to find articles, books or white papers concerning the
research objective. As a result, 5 white papers from
technology companies that talk about the role were
ICE-B 2018 - International Conference on e-Business
In order to include to our analysis the contribu-
tions mode by the existing standards, best practices
and reference frameworks in the area of IT service
management, we include the following works to our
review: IT4IT (Information Technology for Informa-
tion Technology) (TheOpenGroup, 2017), ITIL (In-
formation Technology Infrastructure Library) (AXE-
LOS, 2017), FitSM (Fitsm, 2017) and COBIT (Con-
trol Objectives for Information Systems and related
Technology) (ISACA, 2012).
2.3 Analysis
A synthesis of the selected works, with reference to
the research questions is presented below (see Table
2.3.1 What is the Domain of the Research
Two domains are identified, academy and industry. In
the academy domain, seven works were found: six
works in the Computer Science area and one work in
the Business, Management and Accounting area. The
categorization of these areas was taken from Scopus.
Concerning the industry domain, documents identi-
fied do not make reference to a specific industrial sec-
tor. Last, the document (Erbes et al., 2012) was found
through Scopus, however, it also presents elements of
the industry because it was issued by the laboratory
of the Hewlett Packard (HP) company. For this rea-
son it was categorized in both the academy and in the
2.3.2 What is the Objective of the Research
When analyzing the 16 works, two common objec-
tives are identified. The first objective is to provide
contributions to help the IT department to adopt the
IT Service Broker role. Consequently, these docu-
ments propose recommendations(Rackspace, 2014a),
methodologies (Erbes et al., 2012) (HewlettPackard,
2013), best practices for the IT personnel (Rackspace,
2014b), reasons to switch to Service Broker role
(Stratecast, 2016), challenges facing the IT func-
tion to adopt cloud computing (Willcocks et al.,
2012), standard reference architecture (TheOpen-
Group, 2017), best practices for IT service manage-
ment (AXELOS, 2017) (Fitsm, 2017) and role and
business frameworks for the governance and manage-
ment of IT (ISACA, 2012). The second objective is
to argue the need for IT departments of change from
the traditional role of constructor and operator of IT
services to the role of broker of IT services (Gefen
et al., 2011), (Ragowsky et al., 2014), (Rohmeyer and
Ben-Zvi, 2012), (Wadhwa et al., 2013).
2.3.3 What is the Role of the IT Function in the
Service Broker Role?
The identified roles are described below:
(i) IT service broker. The IT department ex-
ercises the role of intermediary between exter-
nal suppliers and customers (Erbes et al., 2012)
(Willcocks et al., 2012) (Hoyer and Stanoevska-
Slabeva, 2009), (Rackspace, 2014a) (Rackspace,
2014b) (HewlettPackard, 2013) (Stratecast, 2016),
(Devoteam, 2014) (TheOpenGroup, 2017). This role
is responsible for all aspects related to technology in
the organization. Thus, customers should only con-
tact the IT department to obtain technological ser-
vices (this helps reduce shadow IT). In addition, the
IT department will be responsible for managing IT
providers and services. This is the main role of the IT
department in the IT Service Broker role, the follow-
ing roles, from (ii) to (iii) were identified as sub-roles.
(ii) IT service integrator. In addition to the role
of IT service broker, it is inferred from the articles
(Erbes et al., 2012), (Gefen et al., 2011), (Ragowsky
et al., 2014), (Hoyer and Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009),
(Rackspace, 2014a) and (HewlettPackard, 2013) a
sub-role that need to be assumed by the IT depart-
ment: the service integrator. According to (Wadhwa
et al., 2013) to support a business process, could be
necessary to combine services from different suppli-
ers. As a result, the IT area should be able to integrate
the different services to offer an unique consumer ex-
(iii) IT service administrator. It is understood as
the role in charge of managing the entire life cycle of
the service contracting process, from the acquisition
to the termination of the service contract, so that these
services are aligned with the business strategy (Erbes
et al., 2012) (Hoyer and Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009)
(Rackspace, 2014a) (Rackspace, 2014b).
