have been identified by (Tempero et al., 2017). In
addition, we here only in c luded tools and techni-
ques from the software engineering domain. Probably
more related tools and techniques from other dom-
ains are available such as from project management,
resources management, management information sy-
stems or decision support systems.
In this paper, we applied a deductive approach for
deconstructing the refactoring process into distin-
guished phases, decision problems and correspon-
ding decision-making sub-processes. As a result, we
have developed a process model including decision-
making steps for three selec te d major de cision-
problems in the refactoring process as well as re-
flecting the characteristics of the decision-making
sub-processes o n different o rganizational levels.
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allows for allocating refactoring enablers (i.e. refac-
toring tec hniques and tools) and barriers to process
steps, w hich may help software practitioners in un-
derstandin g the difficulties in the refactoring process
and the relationship between enablers and barriers.
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developers and managers to evaluate and refin e the
proposed process model. Within this, we also seek
to investigate the role o f su pport tec hniques and bar-
riers for eac h step. Furthermore, we intend to inves-
tigate how the dec ision-support techniques in refac-
toring and othe r related domains, such as project and
resource management, can be combined, especially
in order to support information and control flows be-
tween d ifferent organizational levels (also in terms of
an integrating project cockpit).
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