Deconstructing the Refactoring Process
from a Problem-solving and Decision-making Perspective
Thorsten Haendler
and Josef Frysak
Institute for Information Systems and New Media, WU Vienna, Austria
Institute of Business Informatics - Communications Engineering, JKU Linz, Austria
Software Refactoring, Decision-making Process, Decision Problems, Refactoring Process Model, Managing
Technical Debt.
Refactoring is the process of improving a software system’s internal technical quality by modifying and re-
structuring a system’s source code without changing its external behavior. Manual identification and asses-
sment of r efactoring candidates as well as planning and performing the refactoring steps are complex and
tedious tasks, for which several tools and techniques for automation and decision support have been propo-
sed i n recent years. Despite these advances, refactoring is still a neglected part of software engineering in
practice, which is attributed to several barriers that prevent software practitioners from refactoring. In this
paper, we present an approach for deconstructing the refactoring process into decision-problems and corre-
sponding decision-making sub-processes. Within this, we pursue the question of whether and how a theoretical
perspective can contribute to better understand the difficulties in the refactoring process (barriers) and to help
improving the refactoring support techniques (enablers). For this purpose, we follow a deductive reasoning
approach by applying concepts from decision-making research to deconstruct the r efactoring process. As a
result, we present a process model, which integrates primary decision problems and corresponding decision-
making sub-processes in refactoring. Based on this process model, software companies can gain a better
understanding of decision-making in the refactoring process. We nally discuss the applied procedure and
reflect on limitations and potential of applying such a theoretical perspective.
Refactoring is the process of improving a system’s in-
ternal technical quality by modifying and restructu-
ring a system’s source code without changing its ex-
ternal behavior (Fowler, 2009). Manual identification
and assessment of refactoring candidates (e .g., b ad
smells) as well as planning and performing the refac-
toring steps are co mplex and tediou s tasks, for which
several tools and techniques for automatio n and deci-
sion support have been pr oposed in recent years; such
as smell detectors, refactoring-recommen dation tools
and quality-analyzer tools, see, e. g., ( Fontana et al.,
2012; Fernandes et al., 2016; Campbell and Papape-
trou, 2013).
However, despite these advances, refactoring still
seems to be a neglected part of software engineer-
ing. A recent survey (Tempero et al., 2017) conduc te d
with 3,785 software developers in software projects
using objec t-oriented concepts shows that practitio-
ners mostly understand the value of refactoring, but
are often prevented from doing it. The stu dy iden-
tified seven main factors (called barriers) that affect
the practitioners’ decision o f whethe r or not re factor.
In pa rticular, these barriers to refactoring are catego-
rized into the following seven categor ies: missing re-
sources, the risk to introduce an error, the difficulty
to perform the refactoring, an unclear ROI, technical
issues, constraints set by the management, and a lack
of appropria te tools support (Tempero et al., 2017).
The identified barriers affect decision makers on
different organizational levels: besides decisions o n
the operational level (e.g., the difficulty to perform
the refactoring), there are also decisions located on
management level (e.g., ROI); few are on both le-
vels and interrelated (e.g., the allocation of resour-
ces). Due to the manage ment issues addressed by
the ba rriers and due to the relevance of technical debt
for software projects (Kruchten et al., 2012), we sug-
gest a more general problem-solving and decision-
making perspective on software r efactoring. In this
paper, decision-making is understood as a sub-a rea
Haendler, T. and Frysak, J.
Deconstructing the Refactoring Process from a Problem-solving and Decision-making Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0006915903630372
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 363-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of problem-solving , which requires the selection of a
single one of at least two alternatives, that is, mutually
exclusive actions. These actions are designed to solve
a complex problem by achieving one or more goals.
However, an option may be to take no action at all, o r
to postpone the decision and to search for more infor-
mation. In the case of refactoring, however, the latter
alternative measures are likely to increase the techni-
cal debt. On the other sid e, the resource s freed up can
then be used in other areas of software development
and maintenance. Hence, the dilemma, whether or not
to engage in refactor ing, and which refactorings to ap-
ply in order to maximize the benefits arising from the
expenditure of resources, is a key aspect of decision-
making in refactoring.