(iv) Aggregator, Governator and Customizer. Ac-
cording to (Wadhwa et al., 2013), these three roles
are specific for Cloud Service Brokers (CSB): (i) Ag-
gregator: is an intermediate company that contract
multiple services in the cloud from different suppli-
ers and offers them to different customers through a
unified catalog. The intermediary manages service
level agreements (SLA) for the customer. (ii) Gover-
nator: for specialized intermediaries in the cloud it is
a specific role that guarantee data protection and secu-
rity. The intermediary ensures that the cloud provider
manages the data according to regulations and secu-
rity policies previously established. (iii) Customizer:
this role consists in developing specific functionality
Discovering Organizational Elements for IT Service Brokering from a Literature Review
to previously existing cloud services to meet a specific
need of the customer.
2.3.4 What are the Capabilities Required by the
IT Function in the Service Broker Role?
To respond to this question, we understand a Busi-
ness Capability as the particular ability that a com-
pany possesses to achieve a specific purpose or result
(Blair and Marshall, 2016). For the IT function, the
following capabilities were inferred from the revision.
(see Table 2).
(i) Supplier management. This capability involves
searching, contracting, integrating, supervising and
managing a wide variety of external suppliers (Erbes
et al., 2012) (Rackspace, 2014a) (Rackspace, 2014b)
(AXELOS, 2017) (Fitsm, 2017) (ISACA, 2012). Be-
sides this capability includes to obtain good value for
money from suppliers and ensuring that all contracts
and agreements with them meet the needs of the busi-
ness (AXELOS, 2017).
(ii) Services catalog management. The process re-
sponsible for providing and maintaining the service
catalogue and for ensuring that it is available to those
who are authorized to access it (Erbes et al., 2012)
(Rackspace, 2014a) (Rackspace, 2014b) (TheOpen-
Group, 2017) (AXELOS, 2017) (TheOpenGroup,
(iii) Requirements management. It consists in
identifying customer needs, analyzing them before
the acquisition of the service, prioritizing them ac-
cording to the business strategy and, in conjunc-
tion with the catalog management capability finding
a service that meet such needs (Erbes et al., 2012)
(Rackspace, 2014a) (ISACA, 2012) (TheOpenGroup,
(iv) Service level management (SLM). It con-
sists in the identification, specification, design, pub-
lication, compliance and monitoring of service level
agreements (SLAs) (Gefen et al., 2011) (Wadhwa
et al., 2013) (Rackspace, 2014a) (Rackspace, 2014b)
(AXELOS, 2017) (Fitsm, 2017) (ISACA, 2012). In
addition to negotiating clear SLAs with suppliers,
through this capability the IT department ensures that
they are appropriate to the needs of customers and
continuously reports the service levels achieved.
(v) Offer management. It is in charge of publish-
ing the catalog entries and defining with precision and
detail the services, including dependenciesand prices.
It is also responsible for grouping specific offers for a
specific group of customers. The purpose is to facili-
tate a service consumption experience that allows cus-
tomers to easily access services through self-service
(TheOpenGroup, 2017).
(vi) Requests fulfillment management. A request
contains the selection of offers made by the customer
from the service catalog. This capability is respon-
sible for managing those requests. It capability is
specifically responsible for: tracking the status of
the request, directing the request to the provider to
be attended, as well as recording consumption pat-
terns of the services. Managing customer requests is
for the purpose of maintaining customer satisfaction
(TheOpenGroup, 2017).
(vii) Knowledge management. This capability in-
cludes to collect, analyze, store and share knowl-
edge and information in order to help customer to
meet their needs. The objective is to reduce the
number of requests for information and increase self-
service.(TheOpenGroup, 2017).
(viii) Customer relationship management. It fo-
cuses on the relationship with customers, which in-
cludes to identify potential customers, assign a re-
sponsible to manage the relationship of each cus-
tomer, establish communication mechanisms with
customers and manage complaints from customers
(Fitsm, 2017) (AXELOS, 2017). It recommends the
relationship on mutual trust, using understandable
terms, common language and willingness to take re-
sponsibility (ISACA, 2012).