In this paper, we propose a theory-driven appro-
ach for deconstructing the refactoring process into
decision-making steps and for investigating the cha-
racter of the included decision p roblems. Research
in decision-making provides multiple conce pts that
are very p romising for re-structuring the re factoring
process in or der to better understand the includ e d dif-
ficulties. A s a result, we prop ose a first version of
a process model for decision-making in software re-
factoring (see Fig. 2) which can help software practi-
tioners in better under standing the de pendencies be-
tween re factoring activities as well as between the
different decision-maker levels. This proc e ss mod el
requires further empirical evaluation, which w ill b e
approa c hed in the next step. However, we illustrate
by example that our process model already can help
in understanding refactoring difficulties by allocating
refactoring barriers and suppor t techniques to corre-
sponding affected and addressed process steps.
The remainde r o f this paper is structured as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we apply a deductive methodo-
logy for deconstructing the refactoring process into
process phases and decision problems. In Section 3,
we pre sent as a result our process model for decision-
making in software refactoring, which reflects on
three primary decision pro blems and corresponding
sub-processes. Sec tion 4 illustrates the applicability
of the process model by allocating refactoring barriers
and support techniques to process steps. In Section 5,
we discuss the performed procedure, reflect shortly on
related research and describe limitations and potential
of this approach. Section 6 concludes the paper.
In this paper, we aim at deconstructing the decision-
making process for refactoring. By deconstruction,
we understand the identification of individual steps/-
tasks, characteristics of de c isio n problems, decision-
makers involved as well as the dependencies between
the steps in the refactoring process from the per-
spective of pr oblem solving and decision-making. A
result of this procedur e is an integrated process model
which reflects on these aspects and aims at helping
better understand decision-making in refactoring, see
Fig. 2. For this reaso n, we apply deductive reasoning,
also known as top-down logic. The reasoning starts
with stating two or more (often theory-based) linked
premises which lead to a new hypothesis or conclu-
sion (syllogism), see, e.g., (Evans et al., 1993). In our
case, we investigate whether deducing concepts and
classification schemes from genera l d e cision-making
research to the refactoring process can help be tter
understanding the difficulties in refactoring. Accor-
dingly, the following syllogism was ap plied:
major premise: decision-making processes can
be structured into ce rta in phases/steps, see, e.g.,
(Simon, 1 977).
minor premise: refactoring is a decision-making
process including multiple decision problems, see,
e.g., (Lepp¨anen et al., 2015).
Following on these premises, the hypothesis can be
conclud ed that the refa ctoring process can be struc-
tured into the pha ses or steps of a de c isio n-making
process for solving decision problems. In a broa-
der sense, this hypothesis also raises the questions
to which extent refactoring can be understood as a
decision-making process and which decision -making
problems are inc luded? In or der to verify this hypot-
hesis and answer these questions, we will describe in
the following the main con cepts on process models
and decision problems from refactoring on the one
hand and from a decisio n-making perspective on the
Process Models for Refactoring. For refactoring
only very few process models are established. Since
refactoring can be understood as a specific mainte-
nance activity aiming at improving maintainability of
the software system (in terms of a preventive main-
tenance), we also included process models for soft-
ware maintenance, of which several are established,
for instance, (Boehm et al., 1981; Osborne, 1987; Kit-
chenham et al., 1999). Thr oughout all these variants,
the process is driven by the occurrence of a problem
(e.g. triggered by a change reque st or a problem re-
port). Very similarly most mode ls consist of the three
key phases comprehension (or investigation), (c ode)
modification and evaluation. In all mentioned mo-
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Search for
Evaluation of
Making the
Decision review
Change request /
problem report
Modi cation
Evaluation /
quality assessm.
Pain zone
Refactoring planning
Follow up
Beach and Mitchell,
Te'eni and Ginzberg,
Simon, 1997
Kitchenham et al.,
Leppänen et al., 2015
Problem analysis Decision-Making
Generic decision-making
process models
process models
Simon, 1977
Decision review
Figure 1: Mapping decision-making process models (top) (Simon, 1977; Beach and Mitchell, 1978; Te’eni and G inzberg,
1991; Simon, 1997) to refactoring process models (bottom) (Kitchenham et al., 1999; Lepp¨anen et al., 2015).
dels only very little focus is set on decision-problems
and corre sponding steps of decision-making. In par-
ticular, the mo del in (Kitchenham et al., 1999) des-
cribes that after the investigation phase, the mainte-
nance manager must decide whether or not to per-
form the modification. A recen t example for a pro -
cess model explicitly for software refactoring is given
in (Lepp¨anen et al., 2015). The model re presents the
result of a case study with software developers from
three Finnish software companies on their daily re-
factoring pra ctices. The r esulting de c isio n-making
process framework consists of the key phases pain
zone (e.g., triggered by a technical debt, p oor design
or new requirements), situation analysis, refactoring
planning (includin g discussions on requirements and
possible solutions as well as task allocation), imple-
mentation (i.e . the actual co de modification), and fi-
nally follow up, which represents the evaluation of the
refactoring in the broadest sense. The process steps of
Kitchenham et al. and Leppnen et al. are de picted in
Fig. 1 (bottom) and are co ntrasted by process models
for decision-making (top in Fig. 1; see below).
Decision-making Process Models in General. The
probably most well known approach to separate
decision-making processes into single phases from
the early days of decision-making research is the four
phases approach o f Simon (Simon, 1977; Pome rol
and Adam, 2004), which in particular comprises the
phases intelligence, design, cho ic e and review. Du-
ring the intelligence phase, the environment is obser-
ved to detect cues indicating problems, which potenti-
ally initiate a decision. Once such cues are identified,
the underlying problem is then analyzed in more de-
tail by collecting additional information on that pro-
blem. During design phase, alternative solutions for
the previously identified problem are derived. At
this phase, gathering further information is an inte-
gral part as well. Now, however, information search
aims at su pporting the generation of alternative so-
lutions to the previously identified prob le m. In the
choice phase, the alternatives a re then evaluated ac-
cording to various criteria. The end of this phase is
usually marked by the selection of one of the alterna-
tives. With the solution selected, deemed most ade-
quate to deal with the detected de c isio n problem, the
solution is finally implemented and the outcom es ob-
served. Reviewing the observed outcomes in relation
to the ones estimated during decision-making then al-
lows to determine the effectiveness and accuracy of
the de c isio n-making strategy fo r the particular case.
Still high in popularity in research community,
this mode l was exp anded by many authors, see, e.g.,
(Asemi et al., 2011; Te’eni and Ginzberg, 1991;
Courtney, 2001; Huber, 1980 ; Mora et al., 20 05), who
added additional ph a ses or broke down the process
into more detail phases. Te’eni and Ginzberg (Te’eni
and Ginzberg, 1991), for instance, while agreeing on
single design and choice phases, split the intelligenc e
phase into a problem recognition and problem de fi-
nition phase, and the review phase into a phase for
implementing the solution and one for evalua ting the
outcomes. In addition, in their model they suggest
that this process is repeated iteratively.
Later, Simon also publishe d an extended version
of his phase framework, see (Asemi et al., 2011 ).
Within this framework, the review phase is still po-
sitioned at the end of the process and the search for
alternatives phase corresponds to the de sign phase in
the small version. The intelligence phase, however,
has been replaced by a phase for situation analysis
and a subsequent phase, in which the decision goals
and criteria are in the focus. Furthermore, instead of
where the choice phase was situated, the process is di-
vided into a phase for evaluating alternatives and the
final dec ision-making phase.
From a slightly different perspective, in their
approa c h, Beach and Mitchell (Beach and Mit-
Deconstructing the Refactoring Process from a Problem-solving and Decision-making Perspective
chell, 1978) describe ”a typical model of individual
decision-making” to explore how a single decision
maker adapts his co gnitive information processing to
different decision situations. This m odel was added,
as it shows how people identify a problem, evaluate
the problem , and then choose an appropr ia te decision-
making strategy based on that assessment. Once a de-
cision strategy deemed suitable f or the decision pro-
blem has been selected, the information processing
including the search for and evaluation of information
is started in a further step. This step is then followed
by the impleme ntation of the chosen de cision strategy
and finally the selection of the best solution.
The process of Beach and Mitchel (top) Te’eni and
Ginzberg (seco nd), and the latest version by Simon
(third) are presen te d in parallel in Fig. 1.
Findings. A t the first glance, the mapping between
of the generic decision-making m odels and the pro-
cess mode ls for refactoring provides some obvious
similarities, since, at a high level, the refactoring
process (e.g., the one by (Lepp¨anen et al., 20 15))
can b e fitted into the ve phases of which the first
two are problem-oriented: problem recognition (pain
zone) and problem analysis (situation analysis); the
third and fourth are dec ision-oriented: the actual
decision-making (refactoring planning) and decision
implementation (performing the refactoring, i.e. the
actual code implementation); and finally evaluation
(in terms of an optional follow up). On a second
view, we also identify some differences. Comparing
the amount of steps described by generic decision-
making approache s to the ones of refactoring, one
can see that especially the phases of problem ana ly-
sis and decision-makin g are more sophisticated in the
area of generic decision-m a king. Moreover, the gene-
ric approach es presuppose that only on e major deci-
sion problem is in center of the dec isio n-making pro-
cess. For the refactoring process, this would conclude
that refactoring planning addresses the main refacto-
ring decision problem, i.e. for example the identifi-
cation, comparison and selection of refactoring paths.