(ix) Services portfolio management. The pro-
cess responsible for managing the service portfolio.
Service portfolio management ensures that the ser-
vice provider has the right mix of services to meet
required business outcomes at an appropriate level
of investment. Service portfolio management con-
siders services in terms of the business value that
they provide (Erbes et al., 2012) (Rackspace, 2014a)
(Rackspace, 2014b) (TheOpenGroup, 2017) (AXE-
LOS, 2017) (TheOpenGroup, 2017).
2.3.5 What are the Essential Roles Required by
IT Experts in the Service Broker Role?
The following IT expert roles were identified as im-
portant in the IT Service Broker role.
(i) Supplier and partner manager: It is essential
to have IT experts who address simultaneously the
management of multiple suppliers because of the ac-
celerated growth in the number of suppliers in cur-
rent organization. Regarding their activities experts
should master the supplier management capability
above mentioned . This role is in charge of ensuring
that contracts with suppliers support the needs of the
business and all suppliers comply with their contrac-
tual commitments (Erbes et al., 2012) (Gefen et al.,
2011) (Willcocks et al., 2012) (Rackspace, 2014a)
(Rackspace, 2014b) (HewlettPackard, 2013) (Strate-
cast, 2016).
ICE-B 2018 - International Conference on e-Business
Table 2: Answers of related works to research questions for Roles, Capabilities and Expert IT Roles.
IT Function
IT service broker
(Erbes et al., 2012), (Willcocks et al., 2012), (Hoyer and
Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009), (Rackspace, 2014a), (Rackspace, 2014b),
(HewlettPackard, 2013), (Stratecast, 2016), (Devoteam, 2014), (TheOpen-
Group, 2017)
IT service integrator
(Erbes et al., 2012), (Gefen et al., 2011), (Ragowsky et al., 2014), (Wadhwa
et al., 2013), (Hoyer and Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009), (Rackspace, 2014a),
(HewlettPackard, 2013)
IT service administrator
(Erbes et al., 2012), (Hoyer and Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009) (Rackspace,
2014a), (Rackspace, 2014b)
Aggregator, Governator, Cus-
(Wadhwa et al., 2013)
Supplier management
(Erbes et al., 2012),(Gefen et al., 2011), (Willcocks et al., 2012),
(Rackspace, 2014a), (Rackspace, 2014b), (HewlettPackard, 2013), (Strate-
cast, 2016), (AXELOS, 2017), (Fitsm, 2017), (ISACA, 2012)
Services catalog management
(Erbes et al., 2012),(Rackspace, 2014a), (Rackspace, 2014b), (Stratecast,
2016), (TheOpenGroup, 2017), (AXELOS, 2017)
Requirements management
(Erbes et al., 2012), (Rackspace, 2014a), (TheOpenGroup, 2017), (ISACA,
Service level management
(Gefen et al., 2011), (Wadhwa et al., 2013), (Rackspace, 2014a),
(Rackspace, 2014b), (AXELOS, 2017), (Fitsm, 2017), (ISACA, 2012)
Offer management (TheOpenGroup, 2017)
Requests fulfillment manage-
(TheOpenGroup, 2017), (AXELOS, 2017)
Knowledge management (TheOpenGroup, 2017), (AXELOS, 2017)
Customer relationship manage-
(AXELOS, 2017), (Fitsm, 2017), (ISACA, 2012)
Services portfolio management
(Erbes et al., 2012),(Rackspace, 2014a), (Rackspace, 2014b), (Stratecast,
2016), (TheOpenGroup, 2017), (AXELOS, 2017)
IT Personnel
Expert IT roles
Supplier and partner manager
(Erbes et al., 2012), (Gefen et al., 2011), (Willcocks et al., 2012),
(Rackspace, 2014a), (Rackspace, 2014b), (HewlettPackard, 2013), (Strate-
cast, 2016), (AXELOS, 2017)
Service manager
(Erbes et al., 2012), (Rackspace, 2014a), (Rackspace, 2014b), (Stratecast,
2016), (AXELOS, 2017), (ISACA, 2012)
IT services integration specialist
(Ragowsky et al., 2014), (Hoyer and Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009),
(Rackspace, 2014a), (Rackspace, 2014b)
Enterprise architect (Rackspace, 2014b), (HewlettPackard, 2013)