This obviously contradicts to the barriers observed in
(Te mpero et al., 2017) (see above). The multitude of
barriers a nd the different organizational levels invo l-
ved in the process suggest that there are several deci-
sion problems included in th e refactoring process.
In Section 3, we propose a process model for selected
decision-making aspects in refactoring which also includes
the ndings of 2.2.
2.2 Decision Problems
Table 1: Dimensions for characterizing decision problems;
dimension (1-9) are adapted from (Gr¨unig and K¨uhn, 2013),
dimension (10) from (Gorry and Morton, 1989).
Dimension Characteristics
(1) Complexity Simple Complex
(2) Structuredness Well-structured Ill-structured
(3) Solution space Choice problem Design problem
(4) Fr a ming Threat problem Opportunity problem
(5) Interrelatedness Independent decision
Decision problem in a
decision sequence
(6) Problem level Original decision pro-
Meta-problem (Sub-
(7) Actor type Individual Collective (Group)
(8) Goals/Criteria Single Multiple
(9) Certainty levels Decisions
under certainty
Decisions under
Decisions un-
der uncertainty
(10) Hierarchy level Operational
Strategy (plan-
Decision Problems in Refactoring. Independent
from the process models discussed in the previ-
ous section, multiple decision problems (and sub-
problems) in refactoring are addressed by research li-
terature, see, e.g., (Fern´andez-S´anchez et al., 2015;
Ribeiro et al., 2016) and Section 4. For the purpose
of this paper, we focus on the following three pro-
blem areas, which can be located in the process-m odel
mapping in Fig. 2.1 and should be answered after the
correspo nding phase:
1. Ma nagement o f Technical Debt (TD) (at manage-
ment level) with the q uestion of Whether (and
when) to refactor?, see
in Fig. 1 and, e.g. ,
(Kruchten et al., 2012).
2. Detection and assessment of refactoring candida-
tes with the q uestion of What to refactor (first)?,
and, e.g., (Fowler, 2009; Ribeiro et al.,
3. Refactoring planning and pe rfo rming the actual
refactoring steps with th e question of How to re-
factor?, see
and, e.g., (Fowler, 2009; Suryana-
rayana et al., 2014).
Decision Problems in General. Decision-making
demand s for choosing a single out of at least two al-
ternative actions. The action is necessary to solve the
problem of achieving one or more obje ctives. In some
cases, like refactoring, it may also be an option to take
no action at all or to postpone fixing the decision and
continue searchin g for more infor mation. To classify
decision-making problems, a variety of characteris-
tics have been identified. I n (Gr¨unig and K¨uhn, 2013),
nine important dimen sions of characteristics are dis-
tinguished, which are sum marized in Table 1 (1-9):
First, a decision-making problem may be percei-
ved either easy or complex, depending on various fac-
tors such as the nu mber of information cues o r the
familiarity of the decision-m aker with the par ticular
task (Liu and Li, 2012).
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 2: Phases of decision-making with relevant process input and output as well as characteristics for three selected key
decision problems in refactoring.
Dimension Whether (and when) to refactor? What to refactor (first)? How to refactor?
Problem recognition How to identify/measure technical debt? How to review the system? How to identify op tions?
Problem analysis How to analyze the problem context? How to assess the refactoring candidates? How to compare options?
Decision-making How to plan resource? How to prioritize a refactoring candidate? How to plan refactoring steps?
Decision i mplementation How to allocate resources? How to select a candidate? How to perform the modification?
Evaluation How o measure ROI? How to evaluate the effects of refactoring re-
garding softwa re design?
How to evaluate the effects of the refactoring
regarding software behavior?