Financial manager (Ragowsky et al., 2014), (HewlettPackard, 2013), (Stratecast, 2016)
Strategic advisor
(Gefen et al., 2011), (Ragowsky et al., 2014), (Rohmeyer and Ben-Zvi,
2012), (HewlettPackard, 2013)
Business relationship manager (AXELOS, 2017)
Business analyst (Erbes et al., 2012), (Rackspace, 2014a), (TheOpenGroup, 2017)
Service level manager (AXELOS, 2017), (Fitsm, 2017)
Catalog manager (AXELOS, 2017), (Fitsm, 2017)
Knowledge manager (AXELOS, 2017)
Discovering Organizational Elements for IT Service Brokering from a Literature Review
(ii) Service manager: The person in charge of
managing the life cycle of services managing the de-
velopment, implementation, evaluation and contin-
uous management of new and existing services for
the customer . In addition, this person make deci-
sions about which service should be developed inter-
nally or purchased from an external provider (Erbes
et al., 2012) (Rackspace, 2014a) (Rackspace, 2014b)
(Stratecast, 2016) (ISACA, 2012) (AXELOS, 2017).
(iii) IT services integration specialist: this consists
in supporting support a process of business through
the unification of services from different suppliers
and offer the customer a unique service (Rackspace,
2014a) (Rackspace, 2014b) (Ragowsky et al., 2014)
(Hoyer and Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009). If services
are contracted from different providers, but integra-
tion is required to solve a business need. IT experts
should have software development skills from multi-
ple platforms (Hoyer and Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009)
(Rackspace, 2014b).
(iv) Enterprise architect: the IT department should
have an enterprise architect to assume a more strate-
gic role and have a holistic view of the company’s
needs (Rackspace, 2014b) (HewlettPackard, 2013). It
is also inferred that this role has deep knowledge in
business, negotiation skills, leadership and domain to
propose IT solutions.
(v) Financial manager: the IT Service Broker role
when hiring several suppliers to supply IT services
to the customers. It becomes indispensable to have
IT experts who know of contracts, licenses, financial
projection of costs and clauses (Gefen et al., 2011)
(Ragowsky et al., 2014) (Rohmeyer and Ben-Zvi,
2012) (HewlettPackard, 2013).
(vi) Strategic Advisor: IT experts should be
trusted business partners. The strategic objectives of
the company can be leveraged through the generation
of IT solutions. Therefore, expert consultants or au-
ditors are required to advise the business from tech-
nology (Gefen et al., 2011) (Ragowsky et al., 2014)
(Rohmeyer and Ben-Zvi, 2012) (HewlettPackard,
(vii) Business relationship manager (BRM): the
person in charge of maintaining a positive relation-
ship with customers (AXELOS, 2017). BRM pro-
cess identifies the needs of existing and potential cus-
tomers and ensures that appropriate services are de-
veloped to meet those needs.
(viii) Business analyst: It is inferred the need to
have a role that is responsible for the requirements
management, so it can identify first-hand the needs
of customers (Erbes et al., 2012) (Rackspace, 2014a)
(TheOpenGroup, 2017).
(ix) Service level manager: the person responsi-
ble for negotiating and defining service level agree-
ments (SLA) and ensuring that they are met (AXE-
LOS, 2017) (Fitsm, 2017).
(x) Catalog manager: the person responsible for
defining and maintaining the catalog of services, as
well as ensuring that all the information contained
in the catalog is accurate and up-to-date (AXELOS,
2017). It also is named as a process manager, it is the
person in charge of ensuring that the service catalog
is aligned with the business strategy (Fitsm, 2017).