Process input Software project Resources (time frame, tools, developers
Resources (time frame, tools, developers
etc.), refactoring candidates
Process o utput Allocated resources (down) List of candidates (down), Refactored sy-
stem with intended software design (up)
Refactored system with correct behavior
Information needs Budget, release plan, project context and
state (condensed information)
Rules for candidate identification, prioritiza-
tion paradigm (detailed in formation)
Rules for performing refactorings (detailed
(1) Complexity Complex
(2) Structuredness Partly ill-structured, partly well-structured (programmable, see Section 4.2)
(3) Solution space Choice (by having the option to allocate re-
sources or not) Design (by deciding to which
extent ressources shall be allocated)
Design (regarding the identification/asses-
sment of candidates)
Choice (by having multiple distinct refacto-
ring options)
(4) Fr a ming Probably mainly perceived as a threat problem, see, e.g., (Tempero et al., 2017).
(5) Interrelatedness to what to refactor? (succeeding) to whether to refactor (preceding)? (prece-
ding) and how to refactor(succeeding)?
to what to refactor? (preceding)
(6) Associated sub-problems Exemplary sub-problems for each decision problem are stated above as phases of decision-making.
(7) Actor type (Project) manager(s) Software architect(s) and developer(s) (in
general: the software design expert)
Software developer(s)
(8) Goals/criteria Multicriteria
(9) Certainty level Decision under uncertainty (Decision under
risk, if probability of increase of technical
debt is measurable or can be estimated)
Decision under uncertainty (Decision under
risk, if p robability of introducing new design
flaws can be measured or estimated)
Decision under uncertainty (Decision under
risk, if chances of refactoring success can
be estimated)
(10) Hierarchy level Management Operational Operational
Second, a decision-making problem can be either
well- or ill-structured. Ill-structured decision-making
problems are usually novel problems for which no
predefined methods are known to handle them and
which often possesses no single, correct solutio n.
Third, the solution space may either consist of a
set of imm utable, predefined alternatives to choose
from, or ma y require the decision ma ker to design the
alternatives within a continuous solution space (Yoon
and H wang, 1995) .
Fourth, depending on the situation and the view
point a dopted by the decision maker, a decision may
either be recognized as a threat of loss or an opportu-
nity to gain an advantage.
Fifth, a decision-making problem ca n appear lar-
gely in dependent o f other decision- making problems
(static), or, as part of a sequence of decisions, can
have depen dencies on other de cisions, as describe d
for dynamic decisions ( A tkins et al., 20 02).
Sixth, the decision-making problem may repre-
sent the originating problem, or may repre sent a meta-
problem, such as how much information to collect for
a decision (Gr¨unig and K¨uhn, 2013).
Seventh, decision-making also heavily depends
on the n umber of stakeholders involved. While
some decision-making p roblems allow decisions to be
made autocratically by one person, in other decision-
making pro blems multiple people contribute to the
decision-making pr ocess, and can thereby influence
the de c isio n taken.
Eight, in some decision-making problems, the de-
cision maker only needs to focus on a single objective
or goal. However, in practice, a decision-making pro-
blem ofte n r equires to p ursue multip le objectives or
goals, which means that severa l criteria must be con-
sidered at the same time in the decision-making pro-
cess (Yoon and Hwang, 1995).
Last but no t least, decision-making problems can
be distinguishe d depending to the predictiveness of
their outcomes. In d e cisions under certainty, the out-
comes are known and believed to be certa in. For deci-
sions under risk, at least the probability of their occur-
rence is known. In unce rtainty decisions, on the other
hand, there are no ind ic a tions as to whe ther th e se will
occur as predicted .
Moreover, from a business per spective, decision-
making problems can also be classified by the level
of management activities. According to the fr ame-
work of (Gorry and Morton, 1989), three levels can
be distinguished in this context: operational control,
management control and strategic planning, see (10)
in Tab. 1.
Findings. Based on the characteristics of decision
problems in general (stated in Table 1) and the proce -
dural aspects from Sect. 2.1, we cha racterize in the
following the three selected problem areas in refac-
toring. Table 2 su mmarizes the findings for the exa-
mined decision pr oblems regarding the identified sub-
process phases, sub-process in- and output as well as
the problem characteristics.
Deconstructing the Refactoring Process from a Problem-solving and Decision-making Perspective
Problem recognition
Problem analysis
Monitor software
Management level
Operational level
Plan resources
Whether (and when) to refactor?
What to refactor (first)?
How to refactor?