(xi) Knowledge manager: the person responsible
for ensuring that the IT organization is able to collect,
analyze, store and share knowledge and information
(AXELOS, 2017).
2.3.6 What are the Skills Required by IT
Experts in the Service Broker Role?
(Erbes et al., 2012) argue that in the IT service broker
role traditional skills such as network configuration,
server administration or network support are replaced
by new skills, which are grouped by subject and de-
scribed as follows.
Supplier management: IT experts need skills to
deal with all the concerns related to suppliers such as:
searching, evaluating, integrating and orchestrating
multiple suppliers, and having the ability to maintain
good relations with suppliers and business partners
(Erbes et al., 2012) (Gefen et al., 2011) (Willcocks
et al., 2012) (Rackspace, 2014a) (Stratecast, 2016)
(AXELOS, 2017). In addition, they should manage
and supervise SLAs and contracts, as well as know
how to negotiate, obtain mutually beneficial contracts
and have knowledge in market analysis.
Financial management: IT experts need skills to
manage costs, manipulate contracts, manage licenses
and monitor compliance with SLAs. There is an in-
creasing dependency of the IT function with the le-
gal department to contracting services with external
providers, however this department does not know
about service level agreements or how to measure the
effectiveness of the service. This is why CIOs pre-
fer to have IT experts who also dominate the finan-
cial, legal and contractual aspects of supplier man-
agement (Gefen et al., 2011) (Willcocks et al., 2012)
(Ragowsky et al., 2014) (HewlettPackard, 2013)
(Stratecast, 2016).
Strategic and customer management: IT experts
need skills in strategic and critical thinking, analytical
skills, capability for decision making, communication
at the commercial and technical level, solving prob-
lems, creativity, strategic analysis (Erbes et al., 2012)
(Ragowsky et al., 2014) (Rohmeyer and Ben-Zvi,
2012) (Willcocks et al., 2012) (Rackspace, 2014b).
Soft skills: soft skills such as communication are es-
ICE-B 2018 - International Conference on e-Business
sential because of the continuous relationship with
customers and suppliers. According to (Erbes et al.,
2012) these skills are essential for the IT department
to become a strategic partner for the business. Ser-
vice integration: IT experts need to have a broad view
of the company’s needs and business objectives when
designing and integrating solutions (Ragowsky et al.,
2014) (Rackspace, 2014a) (Hoyer and Stanoevska-
Slabeva, 2009). Therefore, they should have the abil-
ity to evaluate the consequences of integration deci-
sions and have knowledge of different platforms for
Service management: IT experts should have the
ability to generate clear SLAs with customers, abil-
ity to generate metrics of service performance and
continuous monitoring to take preventive measures
(Hoyer and Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2009) (Rackspace,
2014b) (Stratecast, 2016) (AXELOS, 2017). In addi-
tion, the expert should have skills to manage multiple
and different services.
2.3.7 What is the IT Strategy in the Service
Broker Role?
The following three IT strategies were inferred:
(i) Be a strategic partner for the business. The IT
department could be a strategic partner for the busi-
ness using technology to leverage strategic initiatives.
IT department experts could focus on strategic issues
with the Service Broker role, as issues with incidents
or problems will be handled by service providers. The
strategic objectives are met when the business rec-
ognizes and allows technology to be involved in the
strategies of the company (Rohmeyer and Ben-Zvi,
2012) (Gefen et al., 2011) (Willcocks et al., 2012).
(ii) IT governance. The catalog of services should
always be aligned with the business strategy. The ser-
vices that will make up the service catalog based on
the definition of the business strategy (Erbes et al.,
2012) (Rackspace, 2014b) (HewlettPackard, 2013). It
establishes a holistic view of the catalog of IT ser-
vices based on strategic priorities such as: business
value, risk, costs, benefits and resources (TheOpen-
Group, 2017) (TheOpenGroup, 2017). In addition,
the IT department is solely responsible for all IT
services (Erbes et al., 2012) (Rackspace, 2014b)
(HewlettPackard, 2013).