Allocate resources
Review system for
design problems
(smell candidates)
Select candidates
Identify refactoring
options for
Compare options, e.g.,
regarding effort and
site effects
Perform actual code
(refactoring steps)
Evaluate effects in
terms of system
Evaluate effects in
terms of software
[true positives
refactoring options
refactoring options
refactoring option
refactoring option
refactoring steps
refactoring steps
modi ed source code
modi ed source code
Software project
[refactoring steps too di
project context
project state
project state
availability of
refactored system
with correct
refactored system with
intended sw. design
Software project
Software design
& source code
Source code
[unintended eects]
[more candidates]
Refactored system with correct behavior
Refactored system with intended sw. design
step addressed by refactoring decision support
not inlcuding a refactoring barrier
step including a refactoring barrier
not addressed by refactoring decision support
step addressed by refactoring decision support
including a refactoring barrier
step neither addr. by refactoring decision support
nor including a refactoring barrier
control ow
information feedback
[ongoing project monitoring]
[unintended eects or search for more design problems]
[more candidates]
Select option and plan
refactoring steps
Assess the candidates
(and discard false
Analyze project
[slow development progress
or critical technical debt i.a.]
re ROI
(and controlling)
Prioritize candidates
according paradigm
Figure 2: Proposed refactoring process model as result of the applied analysis. The model integrates the decision-making
sub-processes for primary decision problems in refactoring: whether (and when) t o refactor? (t op), what to refactor (first)?
(center), and How to refactor? (bottom). Each sub-process is ordered by key phases (horizontal) and by the organizational
level of decision makers and context (vertical), for details on the model, see Section 3; for details on the allocation of barriers
and support techniques to process steps, see Section 4.
Fig. 2 depicts the proposed process model resulting
from deconstructing the refactoring pr ocess and from
analyzing th e characteristics of the selected de c isio n
problems (see Table 2). It represents an integrated
perspective on three interrelated sub-processes, each
focusing on one decision problem. Each decision-
making process is structured by the five key ph ases
of problem recognition, problem analysis, de c isio n-
making, (decision) implementation, and (decision)
evaluation (as identified in Section 2.1) and sp ecified
in terms of a UML2 activity diagram (O bject Ma na-
gement Group, 2015).
Organizational Levels and Communication Flows.
The sub-processes are located on different organi-
zational levels (i.e., management, operational) and
focus on different aspects of the software project
(i.e., project man a gement, software de sign/architec-
ture, and source code; as depicted le ft-hand of the
sub-processes). The inte rrelations between the levels
are expressed via different kinds of flows:
The control flow from management to o rganizati-
onal level is represented by inputs for the lower le-
vels in terms of sourc e s (e.g., time frame, people,
tools; top-down) and (refactoring) candidates.
Vice versa, the information feedback flow is repre-
sented by reporting the results of the evaluation to
the specific higher level (bottom-up).
This communication between the three levels cor re-
sponds to the (aggregated) information needs of e a ch
level described by (Gorry and Morton, 1989).
Refactoring Starting Points. Indic a te d by the
three start nodes in Fig. 2, the process can be started
at each of the three levels, be it on the Management
level or at both Operational levels.
Following a top-down approa ch, the process may
be triggered by a management decision e.g ., dri-
ven by noticing a slow development progress
(whether to refactor?).
Through allocation of corresponding resour-
ces, the manager triggers the underlying sub-
process(es). The seco nd sub-process, located at
the center of Fig. 2, may also be started directly
by a software architect or a developer who detects
design flaws while reviewing th e system’s soft-
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
ware desig n (inside-out, what to refactor (first)?;
provided that the nec essary resources have been
former ly alloca ted).
Also th e bottom sub-process how to refa ctor? can
be started based on a previously collected list of
candidates. This way a software developer who
is actually developing can process a list of refac-
toring candidates that has been collected befor e,
e.g., via an issue tracker such as Jira.
This flexibility in triggering the refactoring process
correspo nds to (Fowler, 2009) who states that causes
and starting p oints for refacto ring source code can be
very diverse. Moreover, all sub-proce sses are cyclic
and can repeat, e.g. for multiple candidates or in case
the evaluations indicate an error. From a practical per-
spective, these steps may no t all be performe d con s-
ciously. For example, they may be skipped intenti-
onally or may be done intuitively, see, e.g., (Kahne-
man, 2011).
An overview of existing support techniques for
software developers to address the process steps is i.a.
given in the next section.
To illustrate the app licability of our process model in
Fig. 2 for supporting software practitioners in under-
standing the refactoring process, we allocate refac-
toring barriers and refactoring support techniques to
correspo nding affected or addressed process steps.
4.1 Refactoring Barriers
(Te mpero et al., 2017) identified seven categories of
refactoring barrie rs which can be alloc a te d to process
steps as follows.
missing resources (such as the time frame, group
size, or tools and technologies); a s result of step
) in Fig. 2 with effects on all steps in both un -
derlying sub-processes.
the risk of in troducing an error; relevant at multi-
ple levels, especially in step
in Fig. 2 and for
evaluating whether an error has been introduced
(see step
the difficulty to perform the refactoring which is
relevant for step
in Fig. 2 as well as the prece-
ding steps which focus on identifying (step
comparing (step
), and selecting refactoring
option (step
unclear ROI, on ma nagement levels in steps
in Fig. 2, but also on operational levels,
e.g. step
technical issues, e.g., as a lack of technologies
or tools (relevant in many steps, e.g., step
Fig. 2).
constraints set by the management which are
again result of steps
via attributed re-
sources; but also in terms of corresponding cont-
rol and information flows.
lack of appropriate too ls (in multip le steps, see be-
low, can also be partially seen as a result of step
This allocation shows that some barriers cross the
steps and are loc a lized on multiple organization al le-
vels which makes them even harder to handle.
4.2 Refactoring Support
In recen t year s, several techniques and tools have
been proposed for decision-support in refactoring.
For an overview, see, e.g., (Simmonds and Mens,
2002; Mens and Tourw´e, 2004; Mealy and Strooper,
2006; Fontana et al., 2012; Fontana et al., 2015; Fer-
nandes et al., 2016) . For the purposes of this paper,
the tools and techniques are roughly divided into the
following categories. For each gro up, the addressed
process steps in Fig. 2 are stated.
Smell-detection & refactoring recommendation
tools (such as JDeodorant (Tsantalis, 2017) or
Decor (Ptidej, 2017)) support in (sem i-) au tomati-
cally identifying smell and refactoring candidate s
via symptoms by ana lyzing the source code. For
this purp ose, rules are used which apply metrics
and thr esholds. Smell detectors address step
in Fig. 2, refactoring recomme ndation tools also
Code-Quality and D esign-Critique Tools (such as
JArchitect (Co derGears, 2017) or NDepend (ZEN
PROGRAM, 2017)) assist so ftware engineers in
reviewin g the source code or in investigating a sy-
stem’s design and a rchitecture. Mo st o f them pr o-
vide several visualization tec hniques (e.g. matri-
ces, graphs) fo r reflecting static dependencies be-
tween system units (e.g., for assessing the as-is
software design, addressing step
Refactoring Tools (such as I DEs like RCP Eclipse
or ( Ro berts et al., 199 7)) provide the automa tic or
guided/interactive execution of refactoring step s
(addressing step
in Fig. 2).
Technical Debt Management and Analysis Tools
(such as SonarQube (Campbe ll a nd Papapetrou ,
2013), Sonargraph (hello2morrow, 2017)) mea-
sure and quantif y a system’s technical d ebt in
terms of a concrete score, mostly in terms of
person-hours necessary to fix the d e bt. For this,
they apply metr ic s and thresho lds based on sta-
Deconstructing the Refactoring Process from a Problem-solving and Decision-making Perspective
tic analysis techniques. (addre ssing steps
, and partially
in Fig. 2 (r egar ding the esti-
mation of person-hours needed).
Automated Regression Testing Fra meworks
(such as XJunit test frameworks) help to ensure
that the system still behaves as intended, i.e. that
no errors have been introduced by the code modi-
fications (addressing step
Documented Knowledge on Refactoring Rules
Multiple catalogs exist which document rules
for performing re facto ring-related tasks, such as
for symptom-based candidate identification or
for performing refactoring steps. Some of this
decision-making knowledge has already bee n im-
plemented into corresponding support systems
(see above). In particular, there is documented
knowledge for instance available for:
detecting smell c andidates via sympto ms (see
e.g. ( Fowler, 2009; Suryanarayana et al., 2014),
addressing step
in Fig. 2),
identifying smell false positives, see, e.g., (Fon-
tana et al., 2016) (addressing
paradigms for prioritizing can didates, see, e.g.,
(Ribeiro et al., 2016) (ad dressing step
comparing and performing refactoring steps
(also see e.g. (Fowler, 2009; Suryanarayana
et al., 2014 ), addressing step
Some tools also combine certain functionalities, such
as for instance SonarGraph (hello2morrow, 2017),
JArchitect (CoderGears, 2017) or NDepend (ZEN
PROGRAM, 2017).