(iii) Identify what service is built and what ser-
vice is contracted. One of the challenges facing the IT
department is deciding which IT services to hire and
which ones to develop internally (Erbes et al., 2012)
(Ragowsky et al., 2014). Among the services that are
hired, one of the decisions that should also be defined
is which services are managed in the public cloud and
which in the private cloud.
2.4 Discussion
From the literature review, we identified a set of com-
mon organizational element for the IT Service Broker
role which are described in this section. These ele-
ments should be taken into account by the IT depart-
ment when migrating towards this new role.
According to the results of the analysis, the IT de-
partment should work with nine essential capabilities,
each of which is associated to an IT expert role with
respective skills.
Although relationships between the elements were
not found in the reviewed works, one of them could
be interpreted as follows: the customer raises needs
or requirements, that are prioritized by the require-
ments management capability according to the strate-
gic business plan. Thus, portfolio management de-
fines a service portfolio to meet business requirements
that is also aligned with the strategic business plan.
To define the services portfolio, it is necessary to con-
tact external suppliers that offer specialized services,
the suppliers management capability is in charge of
such task. In addition, form the portfolio, a catalog
is published by the offer capability in a portal that is
accessed by the customer. The customers in the portal
can consult all the services that are ready to consume,
in this way they can also consult all the detailed infor-
mation of the service. When a customer is interested
in a service published on the portal, this makes a re-
quest, which it is managed by the requests fulfillment,
through a contract with the provider. This contract
contains service-level agreements that are managed
by the service level management capability agree-
ments. Transversely to all the aforementioned IT ser-
vices management, it is the knowledge management
capability that takes knowledge generated by suppli-
ers and the IT department to make it available to cus-
This article presents a literature review that identi-
fies and analyzes the research works in the IT Ser-
vice Brokering domain. From this analysis, this pa-
per gathers the main organizational elements, such as
capabilities, roles, and skills, that can help IT orga-
nizations to work as a broker. Regarding roles of IT
experts, we identified a reduction in technical and tra-
ditional roles, such as infrastructure, servers and net-
works administrators, and an increase in new organi-
zational roles in the following areas in management,
consultancy, and strategy. Regarding skills, Concern-
Discovering Organizational Elements for IT Service Brokering from a Literature Review
ing capabilities, they follow the same way that skills
in the sens that IT departments are moving from fo-
cusing on technical capabilities to organizational ca-
pabilities. For example, today IT departments require
procurement capabilities, similar to the ones of pur-
chasing department, allowing them to supply the or-
ganization with technological goods and services.
Concerning future work, on the one hand, one of
the main findings of this research is the lack of aca-
demic research works and best practices in the IT Ser-
vice Brokering domain, although of the importance
that this phenomenon. This lack of works has had
repercussion in the ability of companies to migrate
to this role. For example, (Rackspace, 2014b) shows
that most IT executives see the IT Service Broker role
as a priority but only 25 percent have made a progress
in its adoption. In addition, (Rackspace, 2014b) con-
siders that this transition has been slow, in part, due
to the lack of best practices and frameworks. Fur-
thermore, according to (Wadhwa et al., 2014), there
is a clear gap in academic research in the area of
CSBs, even though Gartner projects a 100 billion dol-
lar growth in revenue for CSB in the next year. There-
fore, we consider that there is a need for academics to
get involved in studies regarding transformation and
change in the organization, as in (Avila and Garces,
2017), to support the transition to this role. On the
other hand, when we analyze the results correspond-
ing to the characteristics in the IT function, we con-
sider that they can be complemented and improved in
several ways in future investigations. Regarding the
adoption of the role, one of the main conclusions is
that the reviewed works are too focused on presenting
the urgency of a change in the IT function. However,
these works fail in proposing a set of good practices or
formal frameworks to carry out such change. In addi-
tion, in the literature review carried out no case stud-
ies or analysis of specific organizations were found.
We consider that it is important to research about real
application cases in order to abstract lessons learned
of the transition to service broker.
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ICE-B 2018 - International Conference on e-Business