Table 3 shows the process steps of Fig. 2 with
exemplary barriers (included in step) and support
techniques (addressing the step). This confrontation
illustrates on the one hand that multiple steps ar e ad-
dressed by support techniques which have not been
identified as barriers ( e .g.,
). On the oth er
hand it becomes evident that some steps are no t co-
vered sufficiently by co rresponding refactoring sup -
port techniq ues (see, e.g.,
). In the following the
barriers and sup port te c hniques are described in more
Motivated by the aim to better understand the diffi-
culties in the refactorin g process, we applied in this
paper a theoretical perspective on decision p roblems
in the refactoring process. For this reason, we used
concepts of decision-making for deconstructing the
refactoring process. The result of this an alysis is a
process model for decision-making in software refac-
toring (see Fig. 2) w hich comprises the sub-processes
Table 3: Exemplary allocation of barriers identified by
(Tempero et al., 2017) and of several refactoring decision-
support techniques to steps in the process model in Fig.2.
No Step Barriers Support
A1 Monitor software
unclear ROI TD management and ana-
lysis tools
A2 Analyze project con-
A3 Plan resources missing resour-
ces, management
(TD management and
analysis tools)
A4 Allocate resources
A5 Measure ROI unclear ROI TD management and ana-
lysis tools
B1 Review system smell-detection tools, do-
cumented knowledge on
smell detection
B2 Assess candidates lack of tool sup-
documented knowledge
on smell false positives
B3 Prioritize candidates lack of tool sup-
documented knowledge
on prioritization para-
B4 Select candidates
B5 Evaluate effects in
(software design)
design-critique tools
C1 Identify refacto-
ring options for
refactoring recommenda-
tion tools
C2 Compare options refactoring recommenda-
tion tools
C3 Select option and
plan refactoring
difficulty of refac-
toring, lack of tool
refactoring recommenda-
tion tools
C4 Perform code modi-
difficulty of re-
factoring, risk
of introducing
unintended ef-
fects, lack of tool
refactoring tools
C5 Evaluate effects (sy-
stem behavior)
risk of i n trodu-
cing unintended
automated regression tes-
ting frameworks
of the three interrela te d decision problems expressed
by the questions whether, what, and how to refactor?
Due to many sub - and meta-problems which are part
of every cognitive pr ocess, not all pro bable decision
problems in refactoring could have been covered. So,
for each sub- or meta-problem, probably a sep arate
decision-making pr ocess could be specified.
So far only very few p rocess models f or refacto-
ring are available. To the best of our knowledge, the
framework proposed by (Lepp¨anen et al., 2015) repre-
sents the only process model for refactoring that ex-
plicitly includes decision problems. It is b ased on an
empirical study with three software companies (and
expressed in terms of a state chart, see Section 2.1).
Or approach compleme nts the state-of-the-art of re-
factoring research by providing a th eory-based pro-
cess description in terms of a process model that in-
tegrates three key decision problems and correspon-
ding decision-making processes for refactoring. Ac-
cording to applied concepts of decision-m aking re-
search, the activities are structu red into certain pha-
ses of decision-making and alo ng hierarchical levels
with corresponding communication flows. Thus, the
process model requires an empirical evaluation which
will be approached in the next step.
For Section 4, only barriers were presented that
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
have been identified by (Tempero et al., 2017). In
addition, we here only in c luded tools and techni-
ques from the software engineering domain. Probably
more related tools and techniques from other dom-
ains are available such as from project management,
resources management, management information sy-
stems or decision support systems.
In this paper, we applied a deductive approach for
deconstructing the refactoring process into distin-
guished phases, decision problems and correspon-
ding decision-making sub-processes. As a result, we
have developed a process model including decision-
making steps for three selec te d major de cision-
problems in the refactoring process as well as re-
flecting the characteristics of the decision-making
sub-processes o n different o rganizational levels.
We have also shown by example that our model
allows for allocating refactoring enablers (i.e. refac-
toring tec hniques and tools) and barriers to process
steps, w hich may help software practitioners in un-
derstandin g the difficulties in the refactoring process
and the relationship between enablers and barriers.
For future work, we plan a survey with software
developers and managers to evaluate and refin e the
proposed process model. Within this, we also seek
to investigate the role o f su pport tec hniques and bar-
riers for eac h step. Furthermore, we intend to inves-
tigate how the dec ision-support techniques in refac-
toring and othe r related domains, such as project and
resource management, can be combined, especially
in order to support information and control flows be-
tween d ifferent organizational levels (also in terms of
an integrating project cockpit).
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